539 entries in 0.813s

mircea_popescu: your grandfather traded the pen paper and 0
orcs for this, and this is what you have.
punkman: were I renting houses to
orcs, I'd definitely not opt-in to any such scheme
mircea_popescu: people like the
orcs themselves are eversoslighty better at it\
mircea_popescu: seems, from a purely theoretical perspective, that if the
orcs beat the humans, it's likely the humans sucked in some respect.
mircea_popescu: <funkenstein_> anyway the idea that any of this would have an affect on whether your kids were slaughtered by retarded
orcs is oblique at best << not obligue at all. see "common decency" comments.
funkenstein_: anyway the idea that any of this would have an affect on whether your kids were slaughtered by retarded
orcs is oblique at best
phf: this sake i've been drinking put me in a foul mood, and
orcs at the door rhetoric is depressing
mircea_popescu: coincidentally - since the previous wave of
orcs hit yurp.
mircea_popescu: for instance, the argentinians : they are definitely
orcs. they queue perfectly well.
BingoBoingo: I wonder how the new blessed
orcs will get along with the established blessed
orcs BingoBoingo: <BingoBoingo> pete_dushenski: Normal Ordinary Responsible Person << vs. penal designated or blessed
orcs ascii_field: mats: you also will not often read about
orcs shooting at ambulances during katrina. which also happened.
ascii_field: poor cn
orcs haven't had their buffett and wrigley's corp. yet, have not invented reasonably food-like industrial waste, yet.
cazalla: asciilifeform, fwiw, it is the gnomes that use flying machines, not so much
orcs.. "i've got a flying machine!"
mircea_popescu: the intent is to rape and pillage, for all
orcs, by virtue of being
ascii_field: over in the land of the proper
orcs, tales like this were taught with the 'constructive' aim of 'see kids, THEY want to put us back in this. yes, THEY.'
orcs at this school were fully grown in terms of their fucking, fighting and stealing capacity
mircea_popescu: otherwise, on their own merits, nobody wants to hold the lands of
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> anyway, petty supermarket hostility bs. guy has better posts imo. << Supermarket guy is rightly in a low place. Welafare
orcs excessively elevated. It's this sort of mess that will take Aztalan all the way to Long Island.
trinque: I wouldn't expect that any rival political thing would form among the
orcs going apeshit
funkenstein_: the
orcs are the pigs, the stormtroopers. right right?
mircea_popescu: ascii_field but to round it off : i am unimpressed with that utter fear of all usian pencildicks, "omg prison". seriously, lifetime pension ? tyvm. i am also unimpressed with the "difficulties" of "
orcs" aka niggers in the us. i have never had a problem making sense of them or the reverse. and THIS is why i say the flight to suburbus is a purely sexual problem.
ascii_field: is this yet another 'humans good,
orcs bad' yarn
assbot: Logged on 22-06-2015 07:16:41; mircea_popescu: what supply lines, are you fucking kidding me ? the
orcs fought the war in borrowed pants.
mircea_popescu: what supply lines, are you fucking kidding me ? the
orcs fought the war in borrowed pants.
☟︎ BingoBoingo:
Orcs are always going to bitch about Elf priviledge
mircea_popescu: my main complaint here in argentina is that well... there's no "
orcs" as you call them, in sight.
decimation: even in the wash dc area, people pay really good money to be physically separated from
orcs trinque: having one goddamn tower that can get skullfucked by
orcs is bad
assbot: Logged on 26-03-2014 03:27:12; asciilifeform: re: commoditized 'innovation' - here's a snipped from me turdbox. translation of a page in pelevin's epic 'snuff' (the one with s/ukraine/orkaine, '
orcs', etc)
BingoBoingo: <ascii_lander> until then, it's 'yi yi zhi yi' (orc incursions organized by usg for own pleasure) << I only worry because I've pointed local
orcs to qntra posts
mircea_popescu: before you can have good tools, you need the
orcs developed enough to use them.
ben_vulpes: odd data point: gore afficioonados claim
orcs are shooting videos with phonecams horizontally oriented
ascii_field: when corrupt orc from gaggle of equally-corrupt similar
orcs is charged with 'corruption' - what is the reason, always and invariably ?
ascii_field: because of the sheer pressure of
orcs at the gate and the paucity of the positions
assbot: Logged on 01-03-2015 01:07:58; asciilifeform: presently tested against designated foreign '
orcs' (what do you suppose urban battallions in iraq was a dress rehearsal for ?)
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu: local political situation (are the
orcs known as such?), number of useful nuclear engineers to take care of the two reactors you've got etc.
gabriel_laddel: I will note for those reading, Argentina's
orcs look the part.
cazalla: im just fucking itching to unlease some bloodlust on
orcs and march em forward
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: fwiw there aren't many
orcs in the rural bits of ussa, and one can shoot trespassers on sign in those provinces too << Different kind, even tolkien had different kinds of
orcs ben_vulpes: what is different there? why no
orcs or plunderers?
ben_vulpes: fwiw there aren't many
orcs in the rural bits of ussa, and one can shoot trespassers on sign in those provinces too