539 entries in 0.807s

BingoBoingo: Well, it's paperwork to present to whatever
orcs pop up along the way
mircea_popescu: i make a lot of noise about dungeons and chains and whips and etc ; but it is a kind of a society game. i am not prepared, neither mentally nor for that matter materially, to ~actually~ apply all that. because yes, the convertor exists, kidnap among the moronic 3bn, but i mean literally, not play-pretendingly, self-delivered "kidnaps", and then torture them into being enslaved
orcs rather than plain
mircea_popescu: Mocky somewhat not surprised.
orcs generally take such positions
BingoBoingo: <Mocky> but jokes on me, nobody got ruffled feathers because they weren't advocating daos, just raising awareness! starting the conversation! they agreed with me! << It's what
orcs do. How much hashish do you estimate the other attendees ate prior to showing up?
BingoBoingo: Right, because why when the local
orcs themselves are the softest targets
Mocky: I didn't have any more experience talking to
orcs than chatting up chicks or writing c++, or rebuilding my bike engine back in the day, or fixing a million and one things for the first time. I don't know shit about shit. I never did
mircea_popescu: and this, because Mocky had decades talking to
orcs that alf didn't get ?
BingoBoingo: If the censorship resistance piece survives peer review, Imma test it on some
orcs and start using it as my explainer to heathens for why the fuck I am in this hell hole
mircea_popescu: this is the argument against "indepenent owners" among the
orcs, too, and in general -- they'll do insane things like keep property 10% occupied for $pricepoint, and ignore that $pricepoint * .1 comes to less net than $half-pricepoint * .6
Mocky: hey, maybe if i actually was suave then could come up with how to explain the future to
orcs, but i'll get more chances to try tomorrow in any case
mircea_popescu: nah, whole fuckling point is that cab services work well in orclands, and the
orcs pay tax already.
mod6: <+asciilifeform> upstack, i suspect mircea_popescu has the answ to the riddle of why bitcoin hasn't killed wu et al --
orcs still perceive having the option not to use btc << They have the option, ~for now~. We know, that the whole world currently runs on "magic money", currently. However, my hunch is that "magic money" and worlds built on fraud can not live for forever. They can last a long time, however
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo they have a point, only sane way to look at the
orcs is as what they are -- a primitive culture.
BingoBoingo: Well, still apparently has quite a few of the
orcs lit up. Still, something to go amongst the people and talk about.
mircea_popescu: well, a) shuffler is never live (mostly, because the legal trappings around it require the shuffling be redone in some circumstances -- such as malfunction.) with b)
orcs can't sync a gfx.
BingoBoingo: Rather than using the cell network services
orcs tend to funnel much of their contacting through "Whatsapp" so hygeine accordingly
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-30#1855832 << translating the scripture has the significant disadvantage that all sorts of morons "get to thinking" about "how it should be", down the line you end up with anglicanism, protestantisms, etc. the fact that scripture is written in human language is not "impediment put in way of
☝︎ mircea_popescu: asciilifeform if i lost your cargo would you cry more than if the
orcs steal it like they apparently well might've ?
mircea_popescu: "Meeya Meefla", the only city to have preserved its name from the pre-atomic era: evidently Miami, Florida << aaahahaha! this is carrying on. where do all the
orcs wanna go ? to meeya meefla, the city of moafle.
mircea_popescu: kinda how us army was disbanded, to be replaced by the us "core of training". "teaching" the
orcs is almost not insulting to the idiots' notions of self-importance.
mircea_popescu: they should never have told
orcs about 1 way streets. they're not ready for the magic yet.
mircea_popescu: i rather doubt there's those folks with 20 mil, at least at the level here discussed. a dime bag costs ~same here as in florida. actually, maybe slightly more expensiuve here. same as with hdds or w/e else, idiocy tax, everything costs the
orcs more.
mircea_popescu: lotta this "law enforcement, you mean kidnap uppity
orcs" byzantine practice.
mircea_popescu: the post-clinton america, intellectually as well as factually, is only useful to
orcs&niggers anymore ; and pointedly not any longer useful to people.
mod6: these
orcs straight up ripped off s.nsa
mircea_popescu: word. if i were maduro there'd be co-ed open outcry. but... they're new, and besides
orcs, whadda ya want.
a111: Logged on 2018-06-22 16:14 lobbes:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-21#1828477 << ack, ty for letting me know. I'll try sshing in tonight to rule out webserver failure before I flag down BB to check out the situation manually. (I must say, it is a good feeling knowing that nowhere in this troubleshooting cycle will I need to interface with
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-21#1828477 << ack, ty for letting me know. I'll try sshing in tonight to rule out webserver failure before I flag down BB to check out the situation manually. (I must say, it is a good feeling knowing that nowhere in this troubleshooting cycle will I need to interface with
☝︎☟︎ mircea_popescu: because yes, the exact sort of objection (we're only counting the cogent ones, washed out of 10bn words of idiocy outside the gates) brought against emacs can (and was) brought against desk by
orcs. "o, by the time you're done moving it around the meadow the boar long left" "what boar ?" "the one you were going to shoot inkwell at, silly." "oh i c"
mircea_popescu: kinda how present day ustards get all sorts of
orcs hot and bothered.
mircea_popescu: you know, contrary to your interpretation, i'm persuaded it was mostly actual
mircea_popescu: but in other lulz : these little
orcs here, they fucking love soccer. love it. and it's the world cup, and their group is... serbia. and brazil.
mircea_popescu: nah, the problem is that it consists of amstan
orcs by mass. they're so enamoured with what the mud-toed grandmother back in rural orcistan thinks about "grandson works at google", they'll defect after the anal rape, maybe.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, re gtk+ 3, observe that the dumbass
orcs in the comment section are all about "i don't see why you wouldn't '''upgrade''' your desktop to browserhood"
lobbes: In other "the logs had it first", I just investigated a barf I received on an emerge and exclaimed "who are these
orcs@gentoo.org that are masking gcc < 5.4??". I must've missed this thread entirely >>
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-30#1761183 ☝︎ mircea_popescu: some of the things that don't work don't work because no you/joe, and some don't work because IN SPITE of you-joe there werealso some
orcs involved.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, if you think the robots are maintained by
mircea_popescu: the trashing the orclands get at our hands every fucking time we deign to rape them is not enough model of how this'd go ? joe from two states down will just send you some free molybdenum because fuck those
orcs, and besides, you gave him a painting last year
mircea_popescu: exactly like "what does dolalr buy today" ? "well, if you disperse it enough, it buys you some inept wrangling from local
orcs". exctly like how $1mn does not buy you much ; but if you break it into $20 chunks you can have "marketing online" "services" from retarded university-of-maryland-criminlogy whores,
mircea_popescu: classical london, the model the us briefly seemed to manage immitating, was the place where all sorts of
orcs (such as you know, lenin) went into "exile", because unlike their originating goatfuckistan, london did not give a shit about "politics" and "ideologies". because it had a better one.
mircea_popescu: i suppose as far as the
orcs are concerned, it's mostly a boneh-or-boeck distinction.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Package in enduring the local rite of passage know as waiting in line. By all appearances DHL dorcs and Aduanas
orcs should work it out before too long.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, perhaps should organize a carrying of various spare odds and ends such as a dc must have on hand but the
orcs do not : assorted cables, spare hdds / cards etc.
mod6: Yah, and possibly fg. I know there is a sentiment that
orcs are not interested in fg -- however, there are people I've talked to who are pretty interested in that. Don't have coins to buy one, however, still, interest is there.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-10 15:55 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, incidentally, notice how fsf is 100% ~latino
orcs by mass now ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, incidentally, notice how fsf is 100% ~latino
orcs by mass now ?
☟︎ mircea_popescu: this isn't some kind of argument in the line of "russki
orcs" ; in point of fact tanks led strategies were invented by russians ; but copied and employed at first by zee germans.
mircea_popescu: see, it's like an orc protection amulet, this. 1920 technology, what stalin sought to copy, is what
orcs most fear.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, remember that time we needed like 100kgs worth of sheet metal profiles, ended up having to fly them over with white man's airship because local
orcs can't bend metal along predetermined lines ?
mircea_popescu: local fermented beverages, how the fuck do i know what
orcs trade.
mircea_popescu: moreover alf has a solid point. you have 0 interest in dealing with local
orcs. there's a reason chinese soy farm in africa dun sell soy to africans.
BingoBoingo: I have to say, ascii_lander's visit to this planet was very good for the morale. It puts into perspective that My experience with the
orcs is what he has been suffering since landing in the EE.UU big prison
mircea_popescu: so, if your desert march results in a jewel of code, a la ffa, sure. if your desert march results in ample "lulz" as we call them, ie, intricate, unforgiving documentation of
orcs' idiocy, sure.
lobbes: Honestly, my knee-jerk reaction against sharing a box is probably based on the old idea of sharing it with $random_orcs. Sharing it with L1s may actually be a Good Thing (I'd probably learn a few useful things)