600+ entries in 0.064s

BingoBoingo: !Q
later tell pete_dushenski Contravex doesn't seem to be loading normally
BingoBoingo: !Q
later tell lobbes Another 24 hours is probably better than 12.
a111: Logged on 2019-04-24 15:56 asciilifeform: !Q
later tell bvt ty for digging up the 1801 materials; dun suppose you could get the author in here ?
a111: Logged on 2019-04-03 08:41 spyked: !Q
later tell trinque could pl0x look at deedbot deposits when you get the time? fyi, I started two !!deposit and only did the latter; can cancel the former, I'll redo it later if needed
spyked: !Q
later tell trinque could pl0x look at deedbot deposits when you get the time? fyi, I started two !!deposit and only did the latter; can cancel the former, I'll redo it later if needed
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2018-10-20 01:44 asciilifeform: !Q
later tell phf i found today that your keccak-vdiff is unable to eat a 40MB file ( dies politely with stack overflow )
BingoBoingo: !Q
later tell ben_vulpes mimibot appears to be down
a111: Logged on 2019-02-26 23:21 asciilifeform: !Q
later tell spyked that gutenberg tarball -- didja get a chance to auto-kill all of the header liquishit ? i'd prefer to mirror a flensed copy, the 50kB of 'this text copyright wikitards(tm)(r)' is eyesore
a111: Logged on 2018-10-11 17:08 asciilifeform: !Q
later tell phf i recently found that lcd panel made by (defunkt) 'pixelqi co', pq3qi-01 , is still sold by chinese ( i have nfi if clones, or old stock ), ~100 $ ea; the thing toggles from 1024x600 colour/backlit into a 3072x600 greyscale reflector thing, worx with various lappies ( sadly not x60, it's a 16:9 )
a111: Logged on 2019-01-13 17:54 billymg: !Q
later tell hanbot mp-wp patches have been updated:
http://billymg.com/2019/01/minor-mp-wp-patch-updates/ -- the only "\ No newline at end of file" strings you should find in .svg refs patch are from before part of the diff (i.e. file diffed had no newline at the end)
a111: Logged on 2018-12-20 08:35 spyked: !Q
later tell lobbes euloran rss feeds are now loaded into feedbot. let me know when you can sync up to aim feedbot at #e
spyked: !Q
later tell lobbes euloran rss feeds are now loaded into feedbot. let me know when you can sync up to aim feedbot at #e
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2018-11-28 19:44 asciilifeform: !Q
later tell phf turns out i was wrong re the rom, the rom-shaped object is actually a 1980s 'programmable event timer' thingie, am2971adc
mircea_popescu: !Q
later tell juliankunkel would you kindly spare us the join/part spamming ? can read the weblogs just fine, no need to be connected with nothing to say.
a111: Logged on 2018-12-03 16:48 asciilifeform: !Q
later tell phf loox like dks is selling another! 'ivory' on lulzbay >>
https://archive.is/Bkm8E BingoBoingo: !Q
later tell danielpbarron If I find karaoke in MVD will you consider a prospecting visit?
BingoBoingo: !Q
later tell amberglint your last line ties into the real estate thread. Easier to buy things than make things or have them made
a111: Logged on 2018-11-28 19:44 asciilifeform: !Q
later tell phf turns out i was wrong re the rom, the rom-shaped object is actually a 1980s 'programmable event timer' thingie, am2971adc
a111: Logged on 2018-11-22 15:51 mircea_popescu: !Q
later tell hanbot let me guess, your znc ran out of batteries!
mircea_popescu: !Q
later tell hanbot let me guess, your znc ran out of batteries!
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2018-11-15 02:13 asciilifeform: !Q
later tell ben_vulpes didja find the eggog ? you estimated 'wednesday', and the day is nearly at end..
BingoBoingo: !Q
later tell trinque Feel free to return the feed
BingoBoingo: !Q
later tell danielpbarron are you still alive and doing alright?