100 entries in 0.537s

jfw: trinque:
http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-26#1957361 - independent of the proposed session cookie change, in theory this is not so: there's a
whitelist for the tags allowed in comments. In practice it seems to work too. It's in the ever so intuitively named wp-includes/kses.php
a111: Logged on 2016-03-03 20:46 asciilifeform: i eventually put back the heathen bios on the x60, BUT i ida'd it and nop'd out the imbecile nic
whitelist mircea_popescu: if volume is a concern, can limit it to so many bytes / time interval / ip. add command to your bot to
whitelist ips by their being claimed by l2 people, then you can even invoice them.
a111: Logged on 2016-03-03 20:46 asciilifeform: i eventually put back the heathen bios on the x60, BUT i ida'd it and nop'd out the imbecile nic
whitelist mircea_popescu: now, if xmlrpc.php had a
whitelist, something as simple as a htaccess deny from all allow from x, this whole idiocy would go away.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-13 16:51 lobbes: Good news on archive front; archive.is d00d has agreed to add my ips to his cloudflare
whitelist a111: Logged on 2017-11-13 16:51 lobbes: Good news on archive front; archive.is d00d has agreed to add my ips to his cloudflare
whitelist lobbes: Good news on archive front; archive.is d00d has agreed to add my ips to his cloudflare
whitelist ☟︎☟︎ mircea_popescu: you want contact to my uci interface, we agree in advance, and i
whitelist your key.
ascii_deadfiber: mircea_popescu: what i'm curious is how anybody will get past your
whitelist mircea_popescu: jurov wtf ? a) i've been getting offers to "
Whitelist" my mail server for the low low price of whatever for a decade now. b) you just said you checked yourself, what do you mean.
phf: btw how does voice work here exactly? a
assbot: Logged on 03-03-2016 20:46:35; asciilifeform: i eventually put back the heathen bios on the x60, BUT i ida'd it and nop'd out the imbecile nic
whitelist BingoBoingo: What
whitelist? Exists in lore of trial and error. ATA 100 right out.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: From what I understand Pismo has finicky drive controller. Must use drive from
jurov: heh mpex is prolly not on
whitelist :DDD
jurov: since you're paranoid enough to have a
whitelist of sources, i thought you thought about that
assbot: Logged on 05-05-2015 01:49:19; asciilifeform: try to answer this one compactly, it should be answerable. who composes the
whitelist ?
livegnik: Each identity creates it's own
whitelist / WoT.
livegnik: The identity to whom the
whitelist belongs.
livegnik: asciilifeform: Mostly a
whitelist. Whitelisting solves the Sybil. The thing is, whitelisting hasn't been very user-friendly up till now, without the security trade-off.
Chillum: well mircea I can write a wrapper for AWS that accepts bitcoins from people on a
whitelist danielpbarron: i don't mind putting *.ebay.com on my
whitelist; I do mind putting all the other crap
Adlai: ascii_field: lies, there is no
whitelist mats: fun fact: the UIPI clipboard format
whitelist is permissive enough to allow for exploitation of particular programs on 7 and 8.
kakobrekla: mats if you plan on hitting bb hard which i dont mind i suggest i add your ip to
whitelist gribble: Error: This url is not on the
kuzetsa: hidemyass wasn't on the
whitelist davout: or is this some
whitelist-only mirror?
kakobrekla: but that
whitelist is separate from dns
ben_vulpes: does anyone have a node with high throughput to which they'd be willing to
whitelist my connections
kakobrekla: to anyone who has any parsers or whatever on bitbet or any b-a service i suggest pming me your ip to get on the
whitelist nubbins`: ThickAsThieves what, you don't think a
whitelist-only news aggregator can make an income? ;p
ThickAsThieves: i dont actually have a problem with a site being
whitelist only, but that has its own problems
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves the entire world is
whitelist only, in each and every aspect. there's no getting around this simple fact,
mircea_popescu: myeah. well you can either pm your ip to
whitelist or else get a diff one ?
mircea_popescu: if anyone wants on the
whitelist you can just pm me an ip.
gribble: Error: This url is not on the
FabianB: no, gribble has a
whitelist of channels for ;;guide
kakobrekla: <gribble> Error: This url is not on the
whitelist. < how the fuck
gribble: Error: This url is not on the
BingoBoingo: You would prolly get a bunch of pm spam if you still accepted pm's off your
whitelist gribble: Error: This url is not on the
Naphex: firewall with blacklist everything, only
whitelist what you know
whitelist what, IP address? api keys would be nicer.
keonne: Im assuming ill have to
whitelist trilema to not self destruct cookies to keep my credit session alive without having to log in every time
Apocalyptic: "have a
whitelist of larger transactions." what ?
blackwhite: so I am saying setup a company who look for suspicius deals or have a
whitelist of larger transactions. (i.e. tell this company when you are going to make larger transactions)
jurov: Please
whitelist this account for business use. I will follow up with a post from my main account, ThickAsThieves.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo and then he gets davout to
whitelist him on btc central or what ?
gribble: Error: This url is not on the
freeroute: ArcticWolf: I forgot I have firewall on my phone, do you know what I should
whitelist in order to sync time with the network?
gribble: Error: This url is not on the
gribble: Error: This url is not on the
gribble: Error: This url is not on the
gribble: Error: This url is not on the
gribble: Error: This url is not on the
gribble: Error: This url is not on the
Scrat: topace: would be a good idea then (to
whitelist these blocks)
Scrat: mircea_popescu: are you implying that it doesn't work? it can be avoided however if reverse proxies have set IPs and your webservers
whitelist said IPs
davout: orkaa: you can
whitelist another server as required hop
Chaang-Noi: bowjob btc-e is fine, go tell them to
whitelist your ip
kakobrekla: I have run and started commodity exchanges. I am currently running one and would like to apply our technology and knowledge to bit coin. There is a decent possibility we may be able to list futures and other derivatives around BTC and LTC. Please
whitelist me.