1383 entries in 0.685s
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: the non-soviet ones are ~$1/round
mircea_popescu: of soviet russia.
Vexual: whereas in soviet union, uppercuts notice you
assbot: Logged on 25-03-2014 20:41:17; asciilifeform: Officially, all Soviet representatives regard these parasites with touching feelings of friendship, but privately they call them 'shit-eaters' ('govnoed'). It is difficult to say where this expression originated, but it is truly the only name they deserve. The use of this word has become so firmly entrenched in Soviet embassies that it is impossible to imagine any other name for these people. A conver
asciilifeform: shame fpga was invented too late for soviet version
assbot: Logged on 05-09-2014 17:15:16; asciilifeform: 'A Chukcha applies for membership in the Union of Soviet Writers. He is asked what literature he is familiar with. "Have you read Pushkin?" "No." "Have you read Dostoevsky?" "No." "Can you read at all?" The Chukcha, offended, replies, "Chukcha not reader, Chukcha writer!"'
mircea_popescu: i mean sure, it all fits neatly, "prior to the soviet state and everywhere outside of it kids had it rough and didn't even get any icecream"
asciilifeform: chetty: when exactly do you cross the line << from a sane (e.g. soviet) epidemiologist's point of view - when you set foot in a 'hot zone' - you're infectious until proven innocent.
asciilifeform: if you stay out of the buildings (not everyone can resist temptation to teleport into a nearly intact soviet childhood) it's clean. cleaner than a good chunk of the 'civilized' world.
asciilifeform: a number are wearing soviet-era regalia/medals (grandfather's ?)
asciilifeform: used in soviet and perhaps other 'eastern despot' officialdom.
asciilifeform suspects that, as with soviet bureaucrats, salary is only small part of the compensation package.
mircea_popescu: jesus these people derping about codeine. here's a fun fact : as a growing tyke in soviet romania, mp like any other chitlins was administered phosphoric codeine freely for coughs.
mircea_popescu: ALSO incredibly soviet, this. a strange sort of pseudomoral purism run amock.
pete_dushenski: DoctorBTC: Can anyone point me to somewhere that has examples of decentralized systems winning over centralized systems? I'm having trouble explaining something to someone... << ya, torrents, blogs, non-soviet restaurants
gribble: dub was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 day, 2 hours, 7 minutes, and 20 seconds ago: <dub> 50 types of forcemeat the soviet dream
asciilifeform: this mirrors the (almost-contemporary!) soviet mistake
BingoBoingo: dub> 50 types of forcemeat the soviet dream << There is good forcemeat
dub: 50 types of forcemeat the soviet dream
decimation: asciilifeform: 'anti-soviet' and 'anti-communist' but not 'anti-leftist'
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> decimation: 'favored ally' of the fdr socialists << nope. of the anti-soviet u.s. 'backbone' << Patton's "Murica
asciilifeform: decimation: folks from soviet blok were lured with imaginary 'nice' jobs, the proverbial fifty types of sausage, posh cars, etc.
asciilifeform: decimation: 'favored ally' of the fdr socialists << nope. of the anti-soviet u.s. 'backbone'
mats_cd03: is that soviet in origin asciilifeform? i noticed the idea first, in cult phenomenon Game of Thrones
asciilifeform: punkman: 'ZIL' (not to be confused with the soviet car)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: this partially why he was revered in the soviet world, where he in fact died (on tour) a few years ago.
asciilifeform: 'soviet informatik' terminology like цикл (cycle) for 'loop' is, afaik, only remembered by the older folks who came of age on '70s-'80s books
asciilifeform: the light switch is soviet SOP, though.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: As survivor of the soviet system and pending survivor of the Americunt system... WHy does Velveeta come in block, shredded and sliced forms???
JuliaTourianski_: born in the soviet union.
JuliaTourianski_: in the soviet union i mean
asciilifeform: if you made actual map - i dare say most of it would be painted soviet, chinese, hell knows who else
asciilifeform: possibly a few survivors (in soviet captivity) but that was it.
asciilifeform: bounce: Forth is an example of 'lisp' re-invented by an outsider. there is another example - 'refal'. (soviet)
asciilifeform: hence late-soviet era gold medals given to favourite sons.
mircea_popescu: The20YearIRCloud: zeks? Are those like zergs? << gulag prisoner labor in soviet research.
asciilifeform: about how 'disgusting soviet hovels we lived in!' 'no, you disgusting liberast, fellating american cock' 'no you...' etc
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: prime soviet rib << the whole 'canary' thing is just the last remnants of 'rule of law' going down the drain, gurgling - like the fabled 'last shit made with home food' of a prisoner
mircea_popescu: this is some prime soviet rib
mircea_popescu: the brejnev doctrine survived both brejnev and the soviet union! give the guy obama's nobel prize i say.
asciilifeform: 'our [soviet] elephants - largest in the world!' - unknown wag
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: There probably a label used for that condition somewhere in the USG, something as an analogue to the soviet "Slowly Progressing Schizophrenia"
asciilifeform: what does $1 usd cost in soviet rubles? zimbabwe dollars ?
asciilifeform: every time i see the bed of nails i think of the soviet caricature ☟︎
mircea_popescu: "this thing is written as if the soviet party isn't legitimate" < o noes and enough.
asciilifeform: as the anglo empires get swept from the stage, the bantustans they created with heroic strokes of pencil will go away. arabian, soviet, wherever.
asciilifeform saw 'red star', thought 'what a soviet mining firm might've been named', went to check 'http://bitcoin.su.' lo and behold - there's one.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: re: 100hz - i do lean towards the soviet hypothesis that at least a third of the sleep cycle is a vestigial waste of time. <<< why ?
asciilifeform: re: 100hz - i do lean towards the soviet hypothesis that at least a third of the sleep cycle is a vestigial waste of time.
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: used own replica of old soviet mask, anode on eyelids, cathode on occiput
kakobrekla: <assbot> Logged on 07-02-2014 18:15:28; asciilifeform: confession: at one point when i was younger, i did succumb to the temptation to replicate various soviet experiments and put current through my brain. < looks like it worked wonders
assbot: Logged on 07-02-2014 18:15:28; asciilifeform: confession: at one point when i was younger, i did succumb to the temptation to replicate various soviet experiments and put current through my brain.
asciilifeform: decimation: that - or they're long under the control of soviet saboteurs like 'stirrup finder'
asciilifeform: which is why we're more or less doomed to drive cabs (the lucky ones, that is) around the world, far more certainly than soviet emigres were
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: soviet mole.
asciilifeform: 'All Soviet interrogations are based on the assumptions that: (1) all prisoners are liars; (2) most Westerners can be bought; (3) those who cannot be bought can be broken; and (4) the process of breaking the prisoner can be continued as long as necessary to acquire the desired information.'
asciilifeform: never met any Soviet citizens, leads a lonely, introspective life, far from other people, and is by profession a forester, fisherman, lighthouse-keeper, security guard or railwayman. In many cases such an agent will be a physical invalid.'
asciilifeform: 'A portrait of an ideal agent for spetsnaz emerges something like this: a man of between fifty-five and sixty-five years of age who has never served in the army, never had access to secret documents, does not carry or own a weapon, knows nothing about hand-to-hand fighting, does not possess any secret equipment and doesn't support the Comunists, does not read the newspapers, was never in the Soviet Union and has
asciilifeform: fluffypony: bonus points for the unmistakeably-soviet 'maxim' (2nd from bottom.)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: fat rockets dropping on parachutes, self-aimed at tank turrets (see yesterday's film with ukrs clobbered by such. 1980s soviet product.)
asciilifeform: 'A Chukcha applies for membership in the Union of Soviet Writers. He is asked what literature he is familiar with. "Have you read Pushkin?" "No." "Have you read Dostoevsky?" "No." "Can you read at all?" The Chukcha, offended, replies, "Chukcha not reader, Chukcha writer!"' ☟︎
assbot: In Maryland, a Soviet-Style Punishment for a Novelist - The Atlantic
BingoBoingo: http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2014/09/in-cambridge-md-a-soviet-style-punishment-for-a-novelist/379431/
asciilifeform: 'a sparrow flew in the winter, froze and fell down. a cow strolled by. shat out some dung, splat! - and covered sparrow. he warmed up and began to chirp. a cat strolled by, heard chirping, removed sparrow, and ate him. From this tale, three morals: not he is your enemy who plants you down in shit; not he is your friend who removes you from shit; when sitting in shit - shut up, don't chirp.' - soviet folktale.
mircea_popescu: decimation nah, soviet hardware
asciilifeform: decimation: can't fix with money. soviet professors rolled in cash (compared to most other occupations.) this just attracts poseurs.
asciilifeform: eventually, the soviet denouement is that all precious metal is presumed 'stolen from mint.'
kanzure: exploring various abandoned soviet particle accelerators, etc
asciilifeform: soviet 'treasure burial' teams have created some very interesting (if dangerous) finds for future archaeologists.
asciilifeform: note that neither 'gps' nor its soviet equivalent existed at the time.
asciilifeform: i later learned that v. n. chelomei (famous soviet rocket designer) proposed the placement of atomic bombs near u.s. east costs using a scheme much like this. (official story - it was vetoed as barbaric) ☟︎
mircea_popescu: difference being, between how a soviet rocket works and how a school of salmon works.
asciilifeform: or soviet calculator. etc
decimation: BingoBoingo: agreed. The same "anti-"communists now hate Putin because he represents everything they hated about Soviet fascism. This is why usg has such an irrational policy vis-a-vie Russia
BingoBoingo: decimation: The paranoia shapes the discourse though, as well as the range of possible public discourse. A the end of the Cold War the Soviet block got to purge that, but the "West" had to redirect it to prop their system up.
decimation: re: cold war paranoia: in retrospect, I think the paranoia was for midwestern kulaks, the elites were all "anti-"communists, in the sense that they thought that the soviet union wasn't "real" communism. Those elites didn't mind sending said kulaks to die in various foreign adventures though.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: originally soviet afaik
asciilifeform: where all the sorriest soviet escapees re-created their zoo
decimation: as well as all kinds of soviet strange
mircea_popescu: bats_cd03 you got this whole soviet "illegal rich" thing going already ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform soviet bureaucrats opposed typewriters neh ?
pete_dushenski: Russia Wants Bulgarians to Stop Vandalizing Soviet Monuments... to look like American superheroes
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: (you probably knew) soviet 'fanfic' of devil knows how many famous works - e.g., 'wizard of oz', 'pinnockio', - was hyper-bestselling
mircea_popescu: it must suck to be one of these scum. if being one of the soviet scum is anything to go by... it must suck quite a lot.
The20YearIRCloud: i think russia could be quite interesting, but i also worry there's an equal chance they'll decided to go back to soviet era stupidity
asciilifeform: until (afaik) the '80s, soviet rockets flew on (asymmetric) dimethylhydrazine
BingoBoingo: (soviet atomic dirigible would've probably flown with H2 from sea water. because cheap and angry.) << H2 Airship is probably near the Platonic form of of cheap and angry
asciilifeform: (soviet atomic dirigible would've probably flown with H2 from sea water. because cheap and angry.)
asciilifeform: http://www.airships.net/wp-content/uploads/soviet-atomic-dirigible1.jpg
BingoBoingo: Well, the Fed was the best weapon for defeating the soviet union while turning into a worse soviet union
asciilifeform: soviet scientist declares, 'we've invented a shit-to-food converter.' 'does it work?' 'sorta. spreading on bread: worlks!!11! eating - not quite yet.' ☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: and the soviet gdp.
mircea_popescu: what if limited liability weren't improperly tied to the notion of corporation ? like it worked in the soviet union : medical practice is unliable, and so cheap and affordable.
mircea_popescu: this is why the soviet union collapsed cleanly, whereas the libertard union will not.
asciilifeform: sometimes human factor is a plus (soviet nuke subs, manual reactor controls)
asciilifeform: like soviet rocket assemblers
mircea_popescu: but anyway, hruscev said the same. soviet russia was in the slump of all time, the dude was derping about how "according to all indicators"
asciilifeform: 'man: would you like a book? Chukcha (similar to eskimo, butt of soviet jokes) replies: 'thank you - i already own a book.'
asciilifeform: ^ 'barrier brigade of nkvd preparing to 'support' soviet fighters - with machine gun blast in the back.'
asciilifeform: perhaps somewhere in the bowels of meta-DHS there works an old soviet specialist who gets results.