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mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> banana republics, soviet world - shooting << that's just nazi wannabe-ism.
asciilifeform: banana republics, soviet world - shooting ☟︎
asciilifeform: note that the analogy is not exact. the american equivalent of a soviet job with travel privileges would be, say, the right to own significant foreign (or theoretically liquid enough to become foreign) assets
asciilifeform: (soviet term, in contrast to the 'little jail' - a jail in the usual sense; the big one - ussr.)
mircea_popescu: “UNDER capitalism”, ran the old Soviet-era joke, “man exploits man. Under communism it is just the opposite.” In fact new research suggests that the Soviet system inspired not just sarcasm but cheating too: in East Germany, at least, communism appears to have inculcated moral laxity. << for the record, this is older than electricity.
bitcoinpete: which makes her more soviet, i suppose
dub: a bit more work than the soviet 'radar leak'
bitcoinpete: "If we are honest and have the strength to face reality, we will realize that the Soviet Union did not collapse. It simply moved, along with Mao and Pol Pot, to Washington and London."
mircea_popescu: this is so very like reading soviet hagiography
decimation: according to mircea's theory, the us voter want to emulate their soviet brothers - turn themselves into the third world gulag so that they can be a somebody
mircea_popescu: goin further on asciilifeform's very soviet public/private approach, i wonder how many peeps are creaming their pants reading this convo over tor.
decimation: it would be interesting in the soviet version if a coin flip determined whether you got 1 trillion rubbles or a lifetime sentence to the gulag for bourgeois greed
asciilifeform: originally soviet.
asciilifeform: more interesting (linked from above) - http://now100fm.cbslocal.com/2014/07/09/weird-news-wednesday-waitresses-wear-guns-in-restaurant << notice the stock pic - who the hell has a soviet 'TT' ?!
asciilifeform: that machine served me through all of uni & a bit longer. RIP 'humanoid', 2001-2007. (named after line from soviet film, approximately 'humanoid rockets through the sky, screaming out that school's a lie')
pankkake: I don't know why, I like those soviet buildings
asciilifeform: this is the most 'soviet' achitectural marvel i've personally seen here.
mircea_popescu: looks just like the "cultural center" of some obscure eastern soviet town
asciilifeform: analogous to soviet 'analgin' ?
asciilifeform: say what you like about soviet apparatchiks - but they weren't dope fiends.
Mats_cd03: worth a read - discusses missing material incl some soviet suitcase size weapons
asciilifeform: of the GRU have a particular dislike of Western nuclear power stations, which reduce the West's dependence on imported oil (including Soviet oil) and make it stronger and more independent. They are one of spetsnaz's, most important targets.'
asciilifeform: 'In France protesters fired an RPG-7 grenade-launcher at the reactor of a nuclear power station. Where they got the Soviet-made weapon I do not know. Perhaps it was just lying there at the roadside. But if it was a spetsnaz officer who had the good fortune to meet those people and provide them with their hardware, he would without further ado have been given a Red Banner medal and promotion. The senior officers
assbot: Online Emulation of Soviet Ternary Computer Setun / rinary
decimation: I was reading about the history of computers the other day ascii - early soviet machines were balance ternary!
mircea_popescu: "we want the soviet union but with gizmos" -> "we wand democracy" -
asciilifeform: ^ found through that link. demented film maker decides to make a biopic of lev landau (of landau & lifschitz), gets people to live in a 'soviet reservation' for realism.
asciilifeform: at some point people lose interest - how many people cared about soviet stats ?
asciilifeform: benkay: just as a 'samurai' isn't quite the same animal as european 'knight,' a soviet стукач isn't entirely the same species as a new york 'stoolie' - etc.
asciilifeform distinctly recalls soviet flyers being instrumented in this fashion, at least early on
asciilifeform: looks like some fellas in a garrett talking to soviet bureaucrat
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: get a soviet copy
asciilifeform: there's probably a suitably 'soviet' term used internally.
asciilifeform: the notion that you can somehow be rich without being powerful << actually the u.s. system is quite like the classical soviet world of 'special access' groceries, gov.-issued dachas, official limousines
asciilifeform: benkay: my parents had a soviet gizmo that consisted of exactly such a tube, with small tesla coil in the handle (dermatological crackpot medicine) so i got to see/feel mr t's tube on own hide.
asciilifeform recalls many stories of soviet emigres dining on delicious cat food upon arrival
asciilifeform: kbg followed same rule, with soviet 'gost' cipher scheme
asciilifeform: crappy soviet hardware is very real
asciilifeform thinks plenty of folks are grossly misinformed re: soviet hardware.
asciilifeform: a surprising fraction of soviet economy reduced to - obscenely inefficient method of producing sovereignty-enforcement hardware
asciilifeform: decimation: start with the soviet mistake (circa mid-70s) of scrapping their own (interesting! e.g. trinary!) comp. research and deciding to copy western archs - e.g. pdp
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform and even so soviet tax collection was better than the tsar's.
asciilifeform: bitcoinpete: at my last work (us army) the management flew in one of the last remaining soviet phage experts
bitcoinpete: i remember reading about russian/soviet research into them
mircea_popescu: such a soviet.
asciilifeform: (amalrik, 'Will the Soviet Union Survive 1984')
asciilifeform: problem, as seen in soviet example, is that you eventually run out of 'class enemies' and the meat grinder is still standing, well-oiled. then you have korolev doing time
asciilifeform: much as it must've sucked to be on the receiving end of the beast - much of what people like to gripe about re: soviet ham-handedness was, as you might say, 'forced mistake.'
asciilifeform: 'the Western blok... preferred to view the Eastern European nations as victims of Soviet aggression, ignoring the simple and manly fact (that would have been instantly understood by a Roman) that Soviet legions, without anyone's help, took possession of Eastern Europe via force of arms, answering aggression with aggression. And the Roman would an absurdity - he could not comprehend, in the name of what so-called ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: so a man reads "But that particular December nothing positive had taken place, except for the Soviet-Chinese talks - though even they seemed to have got bogged down - and the seventieth birthday of the Leader of the Peoples. He could scarcely tell the Germans about the trial of Traicho Rostov, at which the whole blatant MISE-EN-SCENE had suddenly come unstuck in open court and the correspondents had been fobbed off, af
asciilifeform: soviet import?
asciilifeform: cazalla: http://demotivators.to/media/posters/2921/387985_volk-s-yajtsami.jpg << 'soviet gameboy'
gribble: Andrei Amalrik - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrei_Amalrik>; ANDREI AMALRIK Part 1 - Stetson University: <http://www.stetson.edu/~psteeves/classes/amalrik1.html>; ANDREI AMALRIK WILL THE SOVIET UNION SURVIVE TO 1984: <http://www.stetson.edu/~psteeves/classes/amalrik2.html>
asciilifeform: they ended up having to call in the soviet equivalent of a 'pinkerton' to crack the puzzle
benkay: DATA and their ilk are the equivalent of soviet or third reich fascist informers.
mircea_popescu: what's this, soviet amazonia ?
mircea_popescu: diametric, all that stuff aside, asciilifeform, as well as you and everyone else that can form this question or similar questions are well advised to get out of the soviet union.
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: that was from an ancient soviet multi-parter
asciilifeform: laugh if you will, but i still use 'great soviet encyclopaedia' on occasion. (online ver.)
asciilifeform: considerably cheaper than soviet rtg
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta-M#mediaviewer/File:Soviet_RTG.jpg
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: http://ferfal.blogspot.com/2014/05/shrinkflation-in-usa.html << how very soviet huh.
mircea_popescu: math is a prime tool of making one stupid, even in sane places (such as the soviet union)
gribble: Dead Hand (nuclear war) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Hand_(nuclear_war)>; Dead Hand - Zelda Wiki: <http://zeldawiki.org/Dead_Hand>; Inside the Apocalyptic Soviet Doomsday Machine - Wired: <http://www.wired.com/politics/security/magazine/17-10/mf_deadhand?currentPage=all>
asciilifeform: jurov: python, ruby, etc. are, arguably, cheap 'soviet style' copies of common lisp. as admitted by, for example, matsumoto (author of ruby)
mircea_popescu: pretty soon it'll be like soviet government official soap.
asciilifeform: for that you need a soviet-style massive 1:1 transformer
asciilifeform: re: conundrum from last night: i did find out who was the original maker of ferroresonant transformers - which the box that hummed under classical soviet tvs was copied from.
asciilifeform: none of the recent semiconductor-based 'on-demand' crap. can one still get the massive soviet-style ones, i wonder.
mircea_popescu: mircea_popescu: forward soviet! << last words i see
assbot: Santiago, Cuba; Oakland; or second tier Russian city had the Soviet Union survived? http://t.co/OPycNs1mp1
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the soviet tale didn't end there. i come back, trench is filled, sewer - same state. call bureaucrats, they promise to test. wake up, there's a note, claiming that 'tested, works, if still having problem, your problem.' i pick up phone, turns out the fellow testing had no idea there was pipe work at all. it was done by contractors, see, and the city 'had no idea.'
asciilifeform: soviet states of a.
asciilifeform: http://img.izismile.com/img/img4/20110705/640/in_soviet_russia_640_17.jpg
asciilifeform: then conclude 'soviet disinfo'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: lol! who even knows how many soviet pdp.
mircea_popescu: it has a distinctively soviet flavour. "in our country you can buy anything yo ucan possibly wish for, on the cheap."
mod6: forward soviet!
mircea_popescu: god help you if you live in a soviet revolutionary state and dare piss on the politburo's most recent taxidermy exhibit.
ozbot: Aquarium - Soviet Military Intelligence Service 3/10 Full movie English subtitles - YouTube
asciilifeform: dealing in redditronics ought to earn a hazard pay, like soviet workers in the far north
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: if you study the other exhibits on that site, you will learn that even 1950s soviet 'spy radio' designers understood that one must send very rare messages, in the shortest possible bursts
asciilifeform: 'Post-Soviet Lessons for a Post-American Century.'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: broke a leg off the table to hammer at a monitor << soviet school of display repair! werks for me!
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: there's a soviet variant, where the 'horned man', an old army officer, answers 'better to eat honey in company than - shit, by one's lonesome'
asciilifeform: decimation: they remind me of the soviet-era 'kitchen dissidents.' yeah, let's sit around and chat about how much brezhnev sucks.
mircea_popescu: did anyone actually sue the kgb in soviet russia ?
asciilifeform: one of those soviet legends that 'everybody knew'
asciilifeform: http://i.ebayimg.com/t/Original-Soviet-Poster-1963-Factory-Industrial-Very-Rare-Russian-Propaganda-/00/s/NzAwWDcwMA==/z/eyYAAOxyUrZSrLJv/$_58.JPG
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: betcha you could buy a soviet rtg pod for <$10k
mircea_popescu: forward soviet!
asciilifeform: i assume all five fronts are manually-driven, like soviet nuke subs ?
asciilifeform: this'll be like yeltsin, standing on tank, saying '-former- soviet union.'
asciilifeform: complicated, to say 'book is dead.' books of horoscopes and dream divinations still printed by the zillion, 'soviet encyclopaedia of physics' - not.
asciilifeform: soviet ministry of internal affairs had tanks, choppers.
mircea_popescu: the russians don't agree, but i would say the way the soviet union collapsed is the right way to collapse.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform is there any proof whatsoever this charade included anything other/different from the soviet wrecker "confessions" ?
bounce: in soviet russia, iron maiden break you!
asciilifeform: basic soviet meaning, a fellow who's had no truck with human cultural achievements - literature, physics, philosophy, whatever
keonne: asciilifeform: what was the name of that soviet cartoon you mentioned earlier