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ourdemocracy.tar.gz 14% 11MB 107.2KB/s 09:44 ETA << hhurray for technologically advanced germany, gloriously confronting the challenges of 1990
mp_en_viaje: in other news from
ourdemocracy lands, socialism sucks.
mircea_popescu: it's just one of those lulzy ustardian tropes, like "manifest destiny" or "
ourdemocracy" or whatever first pass ambergris in that vein.
mircea_popescu: how good that the
ourdemocracy shanonizing machines were imported to utterly overwhelm the most firava local textual production.
mircea_popescu: the nsa is firmly entrenched in controlling that sweet, sweet path to diff power analysis, they've glued it thoroughly with all the broken glass of "energy efficiency" faux
ourdemocracy preoccupations, it strikes me as one of the things that'll only dislodge once the
emperor himself is rapemeat.
mircea_popescu: kinda what
ourdemocracy is all about, neh ? pretend large gathered crowds are enough
mp_en_viaje: anyways, to fix the tard's definition, since i had to fucking link idiots : epic does not mean "massive and imposing in scale or size". i get ~why~ socialism/
ourdemocracy would THINK SO, but it's still not true. epic means "a story of men". quite literally, that's what it is, the discussion of heroes in heroic terms.
mp_en_viaje: this neatly doubles the "
great progress of ourdemocracy -- life expectancy". if you inflation-fudge the data to include babies, you get the numbers you want ; but if you don't you end up with much better everything, by letting most kids die rather than carrying them on the books pointelliottly.
mircea_popescu: sadwomen aka "empowered modern career woman" being the result of male withdrawal and neglect exactly in the same manner
ourdemocracy is the result of smart people just checking out of reality altogether.
mp_en_viaje: between incel & excel, there's
ourdemocracy nudly whole.
mp_en_viaje: i run into these schmucktards with the "
ourdemocracy" beards
all the damned time. "oh, i've been to spain". no, motherfucker, you haven't been to spain.
☝︎ mp_en_viaje: in the end, the relationship between capital and power is the principal bojum of
ourdemocracy, however you turn it.
mp_en_viaje: "bring your children to work day" fucking hell. how can children and adults be distinguished in this sense ? "oh, mp, we in
ourdemocracy have arbitrary cutoffs, there's creative people and good at maths people and so on". "fuck you."
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, as stated, question is unanswerable. the best i can do for you towards fixing it is working by simile. consider the case of british or french in zululand : had they opted to re-implement troglodyte matriarchy "with some fixes", the result would have been present day
ourdemocracy three centuries prior.
mircea_popescu: there's this weird period in the 19th and 20th century wherein the application of "that there was a limit where the flaunting of their foul acts and opinions before the world must stop" was that "if you agree the world's in summary
ourdemocracy, you may continue to try and implement your boyish nonsense in particular, short ranged versions"
mircea_popescu: that is, to reconstruct some kind of sybil cake. which is exactly the "
ourdemocracy science" with all tis hatefax and toxictruths and whatnot. because once you give up the proper wot process for some mechanized ersatz you find yourself again in the primordial mist, unable to guess where the landmines are.
mircea_popescu: well, you'd have to evaluate things. that's the fundamental dispute here. on one hand, the pantsuit, "
ourdemocracy", whatever, "progressivists" how oyu'd call them (they'd preferred to be called "modern man", with an implicit hint that the modern part is spurious and they've always been all there ever was etc), which holds a strict "nothing can be meaningful, like, ever" stance.
mircea_popescu: a little bit of, "hey, women, did you know that before the pantsuited hilarity you had no rights, and she gave them to you ?" "what ?" "o, yeah.
mircea_popescu: that they're "soviet" or "
ourdemocracy" matters less than "they exist in 1970".
mircea_popescu: wait, i thought all
ourdemocracy shitheads are quadrilingual.
mircea_popescu: (yes, many people thought they voted for trump -- but some votes for trump actually mattered. this ain't teh
ourdemocracy anymoar, bish!)
mircea_popescu: complete and utter failure of the "social contract", at that. it's like a sailing school that fails to produce sailors, this
ourdemocracy that fails to produce millionaires.
a111: Logged on 2017-10-26 17:11 mircea_popescu: anyway, there's still an open thread god damned it. so re "in the hope they'll achieve usg agency status" above : the final socialism, usg's "
ourdemocracy" came up with a gamified nationalization process : they naturally confiscate the domain leaders in all domains, under the guise of you know, "pension fund investments" and "consumer protection law enforcement". ie, there's a faux money and a faux legal prong which make sure
mircea_popescu: anyway, there's still an open thread god damned it. so re "in the hope they'll achieve usg agency status" above : the final socialism, usg's "
ourdemocracy" came up with a gamified nationalization process : they naturally confiscate the domain leaders in all domains, under the guise of you know, "pension fund investments" and "consumer protection law enforcement". ie, there's a faux money and a faux legal prong which make sure
☟︎ mircea_popescu: (and in other lulz :
http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/akam ; now try and find their fucking annual reports, and when the link 404s think to yourself that hey, this is perfectly fine, after all it's nasdaq, a perfectly legitimate scamsite, because pantsuit says so! for
ourdemocracy vorwarts!!!)
mircea_popescu: so : worthless $everything is cheap for the idiots and useless for everyone else, the great achievement of
mircea_popescu: "perfectly capable of sitting inside someone's cellar, hand-making shitty rifles in the unverified belief that ww2 still rages above, cca 1970 ?" YES! certainly. "dumb enough to imagien can't bring acordeon to hospital to break patriarch free because
ourdemocracy.,rules ?" absolutely not. "boring enough to just sit on ass and chew hay like a fucking herbivore ?" nope, never.
mircea_popescu: ("provocation", in
ourdemocracy lingo of the time, is what you called enemy maneuvers.)
mircea_popescu: here's the problem of
ourdemocracy : if people are allowed to misperceive they "have choices" and feed this hallucination out of the field of choices they do not have, you end up with the sexy problem, whereby linear cost encounters unreasonably power-law distributed benefit.
mircea_popescu: the whole
ourdemocracy approach is to never see anything but surfaces.
mircea_popescu: this is how the
ourdemocracy "pluralism" ratchet works : if everyone is nominally equal, and if nobody should face the music of his own ineptitude, then you can cycle these spawn-and-consolidate cycles until everything is pure shit.
mircea_popescu: hence why they are called socialists ; just as much so as their brethren pushing
mircea_popescu: trinque "The prospect of our own NSA, CIA and FBI << the "our own" bit is the lulziest. pantsuit actually thought they own something in this world. and not just
ourdemocracy, at that. i suppose the scum actually sees itself as rightful inheritors of like cultural europe and etcetera.
mircea_popescu: the reason for the asymmetry is that socialism positively needs its unicity argument, as it has no others. without "
ourdemocracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others [we're willing to consider, in a limited review intended to circularily "prove" the point]" there's no
trinque: "the public" is an
ourdemocracy construct, does not mean "outside" or w/e
mircea_popescu: kids about the age of i dunno, 15 or so if they're really late with the brain development discover
ourdemocracy spawned parents can never threaten.
mircea_popescu: obviously the presidency is a racist/rapist institution no longer adequate fopr the needs of
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform so they did, yes.
OURDEMOCRACY is older than calvin.
a111: Logged on 2017-05-16 01:55 asciilifeform: for bonus '
ourdemocracy' decapitation, bake it out of ECL logic
mircea_popescu: farming them out to
ourdemocracy "ngo"s comes to mind.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo lulzy montana "the referendum" on
mircea_popescu: kinda why buying the
ourdemocracy pantsuit lolboat is such a ridiculous deal. the only thing you know for sure about it is that, "wait a few years, they won't like it anymore".
a111: Logged on 2017-06-14 15:27 mircea_popescu: and the whole story of "oh, 1800 style squalor and poverty and five points erradicated!!! great
ourdemocracy progress!!!" is really just very caked on masking upon the base fact that "we redirected all resources away from fun, so that now there's nothing to do but wait to die a la
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1670156 lobbes:
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1670306 << amusingly, this is great for pharma-coin though; 1) sell the "
ourdemocracy you-are-worth-it-and-can-do-anything" message, 2) create populace of people that end up 'depressed' and feeling 'unfulfilled' because they are fulfilling their natural role as non-human, but told otherwise, 3) extract $>sustenance in form of 'anti-depression' drugz
☝︎ mircea_popescu: "first, i created some imaginary friends because i was lonely, and then i started going around pretending
ourdemocracy and elected official"
mircea_popescu: and the whole story of "oh, 1800 style squalor and poverty and five points erradicated!!! great
ourdemocracy progress!!!" is really just very caked on masking upon the base fact that "we redirected all resources away from fun, so that now there's nothing to do but wait to die a la
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1670156 ☝︎☟︎ mircea_popescu: the ur-model of this is "modern"
ourdemocracy currency. while they can falsify it, YOU can't. this means they can prop its value up for as long as it takes for idiot-you to buy into the theory that "usd is actually valuable", after which they can turn on the printing.
ourdemocracy gotta get everyone wearing the new pantsuit!
mircea_popescu: i recall them trotting him out periodically, "rich man! made by
ourdemocracy! you could be next!!1" sorta bs.
mircea_popescu: ie, this model GIVES AWAY what the
ourdemocracy retards imagine is the whole job, and leaves them to you know, apply "jus' the facts"
mircea_popescu: depends how much "heroine of the
ourdemocracy" mileage can be had from it.
mircea_popescu: phf "nowadays" rapidly becoming
ourdemocracy's chief dirty word.
mircea_popescu: i trust the pantsuit clown party is well butthurt over the serious threat to
ourdemocracy presented by inept child behaviour meeting some sort of correction in practice.
mircea_popescu: no. this is what fd does in "
ourdemocracy" : like in latin empire, demolishes the one on fire to save the ones not yet caught.
mircea_popescu still recalls the 3 months of "oh, electoral college, bulwark of democracy" pre november, to be followed by endless stream of "oh, antiquated institution, holds back
ourdemocracy paradise" hence.
mircea_popescu: it's a sad day indeed for
ourdemocracy when the panstuit clown can't even get away with her extrajudicial murders anymore
mircea_popescu: and this follows very strioctly ands quite necessarily from the workings of moderity /
ourdemocracy. what do you need to get into the train ? not the physical ability, the PRIOR CLAIM. restaurant ? anything. and this on top of very extensive "parenting" in the form of mothering.
mircea_popescu: or w/e, let's phrase it in
ourdemocracy terms, "you don't need computers if you did nothing wrong" or however it went.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-14 15:25 asciilifeform: i suspect that 'greybeard' holdouts, taleb et al, who 'bitcoin is a fad, will go into the sands of time, snoar' are on a sound logical footing, 'every OTHER attempt to combat massed stupidity has ultimately fallen, nuked by
OurDemocracy, and the more brazen the assault, the quicker'
mircea_popescu: this is EXACTLY how popularity works in "
ourdemocracy" flat societies.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo saying white man was lynched is racist! saying
ourdemocracy valiant fighters lynched some dude is racist!