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a111: Logged on 2016-06-13 01:00 Framedragger should write some kind of simple thingie which takes (1) keyword and (2) timestamp pairs as intervals, and produces a kind of wiki page for all given keywords. (2) can be amended later as needed. so that there'd be a page for
gossipd without much effort at all
mircea_popescu: it's a pretty dumb solution to a
gossipd problem, so only if it's very little work
mod6: so it would be something like: /v/, /trb/, /t/, /
gossipd/ or whatever.
ben_vulpes: 2016, "put moxie marlinspike in
Framedragger should write some kind of simple thingie which takes (1) keyword and (2) timestamp pairs as intervals, and produces a kind of wiki page for all given keywords. (2) can be amended later as needed. so that there'd be a page for
gossipd without much effort at all
☟︎☟︎ Framedragger:
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-13#1481381 << would the scheme of
gossipd in your mind as it currently stands allow for signatures by a non-permanent gpg key (by something akin to ephemeral key)? identity (of communicating party) integrity would be within the decrypted contents; but not ascertainable by message header (here's gpg id 0xbabe)
☝︎ Framedragger: both, i suppose, or either would be interesting.
gossipd probably provides decent constraints and framework for thought, so might as well stick to that
mircea_popescu: (if you mean, in
gossipd. if you mean in general... ouf, complicated issue.)
mircea_popescu: you ever got to read the many discussions re
gossipd in log ? this part is there.
Framedragger: in other news, am casually looking into perfect forward secrecy in *asynchronous* communications. this *may* turn out to be relevant for
gossipd enthusiasts and connoisseurs in the long run, too. the most simple way appears to be for nodes to generate a bunch of "pre-keys" (halves of ephemeral key exchange), and store/cache them somewhere (obvs signed by their permanent identity key), a la
https://whispersystems.org/blog/asynchronous-sec mircea_popescu: the obvious pill being, of course, point to point encryption via uci on top of end to end encryption via
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform actually this should work as a proper tor relay for
a111: Logged on 2015-01-07 04:44 artifexd: I would think that instead of a list of ip addresses you would have a list of pubkeys and each pubkey has one (or more) ip addresses assigned to it. When you start up
gossipd, it calls out to all the ip addresses in the lists and says "I'm bob, proven by this signature. Prove you are alice, with cryptoproof". If the answering box responds appropriately,
Framedragger: i suppose there's no true need, but have you considered moving to a new/different irc network? or can that wait till
gossipd saves the internet?
mircea_popescu: there's at least a dozen disparate, independently useful items that go into a
gossipd is more of a federated social chat system i guess
mircea_popescu: (but since we digressed - and this ineptitude leads them into all sorts of lulz. for instance, SPEECH was protected by constitution. as in, the activity of
gossipd. not WRIT, such as an imaginary right to publish slander. etc.)
mircea_popescu: i'm just saying, the way communication works irl is precisely like contemplated
gossipd scheme, and exactly NOT like bbs/irc/webetc.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform there is no such thing as "to X Y",
gossipd being a pairwise protocol.
mircea_popescu: so : the genesis message, ie, the first communication between a pair (
gossipd is a pairwise comms mechanism) includes 10 keys.
trinque: yeah, not to be a broken record, but had we a
gossipd, I'd just give people I trust access to dangerous tools.
mircea_popescu: obviously once
gossipd is an actual thing, the only way to talk to your boxen becomes
trinque: so then, perhaps *I* own a computer and he may use it via
gossipd if he doesn't piss me off
mircea_popescu: we're prolly going to actually need
gossipd before we have it.
trinque: I agree with that; there's no solution other than
gossipd trinque: then my
gossipd deednode chatters about rating deeds to mike_c after x confirmations
mircea_popescu: diana_coman maybe by the time that's on the plate, we actually change in-game chat to
mircea_popescu: trinque> seems the voice model pairs with
gossipd rather well, where voicing is a matter of message forwarding rules << it doesn't even pair, it IS it. substance of the universe, not even protocol.
trinque: seems the voice model pairs with
gossipd rather well, where voicing is a matter of message forwarding rules
mircea_popescu: trinque> next step ought be
gossipd neh? <<< yes. but you know... no cipher yet even.
trinque: next step ought be
gossipd neh?
assbot: 0 results for '"tag-
gossipd-cipher"' - #bitcoin-assets search
http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-03-2016#1432824 << suppose instead of runnign off to some sort of centralism, you just use the tools available ? they're here for this purpose ; you've seen them at work.
gossipd didn't come out of the void, but out of practice based on philosophy honed with practice built on philosophy and so on and again numerous iterations over the years.
☝︎ jurov: i wonder what alf will do when he receives inevitable cease and desist letter wrt
gossipd/ada/anythingelse patents
PeterL: also:
gossipd implementation, pgp implementation, bitcoin implementation, kramer-shoop implementation, lisp implementation, c compiler, etc
mircea_popescu: <mircea_popescu> purely for exploratory reasons - how far are you willing to take the
gossipd ? << how about quantum money ?
mircea_popescu: purely for exploratory reasons - how far are you willing to take the
gossipd ?
mircea_popescu: so you want to have a proper meld here,
BingoBoingo: What, no faith in hawalla over
gossipd? or a well-designed altcoin ever happening?
ben_vulpes: because the counterparty in this conversation is not thinking of
gossipd as a device but a proggy that runs on a computer.
PeterL: trinque: I wonder if we ever get
gossipd to replace freenode, will we still have these sorts of connection problems?
assbot: Logged on 24-02-2016 21:09:39; mircea_popescu: but once this is done, the "network outside of
gossipd" becomes a mere fiction.
mircea_popescu: the whole point of
gossipd, as i was trying to explain it to that torhead dude, is that you can't know.
mircea_popescu: but once this is done, the "network outside of
gossipd" becomes a mere fiction.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: and
gossipd is specifically not a solution to hermetically seal the network.
mircea_popescu: eventually you'll have
gossipd and will want
gossipd-based networking
PeterL: just needs a bot here and listening to
gossipd to transmit messages between platforms, right?
gossipd will have irc interface?
trinque: I'll have this done just in time to switch to
gossipd ben_vulpes: more to the point with artifexd he bit off
gossipd, claimed progress, and then vanished.
mircea_popescu: the only assurance to be had here comes from a
gossipd model. where anyone could have written the plaintext, and for all anyone POORLY CONNECTED knows, they probably did.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: consider what happened in
gossipd when i said the line above : "<mircea_popescu> you don't know who he has in his contacts.". buncha nodes that i know went "we heard mp say so" to their downlist
mircea_popescu: anyway, the model
gossipd is supposed to use is, you pass along traffic to your peers, if you're satisfied that it comes from either youself or a peer. it's a sort of messaging-over-wot. exactly like v works.
mircea_popescu: you should prolly also look into the vaporware that still is
phf: so in my
gossipd attempt i'm basically just slinging gpg packets over the wire. have a little state machine that reads/validates openpgp packets from the wire. that doesn't work for streams though.. (in before eww)
mircea_popescu: (for one thing : if IT could find the right ones, add that to
gossipd and we have essentially built passive autonomous system software, ie, the evil ai.)
thestringpuller: does scheduler require
gossipd, or could it be based on manually inputted list from user?
punkman: I like how retroshare provides a platform for various p2p applications, I hope whoever builds #ba-
gossipd won't make it too IRC-oriented
mircea_popescu: punkman notably, the one difference between this and
gossipd is that it really doesn't require so much trust. the paramount question isn't to make it possible for derps to safely exchange child porn or whatever, the paramount question is to make it possible to run a chan without having to bow down to an isp providing server space.