832 entries in 0.69s

PeterL: mircea_popescu: you said a replacement for gribble auth was in the works, were you referring to "
gossipd" or a more readily available something else, like using assbot for auth?
mike_c: aren't you writing
gossipd? we need it yesterday :)
undata read the
gossipd logs; maybe that will have to save us
davout: the earlier convo about
gossipd was pretty interesting
mircea_popescu: "
Gossipd is an implementation of MQTT 3.1 broker written in Go. MQTT is an excellent protocal for mobile messaging."
mircea_popescu: all this stemmed from hanbot's comment on the
gossipd article which was supposed to be like 120kb.
BingoBoingo: A current trust slut doesn't have the
gossipd burden of getting its owner's actual orfices pounded.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> "pay me 1 btc, if youdon't say anything stupid for a whole month you get it back" << The way I understand
gossipd... fair collateral seems closer to 15-20 BTC
BingoBoingo: The burden of impressing to get a connect to a
gossipd node for the casual I imagine will be much higher than getting a !up nao.
BingoBoingo: Well, it's the sort of diversion
gossipd will render largely irrelevant.
ben_vulpes: i imagine a steady-state future where people operate
gossipd cells in much the same way that ircd's are operated on fleanode.
artifexd: mircea_popescu: Regarding
gossipd, do you have any preference for the data flowing over the wire as binary or text?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Yeah. the skeleton in the RFC wasn't as revealing as the conversation was.
gossipd putting the emphasis on Relay in IRC
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> [] and if i am in your list and you in mine the same is preserved by
gossipd. << means that if you want everything you say on the record, operate a server for your identity.
mircea_popescu: wheras as proposed,
gossipd makes the enemy outright impossible.
mircea_popescu: i dun see how any of these are serious avenues to attack
artifexd: As a currently running
gossipd, if I get a connection request with "I'm bob. Here's proof", then I accept the connection and add that ip address to my list for that key. (For later connecting to him)
artifexd: I would think that instead of a list of ip addresses you would have a list of pubkeys and each pubkey has one (or more) ip addresses assigned to it. When you start up
gossipd, it calls out to all the ip addresses in the lists and says "I'm bob, proven by this signature. Prove you are alice, with cryptoproof". If the answering box responds appropriately,
☟︎ mircea_popescu: consider a bunch of chatlogs from
gossipd presented in court.
mircea_popescu: i still can't possibly see what flaw you perceive with the wot part of
gossipd mircea_popescu: and if i am in your list and you in mine the same is preserved by