1200+ entries in 0.29s
mircea_popescu: how fucking hard is it to grasp. there's money on the table fucking pick it up already jesus god almighty it's like trying to get cs grad students to talk to girls.
mircea_popescu: god knows it can take KVM up the ying-yang.
asciilifeform: in other lulz, http://archive.is/f1FVJ << somebody doing 'god's own work', fleecing blueblood idiots
asciilifeform: it'd depend on how he runs his god-king-dom, neh ?
mircea_popescu: moreover here's a different spot of trouble -- suppose a-friend-who-is-not-me has the remarkable bad fortune of beign crowned/acclaimed god-emperor of everything. did thereby his previous a-ok "long hand" now become a very unok "empire" and consequently he's supposed to do what ? leave them behind and move over to washington to be trumped ? or how's the logic here work.
Framedragger: 1. it's why i asked, re. convenience, 2. yeah it's a terrible idea, hm, and 3. there was no intention to do any encrypting/signing on the server - god forbid
mircea_popescu: thanks god you took the hour to write it out so two years later i can link it.
mircea_popescu: i suspect the supreme court is very unadherent to the theory it has any missions from god.
danielpbarron: see also: http://atruechurch.info/homosexuality.html >> In its decision to declare homosexual marriage a "fundamental right," the Supreme Court has completely missed its God-given purpose. Instead of being "an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil," they have exalted vileness among the sons of men. And, as the Scripture says, the wicked will prowl on every side (Psalm 12:8).
mircea_popescu: that's my whole fucking point, i need another set of "oh, we have slavegirls! no they can't dance and what is this cocksucking ? BANNED BY GOD!!11" bullshit.
mircea_popescu: Creep home, and take your place there, the spent and maimed among ; God grant you find one face there, you loved when all was young.
ben_vulpes: god i hate this shit
mircea_popescu: it's not a failure inasmuch as you're asking it not god.
lobbes was dismayed when I came in, automated a 40 hr excel proccess down to about 10mins just by using sql (access of all the god awful things) only to be told it was verboten
mircea_popescu: o god that's going places.
a111: Logged on 2017-04-10 01:05 mircea_popescu: but as a side point : i went to town yest, bought jug of milk. guy kept trying to warn me it's not milk! i bought it anyway. it is FABULOUS buttermilk. best i ever had. also got a strong sheep cheese and a mellower one. i am happy like i've not been in a long time - finally, food! like god at home made it!
mircea_popescu: but as a side point : i went to town yest, bought jug of milk. guy kept trying to warn me it's not milk! i bought it anyway. it is FABULOUS buttermilk. best i ever had. also got a strong sheep cheese and a mellower one. i am happy like i've not been in a long time - finally, food! like god at home made it! ☟︎
mircea_popescu: slaves, idem. if you couint every nigger at mit, derping about "we're one, man" and "i should have money anyway" then yes you get the figures, but if you count THAT as slavery god help youi.
BingoBoingo: "Good night and God bless America and the entire world. Thank you." << On the otherhand could be hint of MWGA effort
Framedragger considers linking to godel's ontological proof of god in Coq
jhvh1: shinohai: Lemon party :: One of the unholy trinity of internet pictures which all must witness to be 'jaded internet users' (tubgirl, goatse, and lemonparty), lemonparty is probably the tamest of the three by just being hardcore old man gay orgy sex. Believe me, the other two are worse. [ex:] *upon seeing lemonparty* OH GOD MY EYES!!! [/ex] | Closly related to the infamous "[tubgirl]" site. If one goes to (6 more messages)
Framedragger: oh god
mircea_popescu: because why ? because OH MY FUCKING GOD SOMEONE RAN A 2MB SQL an hour ago!!1
mircea_popescu: what happened to "butcher all the males, sell all the females into prostitution", like god intended ?
mircea_popescu: god i'm going to have to delve into the whole pile of ancient history
mircea_popescu: this guy is fucking talented, it's almost like reading summaries produced by expert sluts! god. he's saving me a lot fo work!
Framedragger: oh god n-gate <-> qntra pipeline is so obvious in retrospect, why did nobody think of this!1
mircea_popescu: as god intended.
trinque: RMS, wrathful old testament god, confuses the language of the people to prevent another tower of Microshit from being built.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: other observation re taleb -- i find his works quintessentially 'american', in the most damning sense of the word -- they are exactly 'salvation through method' - 'do-s and dont-s', 'don't use black-scholes', 'do worship at my feet, and have my esteemed pedigree tree, and sit on the sunny shores of the levant, and You Too Could Be A God Like Me' etc.
mircea_popescu: chronos, the god time, who devoured all his sons, was wounded by a diamond sickle borne by his own creation. it happens.
mircea_popescu: i don't specifically care re "arrogance" or whatever other emotional manipulation in the text. i can read the barely literate productions of poorly washed 5th century jews figuring themselves "god". what's taleb gonna do to max my dosimeter.
mircea_popescu: "but mp, my mom told me i was born with the god-given ability to make cogent arguments" "that;s probably why she fucks drunks, too."
a111: Logged on 2017-04-01 20:07 mircea_popescu: "Each of HomeShare’s hundreds of tenants gets about 55 square feet along with half a closet, half a bathroom, and a compact common area shared with a roommate and usually two other flatmates, slumbering in the unit’s other divided bedroom." << how's this supposed to be preferable to simple, honest to god sexual slavery is anyone's guess.
mircea_popescu: "Each of HomeShare’s hundreds of tenants gets about 55 square feet along with half a closet, half a bathroom, and a compact common area shared with a roommate and usually two other flatmates, slumbering in the unit’s other divided bedroom." << how's this supposed to be preferable to simple, honest to god sexual slavery is anyone's guess. ☟︎
ben_vulpes: oh god i know conde nasty is persona non grata but this is gold
trinque: oh god, the regular extended cab is bad enough.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-27 18:29 shinohai: Good God is OSS full of women with penises nau ?
shinohai: Good God is OSS full of women with penises nau ? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: anyway, to my eye the amusing thing is that if you get a nude hottie out in the open, what'll happen is the half dozen boys that'll dare approach will a) be symbolically protected by their magical uniform garb and b) ask for the perturbation in the force be removed OH PLEASE GOD MAKE IT GO AWAY.
lulcoinz: if there is a god, I don't think he gives a shit my (or anyone elses) prayers :)
mircea_popescu: (this is just a play on the fundamental fact that THERE IS NO MEANING IN NATURE. there's no such thing as "people" or "individual" or "life" or "god" etc irl. all psychogenic noise, the happenstance branches of your own process of organizing the exterior, unrelated to the exterior.)
mircea_popescu: Framedragger o god your poor mother.
mircea_popescu: not how it works irl on any models that don't include "we need to be seen as doing something please god" as a hard constraint.
mircea_popescu: let's see the practical consequence where you simmer the fuck down and stop oversignalling by a factor of fifty trillion ONCE!!! in your life! one ounce work ten bushels sky is falling good god.
danielpbarron: ie: good deeds done by people who don't believe is seen as disgusting to God
jhvh1: danielpbarron: [KJV] Mark 10:25 :: It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
mircea_popescu: trinque predictably, that objection runs into the son of god doctrine. dood also went to hell, and crashed the gates.
danielpbarron: God causes all things, even evil
jhvh1: danielpbarron: [KJV] Matthew 19:6 :: Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
Framedragger: god knows what's happening there
ben_vulpes: good god
mircea_popescu briefly imagines how a world like that would be, where he;'d get notifications of every vaguely eligible bachelorette on an hourly basis. good god what a terrible crapsack fit for sf.
Framedragger: oh god.
Framedragger: asciilifeform: something about needing to discard 'invalid values' with rdtsc (even when set up correctly - apparently best to 'pin' particular cpu, etc etc..) oh god.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-10 18:01 trinque: god forbid the disk always be in a coherent state, eh?
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-10#1624370 << god help us. ☝︎
trinque: god forbid the disk always be in a coherent state, eh? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: it was the beginning of the end of the british colonial empire. it crashed, where empires come to day, in that god forsaken asshole of the world where fork-bearing regiments are cut to shreds and don't run off on contact. or at all.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-07 17:30 mircea_popescu: this has been a honest-to-god real-time davout node emerging in march going "so guyse... chatlog-block-419333 is highest rite ?" and resyncs ensued.
mircea_popescu: caftans work, yes, lenders of last resort, harun al rashid, the eye of god. what have you got ?
mircea_popescu: ie, i will fucking stomp them, so help me god.
trinque: first ghostbusters, the david bowie lesbian god tells them to choose teh form of their destroyer
mircea_popescu: this has been a honest-to-god real-time davout node emerging in march going "so guyse... chatlog-block-419333 is highest rite ?" and resyncs ensued. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: and there's nothing wrong with women fucking, nor with the actress, cnc miller's or floor washer's art. heck, god knows i've had my private female property engage in all of those. but it sure as fuck ain't academic, forgetaboutit.
trinque: I've been slogging through the thing reading the paths for acquiring and validating blocks, and my god, must have map.
mircea_popescu: their mommy gave them that bush and by god they'll take it to paradise via the retirement home!
mircea_popescu: veen you'd think the god damned bears of yesteryear would fucking shave before going within inches of a glorified lawnmower
trinque: my god the dancing cocks
trinque: my god she turned sideways and sorta wiggled
asciilifeform: with the 'god fee' crackpottery etc.
asciilifeform: possibly it makes more sense to think of the hypothetical 'god fee' as a ~punishment~ of tx-ignoring miners, rather than a payment to relayers.
asciilifeform: i suspect that you still gotta have the god-fee if you want 0socialism. like or not.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform basically they're mining pdfs. anything, ANYTHING WHATSOEVER, please god anything, just as long as it's not the thing.
mircea_popescu: if it were actual science, the honest to god sort, kvant-science, "you're not smart enough to ride" science, yes it would be at the basis of a country (would it call itself "america" ? why not ?), but it wouldn't be possible for him to pretend what he's pretending.
mircea_popescu: "oh my god, AND HE HAS A CAR"
mircea_popescu: that old phone provides a fundamental lifeline. maybe god will call him on that phone any day now.
ben_vulpes: "The real scandal here is that classified information is illegally given out by 'intelligence' like candy. Very un-American!" god i love realdonaldtrump
mircea_popescu: eh. do you understand i produce about ONE QUARTER TON of water a week through diligent application of electric power in this god forsaken shithole ?
ben_vulpes: oh god the microcontrollers
ben_vulpes: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/yCTHc/?raw=true << ho ho ho god the pathologies on display
ben_vulpes: oh god
shinohai: oh god 4g lte
deedbot: http://www.contravex.com/2017/02/06/trusting-god-fearing-men-is-one-of-your-better-business-strategies/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - Trusting God-fearing men is one of your better business strategies.
a111: Logged on 2017-02-05 00:20 BingoBoingo: lel "A rabbit on a rebel flag? Horrible english? What the hell is this shit? oh god an MPex listing... this blog reads like the bitcoin equivalent of zerohedge"
BingoBoingo: lel "A rabbit on a rebel flag? Horrible english? What the hell is this shit? oh god an MPex listing... this blog reads like the bitcoin equivalent of zerohedge" ☟︎
asciilifeform: nor is there any promise from any god that it will stay below 2GB, or 20, or 20,000, it is doomed to increase
trinque: scope starts from the broadest possible assertion of "this is, so help me god" and only narrows if somebody says
danielpbarron: it fixed nothing. while drinking he hated the true God and while sober he hates the true God
mircea_popescu: your pointer is 0x88faf0:0a and god help you, if you wish to write 500 bytes in there all the better.
mircea_popescu: thanks god for tardstalk idea men, where'd we be without 'em
mircea_popescu: but the notion of having versions on a license... good god.
Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-10#1600064 << pretty cool. did you read it in french? is it full of musings about god (he did get a bit.. hallucinatory-mystical towards end of life, right?) ☝︎
diana_coman: it's not other guy, it's the master; to my mind the master was exactly the chosen god basically
ben_vulpes: https://www.opencart.com/index.php?route=cms/company << oh god "our team"
pete_dushenski: podesta et al. might even have what it ~took~ to run the world of their formative years, but meanwhile time marched on and they've now wandered far, far from home. similarly, god help the lot of us in 30-40 years. don't forget just how old these team clitler fogies are either.
mircea_popescu: oh god damned it
ben_vulpes: i am no karman reincarnate with god's knowledge
a111: Logged on 2017-01-02 21:22 mircea_popescu: 90% of my audible output was "your question can not be answered in that general form". tears were shed, of rage and frustration. towards the third day i recited from the molieben of st naggum, the part where he says c makes people lie, and there was THANK YOU! GOOD GOD!
mircea_popescu: and since i'm on a moldy tome kick, let's note down ܝܳܠܕܰܬ ܐܰܠܳܗܳܐ ie joldath allaho. in syriac. because yes, even as egypt was mostly christian in its recent history (just as all of the "arabic" middle east), allah exists in arabic as a corruption of a syriac notation of a greek interpretation of a hebrew name for god.