1300+ entries in 0.346s
mircea_popescu: god knows i can explain math in such a manner ; what the fuck is so special about algorithmics.
mircea_popescu: 90% of my audible output was "your question can not be answered in that general form". tears were shed, of rage and frustration. towards the third day i recited from the molieben of st naggum, the part where he says c makes people lie, and there was THANK YOU! GOOD GOD! ☟︎
trinque: I would say then that I have something political signified by the symbol god in my table, and have no allocated term for the other thing
mircea_popescu: apollo the symbol strives to mark down the discovery of apollo the god, much like ٤ stives to mark down the number 4. you wouldn't know it to look at the poor thing, but it is what the ~actual~ arabic numeral for a set of four items looks like.
trinque: I suppose for now there is an equivalence between god and golum in my perhaps thick skull
mircea_popescu: man, thinks and therefore is, artifact, willed therefore here, but god is here before any will, and its being outside the possible scope of any will. which is why the ancient literary convention of the hero's journey : gods can't change. they don't give up smoking.
mircea_popescu: to be a god they must have purpose without purpose ; both observably and demonstrably the Central Committee (which is what this is) do not.
mircea_popescu: i would say it is improper, because the fundamental quality of a god is that it's not constructible, much like no woman ever came in the shape of a lego set, be the parts delivered together or scattered in the landscape. conversely if you prefer, it is not proper because gods contain the metaphysical equivalent of a teleological dimension.
mircea_popescu: god i love you.
davout: hahah god, check this out http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/8CwCf/?raw=true
Framedragger: "Note that open_sync writing is buggy on some platforms (such as Linux), and you should (as always) do plenty of tests under a heavy write load to make sure that you haven't made your system less stable with this change. Reliable Writes contains more information on this topic. " oh god. more inserts/sec but zero data loss => probably can't help you much. documentation doesn't encourage me :/
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: it's dark here in the northern hemisphere, god it's deperessing :( mornin'..
davout: god, i meant to quote mircea_popescu's breakfast
trinque: ^ I'm gonna spoil the shit out of this one. It ends with the chick learning the magic words SHE KNEW ALL ALONG because aliens fly their heptafold asses across the cosmos to make her the god-snowflake she is in her true self. This SO THAT humans can help teh alienz in 3000 years.
asciilifeform: 'Code page conversion renders binary files unusable during encryption #169' 'Oh god. I don't know what to do here. Unencoded or differently-encoded data needs to undergo this conversion. However, there's no way to detect valid unicode… it's essentially arbitrary binary. I'm at a loss for what to do here, and open to suggestions.'
mircea_popescu: even emperor-god-jobs was KICKED OUT OF HIS OWN CORP by the fuckers.
Framedragger: oh god i hear mircea_popescu's mind-cpu resetting :(
mircea_popescu: oh dear god.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-25 15:51 Framedragger: i don't suppose anyone here has messed with android 'adopted' storage? (use sd card as internal encrypted android storage.) i'm trying to recover files from a half-broken 32GB sd card which has weirdo android-internal partitions and encryption.. oh god
mircea_popescu: at this rate it's a wonder lafond isn't wearing a gut halter. god knows his mommy did! and her mommy before her!
mircea_popescu: she wasn't even hot in any sense, dear god, any highschool in the region could have provided two better in the same vein.
Framedragger: i don't suppose anyone here has messed with android 'adopted' storage? (use sd card as internal encrypted android storage.) i'm trying to recover files from a half-broken 32GB sd card which has weirdo android-internal partitions and encryption.. oh god ☟︎
davout: god, whoever came up with HATEOAS deserves a bullet in the head
mircea_popescu: “My heart! The light of my eyes! You are the heroes of Iraq, may God protect you. My soul, my heroes! But for God’s sake get out of the street and take cover from that sniper!” << bwhahaha this is just how arabic goes, too.
mircea_popescu: software design as god intended. FIRST you do by hand ; THEN you automate the parts worth automating.
trinque: but we can "just wante to press" because god's children
BingoBoingo: <trinque> "not me but christ through me" even worse, I'd think, with apologies to danielpbarron. "I submit myself fully to the god of purpose." << Step 3!
trinque: "not me but christ through me" even worse, I'd think, with apologies to danielpbarron. "I submit myself fully to the god of purpose."
a111: Logged on 2016-12-19 18:22 ben_vulpes: also god bless cpp, i want to know where "mapBlockIndex" is defined have to grep the fucking codebase
ben_vulpes: also god bless cpp, i want to know where "mapBlockIndex" is defined have to grep the fucking codebase ☟︎
shinohai: There is but one god, and Muhammad is his faggot
Framedragger: you never know what god may bring upon you
mircea_popescu: and in other randomness, let there be shed a tear today for the poor wedding photographers. i mean the expensive ones, catering to an "upper class clientele" consisting of women slightly uglier than the average with fathers slightly richer. dear god these poor people, they try. they ~try~.
asciilifeform: unrelated vintage lel, https://www.theguardian.com/media/2015/jan/06/cnn-apocalypse-video-nearer-my-god-to-thee
Framedragger: *internal framedragger thought process*. "ok, so, maybe mp is empty set.. and he wants to be god.. AHH" :D
mircea_popescu: also practical, at that. god can stay god for as long as gets in no one's way.
Framedragger: ( and amusingly under classical ontological argument, empty set will be god :D )
Framedragger: maybe there could be an empirical-tmsr-set-theory thing :) but for logical analysis, that's weird imo. for one, ontological arguments in regards to god's existence may gain more grounds.
mircea_popescu: and god knows both those "corporations" need it badly.
mircea_popescu checked, about half of that was in the first half hour (thanks god for delayed rss otherwise it'd prolly be within five minutes eh!) so that's like 3MB/s jus' there.
mircea_popescu: god i totally love the deedbot rss service.
mircea_popescu: in other news my god grep -i is a lot slower than grep plain
asciilifeform: ( in the religion pete_dushenski was thinking of, stalin played role of 'devil' rather than god, since '53 at any rate )
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: 0 'religion' other than 'stalin is god' too.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile at republican camp, my god these slave-made linzer cookies are fucking fabulous.
trinque: Naggum the god vs naggum the man
mircea_popescu: idiots keep giving new names to "the god who'll give me manna"
Framedragger: wtf, god, who did m$ not conspire with :/
a111: Logged on 2016-12-12 02:51 phf: i will flatten this shit, or help me god. so far the solution i figured that doesn't require writing code or using dodgy third party software is to use the video as a material texture inside a sphere in blender. with some 3d space camera shuffling i can produce two separate video streams, one of knuth and one of slides, but the result looks like dog so far.
phf: i will flatten this shit, or help me god. so far the solution i figured that doesn't require writing code or using dodgy third party software is to use the video as a material texture inside a sphere in blender. with some 3d space camera shuffling i can produce two separate video streams, one of knuth and one of slides, but the result looks like dog so far. ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2016-12-09 12:14 mircea_popescu: it directly mirrors the biblical understanding (god was ; and lucifer did) and very much explains why "patriotic war" and "peace keeping" and "Defending" and etcetera. the narrative always is "we - were ; enemy - did ; we - shall be again".
mircea_popescu: it directly mirrors the biblical understanding (god was ; and lucifer did) and very much explains why "patriotic war" and "peace keeping" and "Defending" and etcetera. the narrative always is "we - were ; enemy - did ; we - shall be again". ☟︎
mircea_popescu: none of that last century "by god i will dig this mountain up and reshape it as a pineapple" piss and vinegar feelin' left.
mircea_popescu: anyway - the reason the yaching ant is such a good example is because - it COULD just fucking cut off the god damned sail. couldn't it ? just drag the seed without the air drag ?
Framedragger: ahyeah, i also remember reading about folx extracting /etc/shadow due to bad file permissions, god knows why
mircea_popescu: aanyway. the moral broadly speaking is that there's a windows-niggers-and-other-idiots python ("windows-niggers-and-other-idiots" which is how you decode "3" in unicode) and a normal people python which finally became stable cca 2010 and thanks god.
pete_dushenski: like all 'empowering' devices. they do ~jack shit but they FEEL phenomenal for the user. at least that's my impression. god help me if i ever find myself using a blower first-hand.
a111: Logged on 2014-03-19 19:04 asciilifeform: and, finally, his moment arrived! von Kármán surrendered his orange ticket, took a deep breath, and said, "God, explain turbulence." Theodore von Kármán spent the rest of eternity burning in Hell.'
mircea_popescu: ie, it's fully a liberal profession. (in some readings, a liberal profession is one where the sufficiently skilled practitioner eventually meets god.)
Framedragger: (oh god, i'll come back from asia believing that lithuania should seriously suck china's cock as much as possible so that it could *maybe* get bought by them. like, that's the best option for them. idem poland, only that the latter are way ahead (and a tad bit more autonomous from bruxelles.usa) (e.g.: coaxing chinese to invest into gdansk port; .lt's port is just about done.))
jhvh1: 3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
mircea_popescu: " I thought just moving your mouse or doing something on the computer already fills up /dev/random, and it's only a big problem on major servers. Is this not right?" << there's a SHOCKING amount of this. nsa's doing god's work with these people, absolutely.
jhvh1: danielpbarron: [KJV] 1 Corinthians 6:9 :: Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
mircea_popescu: anyway, to expound on the whole huguenot issue : a) who expanded the medieval notion of "universitas" to a notion of "popular sovereignity" in the sense of "the people" being a unit, better and different from its constituent parts, and better than the king at hearing god, and to be represented by parliaments ? b) who broke with legist theory of "tyrant = whosoever opposes the monarch" to introduce a transcription of calvin's
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo rereading that god damn that's a kickass manual.
mircea_popescu: god damn it.
pete_dushenski: in other god damns, it looks like i managed to give myself acute plantar fasciitis in one foot. apparently one can't just run 9km through river valley trails in stiff trail running shoes after taking a month off. now it's regimented mending lest it become chronic...
mircea_popescu: god damned this black mirror shit is unwatchable. where the fuck do they find these dumb bitchez that can't act to save their life, it's like they're not even b list. netflix has invented the c-list. and who the fuck writes this inane crap, it's like they're trying for a reboot of the venerable twilight zone / tales from the crypt, except failing to reach that high.
mircea_popescu: god knows us military stole everything else from georg lucas
mats: god forbid any american official EVER admits their systems are indefensible
Framedragger: ahh. s.nsa; my god you people
mircea_popescu: or, for that matter, look into why triple-fault switching rather than using the god damned reset signal ended up a programming standard.
mircea_popescu: in lighter news, found delicious armenian restaurant yest. manned by actual to god armenian. the difference from the local cows is shocking and immediate.
mircea_popescu: fucking loony tunes collection over here. that guy doesn't trust anything or like anything ; that other guy wants to cook while running around the streets of mosul. isn't there anyone in this god damned republic that is sane ?
trinque: oh my god this thread
trinque: oh my god teh drama, jurov
Framedragger: trinque: oh god i need to delve into a longer and madder thing it seems https://source.isc.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=bind9.git;a=blob;f=lib/dns/resolver.c;h=74d82ae1076a80dc8edf8964b295b40d93b735d1;hb=4e8fe357a619ae2b789b15df7e3d6abf782b4a71 - goodtimes
BingoBoingo: "Please describe why you hope to be a part of the President Elect's administration:" << my answer "Through working my program with my sponsor I believe I am ready to let go, let God, and offer myself completely to the work of summoning The Great Again."
mircea_popescu: o god this paid off.
Framedragger: oh god. dns is defined using a shitload of RFCs. but easiest way to learn of low-level transport nuances is, well, wireshark. so, wiresharking and eating cake. at the very least this will end up as (possibly) useful website comment for future adventurers.
mircea_popescu: and holy shit no you don't want to reuse dns server code oh my fucking god.
Framedragger: oh god, and of course there's no standardised dns client design in relation to primary/secondary dns servers. or so it seems. linux supports nice multihomed dns, but the latter works best if there are separate TLDs for the different dns servers.
scourge: mircea_popescu: god damn you should have put a fucking NSFW on the tumblr. Or should we assume that tumblr jpgs are NSFW
Framedragger: i'd like to be able to read some god damn decent literature in something else than english or lithuanian (the latter is an OK language, too bad it's language of proles)
mircea_popescu: the most important point here is that you for some god forsaken reason ACTUALLY THOUGHT, in your head, that if you write "whore" in lipstick on the back of your wife you're now fucking a whore.
mircea_popescu: god how i'd cancel their funding.
mircea_popescu: god this guy fucking rules.
mircea_popescu: t kill me make me stronger.'" I hope to God a bus tries to make you stronger."
mircea_popescu: lowbrow ROMANS of all fucking people conquered them. imagine this nonsense. and they even figured it out and put it in the holy texts, "god wants you to kill your boy!"
pete_dushenski: "thank you god for making me an infidel"
mircea_popescu: how do muslim women pray ? "thank you god for not making me a cow". and muslim men ? "thank you god for not making me a woman". and everyone else ? "thank you god for not making me muslim."
ben_vulpes: oh god america is going to be so great
trinque: dear god there's a Mike Crapo
mircea_popescu: o god.
mircea_popescu: trinque that piece is particularly scandalous. imagine, the only writer worth two shits to ever crawl out of that god forsaken hole, not only a living testament to how smoking twenty cigars a day doesn't give you cancer ; but even daring to represent black slavery as a carefree life of exact equivalency to the shenanigans of today's barristas and waitresses with jezbel aspirations!
trinque: We all do no end of feeling, and we mistake it for thinking. And out of it we get an aggregation which we consider a boon. Its name is Public Opinion. It is held in reverence. It settles everything. Some think it the Voice of God. << I suppose the great that'll great again predated Mr Twain.
shinohai: Good God I thought that woman was well past her expiration date anyway.
a111: Logged on 2016-11-04 18:28 mircea_popescu: the mechanism at issue is this god forsaken bit of americana tardism where recognition = knowledge.
mircea_popescu: the mechanism at issue is this god forsaken bit of americana tardism where recognition = knowledge. ☟︎