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mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, pfoai tu ce s-o ales de ala ? vaz ca saitu' ii tat chinaspam ca al lu' alalatu' emigrat inteligent.
mp_en_viaje: behaie, sewaie, tat un drac.
BingoBoingo: That was TaT, PeterL is in Michigan. Needs a cider press for dem apples.
chonkin: I made some facebook memes about both incidences. They cops basically said "This is bravo 6 to HQ. We have identified the hostile target in our AOR." "Roger that, bravo 6. You are cleared to engage." "Roger." RAT-TAT-TAT-TAT-TAT . " He's down! Target is down! Cease fire!"
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> didn't thickasthieves get carpal ? or am i conflating stories ? << Mats has carpal, TAT went terminally comment section butthurt
asciilifeform: i can picture this. it beggars belief tho, because ' mp: d00d, yer tanker has no bottom ' ' tat: but i want to sail!! ' 'mp : sail by yerself then '
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: iirc thread was about TaT et al making brief comeback to kako chan
lilmzthang: Ooo, just noticed my arm tat looks brand new too
mircea_popescu: (is hysterical bit re this in classical ro comedy film, "monsieur se scrie, monsieur se citeste, ci tat umbli cu cioara vapsita!")
mircea_popescu: what they were trying to say was that they... lost... again. the little bch for btc tit for tat left btc in tatters and their dwindling supply of btc ever thinner.
asciilifeform: tat wasn't exactly gorbachev, retiring to his knee pain and pizza ads
asciilifeform: i met people with horrid tat who made it specifically to close off life of being office plankton
asciilifeform: dunno, the rsaperl-cum-'i am a munition' tat was almost cool
mats: i've little exposure to game theory beyond iterated tit-for-tat so i found this interesting
mats: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2460568 a comparison of game theory strategies: always-defect, always-cooperate, tit-for-tat and win-stay, lose-shift
shinohai: The brunette with the tat on side, one star for each gargled dick ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: was there a typical tat ?
pete_dushenski: ben_vulpes: i did, i taw a puddy tat!
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: from the alleged tat blog: 'I had a chat with Bruce Fenton, of the Bitcoin Foundation, where I thanked him for representing Bitcoin well in his television interviews, as the media swarmed around the Craig Wright announcements yesterday. While we have many things to criticize the Foundation for, and Bruce himself in some regards, I was tipsy enough to realize that we can’t just keep writing off their efforts, and that i
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: following TaT's evolution of his personal branding on twitter following his long walk
mircea_popescu: but this imagination is predicated on mental gymnastics, the disavowal of the obvious tit for the tat.
asciilifeform: iterated pd has a nash equilibrium, 'tit for tat'
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: tat didn't reappear again after creaming his pants initially
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: right. i guess that pankakke and tat fit in similarly.
BingoBoingo: Yeah WoL was TaT's last stand though he popped up occasionally later for events like http://qntra.net/2015/10/well-connected-bezzle-health-startup-theranos-collapsing/#comment-31763
asciilifeform: (TaT?)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i think you might have me mixed with TaT
asciilifeform: PeterL: TaT + a buncha very peculiar visitors
asciilifeform: or that TaT was sitting on it
pete_dushenski: tat makes it.
asciilifeform: phf: the last thing i recall TaT doing is, mircea_popescu offered him a co-authorship on something or other, and TaT refused because afraid of gassing
asciilifeform: phf: i actually met TaT in meatspace, at mircea_popescu's c2. we sat in the airport together in the end. i got the impression that he was 'ok guy' but somewhat lacked... courage.
asciilifeform: and seem to recall that TaT quit #b-a under somewhat questionable circumstances.
asciilifeform: l0l TaT returns to #b-a
nubbins`: see TaT's PMB scam for reference
danielpbarron: TaT et al
nubbins`: she's about as currently relevant as TAT
jurov: BingoBoingo: how do youknow it's TaT
BingoBoingo: In other refugee news apparently TaT has a blog now http://www.bitcoinerrorlog.com/2016/01/25/the-bitcoin-blacklist-max-keiser-simon-dixon/
ben_vulpes: someone can show up tomorrow and claim to be tiberius, tat, smickles, and until they sign with keys that prove it they're either joking or some other thing i don't understand
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: guess that's how TaT made bank on the ASICMINER scam.
mod6: <+jurov> mod6 and why not "failed at" #__LINE__ "in" #__FILE__ << sounds good to me, can you give me a full example so I don't screw this up, ive never used tat before.
asciilifeform: http://qntra.net/2015/09/eyewitness-people-walking-out-of-bitpay-office-in-tears/#comment-61115 << lol, ~the~ TaT? shakespeare, or another man by same name ?!
assbot: Logged on 09-09-2015 00:41:21; pete_dushenski: it's not like i expect him to go anywhere a la pankkake, tat, or decimation, but i don't trust him.
pete_dushenski: it's not like i expect him to go anywhere a la pankkake, tat, or decimation, but i don't trust him. ☟︎
mats: oh ok. i recall tat being offered pc5 but i see now he did not accept
mircea_popescu: jurov yes. tat never ran a pc ?
mats: so wait - if TAT took off, who is running PC5?
kakobrekla: tat running? maybe from us.
Adlai: isn't TAT running?
mats: isn't TAT running a pc on mpoe? or is that done with?
ben_vulpes: http://25iq.com/2015/07/25/a-dozen-things-ive-learned-from-paul-tudor-jones-about-investing-and-trading/ << we haven't done much investment philosophy since tat and the samovar readings...
shinohai: Just noticed dat tat
assbot: Logged on 22-06-2015 15:55:36; mats: to be more generous, probably a buncha poor people following TAT around
mats: to be more generous, probably a buncha poor people following TAT around ☟︎
WolfGoethe: ride a bike and u talk to a lot fo tat girls.. do nothing for me
jurov: pity we don't have TaT around anymore. he could have pitched altcoin to them
mircea_popescu: oldest thing in bitcoin, this. from blazedout's wood scam to tat's neobee thing to pirate supporters, worst fucking thing you can do is entertain idiots.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform consider the ancient discussion with TaT re women. "do you like her ? if not, get rid of her"
assbot: Logged on 13-03-2015 12:34:36; cazalla: worse, TaT masquerades as bitcoinassets on it and is a mod to boot
thestringpuller: cazalla: ah so that's where TaT went to.
nubbins`: cazalla:worse, TaT masquerades as bitcoinassets on it and is a mod to boot <<< ...
cazalla: worse, TaT masquerades as bitcoinassets on it and is a mod to boot ☟︎
Vexual: what ever happened to tat?
pete_dushenski: tat still seems to do the twitter thing
cazalla: well ya wanna be a true blue fair dinkum aussie cunt ya gotta get ya such is life tat to go with your southern cross tat
kakobrekla: i guess i can add tat.
nubbins`: PeterL tat was the neobee guy.
BingoBoingo: http://devilsadvocate.biz/ << TaT'
PeterL: which is tat?
mircea_popescu: sooo... tat gave up his blog too ?
thestringpuller: where has TaT been?
mircea_popescu: i dunno, ask tat, he's the naming fiend.
thestringpuller: haven't seen TaT in here for a minute
dvsdude: i see tat on the tv chat...i think
mircea_popescu: and in connectionless environments such as ntp or dns even, it would cost nothing to require 2 tits for every tat.
mats: i wonder what the odds are tat went and got a day job
jurov: i intended tat just for laugh, but okay.
BingoBoingo: TaT joined earleir today but I didn't have time to warn about Mr. Flood before join/part storm affected him
mats_cd03: i wonder what tat wanted an army for...
nubbins`: probably tat, he got rich as fuck
assbot: 1220 results for 'TaT' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=TaT
gernika: !s TaT
BingoBoingo: Prices swing usually bring TaT out. I think this is the dark market bust bump
Vexual: what about steadicam tat?
mircea_popescu: lol tat wants an army
cazalla: i gave you a retweet though TaT
ThickAsThieves: oh, tat's just in amsterdam again, it's cool!
mircea_popescu: ah don't worry about that tat. you can always fuck a virgin and you'll be cured. or if not, one can make a proposal and publish it on tumblr.
bounce: tat, you've successfully abstracted all meaning out of the meandering. that's maybe not entirely useful.
Apocalyptic: depends on the individuals obviously TAT
BingoBoingo: r3wt: Ratings are near the opposite of a tit for tat if done right
artifexd: You give ratings according to what you want. It isn't a tit-for-tat thing.
BingoBoingo: mike_c: You know tat always consults the tes leaves
mike_c: or perhaps tat wants to ignore certain categories (like commentary)
jurov: id'be really sleepless in tat's place. lats i remember he shorted
mike_c: tat you better go to sleep before you lose all your btc to the kiddies
mike_c: +1 tat. take your winnings and sleep.
BingoBoingo: cazalla: Yeah, thought it was just a TaT issue
cazalla: <BingoBoingo> thickasthieves is having connectivity issues with the qntra <<< tat mentioned it before but seems to be the only one experiencing it, it loads fine here so not sure what i can do