700+ entries in 0.751s
Apocalyptic: "Hearn, The Solution Solver - Putting more problems into your solutions since 2013" I lol'd TAT
Vexual: Tat around?
fluffypony: mircea_popescu: I'll talk to TAT and make sure we fill the chan with 2000 lines of poetry each day
kakobrekla: o look tat has competition
FabianB: has TaT summarized the amsterdam conf already?
mircea_popescu: aite everyone with blogs, tat, bitcoinpete jborkl benkay mike_c fluffypony BingoBoingo pls tgo announce bitcoin's new phone number.
benkay: lol why is tat not allowed to smoke a joint?
fluffypony: so TAT says we must feel free to buy him a "join"
fluffypony: mike_c: TAT is going to do the same thing for the Altcoin promo vid, just watch
jborkl: tat will never be the same
mircea_popescu: well except for tat, who has an apparent penchant for stepping in sheit.
mircea_popescu: who the fuck is pat burns, tat ? some athlete guy ? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: so wasn't tat supposed to liveblog some lolfest or it hasn't started yet or what ?
ThickAsThieves ponders a "Buy TAT a joint" bitcoin tip button for Amsterdam liveblog.
ThickAsThieves: next article: "TAT is the worst merchanty payment processor article critic ever"
mike_c: fluffypony: leave it as is, and tell TaT to comment on it if he doesn't like it
Apocalyptic: fluffypony, don't pull it just because TAT is being a coinbase shill
mircea_popescu: benkay tweeted tat shit. lawl.
asciilifeform: where vegetarian (TaT?) - 'animals didn't ask to be milked' - me: 'then let's milk the ones which we can ask'
lolstate: Ok, TAT, that’s reasonable.
lolstate: Not trying to wind you up, TAT, just fact-finding!
lolstate: TAT, do you still have a current LMB share-holder/transfer-to-Havelock list?
lolstate: TAT, are you still in securities? Aren’t you jaded now?
lolstate: I don’r need neew info, TAT. That’s ok.
lolstate: So, TAT, I’m not here to add fuel or whatever. I’m actaully interested in disecting this mess.
lolstate: I don’t think so, TAT.
lolstate: TAT, have you had any contact with Danny after cutting the pass-through management role?
lolstate: TAT, that’s an interesting staement: a) Danny is a crim or… b)… ?
lolstate: TAT. Really what can you say about the NEo situation (sorry if I’m behind the loop)
lolstate: TAT, really? TBH, I missed that. All I read was you couldnt continure in the role etc, which is reasonable, although I wasn’t clear on the reason
lolstate: TAT? Why did you cut from Neo? Was is Danny’s selling?
lolstate: MP’s desire, TAT!
lolstate: TAT?
kakobrekla: this is what tat was talking about ?
MarieLynn: TaT, I will add it to my database. There are almost 700 coins in my friggin database.
mike_c: i was trolling tat before for his footnotes > paragraphs post
mike_c: tat you should live-ish blog, that would be interesting. and then you can capture some of those interesting conversations before they grow fuzzy in recollection.
fluffypony: ask TAT
peterl: now that TAT is out of MPIF, who is going to be the spread manager?
jurov: kako yes, TAT declined, so mp asked me
Duffer1: ctrl + mousewheel TaT
fluffypony: remind me never to click on breast.jpg links from TAT
mircea_popescu: if tat were a girl it should say "munch munch munch"
ThickAsThieves: alrighty here's the tat blog http://devilsadvocate.biz/flirting-with-s-mpif/
asciilifeform: where's tat's blog ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: crew man #5 (TaT) sort of reminds me of my first exposure to MPEx.
fluffypony: ThickAsThieves: you can get tat.ventures
Apocalyptic: davout, is the guy right of MP TAT ?
ThickAsThieves: jurov:<davout> ;;rate ThickAsThieves 1 this nick maps to a real person i have met IRL, also CoinBR <<< lol I'm not aware TAT took over coinbr :D /// Surprise!
jurov: <davout> ;;rate ThickAsThieves 1 this nick maps to a real person i have met IRL, also CoinBR <<< lol I'm not aware TAT took over coinbr :D
Shakespeare: this is tat btw
thestringpuller: did TaT go to MP-Con '14 ?
jurov: so today i found out TAT is more addicted to this chan than me
mrstickball: did TAT meet with them in person?
kakobrekla: are you comming down tat ?
mircea_popescu: tat will love this :D
gribble: vexual was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 6 weeks, 5 days, 23 hours, 25 minutes, and 0 seconds ago: <Vexual> lasers in the eye is never good tat
Apocalyptic: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anathem is this the book TAT mentionned earlier ?
gribble: vexual was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 6 weeks, 2 days, 3 hours, 5 minutes, and 24 seconds ago: <Vexual> lasers in the eye is never good tat
nubbins`: anyone except tat
Shakespeare: <--- tat
minersdidit: TAT was mirceas nigger for a bit before going off on his own and hawking the latest scams
SatoshiJack: mp,tat -- you guys need to get some people building around atc! I've tried contacting the Brainwallet.org devs -- but no luck getting them to show atc some love...
benkay: Shakespeare: is that you, TaT?
mircea_popescu: poor tat, causing trouble wherever he goes because he's a mp sock
locksmith: yeah, I'm just trying to figure why that guy is connecting me to TaT though, beyond the fact that I've been warning people against neobee and also coming to this channel
gribble: Vexual was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 5 weeks, 1 day, 20 hours, and 9 seconds ago: <Vexual> lasers in the eye is never good tat
truffles: TAT what did u expect lol
SatoshiJack: TAT --- right now we are focused on game play/engine --- The front page is not set in stone by any means --- but check out the chats and the sit at a table -- register an account -- and play.
SatoshiJack: TAT--we've delt biz in the past --I'll PM you my personal email....sometime....I've used your services before.
ThickAsThieves: "MP sent TAT in as a sleeper agent from the beginning. Just waiting for the rest of his troll army to get the forums all riled up, and then use their combined mind control with TAT's relationship with Danny to make all the coins disappear."
nubbins`: asciilifeform the general consensus is that btc flowed from "investors" through tat to neo to cypriot advertisers who kicked back to neo
truffles: TAT i think it will achieve what u want better imo :)
truffles: TAT why dont u start another channel with the debate stuff?
truffles: TAT i doubt that
ThickAsThieves: i had someone redeem 1 BF TAT.ASICMINER share today
Namworld: TAT must be satisfied. But a few of my larger lenders are going to get pissed. At least I think so? They don't seem to ask/be in a hurry about it a lot.
VanCleef: i remember on the second day of neobee ipo i called it a scamm and tat put me on ignore for trolling
jurov: mike_c TAT got away to avoid investigation. you expect him to say he knows internal info?
ThickAsThieves: <mike_c> unless tat tells us /// that kinda info resided with Neo, I assume
mike_c: unless tat tells us
VanCleef: this doesn't seem like something TAT would post
antephialtic: TaT: do you actually know why the shares stopped trading?
mircea_popescu: lol good one tat.
nubbins`: tat this is related to http://imgur.com/Ydmf7Xl
VanCleef: so it is a joke tat?
kakobrekla: lol tat
[KS]: TAT: really? whuddathunk? :)
VanCleef: tat got out of neobee at the perfect time
Apocalyptic: too bad TAT is mixed up in this
truffles: hey TAT write that blog yet?
skinnkavaj: benkay: Didn't TAT quit managing it long time ago?
frenchie: thanks TAT, what's your best guess at what's happening ?
frenchie: TAT: can you disclose what motivated your decision to terminate the contract ?
GreenBits: Im not too concerned this is a cut and run, too much capital invested at this point. But that is interesting TAT
mike_c: well, one way it existed until now is TaT fronted five of the funds. now he's down to zero.
jurov: TaT wants to get bashed :D
artifexd: While I expect that TAT will only issue an "I am no longer affiliated" type statement, adding a reason why would be nice.
ljack: I hate that I missed your announcement TAT, is there any chance you will be posting it in a public place besides here?
benkay: thanks, TAT