600+ entries in 0.658s
kakobrekla: ah right tat , forgot
mircea_popescu: o hai tat
Naphex: and there is just this php tat would IPC with it using shmop lol
assbot: dpaste: 3TB87DT: Deleted From Reddit - Whale Was Goxcoin Creator, by tat
Vexual: im with tat, i think this 300 wall is designed to have some kind of glvanizing effect
jdany_: Thanks Tat
Apocalyptic: you're still short tat ?
dub: someone set you up tat
jurov: <TheNewDeal> [20141001 04:41] cheers to jurov's local ta's predicting the mild upswing << what? it was tat, not my area man
BingoBoingo: http://devilsadvocate.biz/ << TaT blog
assbot: dpaste: 1ACV2MC: You Have a New Comment, by tat
mircea_popescu: 'll make you look bad tat :D
nubbins`: tat that's a pretty fancy car to be crashing into a rock face
kakobrekla: tat a pimp nao
Namworld: Re tat's link
mike_c: TaT.. fess up. this is your short.
kakobrekla: but tat you can still have both, nice fonts AND correct math. in theory.
assbot: dpaste: 335P68J: Bitfinex Introduces Mining Contracts, by tat
artifexd: I don't want anybody to feel bad. If I lose the 2btc it is not going to come close to affecting my net worth at all. As tat says, the risk/reward seems about right.
nubbins`: tat gave it up back in feb
nubbins`: tat +1
mircea_popescu: well done tat for callin' it.
assbot: dpaste: 2ZAFGC5: Coinbase Inquisition, by tat
assbot: dpaste: 2ZAFGC5: Coinbase Inquisition, by tat
assbot: dpaste: 2ZAFGC5: Coinbase Inquisition, by tat
ben_vulpes: tat im inbound to the victory
Vexual: cool shit tat
BlueMeanie4: TAT: technically no
BlueMeanie4: TAT- so before you say goxcoins
usagi: Tat if you have anything of value to add, so so.
usagi: Well what do you mean then tat?
TheNewDeal: why do you say that tat?
TheNewDeal: Tat any response yet from the gubbermint on usms sale?
BingoBoingo: Yes, where is Tat!
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo a fine mess! where is tat! :D
mircea_popescu: tat's evil plan comes to fruition.,
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: tat's curious about running ads
mircea_popescu: <ThickAsThieves> <+Vexual> incidetally, whats a satoshi called in atc? a tat? /// altoshi << quit being so modest << a tit ?
ben_vulpes: <ThickAsThieves> <+Vexual> incidetally, whats a satoshi called in atc? a tat? /// altoshi << quit being so modest
ThickAsThieves: <+Vexual> incidetally, whats a satoshi called in atc? a tat? /// altoshi
Vexual: bb: i was thinking tit for tat
Vexual: incidetally, whats a satoshi called in atc? a tat?
mircea_popescu: no "as tat said" included huh ?
The20YearIRCloud: this is for tat's thing?
The20YearIRCloud: tat can't self voice?
mircea_popescu: @SecondMarket Can I be CEO? << no tat, that' the onl;y thing you can't be. everything elkse tho..
jurov: tat is into grandmas?
kakobrekla: kuzetsa i think tat has that.
jurov: test it on TaT
rithm: ;;rate tat -1 mutiny
mike_c: There was once a trader called TaT / Whose charts went this way and that / He opened a leg / But the price wouldn't peg / And his profits all went kersplat
TheNewDeal: nonsequitir TAT
ThickAsThieves: When it came to pronunciation, TaT was an inspiration. He'd make verbs of your nouns and pronounce in weird sounds. He died alone from abuse of libations.
benkay: no that's tat
ThickAsThieves: <+mike_c> TaT, you said we were in a bull channel and were going to pop to $700. you need to buy different tea :) /// if you look at the chart it calls for a down before the 700, grnated the chart didnt go as far down as today
mike_c: TaT, you said we were in a bull channel and were going to pop to $700. you need to buy different tea :)
fluffypony: woah how did I miss this from Jimmothy the Investment Wizard: "It's also strange that TAT is involved considering he was partially responsible for one of the biggest bitcoin scams yet (neobee)"
mircea_popescu: besides which, nobody here has any experience doing what you're asking for, excep perhaps for mpoe-pr and tat, and neither of them take the forum seriously enough to consider
mircea_popescu: http://devilsadvocate.biz/strange-negotiations/ << im starting to like tat's blogging.
mike_c: just ask TaT
kakobrekla: in your local blockchain file tat
mike_c: TaT did.
BigBitz: where do we go TAT?
ThickAsThieves: mircea_popescu:BingoBoingo i saw some on tat's link too /// ah, it seems my post was simply moved from /r/bitcoin, a mod even posted he was mad at all the non-bitcoin-related posts yesterdya
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo i saw some on tat's link too
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves: next time dont fuck with my NFLX short! << lmao. tat's out fo blood.
mircea_popescu: this situation actually allows a window be thrown into bitcoin, to understand how it works. jesus atc is useful, props tat.
BingoBoingo: OMG USG Side channel attack on TaT via Ebay-Wife interaction
Vexual: hey tat
mike_c: ^ like TaT said. put your tokens in, get little tickets.
mike_c: TaT, wtf? i thought we were about to rally?
kakobrekla: lol tat, not much to go on.
mircea_popescu: tat linked his post above
jurov: TAT good one
mircea_popescu: which is exactly what tat's saying : whole thing can now be upheaved by a well placed kickstarter
mircea_popescu: mike_c: TaT, you know this technical crap is snake oil, right? << but he likes it.
mike_c: TaT, you know this technical crap is snake oil, right?
mircea_popescu: there you go tat.
Duffer1: TaT said it earlier
ThickAsThieves: <+mircea_popescu> http://a.disquscdn.com/uploads/users/9365/725/avatar92.jpg?1394547263 << tat avatar ? /// I think it's my disqus avatar
mircea_popescu: http://a.disquscdn.com/uploads/users/9365/725/avatar92.jpg?1394547263 << tat avatar ?
mircea_popescu: this should be interesting, how tat's soup comes out with al lthe asset cooks
mike_c: thanks guys. TaT and I were not getting closer to the goal :)
jurov: tat paranoia++
zoinky: don't recall the name on TV TBH, i know you as TAT from here and forums
jurov: oh TAT is not canadian sry... but hes hould have stopped long ago anyway
Vexual: tat you know more about me than i do
Vexual: TAT o can't chess
Vexual: sup TAT
nubbins`: tat, sorry, got your message. gold ones look cool but i don't really keep up with them
Vexual: TAT asked was it bullshit
jurov: till tat + asics came around
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I wonder what your tke is on the difference between myself and Tat
mike_c: not to keep sticking my nose in when you keep asking TaT, but i don't think more volume should be a goal.
jurov: "what would TAT do"
Apocalyptic: TAT, kinda wondering why you need cryptsy to accept ATC
mircea_popescu: i vaguely remember tat doing this a while back. does ba nao have a collaborative lyrics page ?
asciilifeform: TaT blew a fuse?
fluffypony: I'm with TAT, I'll hold till the July-ish spike before paying
mircea_popescu: o hey tat. you coming ? :D