800+ entries in 0.169s
mod6: i went hunting on sunday and the dog flushed up what I thought was a hen. was a hawk, eating a hen!
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> next you're going to tell me doge isn't the new ether anymore or something! << Hey, touched 2 billion market cap this week!
shinohai: Doge managed to get itself back up to 100 satoshi .... still less than the 5cents xD
mircea_popescu: next you're going to tell me doge isn't the new ether anymore or something!
a111: Logged on 2016-09-08 15:53 asciilifeform: ' fauns, beings of double sex, brutes with six-fingered hands, sirens, hippocentaurs, gorgons, harpies, incubi, dragopods, minotaurs, lynxes, pards, chimeras, cynophales who darted fire from their nostrils, crocodiles, polycaudate, hairy serpents, salamanders, horned vipers, tortoises, snakes, two-headed creatures whose backs were armed with teeth, hyenas, otters, crows, hydrophora with saw-tooth horns, frogs, gryphons, monkeys, dog-
mircea_popescu: absolute ban on english as an avenue to this much in the same way absolute ban to barking as an avenue to opera. i don't care if you're a dog and i don't care if barking comes naturally to you
mircea_popescu: phf he's the proverbial fox hunting dog that the fox ~doesn't even have to bat its tail~ for him to fork off.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-04 14:37 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-04#1763550 << ftr, it's high time for gabriel_laddel to grasp that his item has less to do with actual lispm than a stuffed dog has with a live one
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-04#1763550 << ftr, it's high time for gabriel_laddel to grasp that his item has less to do with actual lispm than a stuffed dog has with a live one ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: it's rather likely the boys-best-friend calc went exactly the way of lassie. too expensive, and who is the terrorist reminding people that back in the 60s, every boy owned a dog as training for when he'll own a bitch.
asciilifeform: 'it confuses ME, and other stray dogs, therefor seekoor'
asciilifeform: most meatsacks want invent like dog wants beets.
asciilifeform: the bulldog-rhinoceros hybrid of having both pushes and pulls, is quite nonsensical
mircea_popescu: dog, maybe. then again dog eats shit does not perceive ascaris etc
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-28#1759338 << dog very much perceives the flea. just like zek perceives the louse. but what exactly is he to do? either of them. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: "hey, aren't you worried your shitcoin will get altcoin'd in the near future ?" "no, i am dog and i don't understand anything. vote me!"
ben_vulpes: probably tastes great with a dash of "selectively run js load from google.com, facebook.com after everything else because trackers are js dogs"
phf: looking at their commit history there's a lot of "utf8 support in ..." and "nls ..." which is probably the proverbial fleas bringing dog
asciilifeform: suppose the bulldog and rhinoceros were cut apart.
asciilifeform: upstack re pow item : i'ma leave an observation for mircea_popescu ( and others, but he's prolly the one to crack this nut properly ) . consider how in classical bitcoin , pow is used for 2 entirely different and quite orthogonal items : initialcoindistribution, and rewindprotection (i.e. preventing history-rewriting) . it's a bulldog-rhinoceros. so q is, suppose that coin distribution somehow took place at t==0. do you still need po
asciilifeform: but the 'dog' this particular flea rides on, theoretically shouldn't even exist
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-13#1750661 a better question is why exactly does one want to pacify them. god knows the erect penis is the only item in short supply, why fuck with it. how about instead of spedning a dime to "pacify", spend the dime to buy more acreage ; get them a dog and don't let them back in the house until the dog's not so exhausted it can't stand up. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: still, if you manage a mile-and-quarter kill or some insanity like that, you really want the dog to do the running for you.
mod6: I don't have a low-land dog either, no. Definitely need a newf or lab or whatever.
mircea_popescu: mod6 you don't need either decoys or boat. you need an excellent dog, which is the problem.
mircea_popescu: (only famous for organizing dogfights in defiance of femocracy & pantsuit)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform what portion of this dogecoin is reality ?
phf: regex in question http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Ce04k/?raw=true (the 12 seconds overhead comes mostly from the fact that ppcre is a dog, so that regex is not actually being used anywhere in production)
mircea_popescu: "Modularity and code reuse are, of course, A Good Thing. Even in the most trivially simple case, however, the CS/IT dogma of code reuse is totally foreign in the bazaar: the software in the FreeBSD ports collection contains at least 1,342 copied and pasted cryptographic algorithms." << of which none actually work, is the caper.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform he has a point though. you need someone as doggedly determined as ceausescu to keep the thing afloat. economic blocs are a reality for what, 50 years now ? euro "common market" was not particularily DESIRED.
asciilifeform: 50-60y.o.-with-2.5-dogs-3-kids-etc
a111: Logged on 2017-11-26 03:19 mircea_popescu: and in other "we are the asswipes, we programatically cut the very branch we sit on" lulz, "we did not choose the "new rothchilds" nor do we want them. if bitcoin cash is a means to stop these people then it appears that the votes are being cast as we speak. if bitcoin cash is just another version of the "new rothchilds" then the votes will be cast for the next usurper. there will always be an underdog".
asciilifeform: and stopped to poke head into yards, 'hey maybe they need a dog'
mircea_popescu: should have to get a license to own dogs.
asciilifeform: in other older olds, asciilifeform finally dug up http://trilema.com/2011/poveste-trista-cu-ciobanesc-german -- because literally same thing happened to him in timis ! even same ~type~ of dog
mircea_popescu: and in other "we are the asswipes, we programatically cut the very branch we sit on" lulz, "we did not choose the "new rothchilds" nor do we want them. if bitcoin cash is a means to stop these people then it appears that the votes are being cast as we speak. if bitcoin cash is just another version of the "new rothchilds" then the votes will be cast for the next usurper. there will always be an underdog". ☟︎
phf: mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log-search-day-hist.png?q=gossipd http://btcbase.org/log-search-day-hist.png?q=ada+from:ascii http://btcbase.org/log-search-day-hist.png?q=phuctor http://btcbase.org/log-search-day-hist.png?q=dog
asciilifeform: nothing like a flea luvvvs moar than a yet-flealess dog
a111: Logged on 2017-11-21 19:38 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741179 << you can just ignore the whole "string" question in first version, McCarthy's lisp used symbols instead of strings (that's why early nlp code, like eliza all come out as DOG SAID, HELLO) and the only operation you could do at some point was read and eq.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-21 19:38 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741179 << you can just ignore the whole "string" question in first version, McCarthy's lisp used symbols instead of strings (that's why early nlp code, like eliza all come out as DOG SAID, HELLO) and the only operation you could do at some point was read and eq.
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-20#1741179 << you can just ignore the whole "string" question in first version, McCarthy's lisp used symbols instead of strings (that's why early nlp code, like eliza all come out as DOG SAID, HELLO) and the only operation you could do at some point was read and eq. ☝︎☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform as an aside : the "limba romana este singura limba care se scrie cum se citeste" ro linguistics dogmatics promises there's a workable ro-ipaize-tron somewhere. at least in the sense of "we could get 99% success rate". it IS a point of fact that ~any romanian speaker can correctly notate new words on the basis of sound, and this is PRECISELY the sort of artificial intelligence that's amenable to numeric methods.
mircea_popescu: better than the doge fizzle.
asciilifeform: folx without ideology are like dodo. simply waiting for the ship fulla dogs to land.
phf: cats living with dogs
mircea_popescu: aha. afaik that's the dogma to this day, "whenever you feel like someone's branch can be your genesis"
phf: basically the tree viewer is half baked and i'm not eating my own dog food here, so i'm relying on teh public to give me feedback ("phf fucking fix this fucking thing") which so far has not been forthcoming
asciilifeform: hybrid of bulldog and rhinoceros on every level
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in doggy dishes, http://78.media.tumblr.com/222bfdf2af4f7c7417e869ba2ca093da/tumblr_n868fqJ7Sm1towumdo1_500.gif
a111: Logged on 2017-10-01 04:06 mircea_popescu: "If pet food companies used the same business model as startups: Jim creates a dog food factory and gives away dog food for free. 450 million dogs line up for free dog food. Purina Dog Chow understands that non-paying dog food consumers are currency, and buys Jim’s factory for $42 per dog." << in other historical elaineo lulz.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-09 17:34 asciilifeform: as it is it barely can afford trucks that dun leak oil, much less any quantity of 'bigdog'
asciilifeform: as it is it barely can afford trucks that dun leak oil, much less any quantity of 'bigdog' ☟︎
ben_vulpes: modern infantryman sits, pimply snowden, driving 'big dog' from same
mircea_popescu: this complete identification may not include automatically the irc name, or the exponent, or the user's dog's picture
a111: Logged on 2017-11-08 16:05 asciilifeform: in other lulz, amazon co nao offering... i shit thee not, 'Not at home? Not a problem. As a Prime member, you can get packages securely delivered into your home without being there. Plus, grant access to the people you trust, like your family, friends, dog walker, or house cleaner—no more leaving a key under the mat.' << 'cloud'-controlled door lock.
mircea_popescu: can't meaningfully interact with a dog, let alone their wife, let alone you know, chtulhu from the depths of the abyss.
asciilifeform: in other lulz, amazon co nao offering... i shit thee not, 'Not at home? Not a problem. As a Prime member, you can get packages securely delivered into your home without being there. Plus, grant access to the people you trust, like your family, friends, dog walker, or house cleaner—no more leaving a key under the mat.' << 'cloud'-controlled door lock. ☟︎
asciilifeform: but these rely on existing infrastructure, like flea relies on dog. asciilifeform's q was specifically re self-contained structure.
a111: Logged on 2017-10-05 19:40 asciilifeform: trial division is dog slow vs gcd.
asciilifeform: hybrid of bulldog and rhinoceros, verily
mircea_popescu: romanian expression is "taie frunza la ciini", ie, divide leaves among the dogs.
mircea_popescu: ima go play with dogs, bbl
BingoBoingo: Yet another "lawyer dog" because SOPs https://torrentfreak.com/anti-piracy-outfit-behind-pirate-site-reincarnations-171028/
a111: Logged on 2017-10-31 19:43 BingoBoingo: From other tropics: "Justice Scott Crichton penned a brief opinion concurring in the court’s decision not to hear the case. He wrote, apparently in absolute seriousness, that “the defendant’s ambiguous and equivocal reference to a ‘lawyer dog’ does not constitute an invocation of counsel that warrants termination of the interview."
BingoBoingo: From other tropics: "Justice Scott Crichton penned a brief opinion concurring in the court’s decision not to hear the case. He wrote, apparently in absolute seriousness, that “the defendant’s ambiguous and equivocal reference to a ‘lawyer dog’ does not constitute an invocation of counsel that warrants termination of the interview." ☟︎
asciilifeform: dogs !!
asciilifeform: 'Appel and Fuiava, along with their two dogs, were found last week, drifting about 900 miles southeast of Japan' << lol!!
mircea_popescu: ah there we go, http://trilema.com/2013/a-deal-can-be-anything/#selection-27.0-27.105 "I am here from couple of years and have good knowledge on how to promote a coin in a big way (like DOGE)."
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-27#1729951 << heh. where's that dork, "i know how to promote scamcoins big (LIKE DOGE!)" ☝︎
mircea_popescu: sure as fuck beats "raising" a dog ; and i can readily understand one not wanting to go through genital roulette at the cost of an irreplaceable decade and a reasonably rare million.
shinohai: Heh, Dogecoin creator now advising new scam: https://synapse.ai/
shinohai: The Dogecoin consideration was pretty lulzy though.
asciilifeform: 'Ayre plans to build Bodog into a mainstream 21st-century digital entertainment conglomerate. He is noted for his "billionaire bad boy" image yet shrewd business sense.'
phf: “He was previously an award-winning music journalist, and has blogged about music at Rocknerd since 2001. He is a volunteer spokesman for Wikipedia, and is on the board of the RationalMedia Foundation, host of skeptical wiki RationalWiki. Originally from Australia, he lives in east London with his spouse Arkady and their daughter. Until he reinstalled the laptop they were on, he was the proud owner of six Dogecoins.”
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform btw, do you happen to know about the dogger bank incident ?
asciilifeform: http://www.gods-and-monsters.com/images/cynocephalos.jpg << oblig dogehead
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes i am entirely unsurprised. the "scale bitcoin" shitheads + the "exciting blockchain technologee" shitheads + the "we are marketing" dogeheads are pretty much === the cancer that has eaten foss.
asciilifeform: after 3 generations of dried dog shit, quite conceivably the last actual crytoanalyst ate nagant 30yrs ago.
apeloyee: the fact that divisions are dog slow, for seconds << what barrett's reduction is for.
asciilifeform: the fact that divisions are dog slow, for seconds
a111: Logged on 2017-10-01 04:06 mircea_popescu: "If pet food companies used the same business model as startups: Jim creates a dog food factory and gives away dog food for free. 450 million dogs line up for free dog food. Purina Dog Chow understands that non-paying dog food consumers are currency, and buys Jim’s factory for $42 per dog." << in other historical elaineo lulz.
a111: Logged on 2015-08-19 23:55 mircea_popescu: what, "i'm a boy from tenesee here to die for some fat bitch's right to marry her dog" ?
mircea_popescu: pretty much all common man could have for the asking wo9uld be dog food parts, lower chicken legs, necks, that sorta thing.
asciilifeform: trial division is dog slow vs gcd. ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2015-08-19 23:55 mircea_popescu: what, "i'm a boy from tenesee here to die for some fat bitch's right to marry her dog" ?
a111: 296 results for "dog notfrom:mircea from:ascii from:ben notfrom:phf", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=dog%20notfrom%3Amircea%20from%3Aascii%20from%3Aben%20notfrom%3Aphf
mircea_popescu: !#s dog notfrom:mircea from:ascii from:ben notfrom:phf
a111: 957 results for "dog notfrom:mircea", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=dog%20notfrom%3Amircea
phf: !#s dog notfrom:mircea
mircea_popescu: "If pet food companies used the same business model as startups: Jim creates a dog food factory and gives away dog food for free. 450 million dogs line up for free dog food. Purina Dog Chow understands that non-paying dog food consumers are currency, and buys Jim’s factory for $42 per dog." << in other historical elaineo lulz. ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: (dogegoin, which "still exists" has a "market cap" of whatever, >100mn, according to the websites printing arbitrary values next to text strings ; similarily myspace.com is worth $70 mn according to "Worth Of Web Calculator - World's #1 Website Value Calculator")
mircea_popescu: and all this "forking" and "bitcoin cash" and "segwit" and "protocols" and "agreements" bullshit readily brings to mind the old age discussion of all the "alt" bitcoin flavours, back when the item was called doge and the idiots with delusions of self importance were called jackson palmer, kevin rose etc : http://trilema.com/2014/why-dogecoin-is-a-scam-why-the-people-pushing-it-are-assholes-why-business-insider-is-a-contemptib
asciilifeform: rather than some sad hybrid of bulldog and rhinoceros
BingoBoingo: Actual field research shows consumers read no pesticide labels whatsoever and just look for aeresol cans, then cycle cans until one has desired effect: "EPA officials say no such testing occurred, but are confident that people will read the new labels as intended. The agency notes that text below the symbol reads “it is illegal to use this product with the intention to kill raccoons, skunks, opossums, coyotes, wolves, dogs, cats, or an
mircea_popescu: all the dogs i ever met were thrilled to be scratched behind ears whenever and whichever way you felt like, the warm glow of "omfg, i am being handled BY HUMAN!!!" visibly overpowering all "thoughts" such as they had in their dog brain.
mike_c: wife and two kids, if I just get a dog and sell my motorcycle I'm about as typical as they come.
ben_vulpes: "...more than a third of U.S. Navy ships based out of Japan had expired warfare training certifications..." https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-navy/many-u-s-navy-ships-in-pacific-lack-certification-watchdog-idUSKCN1BI2YD
mircea_popescu: "hello, this is dog!" "hello sr mr dog, this is mr james. jack james. harry. please write down some money numbers"
mircea_popescu: did this schmuck actually have the dog call some nigerian off the internets ?!