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BingoBoingo: Maduro thrives on low level bureacracy. I doubt anyone is taking Nancy seriously after she proposed the same sum Trump wanted, but for robodogs.
BingoBoingo: Well, they have some pretty cool snake fighting dogs
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 19:59 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-30#1706369 << how about focusing on your own fucking problems! clean up that pizza wrapper! cook for fucking once. go out and walk that misfortunate dog of yours. instead of pretending to "solve" the problems of distant others for the transparent reason that you can avoid having to confront not having done ANYTHING in a whole decade this way.
BingoBoingo: Well, that's Nancy Pantsuit's latest failure to engage Trump in the shutdown. Exactly the sum Trump wants to start walling, but restricted to more Boeing camera/drone/robodog wank in the tradition of Dubya
asciilifeform: man biting dog, not heard
asciilifeform: that -- heard. and of dog biting man.
asciilifeform: if you want bounds checks, gotta put them explicitly, if want something like sane treatment of memory, ditto, yer proggy will have ten tonnes of explicit memory management crapola in it ( which had better contain 0 mistake, because the lang happily ignores mistake and demolishes houses, cars, dogs, as it bulldozes into random direction) etc
asciilifeform: ... had dogface ?
asciilifeform: typical dog who shat on the floor, has moar remorse than this fella.
mircea_popescu: there's hr for hot dog stands.
asciilifeform: note that the 'hot dog stands' aint any kinda 'workers paradise' , even tho 'no hr'
BingoBoingo: Before too long dogs will prolly be "banned" in the UK because offensive to muslims
asciilifeform: 'if the great inca wants you to have dog, he will issue you one' or how did it go.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: lol; what didja ~think~ brit parliament did on typical weekday, when not busy fellating overseas hitler . naturally 'making rules' re the procedure for selling dogs , etc, 'regulating' what time of day 'subjects of her majesty' may take a shit, and similar
mircea_popescu: "www" stands for "what happens if all the dogs get the idea nobody can tell they're dogs ?!?!?!"
asciilifeform: and even a dog-slow gcd is still faster than knuth-division by each of million smallprimes.
asciilifeform: but sure, paste. it'll be 2-3x-fold dog-slow vs proper inlinetronic tho.
asciilifeform: usg.red wants withdraw from viet^H^Hganistan like usg.blue wants withdraw from syria like flea wants dog to be washed.
asciilifeform: in point of fact there are serious design flaws in emacs that make dog/flea separation extremely difficult. but iirc we already had that thread not long ago.
asciilifeform: some people dunlike dogs, for instance, and refer to'em as armored personnel carriers for fleas. in this case so happens that i like dog. so interested in whether mircea_popescu was going from a 'dogs, who needs'em' angle or spotted flea in particular.
asciilifeform: seen from asciilifeform's lens, episode is part of the larger 'kick dog till it bites, then shoot it' campaign of pantsuit
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-18#1881342 << this, for the record, is exactly how things go. one can build himself a reputation as a director, on the strength (on the ~strength~!!!) of shit like pulp fiction, or reservoir dogs, or w/e the hell. but if the one then continues in the vein of bullshit, directing animation and whatnever kill bill nonsense, uma thurman's deformed toes, that someone will ~destroy~ his reputation, an ☝︎
BingoBoingo: And the local response to alt-Leprosy in Salto has been a dog purge https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/unos-600-perros-fueron-sacrificados-por-tener-leishmaniasis-2018121210112
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: s/Ergodan/Erdogan
mircea_popescu: "He used to regard our conspiratorial fussing with the indulgent air of a grown dog watching puppies at play." << which is why they were looking for "bold" taciturns. "oh look, as close to adults without adults we can get!"
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-01#1877053 << the "AriseBank" reason. there's this large class of idle idiots who think "secrecy" might be confused with value. much like there's a cloud of fat stupid old women not even the dogs would fuck, who imagine they're being coy. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: "singing" in this manner isn't nearly trivial, which is why say dogs don't do it. dogs do all sorts of things, but understanding glass as a system to the degree needed here is rather tall a fence.
asciilifeform: to put it in mircea_popescuine terminology -- the scenario that v makes specifically and rightfully impossible is 'hey, i changed 'wife' to 'dog' in your marriage contract, but yer still just as married, you signed all the downstreams'
mircea_popescu: pdf can't "own" bits anymore than wikipedia can. if i drop a can of tuna in dogshit, it;s not now "dogshit brand tuna"
BingoBoingo: That is a peril facing any Beedog
BingoBoingo: Thankfully Qntra has a backup button, but with mp-wp I gotta dogfood it, because it is what I will be asked about
asciilifeform: erry dog knows 1 trick, heh
mircea_popescu eg recalls https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ion_Mu%C8%99lea 's son's dogs etc.
mircea_popescu: you can look on trump as a smokeless slow burn erdogan, in this context, it entirely delivers.
a111: Logged on 2018-11-06 18:16 mircea_popescu: fucking morons, sitting around in un-plumbed fecal swamp, malnourished children playing with visibly rabid dogs...
mircea_popescu: fucking morons, sitting around in un-plumbed fecal swamp, malnourished children playing with visibly rabid dogs... ☟︎
BingoBoingo: Oh he was doing the thing where he let it run off leash on the dogs prohibited beach, whistling it back.
asciilifeform: ( for old c/cpp dogs : 'finalization' is analogous to 'destructor' )
mircea_popescu: ro is "ciinii latra, caravana trece", ie, dogs bark, caravan passes, which imo slightly better.
asciilifeform: so model is, 'dog barks, caravan moves' ?
mircea_popescu: t's doing it. because this is what la serenissima is all about -- the doge back in venice is more then welcome to wholeheartedly support whatever the fuck the merchants on the blue find correct just and expedient.
asciilifeform: ( pretty lulzy, btw, i had nfi mircea_popescu were so attached to serpent, nao i feel sad, it's almost like i killed his dog or wat )
mircea_popescu: adn the dog's a psychopath.
mircea_popescu: in fact, everything but the dog pissing their dreams into magic smoke, is female.
a111: Logged on 2018-10-20 18:41 diana_coman: so why are those people starting doggy rescue/care biznis in qatar of all places?
BingoBoingo: Boot heel has touched dogshit. Hay muchos perros acá
Mocky: no dogs but word this morning was that expat western women keep them here like surrogate children just as elsewhere, and there are enough to make a good business
asciilifeform: Mocky: out of curiosity, didja see even one dog ?
diana_coman: so why are those people starting doggy rescue/care biznis in qatar of all places? ☟︎
Mocky: also seems to go hand in hand with their impulsiveness. 3 different people described this exact scenario. Qatari goes opens a business with someone (one freelance vet service, one animal rescue shelter, one doggy day care) 3 months later decides, "I didn't realize I was going to have to keep paying so much every month (payroll, rent, etc.) where's the profit?" "it may take a year to become profitable, it's only been 3 months" "I'm not paying anymore." which
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-12#1823658 << this item. 80 years worth of "highest paid man/woman/dog in hollywood" rolled into one ☝︎
mircea_popescu: in fact, 80% or more of what passes fro "creative" these days, ie shitty cable shows and "stand up comedy" consist entirely of "recognition porn". turtles visiting tokyo, "hey, turtle from osaka, you too thought the tram was a large dog ?!" "yes turtle from kyoto, that's exactly what i thought when i first saw a tram, did you think so too ?!" "yes this is a brilliant idea to think".
mircea_popescu: "raw packet", "raw frame", rawdog, etcetera. tcpdump/libpcap-likes tend to dump the packets not the frames.
ben_vulpes: fence is done, transpocubes for possesions arrive tomorrow. house still unleased and one car yet needing transportation scheduled. other than that, girl and child fly out soon, and i drive out with dog shortly before.
mircea_popescu: " after the watchdog received 22 complaints over her super slim appearance." << can you belive how few people still follow the "united kingdom" youtube account ?
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: In the interim her, mother, and small zoo of dogs and cats are in very un-Uruguayo home with six car garage
mircea_popescu: i suppose the dog&man permutation duality translates escape-or-enslave dilemma.
mircea_popescu: scale so large, the dog sneaks up on you.
mircea_popescu: yes well... great sf is always large scale dog bites man, imo.
asciilifeform: eh imho that's a 'dog bites man'. i'm moar into 'man bites dog', i.e. ~habitable~ 'small' changes-in-physics...
asciilifeform: deer imho aint comparable to a dog-sized rat with human hands, re lulz potential
asciilifeform: muzzle as big as some dog's.
BingoBoingo: The dogs enjoy the work
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: believe or not, i actually like (certain) animals, would not inflict habitat like this on dog
BingoBoingo: http://img3.dogthelove.com/201704/2017/0515/3a/3/022426/original.jpg << One certified killing machine found in quick search
BingoBoingo: The best ways to coonicide are 1. 100 lb dog assigned to sentry duty 2. cage traps 3. projectile weapons
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i dun have a dog, or where to.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Well, maybe you need a better dog?
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> ( raccoon, to euro folx, can look like exotic fairy tale beast, but it's effectively a dog-sized rat , can chew hole straight through the typical north ameristani wooden house ) << Latinas apparently view mapache (aka. trash panda) as mystery critter and protagonist of children's stories
asciilifeform: ( raccoon, to euro folx, can look like exotic fairy tale beast, but it's effectively a dog-sized rat , can chew hole straight through the typical north ameristani wooden house )
a111: 2012-09-04 <dog> http://img3i.www.spoki.lv/upload2/articles/51/516169/images/HELLO-YES-THIS-IS-DOG-11.jpg >> http://btcbase.org/log/2012-09-04#-282610
phf: !#born dog
mircea_popescu: !#born dog
mircea_popescu: and thanks fucking dog for the trilema, otherwise i'd be pretty hard pressed to make that whole 2013 point in the narrow space between two irc lines. or for that matter narrow time.
mircea_popescu: dogs are notoriously incapable of sound location. cats and humans very capable.
phf: if it's a human who's hearing then the stress is on the meaning, where if it's a dog the stress becomes on the location (i.e. the dog would want to seek out the source)
phf: i'm not sure the dog part fits
mircea_popescu had heard this befoar as "the dog hears the bells, but doesn't understand where from".
mircea_popescu: the dog ?
a111: Logged on 2016-09-14 18:43 phf: people who can't clearly visualize a cause and effect graph trying to do science. dogen is laughing at them all the way from 13th century
asciilifeform: phf: funnily enuff i have that screen, experimented with use as indicator. it's dog slow.
BingoBoingo: If we get a beedog here and further Republcian colonization of the Orient(Latino Edition), people are going to have to eat.
BingoBoingo: The idea is that you luggage soaked in permethrins and other repellent insecticides sits in the airplane or hostel and mad dogs any would be intruders.
BingoBoingo: Mocky: It is a possibilitit. The street dogs here are more reliable than many of the bipeds.
asciilifeform: reminds me of a 1890s brit caricature i once saw, where 'esteemed gentleman's beagle has died, and he took it to 2 taxidermists...', one cheapskate, who offered him just skeleton with sock on it, other who used air pump, offered doglike baloon, with the phrase 'human strength can stuff it no further!' caption
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it does have the flavour of 'culinary shortcomings of dog shit' treatise, eh.
mircea_popescu: beedog will replicate the politburo-computer.
mircea_popescu: before noticing beedog!
trinque: buzzing beedog
phf: why qatar, mocky and beedog could just consult for the zetas
mircea_popescu: sing ye beedog the anger of ave the viking upon encountering bsd sockets again.
mircea_popescu: if you stop taking your hunting dog out to hunts, does it burn ?
asciilifeform: ( aint as if the boondoggle-station comes with dealership replacement warranty... )
a111: Logged on 2018-09-05 16:40 asciilifeform: there are reportedly folx who want to somehow 'be' horses, or dogs, etc. also.
asciilifeform: there are reportedly folx who want to somehow 'be' horses, or dogs, etc. also. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: BURN THE INFIDEL DOG!
mircea_popescu: if you do get anywhere with it, i'll squeeze this beedog here to go join you, so you have a sort of "mega engineer achievement unlocked" built in. and after that i guess i'll even chip in so you buy a prepubescent wife in the countryside.
mats: as for the tls collection work, i purchased a 4tb hdd feralhosting box and walked the various Certificate Transparency log servers https://www.gstatic.com/ct/log_list/log_list.json using https://github.com/CaliDog/Axeman to yield ~1tb / 400mn+ certs after deduplication
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: iirc he keeps dogs
ben_vulpes: im also evaluating this claim that the lone star state is somehow not the same thin plastic veneer over zamac the rest of the country's made of. it at least has endogenous oil stores and the locals carry a reputation for being profit minded