1100+ entries in 0.868s
asciilifeform: decimation: the dog was there to add 'spice'
decimation: 'and the dog too!'
decimation: asciilifeform: a dog is a useful asset in the military, for a variety of tasks
Vexual: strawberry dog poo petey
asciilifeform: there's a great ru line from, i think, 'dog's heart'
wtfbot: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs38/i/2008/345/6/4/Very_Sad_Dog_by_IElioI.jpg
nubbins`: today i learned it is legal to sell and serve dog meat in canada
gribble: 9 Countries That Eat Cats and Dogs | The Daily Meal: <http://www.thedailymeal.com/9-countries-eat-cats-and-dogs/11414>; Dog meat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_meat>; Cat meat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat_meat>
ben_vulpes: and a dog.
danielpbarron: that's why dog owners always bring plastic baggies; for treat collection
kakobrekla: no, the dog gave the treat
PeterL: "she was walking her dog down street, gave her a treat", "he was walking down the street with his dog, gave him a treat"
danielpbarron: "Zhe was walking zher dog down the street and then gave zhim a treat." << couldn't it be "Zhe was walking zher dog .. and gave zher a treat" ?
nubbins`: "The pronoun “one” would not do here: “One was walking one’s dog down the street and then gave one a treat”"
nubbins`: why are they using a gender-neutral pronoun for the fucking DOG?
nubbins`: "Zhe was walking zher dog down the street and then gave zhim a treat."
thestringpuller: this is why Naughty Dog builds the object layer in LISP
Adlai next cites his dog's vet's tatoo, or at least the one he remembers: "humanity is overrated"
asciilifeform: 'dog in the manger'
asciilifeform: dog barked - caravan moved.
asciilifeform: 'bus pirate' is dog slow
asciilifeform: not to mention dog slow
asciilifeform: big dog ?
asciilifeform: he knows full well that it is every bit as possible to transform from what a civilized man is to a stray dog as to the indian.
asciilifeform: why, i wonder, did he pick the indians as an example of 'the true path' and not, say, a stray dog ?
asciilifeform is not a soldier, but can hardly imagine an army having more use for 'individual thinking' at the platoon level than a dog has for beets
danielpbarron: http://satoshiroundtable.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/escudo-shatoshi-779x1024.png << they even got the dogecoin dog in the logo
asciilifeform: fumes of confused teenagers are going to somehow coallesce into moving << 'dog barks, caravan moves'
davout: BingoBoingo: is this dog?
assbot: Crow feeding a cat & dog. ... ( http://bit.ly/15RK9dA )
danielpbarron: "People emailed me saying she is not a dog so i googled llama and she is a llama, and I am keeping her because she already likes me and my house."
BingoBoingo: chetty: But that goes against killing it by "fixing it" you know... in the way you kill a chanpion dog's breeding value bu fixing it
asciilifeform: ';Urko is a dog. Urko is one of my best friends. Urko is a fantastic dog becoz sometimes..... Urko SPEAKS! Urko is very timid and only speaks to me...and not always...urko only speaks when both,urko and me,we start to smoke that rare cigarretes that urko has. Then urko start to speak a lot of :) and we stay all night speaking,smoking and seeing films orplaying trivial pursuit,or coding,or doing a lot of things :)'
ben_vulpes: chef, grocery shopper, dog walker
assbot: BBC News - 'In dog we trust' misprint on US sheriff's office rug
ben_vulpes: dog and babe both respond well to arched eyebrows, very little by way of slappings necessary :D
cazalla: Vexual, i wouldn't send my dog to childcare, not that i have a dog anymore but you get my point
BingoBoingo: When I go to the cards games most I eat there is a hot dog. Gotta make hose $6 beers work.
asciilifeform: 'hello fellow dog, you must also be a dog for every living thing is a dog; what kind of dog are you'
ascii_modem: fiat law apparatus is not an authority to be respected, but a military enemy that wants to render you for your body fat and deserves the same respect that dog owes dogcatcher, or jew - the nazi polizei
assbot: The Bitcoin Bowl field looks like it was pissed on by a giant dog.
assbot: Meet Mr. Bitcoin and Curly the dog, mascots of the Bitcoin Bowl or whatever - SBNation.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1x7HyHh )
BingoBoingo: http://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2014/12/26/7450623/bitcoin-bowl-mascots-giant-smiling-bitcoin-bitcoin-dog-other-bitcoin-dogs
ben_vulpes: anyways can i do ya for anything else before emptying the dog's tanks?
asciilifeform: but more about the fact that once you've lived as a man, do not ever again wish to live as a dog.
asciilifeform: 'the art of saying 'good dog' until you can find a proper stone'
Vexual: i don't think i'd eat dog given a choice
punkman: is there dog-eaters forum where they discuss which breed has best marbling?
punkman: you ever eat dog Vexual?
cazalla: fetch scoopbot, fetch, good dog
cazalla: BingoBoingo: The only environment I've ever been similarly confident with was the old "Hot Dog HTML" that was included on the web design for dummies book cd at the local library <<< lol sausage software, my uncle never shut up about these guys
BingoBoingo: The only environment I've ever been similarly confident with was the old "Hot Dog HTML" that was included on the web design for dummies book cd at the local library
adlai: mircea_popescu: this is lame/overstretched joke, explaining trilema's popularity in india by analogy to the parody article. tl;dr: this is dog
Vexual: the dog and the banknote
asciilifeform: pilot will readily concede that much of what he knows is trained like a dog is trained
asciilifeform: machine gun a hunting dog? sure. good sport, apparently.
asciilifeform: they machine-gunned his dog.
assbot: Logged on 26-07-2014 19:37:58; asciilifeform: now, if you're willing to live like a feral dog, it isn't even necessary to leave the country. i recall, a few years ago, an article about one fellow who lived in a dugout in a u.s. national park. for ~30 years. he was caught by pure chance.
nubbins`: these days, everyone and their dog is making "physical cryptos" and they're all the goddamn same.
decimation: asciilifeform: maybe they can keep a detached dog's head alive too!!!
punkman: I've seen dog enjoying beer as well
adlai: my dog eats weed!?
nubbins`: show me an animal (besides your dog) that eats weed plants
assbot: Logged on 01-12-2014 13:09:41; mircea_popescu: so this is the drug of dog ?
PinkPosixPXE: haha mircea_popescu, yea, me and my little dog
PinkPosixPXE: oh the dog competition hehe
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=swim | S.W.I.M.. Acronym meaning: Someone Who Isn't Me But general use indicates that it is indeed the same person. S.W.I.M. decided to walk his dog today.
BingoBoingo: * jurov *sniff* *sniff* << On the internet everyone is Dog
Vexual: dog businnes
BingoBoingo: #ChromeWheels is our Dog now.
ben_vulpes: lady v and got stoned and can't remember if we fed the dog
asciilifeform: at any rate, i can imagine only with great difficulty that a usg cryptologist of any actual stature (that is, creator of, or even privy to, a 'crown jewel') would be permitted to make public so much as a newspaper ad for a dog walker, much less a document pertaining to his profession.
asciilifeform: the dog eats and eats so the fleas can live.
asciilifeform: say, if it was able to distinguish cat from dog, and now operates an automated dogcatcher, prior to the renaming of strings, and still can - there was 'substance.'
asciilifeform: even the elixir of distinguishing cat from dog by mechanical means, so far escapes programmers.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: The problem I when he presents it is that not everyone wants to marry a large SJW, even if it means the dog you get in exchange is adorable
Adlai: some guy was talking about her instagram account and he said that she uploads pictures of her dog, and her furniture, and whatnot
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> 'Minutes later, Trooper Vanderwiel arrived with the dog, which alerted on the back area of the car. That gave Simmons and Vanderwiel probable cause to search the vehicle without a warrant or the driver’s consent.' << lol re: the obvious implication, the beasts are trained to 'signal' on command rather than search << Pretty much an open secret by now
decimation: the dog smells money on you
asciilifeform: search dog != confiscation dog
asciilifeform: 'Minutes later, Trooper Vanderwiel arrived with the dog, which alerted on the back area of the car. That gave Simmons and Vanderwiel probable cause to search the vehicle without a warrant or the driver’s consent.' << lol re: the obvious implication, the beasts are trained to 'signal' on command rather than search
gernika: then the dog bit russia?
asciilifeform: tease the dog until it bites.
asciilifeform: never shoot the dog.
BingoBoingo: ^ Depends on specialty. My brother who cam from the same poor ass lineage i did is now in Dentistry with his SJW wife and adorable dog
asciilifeform: junkyard dog is doomed to eat what he can.
asciilifeform: mr mold is a junkyard dog, with all that it entails. did not grow up with classical education, no latin, no greek. me neither.
decimation: lol "That looks like a dog with a blanket on it. I'm not going to waste anyones time sending an officer out to check that. "
undata: ben_vulpes: at least the dog would kill a guy for you; my girlfriend's cats would just watch
ben_vulpes: ripping usg crud out of the thing is a recipe to endanger any coins i'd have if i were not eating ramen so that the dog might eat
bounce: is she trying to get out of the top dog position?
ben_vulpes: "inside voice" is one of the more useful things to teach a dog: http://videos-f-16.ak.instagram.com/hphotos-ak-xfa1/10745249_1722322861325716_1685564917_n.mp4
Mikayla: I'll take my chances of my dog killing the person
Mikayla: they won't ask me to put my dog down who attacked a man in my property
Mikayla: nah well the dog can't be legally punished
Mikayla: I'm sure it's not illegal for my dog to kill a man in my yard though?
assbot: Video shows a man got onto White House grounds, was surrounded by Secret Service agents. Man literally punched a dog that ran at him.
Adlai liked ghost dog
PinkPosixPXE: My dog only gets to IRC on days of the month that are prime.
ben_vulpes: could be dog