1115 entries in 0.841s
moiety: nubbins`: actually its illegal in korea. vietnam the do pick up any dog going
asciilifeform: nubbins`: korean food is nothing if not frugal << 1 bear trap, 1 street dog ?
moiety: i found bingo's spiritual dog http://metro.co.uk/2014/03/09/hair-of-the-dog-miracle-vodka-cure-saves-puppy-from-certain-death-4494150/
ThickAsThieves: you kinda make a pretty big leap from razlet to dog sizes
ozbot: Urban Dictionary: Wet dog
BingoBoingo: ;;ud wet dog
BingoBoingo: moiety: Fucking Crackers smell like wet dogs http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Wet+dog
moiety: BingoBoingo: when we go to change it (we have doge drawings now); people complain as well. i think i'll get them to vote on it. and ew yes wet dog smell. fortunately, it doesn't rain much on the interwebz
BingoBoingo: moiety: You are familiar with wet dog smell right?
nubbins`: what next, my lips and anus aren't a hot dog?
moiety: i thought it be ok because they were small things BingoBoingo btw there is people opening a dog cafe and a cat cafe in london. edinburgh seems to have none.....
jurov: "For example, the search term *DOG* ..." lmaooooo
mjr_: you see a dog swimming, you think that dogs are aquatic creatures
gribble: NP-completemess | Equivalence: <http://equivalence.co.uk/archives/63>; Man, Woman, Dog, seeking stable relationship. - Math StackExchange: <http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/531586/man-woman-dog-seeking-stable-relationship>; Dog and Dog Chinese Love Compatibility - Astrology.com: <http://www.astrology.com/chinese-love-compatibility-dog-dog/2-d-chmt-dog_dog>
asciilifeform: ;;google man woman dog matching
Jere_Jones: It would speed up the hot dog line.
Apocalyptic: was refering to the dog though
asciilifeform: 'dog sees master as large dog' theorem.
moiety: there isnt that much of a mess for a dog to have been digging
moiety: maybe, or dog or something
moiety: mum's dog liked tomatoes
BingoBoingo: Dog ate so many carrots.
BingoBoingo: Saw the brother and his heifer's awesome dog.
mod6: then a wave of everyone pelting magicaltwit with flaming bags of dog shit
benkay: dog ams need romp
herbijudlestoids: i been sick as a fucken dog
asciilifeform: that rubber ball isn't a medical cure, it's a 'silicon valley' fucktard inc. 'dog whistle' signal.
nubbins`: were PMBs not generally recognized to be dog turds back then?
chipug: punkman1: maybe Ug: http://www.vh1.com/celebrity/bwe/images/2010/12/UGLIEST-DOG-IN-BRITAIN-01.jpg
Plaxant: punkman1 my parents have a shibu mix, it's a pretty cool dog.
punkman1: would reddit love anything other than the worst dog?
copumpkin: inu = dog
copumpkin: a.k.a. shiba dog
ozbot: McGruff The Crime Dog Likes To Get Hiiiiigh
asciilifeform: http://wonkette.com/541474/mcgruff-the-crime-dog-likes-to-get-hiiiiigh
herbijudlestoids: "Peripheral administration of 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) to rats causes 'wet dog' shakes and a parallel elevation of brain serotonin (5-HT) levels. "
nubbins`: "a newfoundland dog lying next to its combed-out seasonal undercoat"
jcpham: fucking dog challenges me daily for supremacy
jcpham: *dog
nubbins`: the newfie dog also graces the box of one of my favourite local beers
nubbins`: ^ newfoundland dog
nubbins`: not as funny as the fact that the newfoundland dog was bred in labrador and the labrador retriever was bred in newfoundland
nubbins`: they have a common ancestor in the St. John's water dog
asciilifeform: Mats_cd03: because the 'grandpas' (conscripts close to getting their walking papers) ate yer dinner, and the red army conveniently provided you with a dog.
Mats_cd03: i dont understand why you would eat dog instead of all the other animals in existence
asciilifeform: afaik every man who came of age in the post-soviet lands has eaten dog (army)
mike_c: told him to bark at the dog
benkay: i personally walk my dog
Bones: I'm a dog man myself, but benkay you still have a yard full of shit. Now what?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: this more or less reduces to your old observation that 'your dog thinks that you are an exceptionally large dog of the same type'
ThickAsThieves: Is that a term? Doggers? No! Dog People!
nubbins`: ^westminster dog show on lsd
nubbins`: like a dog show
punkman: BingoBoingo: of course they do, "hey guys dog ate my key, can I change to this new one?" "ok"
Vexual: ha my dog just went off when i played that
lippoper: It's the year of the dog
punkman: new cow was beauty. but Nico bet tractor and Nico dog look weak but beat all dog. so now i have only old cow and dog dead
punkman: i earn new cow but lose in dog battle, very unlucky
quellhorst: there are 32 billion dog coins
quellhorst: yeah like 9 million dog coins
asciilifeform: 'hot dog in hallway'
benkay: or on a dog tag
KRS1: no such thing as free dog
mike_c: until your dog hits the kill switch
kakobrekla: or a doge dog
kakobrekla: could ba a who its a nigga dog
kakobrekla: dog who barks doesnt bite
Duffer1: piers was more like a dog presenting
kakobrekla: its like a dog barking
KRS|Gotyawallet: sure there is..everyone's got IPO's in the works..so does my neighbor's dog
Vexual: dog catcher saw you jumping back into your yard
KRS|Gotyawallet: hell they have to if they can make cat and dog taste good.
nubbins`: "ten times son of a dog!" etc
nubbins`: recall some time ago i was explaining that being the son of a dog was a grave insult, then they just start throwing numbers in front of it?
nubbins`: However, despicable human scum Jang, who was worse than a dog, perpetrated thrice-cursed acts of treachery
dub: However, despicable human scum Jang, who was worse than a dog, perpetrated thrice-cursed acts of treachery in betrayal of such profound trust and warmest paternal love shown by the party and the leader for him.
Vexual: i remake hexen, and put hell dog everywhere where dogecoin is mine
nubbins`: just a japanese dog with a lelly face usually accompanied by engrish nonsense in neon comic sans ms
pankkake: PIF the communist dog
Duffer1_: trained dog for certain cancers
Vexual: http://www.cohenvanbalen.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Life-Support-ventilation-dog_print-a4.jpg solve for x
KRS1: i heard my neighbor's dog is ready to launch a btc ipo..everyone's got one now. =/
firstblockchain: dub - if the dog's head is facing you, but his eyes are blank and the tail ain't moving, back the funk up
kakobrekla: they fuck me in the ass like a dog, then they expect profanity
nubbins`: owner dies alone, neighbours report smell, find well-fed dog and owner missing his face
truffles: that poor dog :(
nubbins`: and then at the end you find a smashed hard drive covered in dog vomit
nubbins`: whenever my friend brings his dog over, she makes a beeline for the litter box and devours any turds or piss-soaked rocks that are present
nubbins`: so, a dog with hooves
pankkake: "He's just a running dog of the chauvinist male pigs that's all." some hardcore privilege checking action
Vexual: donbt diss my dog or i wil come at night l.ike a bod movie
Vexual: im occasionally the cattle guy coz i have good dog
Vexual: shoot the neighbours dog
Vexual: now every faggot and his dog has facebook
benkay: hello this is dog
benkay: http://media.coindesk.com/2013/10/Google-Glass-Dog.jpg
benkay: dog save us from serious internets
nubbins`: there is no dog
benkay: dear dog save us all
truffles: mongrel dog sounds very pleasant