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asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-07-2015#1188084 << this is known, from mr mold's articles, as the 'kick the dog till it bites then shoot it' algo ☝︎☟︎
assbot: Logged on 10-02-2015 03:25:08; mircea_popescu: this is like asking wyatt earp "how do you distinguish between the f brothers and stray dog"
ben_vulpes: anyways, i'm off to grill chicken and romp dog with other junior members of the clan
trinque: no naughty dog, no lawn mower man
ben_vulpes: trinque: does it have 'naughty dog' as well?
asciilifeform: trinque: last time i played with clim under sbcl it was dog-slow
asciilifeform: dog in dog
asciilifeform: but evidence for actual case of 'stuck' (in man, not dog) is approx. on par with evidence for loch ness dinosaur
asciilifeform: dog - still alive (or dogcatcher suspects at any rate)
asciilifeform: ;;later tell BingoBoingo http://qntra.net/2015/06/pressure-in-the-united-states-mounts-to-ban-symbols-of-rebellion-against-federal-government << is pretty plainly a 'kick the dog till it bites, then shoot it' gambit on usg's part
assbot: A man from Alabama has been charged with sexually harassing a dog as he sought to get revenge on his wife who was giving it too much attention. | BieBuzz ... ( http://bit.ly/1BDxEkX )
nubbins`: of course the fucking dog dick is a "web designer"
mats: ill take a dog over a robot any day
assbot: Meet Porter. The World's First Driving Dog. - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1Rr4J5R )
cazalla: mats, have you had dog before?
assbot: Pétition · President of the People's Republic of China: STOP THE YULIN DOG MEAT EATING FESTIVAL · Change.org ... ( http://bit.ly/1J7sArO )
mats: https://www.change.org/p/president-of-the-people-s-republic-of-china-stop-the-yulin-dog-meat-eating-festival
kakobrekla: 400k active users is everyone who ever visited their webpage + theri dog + webrobots
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: almost exactly! except it's pulled by my giant dog instead of any sort of horse
cazalla: so i imagine those people with mortgages will soon eat chum (dog food) if they are not already
nubbins`: dude did beat his roomie w/ dog leashes, extension cords, etc
pete_dushenski: "I have also heard that music soothes the savage beast but the last time I sang Whitney Houston's 'The Greatest Love of All' to my offspring, it had the opposite effect despite what I considered to be an excellent reproduction of her tonal range." << combined with dog/bear in jeep and... i died !
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: how do i know that not a dog
trinque: reminds me of some old flash game from the 90s that involved an amputee dog
mod6: well, it does to me! we used to chat back in the day, i'd like to know if its mjr i.e. father of buttonwood or dog.
mats: a weighted vest is incredible for training a dog
assbot: Logged on 24-05-2015 15:09:42; mircea_popescu: mats eh, this is just a dog and pony show for young rand etc. what'll happen is the wh backe,d house vetted solution where the nsa doesn't keep the records, phone companies do, nsa just asks for what it needs.
asciilifeform: and yes, if dog could get ddt - he would
asciilifeform: i like converse 'on the net, though no one might know, i am still a dog'
jurov: "on irc, no one knows i am a dog"
asciilifeform: and phone flash is typically dog-slow
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: hard to trust a tree that struggles to live twice as long as a dog << brings up a point re: another tree. in ru, folks traditionally are fascinated with the huge birch forests. but consider, birch is a short-lived 'pioneer species'
BingoBoingo: It's just... really hard to trust a tree that struggles to live twice as long as a dog
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=hodl | hodl isn't defined. ... Ho Dip · hodizzle · hodjo · hodl · Hodlbups · Hodle · hodlickle · Hodling · HODMAN · Hodnet · Hodo · ho dog · ho dog cool · Ho Doh Doh Doh ...
cazalla: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-05-2015#1137291 <<< i wouldn't send my dog to free childcare let alone my actually son ☝︎
ben_vulpes: mats: as a new dog i must piss on each and every electric fence
mats: asciilifeform: as a new dog i must learn old tricks
Namworld: Will start destroying/chewing stuff if I'm not home for for more than a day. Kind like a dog, but you don't see that behavior often in cats.
ben_vulpes: "i am medicated for schizophrenia and what is dog"
cazalla: i'd bet a cat or dog costs about the same to feed a toddler
Namworld: The convenience of owning a cat and a dog in one, with all the disadvantages and not quite all the benefits.
Namworld: It might be a dog that is disfigured and has bad vocal cords. Might just happen to look like a cat.
cazalla: anyway, be a man and get a dog
assbot: Logged on 09-05-2015 02:34:43; asciilifeform: as to dog 'food' means 'dog food', to homo derpicus - 'isp' means his local telecom monopolist
asciilifeform: as to dog 'food' means 'dog food', to homo derpicus - 'isp' means his local telecom monopolist ☟︎
funkenstein_: gabriel_laddel, no i can't get a dog to pass the BC calc test but that is hardly a proof of causation
gabriel_laddel: Lemme know when you teach a dog calculus.
BingoBoingo: Yellow Dog linux similarly could not improve. Was PPC Mac linux, when PPC Macs faded and other *nic found the platform faded
BingoBoingo: Same way Yellow Dog linus failed
nubbins`: "All I need is <username of my dog>, <my motorcycle>, and maybe a little adventure now and then."
ascii_field: to be fair, the first time i wrote it, it sucked donkey cock (wrote gcd in python, it was dog-slow and O(n^2) )
pete_dushenski: "As the only woman likely to run for president as a Republican, Carly Fiorina, who officially announced her candidacy Monday, is the GOP’s counterweight to Hillary Clinton." << o hey look what the dead dog of silicon valley dragged in.
Adlai: somehow the streets of tel aviv are still paved with cement, beneath the dog shit
asciilifeform: <mircea_popescu> the computer's job is NOT to be the fucking master, and make its own decisions a la windows. the computer's job is NOT to be a solipsistic retarded geek and just do its own thing like anal children do ... the computer's job is to be a most humbly abject slave, perpetually and consumatedly on its knees following you around, with the dedication and unwavering insistence no dog can summon << obligatory http://ww
Adlai: stfu my dog is a mutt
Adlai has never met her sober, he's home alone now, aside from dog
jurov: and when she was sober, there was no dog concern?
Adlai: she was all "this is not a good place for a dog" and i was all "bullshit my dog loves this bar because it's EV patron loves dogs and my dog is lovable"
Adlai: no she exhibited sentient concern for third party (my dog) while verifiably drunk
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-04-2015#1112442 << imho this is catastrophically misguided. in the same logic one might suppose that experience manufacturing dog food should be best qualifier for opening a fine steak restaurant ☝︎
ascii_panama: they even halted boarding because dog snorted
ascii_lander: 'describe the face of an angry dog'
williamdunne: In reality they only have one dog
adlai brb selling dog for bitcoin
ascii_field: whereas i have zero patience with the very concept of having the very smell of a rabid dog in my home.
ascii_field: nubbins`: but i'll note that this is a problem with alf, not with walking away << i've noticed that even you have exhausted your patience with the bipedal rabid dog in your home...
nubbins`: lel meanwhile in two dog land: http://imgur.com/3FOH9mj
Vexual: double dog dare you to callme a pervert
Chillum: on the internet, nobody knows you are a dog
ascii_field: sooner i am a dog.
pete_dushenski: yup. like your old dog that just needs another surgery to return her to her former puppious glory
asciilifeform: 'who will speak of what, but the dog - of fleas', yes
asciilifeform: anyway the point, again, would not be to ever -run- bitcoind in the dog-slow emulated linux
decimation: ^ women children dog cat fly in aluminium tubes with rare metal spinning disks
asciilifeform: damnit, it wasn't to fly every man woman child dog cat around for the next eternity.
assbot: Logged on 26-03-2015 14:32:24; nubbins`: with 1 hot dog and 200 brands of frozen pizza, this new food needs a name.
nubbins`: with 1 hot dog and 200 brands of frozen pizza, this new food needs a name.
assbot: Old dog tricking puppy, so cute. ... ( http://bit.ly/1budlut )
jurov: can i borrow the dog?
ascii_field: 'It is my aim to set a new high-water mark for transparency in parameter generation. To that end, all of these values are nothing-up-my-sleeve numbers which I generated by singing the Bohemian Rhapsody backward with my dog barking in the background, digitizing the audio as an MP3 at a bitrate of 192kbit/s, and taking every 17th byte of the result. Their integrity can easily be verified by repeating this procedure.'
assbot: Logged on 24-03-2015 06:11:21; ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: i give up, how are a practicing gynecologist and a healthy dog the same?
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: i give up, how are a practicing gynecologist and a healthy dog the same?
brendafdez: but they removed the dog...
brendafdez: Click on the dog, now click on want to change something, now...
nubbins`: OP is a fucking dog cunt
pete_dushenski: it's already large and strong enough to be top dog
assbot: Pack of hounds attack Chinese man's car after he kicks sleeping dog - Asia - World - The Independent ... ( http://bit.ly/18NHSS0 )
chetty: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/pack-of-hounds-attack-chinese-mans-car-after-he-kicks-sleeping-dog-10103155.html
assbot: Logged on 12-03-2015 22:29:29; mircea_popescu: get a dog, will lick you clean for free.
davout: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-03-2015#1050804 <<< in romania, dog cleans you ☝︎
cazalla: said dog http://i.imgur.com/nqNNNvP.png made it to 16 years too, quite good for a staffy
cazalla: mircea_popescu, i loved my dog too but she was a dog
trinque: I've seen a dog devour cow turd after cow turd; a mere human ass is nothing
Adlai: that is wrong on so many levels, except the dog's
danielpbarron: "Now let me tell you about my dog: i don't have a dog. So that is the end of that."
BingoBoingo: http://cl.jroo.me/z3/I/a/d/e/a.baa-Love-between-dog-and-tiger.jpg
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes got the dog properly level ?
cazalla: i love dogs but a dog in the house.. i dunno mang
saifedean: there is such a giant start-up culture in lebanon these days thanks to Central Bank bezzle, everyone and their dog wants to make a start-up... nobody wants to actually do something, just pontificate on start-ups and entrepreneurship
assbot: Logged on 10-02-2015 03:25:08; mircea_popescu: this is like asking wyatt earp "how do you distinguish between the f brothers and stray dog"