711 entries in 0.611s
asciilifeform: incidentally, the main reason i'd like a referee, is so that everybody knows that my random 'pads' were generated independently of mircea_popescu's challenge strings.
punkman: *all the other strings
asciilifeform: it has to be with mircea_popescu generating the magic strings, because this is how he said he will carry out the telepathy - by selecting specially-crafted biased input.
asciilifeform: so, for this variant of game, algo would be 1) mircea_popescu generates his string set, signs, deedbots; 2) i xor'em, sign, deedbot at first only the signature; 3) i post one of the xor'ed strings 4) he telepathies which one 5) i reveal my hand, which is the tarball in step 2 6) if he wins, i lose 10b, or vice-versa
asciilifeform: but in practice longer, because they must be N ~distinct~ strings
mircea_popescu: this is actually usable to describe a lot of the plain text, and exponentially more so when i know that debug.log tends to contain a lot of "connection" strings.
mircea_popescu: esp since i know plenty of strings likely to appear in the plaintext.
polarbeard: sam, executable strings
ascii_butugychag: v is simply a mathatron that deals in the basic operation h,s1,o,s2 where s1 and s2 are strings, h is an operation (usually a hash) for recognizing said strings via trapdoor, and o is a transform
mod6: be back in a few to sort out the patches that need re-grind after I submit the integrated programmable-version-strings vpatch and the reground mikehearn one
polarbeard: mircea_popescu: you mean how those macro strings are actually used?
ben_vulpes: well there is a line break between those two strings
assbot: Logged on 31-01-2016 17:53:21; mod6: <+ben_vulpes> yo mod6 what does it mean in perl to do my $var = "string" . \n "otherstring" is the period a linebreak escape in perl, and the variable implicitly a concatenation of the two strings << where do you see this? this is not a thing. that would fail to compile/pass-interpreter-smell-test.
mod6: <+ben_vulpes> yo mod6 what does it mean in perl to do my $var = "string" . \n "otherstring" is the period a linebreak escape in perl, and the variable implicitly a concatenation of the two strings << where do you see this? this is not a thing. that would fail to compile/pass-interpreter-smell-test. ☟︎
ben_vulpes: yo mod6 what does it mean in perl to do my $var = "string" . \n "otherstring" is the period a linebreak escape in perl, and the variable implicitly a concatenation of the two strings?
pete_dushenski: mod6: in other news, i can't seem to get -setvernum to work either? or how can I tell that it worked? << hm. has anyone actually used 'version-strings' in praxis ? seems like several failed attempts now.
pete_dushenski: mod6: i have a question about the version string patch... i seem to have applied it correctly but i'm still seeing version "50400" even when trying the '-setvernum' command so i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong. this is a new instance that's in the process of syncing, not 'tevye', which properly shows '99999'. i used the original 99997k script and applied 'version-strings' and 'hearnificarum' manually and both are now
mircea_popescu: anyway, re the other point : even if scheme does in the end become an integral part of sane error management a) his work is very important for providing the structure that'll illuminate that and b) will prolly be mostly reused strings in different wrapping anyway.
polarbeard: they are just prefix strings
assbot: [BTC-dev] Programmable Version Strings. ... ( http://bit.ly/1mdvdyY )
assbot: [BTC-dev] (repost for mod6) Programmable Version Strings. ... ( http://bit.ly/1PTUaHd )
mod6: so im highly tempted to actually just rename the seal files in the mirror for Programmable Version Strings and the Malleus Mikehearnificarum, but will resist. you should probably just re-post as annoying as that may seem.
assbot: [BTC-dev] Programmable Version Strings. ... ( http://bit.ly/1mdvdyY )
mircea_popescu: and similarly you gotta do the phd'ing for facebook, so they figure out whether it's more productive for their goals to include or to exclude strings matching $pattern.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform watch that some towelhead with a quart of brie between his legs stole some code and did the usual "i am 15 yo coder and i can replace strings" thing to it.
assbot: Logged on 14-11-2014 21:29:47; asciilifeform: the idea in the article can (and has) been rephrased like this. if you remove all the 'suggestively-named strings' like 'understand' - and replace with 'gensyms' - e.g., 100324 - does the resulting machine still do or even appear to do anything of interest?
assbot: Logged on 20-01-2016 23:46:05; shinohai: Also mod6 re: version strings, placing flags first had zero effect so I probably did something wrong. :/
shinohai: Also mod6 re: version strings, placing flags first had zero effect so I probably did something wrong. :/ ☟︎
mircea_popescu: but of course you can't SIMPLY ADD STRINGS NUMERICALLY right ? :D
mircea_popescu: dude if you imagine it is acceptable for me to sit here looking at two strings AND NOT KNOW exactly what the machine will do if i tell it to search
mircea_popescu: if you think i'm about to load my head with random strings...
mircea_popescu: i can if you wish pick a page of strings theory for you to transform into any other theoretical framweork of your choice. but might as well take a page of source from gcc and write the lisp.
assbot: [BTC-dev] Programmable Version Strings. ... ( http://bit.ly/1mdvdyY )
asciilifeform: just me seeing those strings on my screen is a bug.
BingoBoingo: Yeah, lots of pseudo nodes with XT user agent strings
asciilifeform: and since gpg is retarded by virtue of having to ride on top of 7bit-clean turdmailz etc., it happily mutilates strings to make'em signable
asciilifeform: with 'clearsign' - i can only sign certain strings which don't contain the escape magicks.
asciilifeform: they play ball, or usg pulls on the strings. will pull until arms, legs come off.
asciilifeform: nobody gets to count for two shits, in big picture, in usa, without proper strings pre-attached
assbot: [BTC-dev] Programmable Version Strings. ... ( http://bit.ly/1mdvdyY )
asciilifeform: 'cause mine has strings like /home/stas/br-super/stator/ourlibs/lib/engines in the stripped elf
mircea_popescu: "c thinks arrays are strings, mp" "oh i see, makes sense"
shinohai: Also asciilifeform ty for Programmable Version Strings patch
asciilifeform: also interesting q: do all of these strings passed as returns ever get deallocated ?
assbot: [BTC-dev] Programmable Version Strings. ... ( http://bit.ly/1mdvdyY )
mircea_popescu: trings"), and I have a std::vector<char*> object ("a mutable vector of mutable built-in strings"), then I can't pass it to your function because the types aren't convertible. You have to admit that it doesn't make any sense, because your function guarantees that it won't change anything, and I guarantee that I don't even mind having anything changed, and still the C++ type system gets in the way and the only sane worka
mircea_popescu: do you basically grep for strings or is there more to it than that ?
mitch_callahan: ha close to it, using his last strings to lobby against uber
mircea_popescu: dude you gotta be kidding me, three fat chicks in colorado made up a bunch of strings and now you're quoting them at me ?
jurov: strings+can now allow uploading of arbitrary content?
PeterL: wouldn't that make strings take up twice as much memory?
ascii_field: but what if - per last night's thread - you decided that you DON'T WANT TO REPRESENT STRINGS AS CONTIGUOUS BYTES ?
asciilifeform: (everything build with vs, plenty of identifying strings littered therein, as is the custom, uses hardcoded dns turds, etc.)
asciilifeform: jurov: a good chunk of that complexity is on account of O(N) operations on strings made necessary by variads
jurov: and my code inevitably contains some localized strings
punkman: dunno, I have a lot of code with unicode strings/comments
mircea_popescu: the models are shit because math is broken because idiots do strings theory and social fucking "sciences"
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/ if you want to see other girls with strings on their tits.
assbot: Kaspersky User-Agent Strings - NSA - The Intercept ... ( http://bit.ly/1LaWWvh )
asciilifeform: https://theintercept.com/document/2015/06/22/kaspersky-user-agent-strings << l0l! tax dollarz at werk !
asciilifeform: i'm not a violinist either. but i understand how strings make sound...
funkenstein_: thestringpuller, the only "entertainment support" you should need is four strings
trinque: you know... like strings
gabriel_laddel: BingoBoingo: I swear to you that you can input arbitrary strings in LISP.
mircea_popescu: im not using fucking strings lol.
asciilifeform: wait till we do 'strings'. which is EXPLOITABLE
BingoBoingo: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-08-2015#1243257 << I may give it a go. Would likely need polishing. Thankfully not that big a gap between first BIP 14 strings and therealBitcoin ☝︎
asciilifeform: http://web.archive.org/web/20080704193847/http://www.bsdg.org/SWAG/STRINGS/0096.PAS.html << example
mircea_popescu: he has an inflammatory reaction to particular three letter strings.
asciilifeform: (i, for instance, know of two separate exploitable bugs in 'strings'.)
phf: according to bitcoin script documentation "Some of the more complicated opcodes are disabled out of concern that the client might have a bug in their implementation" (https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Script). an example of disabled script OP_CAT, Concatenates two strings
BingoBoingo: I think alf may be onto something with the BIP 14 user agent strings. If nodes are claiming maxint protocol version and not serving a user-agent string to turd nodes.
ascii_field: 'binary' is what folks call strings of bits that will die if raped
decimation: using 208v single phase strings
assbot: Re: two questions about strings - Naggum cll archive ... ( http://bit.ly/1IE2ZW8 )
asciilifeform: trinque: i did this experiment, and found quite a few variations (machine version strings - srsly, wtf gcc ? an automated annihilator for these is a necessity) ; optimizations
nubbins`: no kidding, every now and then some internal piece of code would return an array of strings as a single, very large string, with entries separated by the escape string "#;"
phf: gribble returns identical strings for everyone, so there's no way to know if verify request is directed to you or someone else
BingoBoingo: Well, not really re-create. Just fucking up the version strings in the name of lulz
ben_vulpes: if you're storing as the appropriate ints, floats, doubles, strings etc
mircea_popescu: "The exchange sheds further light on the latest work" << yeah. it sheds the following light : "work" by these wankers consists these days of outputting random strings from pre-made texts and trying to do a cute seleciton thereof.
ascii_field: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-06-2015#1178455 << hey, i had 'strings' crash. ☝︎
asciilifeform: (somebody plz tell the 'strings' folks this?!)
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: yeah. not the best tool but seems like a less shitty effort to show version strings offered by things purporting to be bitcoin nodes
assbot: Dynamic Strings in C ... ( http://bit.ly/1GBrSiV )
ascii_field: (i.e. connecting gavinized nodes masquerading under old version strings)
assbot: Logged on 14-11-2014 21:29:47; asciilifeform: the idea in the article can (and has) been rephrased like this. if you remove all the 'suggestively-named strings' like 'understand' - and replace with 'gensyms' - e.g., 100324 - does the resulting machine still do or even appear to do anything of interest?
mod6: <+jurov> mod6, ben_vulpes, everyone: http://bluesky/ml/test/patches.html needs to manually fill data for "Released in/Based on" columns - just version strings for every patch, help appreciated << this is 404 for me.
jurov: mod6, ben_vulpes, everyone: http://bluesky/ml/test/patches.html needs to manually fill data for "Released in/Based on" columns - just version strings for every patch, help appreciated
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-05-2015#1141772 << the interesting thing is the blindness of this stereotypical character to items which -could- exist but cannot be brought into existence through traditional methods - planning, hiring, management. ergo items which could exist if you gave $raggedlispdervish a bathtub of benjies no-strings, do not and cannot exist because this is rather like asking $capitalist to stick hi ☝︎
asciilifeform: i was never strongly interested in the version strings. anyone can write what he wants.
mircea_popescu: python strings alf. python strings.
kakobrekla: from some random source, and I quote; " * Module to easily and possibly securily sign strings."
assbot: Logged on 05-05-2015 01:52:03; trinque: aside that it just strings together analogies
trinque: aside that it just strings together analogies ☟︎
gabriel_laddel: I'd like to clarify that what I'm finding appaling here is the huge amount of effort spent generating syntatically correct strings.
gabriel_laddel: 7. http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-04-2015#1113989 << When I change the argument list, rename a procedure, use an unnamed reference why are the holes not marked or filled? Why must I manually declare my local variables and functions? Can't the current top level expression be searched for occurrences then factored out on a keystroke? Why must I balance strings, whatever the level of nesting or escaping? Can th ☝︎
asciilifeform: <jurov> maybe the only difference is computer science was constructed from mathematical (or not very mathematical, like strings) ideas ... << the notion that computing machines, as presently constructed, have some direct connection with what maths folks did in the 1930s is nebulous at best. even if commonly believed
jurov: maybe the only difference is computer science was constructed from mathematical (or not very mathematical, like strings) ideas, where cunts evolved themselves somehow
mircea_popescu: and you can't do regexp on your "Strings"