383 entries in 0.661s

pete_dushenski: lol. y'know, just in case any actual revolutionaries are reading
orlov and needing fatherly advice from someone with no skin in the game.
mircea_popescu: somehow
orlov doesn't feel compelled to go "check out schmuckin, going over to the euro tune of human rights"
mircea_popescu: i'd rather read
orlov's daughter from a marriage with yarvin consumated on one of their leaky carriers they have.
mircea_popescu: even the most cursory effort to consider the matter sunks people like
ben_vulpes: didja read the most recent
orlol asciilifeform posted?
ascii_field: in the words of
orlov, 'try asking a different question, to which there may be an answer'
ascii_field: btw as a long-time reader of herr
orlov, i can't help but notice that he spat on diesels and bragged about a seldom-used ('only in doldrumss') outboard petrol engine
assbot: Logged on 12-05-2015 22:37:12; lobbes: I only just started reading
Orlov's blog not too long ago. On alf's recommendation, I skipped to some of his earlier stuff (from roughly 2011?). I do get the feeling that he can either be 'hit or miss' at times.
lobbes: I only just started reading
Orlov's blog not too long ago. On alf's recommendation, I skipped to some of his earlier stuff (from roughly 2011?). I do get the feeling that he can either be 'hit or miss' at times.
☟︎ BingoBoingo: Maybe email
Orlov and see if you can borrow the Tu-95 in the embassy basement
mircea_popescu: well for one thing it's not ok to admit yarvin is
orlov in a different color scheme
ascii_field: lobbes: generally, the earliest
orlov is the best
lobbes: ascii_field: I feel like I'm thanking you every week for some reading material, but thanks for the
orlov introduction. It is becoming my latest addiction
mircea_popescu: incidentally asciilifeform, what would you say is the difference between
orlov as quoted and the fiction of the "imperialist burgeois" as classically described (1890s, even) ?
mircea_popescu: he has a boss in rh who has a boss who has an
orlov who has an etc. six strings long, the flea circus.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the problem with using a language is that you're stuck using it according to itself tho. this is like,
orlov horribly mauled a teenaged girl and you're like "well clearly the bear thought her cunt's salmon."
mircea_popescu: this is why i don't like reading
orlov. the propaganda angle doesn't bother me as much, but the millitant, sheer ignorance does.
gabriel_laddel: I always wonder about the people who see this sort of thing everyday but never connect the dots, how do they internally deal with actual reality? I once flipped through the book Dangerous Thoughts by Yuri
Orlov. He claimed that in the soviet collapse people would have multiple "selves". When they would break the law that would be their "off work" I, vs. the at work I who would report such a transgression to the poli
cazalla: i'm drinking some bundy, meant to drink last night but sidetracked with that
orlov article and then zzz
cazalla: mircea_popescu, it's not that i'm interested in it (or would understand/appreciate the issue tbh) but it seemed obvious way to poke a hole in
orlov's prediction, at least that it might occur in my lifetime anyway
cazalla: asciilifeform, i read
orlov's post soviet lessons.. article last night and my impression is that some of what he predicts relies on suggestion we've passed peak oil, but then i have read elsewhere peak oil has been debunked or that we're not even close to passing it.. can you share thoughts? not much turns up in logs
assbot: Logged on 27-06-2014 04:19:50; asciilifeform: speaking of sewage, i recently had occasion to learn the details behind herr
orlov's assertion that usa minus mains current will drown in own shit
ben_vulpes: is
orlov's account of the soviet collapse halfway accurate?
nubbins`: this
orlov guy is fun to read, but JESUS does it ever send me on tangents
ascii_field: one of the few genuinely valuable nuggets in
orlov is his summary (for engl. folks) of how sov. supply chain had such abundant slack (no 'just in time' anywhere) that many folks had access to serious stashes of $good
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes actually i confess i do the same sort of obsessive rereading myself. tho perhaps not on
orlov and yarvin
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal most of what the man ever writes is golden. and unlike derps like moldbug or
orlov, he a) isn't putting annoyingly self-advertising and b) doesn't actually have a pro-state agenda
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform re
orlov : my very biased opinion is that "look, a collection of interesting facts and assorted insanities. the facts i recall reading coupla weeks ago in trilema."
adlai: ok, the
orlov piece is good. i'll settle for equally obligatory.
TomServo: ha! did
orlov crib 'infinite hit points?
BingoBoingo: See this Salon ignoring
Orlov thing is like the rest of the "Bitcoin Press" lapping up Bitpay spending out the ass to sponsor a bowl game while ignoring... That there's actually a game that's now going to be played with teams and stuff.
mircea_popescu: that they don't even mention
orlov in there is insulting to the russian foreign service lol.
adlai: "I would like to claim as my own… the theory of comparative superpower collapse" - dmitri
orlov << I get that he's perceptive about the present, but has he not read any history from more than 100 years ago!?
decimation: eh, I bet
orlov is more in the send rather than receive racket
mircea_popescu: let's model it properly. you're the kgb special assets chain of command, and i'm
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform specifically, legwork.
orlov's blog, is that legwork ?
gernika: Was
Orlov paid first, and then he started writing? Or the other way around?
mircea_popescu: so
orlovs' prediction is that in the near future i will be able to order oligarch underage daughter prostitute to my hotel room in odessa ?
mircea_popescu: in a sense, "entrepreneurs of violence" is just a particular facet of sovereignity.
orlov was in a room with a sovereign elephant and what he came out with was the trunk.
mircea_popescu: anyway, i'd say i'm the poster child for
orlov's "violent entrepreneurs". it's not that i make an enterprise of violence, is that i clearly and pointedly reserve the right to use violence without limit.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform incidentally, because
orlovignorance is like the gift that keeps on giving : english is "not spelled like pronounced" for the exact any other natural language (including ones that believe quite delusionally that they are, like romanian) is not : this allows for a variety of disjunct speakers to at least use the same writing.
mircea_popescu: anyway, it would appear
orlov for instance doesn't know it.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform incidentally, it boggles that this
orlov fellow has somehow managed to get all the us diseases. srsly, an amateur is going to joseph smith his way into a better way to read ? and pushes this on random kids ?
mircea_popescu: anyway,
orlov's putin reads like mp. which i guess is a good thing for all those involved.
TomServo: mircea_popescu:
orlov piece being total idiocy << the most recent guest authored piece?