197 entries in 0.514s
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform no idea why retards seem to have all flocked to "
medium.com" but hey.
https://medium.com/@octskyward/the-capacity-cliff-586d1bf7715e - "Finally, a brief word about my own background for those who don’t know me. I have spent the last five years implementing Bitcoin wallets, and before that I spent nearly 8 years at Google. Three of those years were spent on the Geo Team (Maps/Earth), where I was a professional capacity planner for one of the world’s busiest websites. Just like now, capacity pl
medium.com is such a craphole. like wired, but pessimised for the tablet.
bounce: what's
medium.com on about this time? don't have a tablet so I'm too square to access their hipsteriffic site.
BingoBoingo: Is anyone else here developing a visceral dislike of
medium.com blogs?