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deedbot: dorion rated mircea_popescu 9 << the part of you that doesn't like what he says is probably the part holding you back. long history of protecting the intelligent from idiots. MPEx/S.MPOE ;
trilema.com ; go, read.
deedbot: jfw rated mircea_popescu 5 << Father & overlord of the Most Serene Republic. Reads ~everything worth the mention and writes in abundance at
deedbot: diana_coman updated rating of mircea_popescu from 7 to 9 << His Highness, Mircea; met irl; writes at
trilema.com deedbot: diana_coman updated rating of mircea_popescu from 5 to 7 << writes at
trilema.com; at the centre of it all, like it or not; met irl.