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mircea_popescu: and great tits to you too, mod6 !
erlehmann: i read the airplane text. i like it, actually. tits-in-dirt accounting, breast-fixated fuckwits, slutty statistics – that text might fit into any queer zine for all the wrong reasons.
shinohai: I invited her here to !~tits, so far no reply to my email >>> http://archive.is/ycQBG
mircea_popescu: first the chicks with great tits show up, and make a party out of a desert. then the chicks with ugly tits hear about the nice tit hangout and go there to try and sprinkle some nice on their sad bosoms.
mircea_popescu: yeah, great for noobs to play with her tits.
shinohai: I forgot I did meet another semi-hot Colombian chick a fortnight ago that I wanted to !~tits
mircea_popescu: erlehmann tits are only incidental to fucking anyway.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-02#1664796 did you offer her to http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/ ? ☝︎
mircea_popescu: be that as it may, human female will be fifty something to seventy something or thereabouts. if you like big tits and big asses you'll be at the 70s side of it. 100kgs is really excessive even for adult males.
shinohai staring at teaser tits ..... "I'd like to buy your most expensive bottle of champagne"
mircea_popescu: anyway, what's in the pic ? nice tits ?
phf: but if you're actually trying to render tits with full knowledge of medium, you have to layout your pixels manually, with the full "what is dpi, what is point, etc." awareness
mircea_popescu: depends of your idea of graphics. math-text graphics or juicy-tits graphics ?
mircea_popescu: the fact that you get an erection watching a picture of Anne rather than reading "Anne spent her days naked and her tits were big and milky" is no argument as to the ~meaning~. your erections ain't meaningful.
asciilifeform: it is very easy to prescribe that pilot's yoke should be shaped like pair of tits, if you are not and not at any risk of working as pilot.
shinohai: !~later tell jpt4 http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-11#1654386 <<< I personally keep losing boats with shipments full of tits. Find the individuals responsible, return my tits, and surely you shall be rewarded. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: ~russian spoken by creole girl with fake tits and no apparent anal innervation.
mircea_popescu: instead, the "workers", michael moore's http://trilema.com/2012/the-imbecilitarians/#selection-193.214-203.38 , those schmucks who spent all their day trying to put in less work THAN WHAT THEY WERE PAID FOR. those "sharei n the pain". what fucking pain ? the pain of ~their future expectations~ of tits continuing to bleed ambrosia in their open mouths going away.
shinohai: Should I invite him here to bare tits for 2 bittys?
mircea_popescu: somehow that ilona alexis mendelbaum character managed to not put tits up, either, which is the most scandalous part of the whole affair.
mircea_popescu: i guess someone should send sam an offer to make two bitcents showing us his tits ?
trinque: http://oglaf.com/isle-of-tits/ << oblig
mircea_popescu: can convert large piles of btc into tits if you feel like, what.
mircea_popescu: somehow the point that "those misfortunate products of teratogenesis were so fucking sad not even their husbands could be paid to fuck em!!1" is never made. but no, ~nobody could be bothered with 1910s "socialite", ie, rich girl with no skills, no utility and no tits.
mircea_popescu: just the tits. acceptable at say 13, but she looks like she imperatively needs the knife.
mircea_popescu: it's the rule in all south and central america btw, girls get new tits for their fucking quincenera here.
mircea_popescu: i dunno how the us bought wholesale the "straight teeth!!1" bullshit, as if anyone ever gave a shit, or as if the bidet dantures of usians are attractive to any degree. yet the "ALL girls must get proper tits" thing -- not.
mircea_popescu: better to rent the car than the tits though.
mircea_popescu: my objection is that if i invited any of those girls with nice tits to my hotel room she wouldn't have sense enough to strip while walking the hallway.
mircea_popescu: the waitresses have nice tits and terrible skirts.
ben_vulpes: shy camgirls with great tits: http://68.media.tumblr.com/825037367e4035a1f4f92031667b15f3/tumblr_oo5do9N1K31rnq3xbo1_1280.jpg
scriba: mircea_popescu: HTTP/1.1 404 Tits not found.
ben_vulpes: only does tits for #trilema, #trilema-mod6, #eulora...
trinque: it only does tits though.
ben_vulpes: http://logs.bvulpes.com/search?q=tits&c=trilema
shinohai: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-11#1642126 <<< ty mircea_popescu and all, will try to provide the Republic with ample tits for ages to come. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: anyway, today watched sunset by the pool, with dog and woman. dog is a friendly pitbull, woman has nice tits. there could be worse fates.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu never met a 'modest'+tits ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i currently find the notion persuasive. jane and jennifer are both interchangeable as 3 yos, but as they progress to age 23 it becomes apparent jeniffer jsut never had the tits in her.
jhvh1: ( . Y . ) http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/ ( . Y . )
ben_vulpes: !~tits
shinohai: Hmmm .... the foundation for the preservation of slutty tits ?
a111: Logged on 2017-04-07 21:53 pete_dushenski: also !~tits added!
pete_dushenski: also !~tits added! ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-04-07 11:52 mircea_popescu: tits for btc -> redemption.
shinohai: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-07#1639637 <<< This is what I said to Steemit evangelist R. Hilarski a few days ago when he accused me of just hating on altcoins. "When you lose all your BTC in scams, at least your wife is kinda hot so she can come by trilema and bare her tits for bits." ☝︎
mircea_popescu: tits for btc -> redemption. ☟︎
ben_vulpes: "you don't need to have a good car to get tits all over it": http://68.media.tumblr.com/87c0ba72bd3f67142514e6d883499330/tumblr_onvrzukhQt1tpchrmo1_1280.jpg
ben_vulpes: well the joke is that there are tits on display and i'm looking at the vin
mircea_popescu: as in made of tits ?
jhvh1: ( . Y . ) http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/ ( . Y . )
shinohai: !~tits
shinohai: Framedragger: In my experience they nearly all tits with the right motivation :D
mircea_popescu: Framedragger does she tits ?
mircea_popescu: pretty sure you need tits for that neh ?
a111: Logged on 2014-04-28 10:23 cazalla: moiety: didn't see any male midwives while my wife was in hospital (private), i wouldn't mind being a lactation consultant, it was pretty sweet watching the younger ones caress the missus' tits for milk :P
shinohai: Thought my eyes were playing tricks on me this morning, after a long night staring at tits.
mircea_popescu: i say, girls here have a lot better tits than argentines.
shinohai presents tits for everyone's viewing pleasure: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C8NHU2GUAAI9rd7.jpg
mircea_popescu: "his arms bear a charge of tits"
shinohai shall add tits to his coat-of-arms if so inducted ....
danielpbarron: the old adage "tits or gtfo" still applies. assume everyone on "the internet" is a dude if no pictures provided
danielpbarron: russia, check. tits, check. classic catch phrase, check! https://tjournal.ru/42043-ispolzovat-zhivotnih-v-eroticheskoi-reklame-eto-zoofiliya >> "The raccoon has come to expect that treats await him between a woman's breasts," the zoo says in a lawsuit
mod6: <+BingoBoingo> <mircea_popescu> trb-tits << I thought that was shinohai's fork << :D
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> trb-tits << I thought that was shinohai's fork
mircea_popescu: trb-tits
ben_vulpes: tits and spankings frequently
mircea_popescu: lights go out and tits come out, wtf.
mircea_popescu: which is why the example given was "bigger tits" not "niunamenos"
mircea_popescu: for instance : the younger sluts grow bigger tits than used to be the norm. they redefine it alright.
a111: Logged on 2017-02-28 12:24 mircea_popescu: a sixth, also major problem is that the system offers no serious guarantees to the user. think of some situations : a) i mined some bitcoin back in 2011, today i clean out the closed and boot up old laptop, to check out the tits and bits of ex gf who was back then hot and heavy into me. i jack off, and then snoop around and find a bitcoin wallet with ~500 btc in it. i go to spend it... and discover... that i know no nodes...
mircea_popescu: a sixth, also major problem is that the system offers no serious guarantees to the user. think of some situations : a) i mined some bitcoin back in 2011, today i clean out the closed and boot up old laptop, to check out the tits and bits of ex gf who was back then hot and heavy into me. i jack off, and then snoop around and find a bitcoin wallet with ~500 btc in it. i go to spend it... and discover... that i know no nodes... ☟︎
ben_vulpes: too many 'tits at dinner', i guess, they all run together
shinohai: I'd remember those tits ....
mircea_popescu: check it out, judge "giving chance" ? what is this, a romantic comedy ? dork with no tits and no clue "giving another chance" for someone to be her meal ticket ?
mircea_popescu: and AT FIRST i thought she's the tits, because hey, seemed like she's aware of a by now 20 yo mockery of the exact genre.
mircea_popescu: by 2017 they must have gone through the "hai" "tits or gtfo" "uhh...." cycle at least 1k times. what, they need 1k more ?
shinohai: I tried to get tits in here for us today, wannabe slut won't show her face so I said "Well, can't exactly help you"
rg: I can leave tits and ass...
BingoBoingo: Seems to be having some irl time. Perhaps if you leave gifts of tits and ass he will appear?
shinohai: Well kinda, but usually it's simple "Wanna write numbers on tits for Trilema?" or something similar and I get mah 10% and move on lol
mircea_popescu: In their late twenties the most intelligent among them say to me, "There's something missing in my life, but I don't know what it is." ; and i grin and if they have nice tits and are tall enough i show them to their cell.
trinque: she has no pretensions to being other than tits
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: while we're on subj of 'gets in the way but not enemy' -- how come 'adlai attacked republic by dropping snr' but not indiancandy ? is it because the latter lays claim to tits ?
mircea_popescu: ~nobody wants their name on their tits ; a degree of magnitude more than that ~nobody want the blouse off the tits.
jurov: Alicia1992: have you seen http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/ ?
indiancandy: il show u tits
Framedragger: "so you have two tits right"
mircea_popescu: phf illuminated schematics with tits seems like a winning strat.
mircea_popescu: rather than port extant drivers to a twice defunct pile of code made by mit i'd rather paint tits on a boar.
asciilifeform: harem without master or tits << oblig >> 'Со-солнечный зайчик, Зайчик ничей. Зайчик без хвостика, Зайчик без ушей. ... Щёлкал зубами Солнечный волк. Только вот зайчика Он поймать не смог.' (tm) (r)
mircea_popescu: coworking space is harem without master or tits. also known as refuse pit.
mircea_popescu: "why would girl go to all thetrouble of pretending on facebook when she could just walk up to every guy in sight and go "hey, wanna feel my tits ?"
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-21#1587061 << dawg, if you're gonna link to stupid-woman-but-tits venues a la twitter, at least make it be about stupid woman that has nice tits. wtf is this ugly dumb fuck. ☝︎
ben_vulpes waits for "omfg whats wrong with you americans, none of those tits were even on girls"
mircea_popescu: and i have nfi how anyone fucks these 100lb, tits smaller than mine twists. anyway.
mircea_popescu: enforced through the dual a) must be able to handle being punched b) must have tits approach.
mircea_popescu comes from dairy country, likes girls with big tits and eats a cup o' sour cream a day.
BingoBoingo: Also, tits
mircea_popescu: shinohai or those with tits too small, in any case.