76 entries in 0.538s
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-09 21:04:31 lobbes: http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2019-10-09#1944047 << if this were to be done I'd say trinque probably better fit for the role. While I am always hungry for BTC, my orcbux stash took a hit while jettisoning dependopotamus. I'm currently regrouping financially speaking, and while my monthly cashflow should be increasing by ~ $1k in the coming months, I'll still be at 'pauper' level in real terms. Consumption c
lobbes: http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2019-10-09#1944047 << if this were to be done I'd say trinque probably better fit for the role. While I am always hungry for BTC, my orcbux stash took a hit while jettisoning dependopotamus. I'm currently regrouping financially speaking, and while my monthly cashflow should be increasing by ~ $1k in the coming months, I'll still be at 'pauper' level in real terms. Consumption continues to be slashed, howe
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje sometimes seems to think that asciilifeform is a 1/32th scale model of himself. but no, asciilifeform is a pauper, and not even grade-a pauper .
mp_en_viaje: so ima send you one of nsa's coin, you trade it for whatever 8k it's worth, and not pauper no more.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: pauper.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 01:00:43 asciilifeform: y'know, the designated spot where a pauper paups.
asciilifeform: y'know, the designated spot where a pauper paups.
asciilifeform: ( and can't move self. i'm a pauper and my pauperty's here . )
mircea_popescu: the question is not "whether slave has some leeway". all living things always have some leway. the question is, in romanian, "desteptu' face bani din ce doreste, prostu' din ce poate" ; and in latin, "si quis, inquis, dives est, tum cenare potest cum cupit. si pauper, tum cenare debet cum potest."
asciilifeform: i'm here cuz i'ma pauper. why are you in the reich danielpbarron ?
a111: Logged on 2018-08-29 17:52 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-29#1845577 << usg.mortgage is a device for separating salaried zeks (engineers, law, etc) from their 'excess' fat. not for millenial pauper to borrow against... what, exactly. (maybe organs?)
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-29#1845577 << usg.mortgage is a device for separating salaried zeks (engineers, law, etc) from their 'excess' fat. not for millenial pauper to borrow against... what, exactly. (maybe organs?) ☝︎☟︎
asciilifeform: upstack, re zeks -- mircea_popescu is entirely right, a zek is not simply d00d with 'wrong passport', but pauper with no means of support outside of the gulag ( where he knows how to cut wood, or wash gold nuggets, or whatever, for a bowl of cabbage swill. ) speaking first-hand here. zek is simply folx who are not needed for anyffing anywhere.
asciilifeform: so , lacking evidence to the contrary, i suspect that the man is ( like asciilifeform ) a pauper.
asciilifeform: can 'half-competent' estate atty explain why billionaire owes moar of it than pauper ?
mircea_popescu: yeah pete_dushenski , the whole quote is "diogenes philosophus cuidam interroganti qua hora hominem cenare deceret : Si quis, inquis, dives est, tum cenare potest cum cupit. Si pauper, tum cenare debet cum potest."
a111: Logged on 2016-06-03 18:54 mircea_popescu: ah, poverty. sure. si quis, inquis, dives est, tum cenare potest cum cupit. si pauper...
mircea_popescu: ah, poverty. sure. si quis, inquis, dives est, tum cenare potest cum cupit. si pauper... ☟︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: except you did not do it from the position of being a pauper.
asciilifeform: the progression from lottery winner to pauper is sop tho
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: a pauper's burial costs 5x this in usa.
BingoBoingo: https://www.tacobell.com/nutrition/information << 430 calorie item on the $1 menue an this is about medium energy density pauper food
asciilifeform: can get 'food stamps' more often, but need multiple years of tax returns demonstrating being a pauper, typically
mircea_popescu: which is kinda my point here. some shit's being conflated. like that ancient ditty, "si quis, inquis, dives est, tum cenare potest cum cupit. si pauper, tum cenare debet cum potest."
asciilifeform: sorta like if a pauper finds a ring of keys - he doesn't get to own the house and car.
assbot: Logged on 03-02-2015 22:35:01; asciilifeform: 'mr x, you're a registered pauper, but is that a first class air ticket you're holding? where'dyagetthat'
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: the amusing thing is that you seem to think that *you're* the pauper hereabouts
asciilifeform: because i'm a pauper ?
ascii_field: BingoBoingo: say you had 1M usd. fell down from sky. you could blow 30k in ohio, and live like a pauper on the meagre sub-inflation interest off the rest in american bank. or blow 150k in ar and invest in collapsatron and live like cultured man ? possibly
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu, asciilifeform: miser, pauper, it's all the same
asciilifeform: but over here we live in demented pauper-land where sanity is a premium product available to select few.
asciilifeform: http://www.fromoldbooks.org/Farmer-MusaPedestris/bing-out-bien-morts.html << but also from twain 'prince&pauper'
mircea_popescu: here's the thing : just because inflation has made every pauper think he holds money doesn't change the fact that a farmer today is worth a hundred million just by simply maintaining equality with a farmer of relatively the same social importance back in 1615.
punkman: btw you can find decent tailors for the girlies at lightinthebox.com, even pauper can afford
ben_vulpes: pauper's vps.
ben_vulpes: a pauper is i.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Who was that pauper on your blogroll with the great eMacs text. Debate tournament judging text finally cleared and I'm ready to splurge on paytext.
ben_vulpes: a pauper like myself, though?
ben_vulpes is a pauper, wouldn't know
asciilifeform: 'mr x, you're a registered pauper, but is that a first class air ticket you're holding? where'dyagetthat' ☟︎
asciilifeform: so, the chump can travel wherever he wants, to zimbabwe if he likes, but if we were to rock the boat - a bureaucrat flips the switch, and -bam- - he's a pauper.
ben_vulpes: a pauper is i
thestringpuller: i.e. prince and the pauper?
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: http://www.horizonhobby.com/products/umx-hyper-taxi-bnf-with-as3x-technology-EFLU4780 << pauper edition
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: visit more threadbare pauper's shops made of shoelace and bamboo
decimation: so while he might be able to skate for a few years, later he's a pauper in retirement living on government cheese
asciilifeform: if $209k per year makes one a pauper << consider applying my ad hoc formula: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-10-2014#869923 ☝︎
decimation: right, and in a related point - if $209k per year makes one a pauper, how much is the real bitcoin foundation going to pay?
decimation: if gavin is a pauper than I'm in the poor house
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo: decimation> at any rate, the most amazing thing to me is that the chinese, indian pauper still dreams of 'coming to america' << Is that so different from USian pauper dreaming of actual Galt's Gulch? <<< nope, you have it exactly right. same thing, except one is run by fraudulent "real estate" developers and the other by fraudulent "recruiters".
BingoBoingo: decimation> at any rate, the most amazing thing to me is that the chinese, indian pauper still dreams of 'coming to america' << Is that so different from USian pauper dreaming of actual Galt's Gulch?
decimation: at any rate, the most amazing thing to me is that the chinese, indian pauper still dreams of 'coming to america'
decimation: asciilifeform: it is sad that the pauper's computers 'won' in the long run
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> recoleta* << and where for the fleeing usian pauper?
asciilifeform: mocking paupers << lol, if ben_vulpes is pauper, i must be... a dervish?
ben_vulpes: mats_cd03: well you see i am an utter pauper
asciilifeform: from one pauper to another, listen to advice...
ben_vulpes: but this pauper's gotta think smaller, like a 47: http://www.the47.com/
ben_vulpes: a pauper forever i'll be
ben_vulpes: pity the pauper.
assbot: 33 results for 'pauper' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=pauper
ben_vulpes: !s pauper
ben_vulpes: i'm apparently even more of a pauper than yourself, and must maintain mobile work stations.
asciilifeform: make a sport out of rubbing its hopes, aspirations and legitimate expectations into the dirt >> try being a pauper in the Big Zone some time...
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: just what is it a 'good place' to do? not even - to die. (ever see what even a pauper's burial costs here?)
decimation: actually a well engineered balloon system would be a great 'pauper's space program'
assbot: 50 State Commemorative Quarters Collector's Map (includes both mints!): Peter Pauper Press, David Lindroth: 9781441312310: Amazon.com: Books
BingoBoingo: It was friendly FBI agency and pissed off Treasury agent sore he had to waste his time on a pauper
BingoBoingo: bats_cd03> an early silk road entrepreneur living it up on southern california after exchanging btc for fiat; authorities spy, notice new camaro but no regular employment since 2010... questioned, gasenwagen, perhaps USG confiscates some coins along the way. everything is gravy, republic lives another day. << And I bless Jebus I am but a midwestern pauper
asciilifeform would challenge BingoBoingo to pauper contest, if he knew what one would be
BingoBoingo: I am but a pauper kept here for the funnies.
decimation: waterjet is pretty cool, but it has its own "sequelae", not fit for pauper-tech
asciilifeform: in materials, pauper-cheap.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform:they aren't rich, in the customary sense - but not paupers. << compare what'd happen to the us bureaucrat pauper vs the russian bureaucrat once someone in a hostile nation put the kaibosh on them. they're paupers.
asciilifeform: then see who is rich, who is a pauper
mircea_popescu: having lost its Leuconian wool, as old trousers of a Britonic pauper, and as the ugly throat of a Ravennan pelican. I am said to have fucked her in a marine fishpond. I do not know; I think I fucked the fishpond."