357 entries in 0.796s
trinque: can't say I buy Orlov's flag-waving either ftr.
trinque: asciilifeform: any history writers you recommend on the soviet era? I watched that garbage of which Orlov wrote, characters might as well have winked at the camera and sang "take me out to the ballgame"
asciilifeform: orlov had a piece where 'people feel privileged to be robbed by such superior...'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: orlov et al were telling the troof, i went and priced, a parking space for standard habitable boat is <1k/mo in most of usa, well under what 'condo downtown' cost
asciilifeform: ( today's familiar 'office jerb -- mortgaged house -- car on credit' triangle, as documented by orlov, was being constructed then )
a111: Logged on 2014-07-16 19:04 mircea_popescu: "Suppose you have a company that sets out to make a widget. Let's call it Company A. Its founders are all engineers, of an uncompromising sort, and the widget they design and manufacture is of tremendous longevity, durability and overall quality." << hey check out orlov.
mircea_popescu: this was for orcs contemplating saying "yes" to the questions that may only be answered with the orlov niet.
mircea_popescu: "orlov either graduated or dropped out from college, and could turn competent prose if kept on a short leash, but he tended to believe he can actually be in charge of things. left to his own devices, he indulged in antireality boat designs and ridiculous sociopolitical systematization."
mircea_popescu: this is actually a great orlov piece ; once he abandons his nonsensical hallucinations of "having grasped the big picture" and takes up simple description he's actually quite readable.
asciilifeform: orlov
mircea_popescu: at some point the people LIVING THERE notice this, you know ? even if dung-in-toes sheepboy orlov (laughing at the moreso-dung-in-toes other sheeboys, ha-ha!) doesn't notice this.
mircea_popescu: and they're doing exactly that, and it's reasonable as it ever was, and i really dun see wtf the orlov's all about. "here's what i don't understand about astronomy" "ook ?"
mircea_popescu: or of saying anything useful or meaningful, either. orlov similar example, but at least he cycles the topics. one day -- expert on boats, next day -- expert on firearms, on it goes.
mircea_popescu: for all you know, orlov lives on a moored boat, and this dood lives in rms's quarters.
mircea_popescu: anyway. dork imagines he has some sort of cachet, exactly like orlov, exactly like all the branding idiots. what keeps eg http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Aweev from productive obedience is exactly the same fundamental problem.
mircea_popescu: but briefly revisiting http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-13#1750551 : that the various "survivalists" and other "prepper" "communities" all over the us are directly reducible to their weight in retards is directly evident not simply from the patent inanity of schemes like http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-29#1662898 (or for that matter 10 minutes spent on orlov's nonsense). it's much simpler shit such as : if they were EVEN VAGUELY ☝︎☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-12-09 01:14 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform so, did your time spent with the orlov menagerie pay off ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform so, did your time spent with the orlov menagerie pay off ? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: of course it is. 100% of "discussing" "events" "news" and "politics" is this. what else is orlov, moldbug, wha have you ?
asciilifeform: ( declared warmism permanently cemented orlov into this company , as typical clitler voter, the other major warmist demographic, tends not to read collapse bl0gz )
mircea_popescu: in this bitcoinarry bit ross, mr levine orlov doesn't get the GOOD leads.
asciilifeform: in other lulz, somewhat surprisingly orlov posted asciilifeform's comment , http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2017/12/cryptomania.html?showComment=1512503962841#c7729874167721735094
mircea_popescu: you recall that (uncharacteristically well written) orlov article re "power of nyet" ?
asciilifeform: because per orlov 'collapse never happens for everyone, it only happens for a particular you, one at a time'
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform yeah, you know what, giving your skill in formulating problems, i suspect orlov may have a solution justr for you.
mircea_popescu: s/orlov/wtf was it. arthur blair's pseudonym.
mircea_popescu: the adventure of that unfortunate idiot bailey is exactly that -- the dissemblement of the entire system people like orlov, and like rotblatt, and like every tard in between shat on for a half century.
asciilifeform: ( orlov had a point re 'notice, they have CO detectors in boats, but not in any passenger car. because the alarm would ring continuously. )
mircea_popescu: if it's indeed the case that taleb is your orlov, i'll comment that i'm missing out on less than you are.
mod6: lol, i even found one full of orlov articles.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: orlov phrased same lemma with different pieces -- '90s ru produced a dictum, 'don't lend more than it'd cost the creditor to take a contract on you'
asciilifeform: he devotes page+ to how important it is that people carry fleas again. and how important to bring back shamanic medicines 'in time for inevitable disappearance of pharma industry'. i'd quite like to begin with orlov, and his wife, son
asciilifeform: orlov is a (sometimes entertaining) stooge, but not of moscow. of 'agenda 21' or whatever it is called now.
mircea_popescu: and fwiw my reading of orlov is very much in this vein, which is how he keeps evaluating to below 0 in my hands. perhaps counterintuitively for more neutral readers.
asciilifeform: 'When the economy collapses, hard-drinking people everywhere find all the more reason to get drunk, but much less wherewithal with which to procure drink. In Russia, innovative market-based solutions were quickly improvised, which it was my privilege to observe. ' << orlov's megaclassic, http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/062805_soviet_lessons_part2.shtml
mircea_popescu: "one day, orlov got indigestion from a pea dish, and died. krilov, hearing such, died too. spiridonov however died all by himself. and his wife fell from the cupboard and also died. and his children drowned in a pond. and his grandmother took to the bottle and started hitchhiking."
asciilifeform: even orlov had a series re subj
asciilifeform: and yes, orlov put this point in book length, when you borrow money from banks instead of your blood clan, jew cackles, and coins ring in usg coffer, etc.
mircea_popescu: if you imagine you'll have orlov build you a ship out of a well chosen half walnut that'll perform better in "freakish weather" than a tanker you really should move on to apologetics, what can i say!
mircea_popescu: orlov has a hardon for putin, but putin never ever came close to this.
a111: Logged on 2016-07-26 18:33 asciilifeform: i thought orlov was stretching the truth, but apparently not - the new Official Narrative is 'trump is ru agent'
asciilifeform: i thought orlov was stretching the truth, but apparently not - the new Official Narrative is 'trump is ru agent' ☟︎
asciilifeform: this entails some insulation in the hull (orlov retrofitted ordinary boat with this, there are pics on his www) and a heat source.
BingoBoingo: AHA, but Orlov makes a point of NOT using that.
BingoBoingo: Anyways Orlov's plumbing problem is that when making the boat it should have been a primary rather than secondary consideration. Also wtf, hoses? Rigid copper seems like it would be much better for that application if boar design allowed for sanely routing pipes.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform asking "What is the minimal money necessary" is like asking "what is the minimum current draw of useful appliance". it depends neh ? for the money orlov already spent on his pretense (boat, authorship, whatever), egyptian native could have lived entire life happily in the circumstance of "the company of other bipeds being wholly SELECTABLE".
mircea_popescu: actually, further - i think that attempts to solve it on those lines will cost the attempter his life and sanity for no benefit. in other words - i say orlov is a scammer.
mircea_popescu: i don't think trying to formulate it is madness ; i do think that the orlov formulation is ridiculous at best.
asciilifeform: as i picture it, 'orlov's boat' is simply a lower-tech variation of the theme of 'mars dome'
a111: Logged on 2016-07-19 15:44 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu's 'sailboat' is a racing yacht. orlov's is a (mostly) wind-powered antisocial survival capsule.
asciilifeform: actually orlov did at one point say that he would be happy to live in a land truck but it is too easily accessible by enemies
asciilifeform: it is a qualitative jump, in cost AND repairability, and i have nfi why orlov ignored it.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu's 'sailboat' is a racing yacht. orlov's is a (mostly) wind-powered antisocial survival capsule. ☟︎
asciilifeform: imho orlov is making a mistake though - he ought to be designing a submarine.
asciilifeform: from past orlov&boat threads, iirc mircea_popescu sailed titanic diesels.
asciilifeform: 'quidnon' is orlov's crackpot design, it will, he wrote, be published as plans on www, and sold as diy kit.
asciilifeform: not houses for orlov.
mircea_popescu never likes the results, but perseveres reading orlov linked material.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: orlov has an interesting pill for mircea_popescu's 'if yer boat has a hole, you gotta drydock it and now you're out $maxint' >> http://quidnon.blogspot.com/2016/07/on-women-boats-and-plumbing.html
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: orlov.
a111: Logged on 2014-07-16 19:04 mircea_popescu: "Suppose you have a company that sets out to make a widget. Let's call it Company A. Its founders are all engineers, of an uncompromising sort, and the widget they design and manufacture is of tremendous longevity, durability and overall quality." << hey check out orlov.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: orlov. he cheats with diesel motor when in port.
mircea_popescu: orlov, iirc, is mostly notable for begging for engine replacement ?
asciilifeform: tell it to orlov.
asciilifeform: l0l orlov goes to that one iirc.
asciilifeform: recall orlov's hypothesis re how american-fat will kill the victim if he begins to burn it ?
asciilifeform: the perennial favourite example (as seen in, e.g., orlov, and elsewhere) is bacteria in agar
mircea_popescu: oh ers was just begging generically, at the same time orlov needed new engine
asciilifeform: orlov!
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: under discussion was orlov's gambit of seagoing-thing-as-escape-from-rent
asciilifeform: iirc orlov had one
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: ever consider doind the orlov thing and moving to one ?
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: unrelatedly, i found out that orlov told the truth, and it really does cost only a few hundy usd/mo. to part a 30 ft. boat (on east coast usa at least)
mircea_popescu: people new to the topic of how the democratic cancer spreads may just as well read orlov's last bit linked by alf, or any other of ten billion treatises on the topic.
jurov: orlov believes in trump?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform inasmuch as he steal speaks of "its money", orlov doesn't actually get the turkey dollars thing. he earnestly thinks that there is ONE kind of usdollar, and PART of that one is "wasted". whereas the situation in the field is that there's two kinds, ands the bezzle part can only be bezzled with.
asciilifeform: which is that photovoltaic and wind are preparations for what orlov called 'boutique economy'
mircea_popescu: he is saying what orlov is saying, and what yarvin is saying, and what generally the castrated son of a stupid anglo whore is always fucking saying
ascii_butugychag: orlov may not even have understood the full implications of his lulzpiece
asciilifeform: and hey also orlov.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Maybe if we ping Herr Orlov enough it will be done?
asciilifeform: hysterical raisins (tm) (r) (orlov)
mod6: i had to laugh at that last orlov
mitch_callahan: is this Dmitry Orlov ?
pete_dushenski: ;;google site:trilema.com orlov
pete_dushenski: orlov mostly flows to b-a via the alfian-ruskie tunnel.
assbot: 260 results for 'orlov' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=orlov
pete_dushenski: !s orlov
mitch_callahan: sorry I don't know Orlov.
pete_dushenski: sort of an orlov character, isn't he ?
assbot: Logged on 02-12-2015 21:15:47; asciilifeform: unless you're of the mircea_popescu or orlov school of thought, in which case better gifts include horse and kalash
asciilifeform: unless you're of the mircea_popescu or orlov school of thought, in which case better gifts include horse and kalash ☟︎
jurov: *orlov
mircea_popescu: anyway, the symmetry with orlov is oddly lolz.
jurov: because orlov says so?
ascii_field: anyway in usa it is a very simple matter, as described by herr orlov: near-everybody there is 2 or 3 missed paycheques away from hobo-dom.
mircea_popescu: sure. like orlov, locklin and eric what's his face. they all live.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: kunstler is, one of, orlov's mega-favourites. but i was never able to stomach his output.
asciilifeform: as described by orlov, even; the reason why the car is sold last of all is that without it, no money.
assbot: Logged on 03-09-2015 22:33:16; mircea_popescu: ascii_field: they happily send their sons to army so they can 'die for a fat bitch's right to marry her dog' << wow. that, right there, is more valuable to orlov's employer than orlov's entire body of work to date. mebbe you get job offers nao.