264 entries in 0.691s
asciilifeform: girlattorney: older article re subj, with illustration of the business end of the punishment weapon.
fromdeedbot: if they hard fork in order to add the ability to go back and change something they ruin thespirit or the platform
fromdeedbot: and am hesring about a second hard fork now
runsegshet: no hard fork
a111: Logged on 2017-08-08 17:26 BingoBoingo: And the Powah Rangahs have turned hard against Silberts 2 MB fork https://archive.is/4hevE
BingoBoingo: And the Powah Rangahs have turned hard against Silberts 2 MB fork https://archive.is/4hevE ☟︎
asciilifeform: though i imagine the plan of the pantshits is to cement the 'soft' fork as hard, somehow
user705: how would the endgame unfold? this "soft" fork will just become a hard fork. right or how would it unwind?
user705: unfortunately true. have to work hard to change. mining now is an unprofitable venture. but with this fork would coinbase transactions be impacted? no right? but pools would pay out from that so how would it work when it all unwinds?
whaack: the idea that segwit is safer because it is a "soft fork" is nonsense. during a hard fork one can vote with their coins. soft forks are a sneak attack to add a new rule on the part of the miners.
user705: the hard fork that was proposed by idiots who claimed to be the economic majority but forgot to sign their BTC balances to actually prove that is obviously a non starter
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo the hard fork school of soft knocks to the colon.
asciilifeform: there is not a programmatic pill against http://qntra.net/2015/01/the-hard-fork-missile-crisis .
lulcoinz: so do you guys think there will actually be a hard fork anytime soon?
shinohai: In Coinbase lulz "Customers who wish to access both blockchains at the time of the hard fork should withdraw their BTC from GDAX"
mircea_popescu: in other views, http://www.truthcoin.info/blog/against-the-hard-fork/
shinohai: Now Ethereum Fundation is rushing to beg exchanges to halt trading this morning because of "surprise issues" with latest hard fork.
asciilifeform: e.g., http://qntra.net/2015/01/the-hard-fork-missile-crisis/
thestringpuller: we were talking about hard fork war tactics inb4 it was cool
a111: Logged on 2016-10-19 14:43 shinohai: < 24 hrs after hard fork to stop ETH attacks, another attack is ongoing and butterin suggest yet another fork will fix it: http://archive.is/3XcGG
shinohai: < 24 hrs after hard fork to stop ETH attacks, another attack is ongoing and butterin suggest yet another fork will fix it: http://archive.is/3XcGG ☟︎
shinohai: https://twitter.com/rogerkver/status/784653709875687424 <<< hard fork cafe lmao
BingoBoingo: Mind that http://qntra.net/2015/01/the-hard-fork-missile-crisis/ is the most influential piece on cryptocurrency this month
danielpbarron: it was a "wallet" that used nLockTime to make "secure" 0-conf transactions if i'm not mistaken. And I think they also publicly took a stand against a bitcoin hard fork at some point. They had a representative in the chat under the nickname 'GAit' but never registered a GPG key.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-27#1510308 << doh. as was explained back in the day we for the first time in "the blockchain technology space" explained how a hard fork resolves economically, cca 2014ish. meanwhile the "technology leaders" of one intern and rented offices got a little overrun by events. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: this however leaves them very fucking exposed, because they wet panties over "oh, hard fork ethereum will set such great example!!1eleven". it will. for whom ?
thestringpuller: damn what a mess. exactly what we predicted would happen in a hard fork.
mircea_popescu: shinohai this means that the derps are in the worst case of all : all the damage of their "hard fork" is now baked in but nevertheless none of the things they hoped it would achieve were achieved.
thestringpuller: but since you asked nicely: https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/4tr8ir/now_its_bitcoins_turn_eths_hard_fork_was_a/
thestringpuller: incoming bitcoin hard fork FUD
thestringpuller: the ethereum hard fork is making the VER-ified crowd go wild.
shinohai: http://archive.is/RiRfl "We still reserve the right to act against the voting result in case there are security issues identified in the hard fork code or the pool will end up on the non-winning chain".
mircea_popescu: phf> "Intel is pushing a neat technique that could block malware infections on computers at the processor level." kek << because that's TOTALLY where they should be blocked. check it out, intel found the solution to badly written "dao" : HARD FORK!!1
asciilifeform: 'One thing a lot of pro-fork people don't realize is that they're basically encouraging a very damaging form of speculation on the value of ETH. Because a hard fork promises to return ETH at a rate of < 100 DAO per ETH, it encourages people to buy up large amounts of DAO tokens at their current rates (> 100 DAO per ETH), and then actively advocate for the fork to happen. Last time I checked, this guarantees them a profit of > 30% (in
mircea_popescu: (this, incidentally, was the main and is now the ~only reason for the ethereum hard fork. give a plausible excuse as to why nobody's trading it)
mircea_popescu: "I am hoping there will be a hard fork and all is resolved soon so that we can go back to normal days with the excitement of watching and reading about all the innovation that is going on with Ethereum. Maybe /u/vbuterin if you have time."
shinohai: http://archive.is/h9UtE <<< supernova to close their ethereum mining pool, because fuck the hard fork.
shinohai: https://github.com/ethcore/parity/pull/1483/files The dao is still down -12.19 %. Here's a provisional hard fork to make it all better.
mircea_popescu: if it blows up, you can always "hard fork"^H"pretend it never happened".
shinohai: https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/4qb4kz/this_is_intolerably_ridiculous_hard_fork_and_move/d4rr6t3 <<< naturally this guy gets downboats
asciilifeform: 'Hard Fork: A hard fork would put a decisive end to the ongoing corewars game that is being played.' << lel somebody reads them l0gz
mircea_popescu: anyway. if anyone's following the lulzdrama : ethereum people realise their "fix" ie softfork will in fact be defeated, want hard fork nao.
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: whatever happened to the hard fork proposal you made?
a111: Logged on 2016-06-23 22:15 shinohai: Cries for Hard fork abound in the ethereum subreddit due to the new message sent by the hacker via Bitcoin Suisse
shinohai: Cries for Hard fork abound in the ethereum subreddit due to the new message sent by the hacker via Bitcoin Suisse ☟︎
asciilifeform: 'I’ve heard reports that the first part of Vitalik’s fork proposal has already happened: miners have frozen the funds taken from the DAO with a soft-fork, which means that miners are blacklisting any transaction that moves those funds, as well as refusing to mine on top of blocks containing transactions moving those funds. That’s not very hard to do as - like Bitcoin - Ethereum mining is sufficiently centralized that it only ta
thestringpuller: i think that's why they released the free "drain some eth" on a pastebin. but no one bit at it. basically if the attacker is able to entice more blackhats to start attacking the various daos into other child daos making it more difficult to hard fork.
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2015/01/the-hard-fork-missile-crisis/ << The Hard Fork Missile Crisis | Qntra | http://www.ofnumbers.com/2015/02/06/what-is-the-blockchain-hard-fork-missile-crisis/ << What is the blockchain hard fork “missile crisis?” | Great Wall of ... | https://medium.com/@bramcohen/bitcoin-s-ironic-crisis-32226a85e39f << Bitcoin's Ironic Crisis — Medium
BingoBoingo: $google hard fork crisis
mircea_popescu: "I will buy Ether from any users who rage quit because of a hard fork. It won't be much because most opposition here is from non-stakeholders trying to deny stakeholders their right to self determination." << that's how http://trilema.com/2015/the-definitive-sovereign/ 's "the people themselves" is called now ? "right to self determination" ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform lulz of all time : the thing you linked links to qntra via a NOT CLICKABLE reference to https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2s2utx/the_hard_fork_missile_crisis/cnlqcd
thestringpuller: "Dao will only be able to withdrawal after hard fork"
ben_vulpes: http://btcbase.org/log/2015-09-01#1258074 << every six month hard fork killed monero iirc ☝︎
vc: (I'm trying to figure out whether your bitcoin network is the most popular bitcoin network or a hard fork of another network)
asciilifeform: 'Gavin will "win" because most people won't even realize there was a debate, let alone a "war". Gavin has the network alert key, so when he says "please upgrade to avoid being left on a fork", most people will upgrade. Hard to get away from that. Mircea Popescu isn't likely to persuade anyone that he's right because in all of the three blog posts on this subject I found, nowhere does he bother to explain why he's opposed to a larger
asciilifeform: 'Even though core says they are ok with a hard fork to 2MB (they have it on their own roadmap, just very far in the future), they refuse to prioritize it. They prefer to withhold something that could help the network now...' << these folks never give up
BingoBoingo: But basically thing that keeps current asics but prevents better asics is on power ranger hard fork wish lizt because of treaty.
mod6: hanbot: hi, cool. probably would have to go back to at least the beginning of this whole hard/soft fork discussion i'd think.
mircea_popescu: knob 1 above decides whether to obsolete current miners entirely or just partially, and is a [true] soft vs hard fork ; knob 2 decides how much i/o pressure to put on relay nodes ; knob 3 decides how much relay work to require in the mix.
adlai: breaking consensus is a hard fork. narrowing it - soft.
adlai: asciilifeform: it's an idea because it means that the "#b-a fork" isn't a hard-fork that can fail.
BingoBoingo: HARD FORK SEGWIT https://archive.is/KMCyW
assbot: [EZ Guide] How to LOSE money in a blocksize-related hard fork. : btc ... ( http://bit.ly/1Tro9vl )
assbot: I’ll bet you $5,000 that bitcoin’s first hard fork works out just fine — Medium ... ( http://bit.ly/1ogRDRA )
shinohai: https://medium.com/@barmstrong/i-ll-bet-you-5-000-that-bitcoin-s-first-hard-fork-works-out-just-fine-a380abbe97b3#.gbp4xpqms <<<LOLCOWZ
assbot: Will the Bitcoin Classic 2MB hard fork happen in 2016? - BetMoose ... ( http://bit.ly/242LgBu )
danielpbarron: yeah most of my gains were betting on MPEx beating the previous hard fork scare that drove the price of MPOE into the teens
assbot: Hard Fork Conspiracy Treacherous | Riddell Williams P.S. Seattle Law Firm : btc ... ( http://bit.ly/1PrabHb )
assbot: Hard Fork Conspiracy Treacherous | Riddell Williams P.S. Seattle Law Firm : btc ... ( http://bit.ly/1SLnExJ )
BingoBoingo: https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/45e14z/hard_fork_conspiracy_treacherous_riddell_williams/
assbot: Hard Fork Conspiracy Treacherous | Riddell Williams P.S. Seattle Law Firm ... ( http://bit.ly/1SLmDWs )
punkman: http://www.riddellwilliams.com/blog/articles/post/hard-fork-conspiracy-treacherous lol
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for thestringpuller from 1 to 1 with note: wrote the hard fork missile crisis qntra article
ascii_butugychag: BingoBoingo: ' pledging to sink any hard fork proposal without making these changes' --> ... 'that does not include these changes' ?
BingoBoingo: Tasoshi: Didn't you see there's a way to get MP to buy into a hard fork? http://trilema.com/2016/the-necessary-prerequisite-for-any-change-to-the-bitcoin-protocol/
thestringpuller: In other DERP, gavin apparently didn't read the hard fork missile crisis: http://gavinandresen.ninja/minority-branches
assbot: Gavin Andresen Proposes Same Hard Fork Again | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1Vv94rD )
assbot: Gavin Andresen Proposes Same Hard Fork Again | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1WQxRYq )
assbot: Gavin Andresen Proposes Same Hard Fork Again | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1Vuvyci )
jurov: "Move 1) Core clearly commits to a hard fork block size increase, by adding it to its formal roadmap."
shinohai: "I admire Dr. Pieter Wuille’s brilliant hack to deploy it as a soft fork. But despite being brilliant, the soft fork Segregated Witness is still a hack. A hack is dirty. Such a technology would be better implemented as hard fork.”
BingoBoingo: "Chun has made a concrete hard fork proposal since – though the details of this proposal are not yet clear."
assbot: throckmortonsign comments on https://bitcoin.org/en/bitcoin-core/capacity-increases Why is a hard fork still necessary? ... ( http://bit.ly/1UaVglM )
pete_dushenski: "Bitcoin Classic will not release anything but the 2MB hardfork patch until we have hard forked. We are focused on the hard fork." << what kind of sense is this supposed to make ? (via 'toomin' not 'j')
adlai: "hard fork whenever we feel like it, forever" = unready for capital-B-ization
mircea_popescu: "For all the ways the manufactured crisis around the ClassicCoin hard fork push is made to seem more polished than the XTCoin manufactured crisis, the results of the effort somehow seem still more underwhelming." << word. ten times the effort, a tenth of the result.
assbot: The Hard Fork Missile Crisis | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1SmzVIg )
mircea_popescu: in other news, http://qntra.net/2015/01/the-hard-fork-missile-crisis/#comment-40223 this shit's fucking epic
thestringpuller: I'm actually in favor of them attempting a hard fork cause it provides war profiteering opportunities.
assbot: Gavin and Toomim Present: "Classic" – Another Hard Fork Risk | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1RKjG60 )
BingoBoingo: http://qntra.net/2016/01/gavin-and-toomim-present-classic-another-hard-fork-risk/#comment-38912
deedbot-: [Qntra] Gavin and Toomim Present: "Classic" Another Hard Fork Risk - http://qntra.net/2016/01/gavin-and-toomim-present-classic-another-hard-fork-risk/
assbot: The Hard Fork Missile Crisis | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1P7GSpQ )
ascii_butugychag: psztorc: see http://qntra.net/2015/01/the-hard-fork-missile-crisis
thestringpuller: http://qntra.net/2015/01/the-hard-fork-missile-crisis/#comment-7033 << ultimately it's a resource war TMSR definitely has upperhand here
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller> BitGo says: "My personal view at this point is that it's more important that we successfully accomplish an intentional hard fork" << yes, it would be important for their self-validaiton. just like every pimply teenager is right in suspecting that the most important thing they could be doing for their own maturity is actually bedding a woman already.
thestringpuller: BitGo says: "My personal view at this point is that it's more important that we successfully accomplish an intentional hard fork"
assbot: Logged on 30-12-2015 21:30:43; pete_dushenski: "I think that use of the Alert System https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Alert_system would be justified in the weeks preceding the hard fork. Maybe we can create an "Upgrade now!" message that the new version would ignore, and set it to broadcast forever to all old nodes?" << sipalulz
pete_dushenski: "I think that use of the Alert System https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Alert_system would be justified in the weeks preceding the hard fork. Maybe we can create an "Upgrade now!" message that the new version would ignore, and set it to broadcast forever to all old nodes?" << sipalulz ☟︎
punkman: "This seemed like a hard problem. I personally dismissed this as a solution for a long time as something non-viable, until Luke-Jr discovered that it's possible to do this as a soft-fork. What we're going to do is inputs, we just deprecate the signature field inside of inputs. It's going to be an empty string from now on. Obviously, an empty signature is not going to be able to spend an