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mircea_popescu: good
god, with minds like these what need of scholarship.
mircea_popescu: i dunno what some illiterate moron deems problematic about that sentence, maybe it's the vocabulary, such as the word "sin".
god knows they have vocabulary problems all the damned time.
mircea_popescu: this imaginary self-situation in the seat of
god where lo and behold you'll somehow see all patches... what the fuck do you think this is, the github flatlands ?
mircea_popescu: the sort of morons who think
god will download sexual ability into their heads immediately after marriage tend to naturally think otherwise, of course. but
god hates them.
mircea_popescu: trinque, your blog is such a pain to navigate, dear
god. so i want to see your previous article. well... there's no recent articles on the sidebar so i can't just ~see the title~ therefore eschew the need to click things. but let's see the archives... oh oops... this month's archive is entirely identical to you know, your latest article, for the first mile.
mircea_popescu: i walk out of shops / restaurants / whatever ALL the
god damn time, for the simplest of reasons, such as "took more than thirty seconds to come for orders".
mircea_popescu: this has nothing to do with "how well you write". i'm aware this is the typical gambit of the being an engineer, he's gonna -- don't you know -- be SO
GOD DAMEND GOOD at being funny/caring/whatever the girl he ain't said hi to yet is gonna... nfi, rematerialize our of his dirty sheets and start doing the laundry one day.
mircea_popescu: so hard and difficult and unapproachable and scary and etcetera is this question of splittign the space, that it is worthwhile to go to all the trouble of farming a bunch of morons, because their crap/noncrap decision is tantamount to fucking holy, and no deployment of anything but honest to
god THE dude from big lebowsky can possibly cut it.
mircea_popescu: this isn't a complaint -- i don't personally mind evil exists, nor do i believe it shouldn't exist or that its absence would signal any kind of improvement. without evil the world's boring as fuck, which is why idiots asking dumb questions like "how come an infinitely good
god has small children raped to death" are fucking stupid. evil is a better addition to the world than fucking cinema, it'd be way too borning to try
mircea_popescu: they got a list of like 5 things, and
god help you if you're trying to find something
other than that. hey diana_coman, what's your article with the woman's difficulties, (sexy, smart) pick one ?
mircea_popescu: i asked you if ~they think~ they own the code, not if
god does.
mircea_popescu: diana_coman, people use all sorta lulz, "encrypted drives" whatever nonsense. it's a ridiculous state of affairs, but it's what we
god, what can we do.
god knows my being an engineer slated for that went instead to be stupid.
mircea_popescu: it's valuable because it is rare, and because it is, quite pointedly, going against
god's own plans with you.
god put ~exactly no clues~ permitting one to bootstrap out of the ~necessary~
d-k recursion.
god put no such clues in ~deliberately~, and
god also made it necessary in the first place. because
god's an asshole.
mircea_popescu: apparently saying "last night i met some really cool people, they fucking blew me out of the water THUS AND FOLLOWING" is forbidden by
god or some such.
http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-22#1937512 << it's also not specifically verbotten to threaten the republic.
god knows i threaten my own slavegirls, dedicated as you couldn't believe and truly and honestly with nothing else in their hearth but my... well, not my aggrandization per se nor my loving extension... i'd say just that earnest & motherly "i wish this man to get perecisely as great as he possibly cou
mircea_popescu: i'm aware it's very much what stupidity/puritanism/pantsuitism teaches, "pure at heart in public and very weirdly deviant in private" sorta "deal" with "
mircea_popescu: it's neither, eminently. what some woman composing the 2nd to 80th percentile of any population of women THINKS she wants is of no consequence and utterly no import, for anyone HERSELF FOREMOST. tryna discover "what you want" unless you're
god;s own chosen is exactly like tryna discover if moonrock should be browner
mircea_popescu: it's an ecology problem, very much of the
cycle variety ; an' will have to be addressed, though in this particular case the corner naive gent's painted himself in is SO FAR OUT THERE, and there's SO MUCH
GOD DAMNED PAINT surface, it'll take a while to unwind.
mircea_popescu: i hope to
god they were just about to take a large bite out of a steel girder at high speed.
mircea_popescu: exact same formalisms, it was like a sorta joke / toast, in the akkadia of 3000 years ago, "oh, son of
god herpy derp"
mircea_popescu: chuck moore can be famous when he meets the bar to existence. when you can fucking LINK to the
god damned "famous" things.
mircea_popescu: chuck moore had ~supposedly~. allegedly. in
that manner, like danielpbarron has
god and like usa has prosperity -- if you don't look too closely.
mircea_popescu: alright, but that's different, specifically in that there's no
god-given time
mircea_popescu: the idea was that all the idle fuckwits making up some portion of the 10 billion bipedal cows befouling
god's green earth for no purpose and to no benefit will drop their idiotic ways and present themselves for service.
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-30#1921072 << you know ? that chick was manticoring back before ~most everyone ever bitcoined, and exactly zero rubbed off. instead we're having "how dumb is hanbot!!!" festivals, because
god forbid learn something from the one woman that knows shit none of us do. how about instead be so impressed with this one weird trick!
☝︎ mircea_popescu:
god fucking forbid you look at the damned things in the face, you might die or something.
mircea_popescu: can't fucking find anything on this blog of mine, by now it's taking longer to amass the references than it takes to write a
god damned article.
mircea_popescu: kinda like cockroaches, very resilient. would probably feed on urban garbage / each other's aborted foetuses in any case.
god knows they already eat soylent & assorted dogfood machine-delivered.
mircea_popescu: (here
god stands for lobbes an'... spyked doing it too iirc ?)
mircea_popescu: one can not want such a thing as "red wine in a unicorn shaped glass". that's not properly speaking a want, that's just pretense. dood properly speaking wants to be seen by me (
god, whatever, same difference), AS HE SEES HIMSELF.
mircea_popescu: this, quite exactly ~this~ is the substance of hitler's lament, " It is similar in the world. It just does not work, to have 46 million British people block 40 million km² of earth and simply declare:
God gave it to us, and 20 years ago we got some from you too; this is ours now, and will not give it back. And France, And France with its not very fertile earth, almost 80 people on a square kilometer, yet they have over 9
mircea_popescu: i actually had to fall back on my own secret service background to extract through THAT AVENUE the information that she needed in such a packaging and under such wot signaturs as i could trust, because
god fucking help me if she was gonna send shit to random endpoints "culled from the www"
god knows it informs a lot of the strategic and systems design work at the core of the republic.
mircea_popescu: the cheap one wasn't expensive at all, and yes worth every
god damned penny.
mircea_popescu: nope ;/ still not the one i had in mind
god damn it all to hell, im turning senile over here.
mircea_popescu: "'Zounds, sir, you are one of those that will not serve
God, if the devil bid you. Because we come to do you service and you think we are ruffians, you'll have your daughter covered with a Barbary horse; you'll have your nephews neigh to you; you'll have coursers for cousins and gennets for germans." an' all that.
mircea_popescu: diana_coman sure, why not. for the same money could just blame
god tho.
mircea_popescu: i don't imagine the concept of "
god" is per se harmful. greeks also had, and various others.
mircea_popescu: much like the much earlier version libertard's notion of "
god" or the classical libertard's notion of "freedom"
mircea_popescu: they have SUCH a fucking ridiculous, fucking obvious, structurally-stable passive-aggressive approach to things, jesus
god. one can literally identify, tag and mark the invidious bernie sandals socialist by this his most peculiar approach to conflict and social hierarchy.
mircea_popescu: there's really a lengthy list of these, "o noes, someone's fundamentally not as fucked in the head as us ?! O
mircea_popescu: the mister
god point is pretty fucking lulzy, not to mention accurate.
mircea_popescu: (for completeness, approx - "men are of flesh, women, of steel. it shoul've been the other way around, but
god's hunchback and not above mistakes ; women say they're flesh, men claim to be steel -- which is why it's dark at night and life a hotel"
mircea_popescu: it's a convenient fiction trope, this, that a merciful
god on the moment of closing accounts points out the hole.
mircea_popescu: the issue of having every
god damn peripheral aware of time is another fucking bojum
mircea_popescu: where the fuck is it
god damned it, dood proved succintly he well understands the permission model sanity required by the whole stack and the idiotic breakage later morons introduced and now i can't fucking find it.
mircea_popescu: or in general. i want 2gb films like i want the clap. if
god didn't mean films to be 700mb he wouldn't have made cd's that big.
mircea_popescu: nor of any
god-made promise going "a www server you'd care to use can be made in less than x lines of y".
mircea_popescu: dnc also works for as long as it doesn'thave to, and
god knows the us army is built on that doctrine.
mircea_popescu: pro tip : whenever the inferior whine about maltreatment, it's a sure sign as if
god spoke himself that you're sparing the rod excessively, and spoiling the children in consequence.
god knows goats eat shirts. maybe llamas eat sheet metal
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform on meditation, that piece makes it plainly evident redditardation is ~generational~, not ideological. there sit the russki kids, who'd be in a fine position to understand the problem.
god knows they have much better access to much better priors that readily illuminate it.
☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎ mircea_popescu: it makes exactly zero difference what peculiar form of "fatherinlaw/
god/whatever" the x takes.
mircea_popescu: and it so happens that
god wank scores right there with "commercial communication" aka spam (another trope of fiction) on the scale of republican appreciation of fiction.
god is ~just another trope~. like "the voyage", like "the teenage witch", like "vampires" or "magic horses" or "the island of buyan",
god is just another trope. tropes are common places of fiction. fiction is a product of imagination. imagination is mildly-restrained psychogenic noise, which is a class of noise, like wetware thought or like fg output. which are phenomena, which is one half of the world (the other half being o
mircea_popescu: it becomes a success when "the iron! my
god, the iron!" say the locals upon beholding the franks.
mircea_popescu: i suspect by the same methodology "women's rights" will be a byword for bdsm and "#metoo" another way to say "idiot" in another decade.
god knows "you guys are POWER RANGERS!!!" reddit gushing went exactly that way.
mircea_popescu: "something happened ?
god's wrath!" not exactly much intellectually adherent.
mircea_popescu: in fact, as the only sovereign, it is literally the superior node of
god in general, and of any statement of divinity, whether it originates with some guy in rural oklahoma or rural canaan.
mircea_popescu: this now begs the questrion whether if i send my valkiries they would somehow manifest liquidity.
god knows i had no problem dealing as much as i wanted in buenos aires. nor here. nor apparently anywhere (except when it comes to wiring to bb, which is becoming the lulz of all time, somehow)
mircea_popescu: can you ~believe~ how much like something you'd read on tardstalk "investments" your workproduct ends up ?! and this in 2018 ? why, because you've been secretly saving it through a time capsule, insulated from review, all this time ?!
god almighty, last thing i want is the yahoo peterl-ism of 2013 perpetuated a second past the end of that year.
☟︎ mircea_popescu:
god knows i sank hours into documentary wells for various edge discussions (bout half of which end up published, mostly because i'm fascist with "in other news" style segues ; but many do not, as it's "yup, was right" or such)
mircea_popescu: how you manage to cram a week's worth of logs in an hour and a half for instance is anyone's guess,
god knows my girls don't manage -- it eats in excess of 10 hours weekly, and noobs such as the bimbo are well over the 25 hour mark week in week out.
mircea_popescu: at that level of abstraction, leaking the empire's artefacts selectively into the frankistans is
god's work.
mircea_popescu: 100% "monogamy is
god-given because even morons like me should have access to cunt" style offensive nonsense
mircea_popescu: (but since the parallel was underlined, let's underline another bit of lulz : ye
http://trilema.com/2018/the-republic-without-mp/ aspirants of the future, i ask you now : can ~you~ quote as the word of
god things you said not "many many years ago" but THE FIRST LINES OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!!! as you were sorta-kinda examining a thing that at the time seemed entirely unimportant to you ? because yes that's the fucking standard, not
mircea_popescu: (somehow the femtards never seem to figure the fucking obvious, "agreeing to be nice" can only possibly result in folger's friendship and no genuine anything to be had anywhere....
god i fucking hate 'em.)
☟︎ mircea_popescu: there will be no altcoin ; there will be no alt-cipher ; this is a jealous
god we got here.
mircea_popescu: IF i had a workable understanding of block ciphers, we could bake a device-block-tailored cipher and at least have that to show
mircea_popescu: this, incidentally, was ~always~ the case. during soviet times, i recall older guy saying to (friend) who worked at jail, "
god fucking help you if an actual thief ever ends up in there".
mircea_popescu: in other words, jesus
god this is lovely -- whenever the girls meet the house's suddenly fulla giggles an' laughter.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: "
god created man in his image (and not vice-versa!!!!)" xtian creed. hence "peace". what could possibly be needed in the perfect world of the scummy repose, than... more of the same ?
mircea_popescu: unremarkably enough, the pantsuit religion is then "the religion of love". cuz
god "so loved his children", he gave them windows and asked them to use it.