110 entries in 0.292s
kakobrekla: this happened to me on bitstamp in 2011 or 12, had a deposit processed twice. i reported it though.
kakobrekla: another mirror if that one gets taken down http://pdfsr.com/pdf/270137312-bitstamp-incident-report-2-20-15.pdf
kakobrekla: that was Nejces brother computer: "IT security, enterprise servers/storage. IT wizard @ Bitstamp" source: https://twitter.com/ilukeberry
kakobrekla: well one of the idiots that i gave trezor to still kept the coins on bitstamp until after the hack
kakobrekla: http://www.coindesk.com/analysis-bitstamp-hacker-stolen-additional-1-75-million/
kakobrekla: * Bitstamp is now running on Amazon’s world-class AWS cloud infrastructure, architected to be one of the most secure and reliable cloud computing environments available.
kakobrekla: Dear Bitstamp customers,
kakobrekla: as the new bitstamp advisor?
kakobrekla: btw bitstamp is moving operations to us (prolly sf). ☟︎
kakobrekla: now "bitbet sucks because bitstamp stole coins"
kakobrekla: im now getting "my output address is bitstamp hot wallet" emails from bitbet users. ☟︎
kakobrekla: bitstamp is legal by being retarded evil scammers
kakobrekla: asciilifeform thats the model bitstamp is using among others.
kakobrekla: north bitstamp is best bitstamp.
kakobrekla: on bitstamp only
kakobrekla: bitstamp is the best
kakobrekla: they sell coins on bitstamp
kakobrekla: <asciilifeform> http://dpaste.com/2ZAFGC5 << why use 'coinbase' again ? << cause they got inquisitioned out of bitstamp
kakobrekla: dunno if it makes any difference but bitstamp has a company registered for each of its ~20 'employees' here in slovenia.
kakobrekla: where else sheep gonna go? bitstamp is fucking them too directly.
kakobrekla: http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/26apno/bitstamp_will_not_process_withdrawal_unless_you/
kakobrekla: did you notice the color of the shop, its called 'bitstamp green'
kakobrekla: back when btc was fiddy bux i once got a 10k deposit on bitstamp processed twice
kakobrekla: ThickAsThieves you could bring up bitstamp trading fees scam
kakobrekla: bitstamp fixed their scam by not fixing it; https://www.bitstamp.net/article/bitstamp-minimum-trade-changing-to-5/
kakobrekla: https://bitcointa.lk/threads/bitstamp-scam-accusation-fixed-with-friendly-resolution.134066/page-2#post-2257684
kakobrekla: they use bitstamp, fucking great.
kakobrekla: from some guy: > Upon review of your Bitstamp account we have to notify you that your verification documents do not meet our verification standards.
kakobrekla: <jurov> kako explained he has inside info about bitstamp being in mysql backed once a day or so < on the same server. only.
kakobreklaa: or a bitstamp one
kakobrekla: i dont think i have to repeat myself re bitstamp.
kakobrekla: http://blog.tian.io/bitstamp-was-hacked-2-weeks-ago-and-only-now-users-are-finding-out
kakobrekla: bitstamp tard came spamming re bitstamp back in 2012 or what was it, to such extent that he got a k-line
kakobrekla: so badly it makes bitstamp look good
kakobrekla: ;;premium bitstamp mtgox
kakobrekla: "Bitstamp. How an exchange should be run. "
kakobrekla: anyway re bitstamp, there were couple of problems over the course of time
kakobrekla: https://www.bitstamp.net:443/article/bitcoin-withdraws-suspended/
kakobrekla: fun fact: bitstamp is getting sold
kakobrekla: >MtGox USD price of Bitcoin to be 40 percent higher than any of the other major exchanges (BTC-e, BitStamp) any time before May.
kakobrekla: ;;premium mtgox bitstamp
kakobrekla: ;;premium mtgox bitstamp
kakobrekla: ;;premium bitstamp btce
kakobrekla: ;;premium mtgox bitstamp
kakobrekla: ;;google gribble mtgox bitstamp spread
kakobrekla: you know someone like me could take down bitstamp quite simply
kakobrekla: its easy, with a string and two cans you can match bitstamp
kakobrekla: got a word from inside of bitstamp, mysql server with no replication and once per day local mysql dump
kakobrekla: btce is now basically paired with bitstamp, thats odd
kakobrekla: firedrops tradehill is like mtgox, bitstamp...
kakobrekla: good job davout, unlike those bitstamp retards
kakobrekla: >Apparently the people at Bitstamp aren't just thieves, they're incompetent too. If you signed up for API access back when they were using account passwords for API authentication (i.e. before "API keys") you can still withdraw your BTC via the "old" API from an unverified account. Not sure if this works for the new API too (never used it).
kakobrekla: > 02:27.45 ( thestringpuller ) "My bank won't wire transfer to Slovenia (Bitstamp) says that it is a sanctioned country."
kakobrekla: bitstamp, dark
kakobrekla: bitstamp got sold and bitstamp limited is in the uk
kakobrekla: they have/had 2 companies, bitstamp and bitstamp limited
kakobrekla: bitstamp limited is from july 2012
kakobrekla: im not sure, bitstamp is now grossus which is owned by ZRPI which is by Milan Kozlevcar or something
kakobrekla: bitstamp was sold 5 days ago
kakobreklaa: bitstamp data feed has been down for a while
kakobrekla: at bitstamp, you have to pay to get robbed
kakobrekla: anyway, people are so desperate they will use that piece of shit that bitstamp is
kakobrekla: http://www.coindesk.com/bitstamp-bitcoin-trading-volume-overtakes-mt-gox-for-first-time/
kakobrekla: bitstamp is retarded
kakobrekla: sorry i ment bitstamp
kakobrekla: i do it in slovenia just to kick bitstamp guys out
kakobreklaa: jurov even the bitstamp guys.
kakobrekla: dont fuckin open another bitstamp
kakobrekla: sorry this went for bitstamp guys
kakobrekla: long version being kids with css skills that are learning their entrepreneurial skills on your teeth, originally ment for bitstamp guys
kakobrekla: asciilifeform bitstamp does that from 2nd decimal point
kakobrekla: bitstamp overtook btce
kakobrekla: bitstamp is way more lame than i thought it was
kakobrekla: >I should have been clear on the aspect of the design and basic functionality - I think bitstamp is a clean interface but you are right, they have their flaws. Engine wise, I'd look towards the process MtGox is taking on and the partnerships they have forged with various companies to increase their survival (see: Prolexic partnership).
kakobrekla: lol bitstamp, email response after 12 days.
kakobrekla: OMG fuckin bitstamp idiots
kakobrekla: and they will support btc-e and bitstamp and the local bar toilet hole
kakobrekla: srsly Scrat whats up with bitstamp
kakobrekla: Scrat ya but you dont run bitstamp
kakobrekla: i think i found another bug in bitstamp trading engine
kakobrekla: http://jezus.si:81/render/?title=Bitstamp+and+Mtgox+market+values+-+1+hour&vtitle=Dollars&from=-1hour&width=500&height=250&until=now&areaMode=none&lineMode=connected&target=alias%28bitcoin.mtgox.transactions%2C%22Mtgox%22%29&target=alias%28bitcoin.bitstamp.transactions%2C%22Bitstamp%22%29
kakobrekla: ;;rate bitstamp -1 tards
kakobrekla: bitstamp flying blind
kakobrekla: no transfers to bitstamp today
kakobrekla: 13:37.17 ( idioterna ) bitstamp guy
kakobrekla: bitstamp price 82
kakobrekla: you cant get if off bitstamp
kakobrekla: bitstamp people are retards
kakobrekla: 37 on bitstamp
kakobrekla: bitstamp is fucked and ran by idiots
kakobrekla: the practical use of ripple invloves bitstamp which involves retardation
kakobrekla: bitstamp is retarded, the only reason they have so big market share is cause they dont hassle folks with ids n stuff
kakobrekla: do not use bitstamp.
kakobrekla: i am sure that he bitstamp owners
kakobrekla: ask on bitstamp at 48 heh
kakobrekla: they still have that fee bug at bitstamp
kakobrekla: you can get receipts from bitstamp or smth
kakobrekla: bitstamp stuck at 25 again
kakobreklaa: want to buy bitstamp code?
kakobreklaaa: lol bitstamp http://jezus.si:81/render?target=bitcoin.*.transactions&height=500&width=1100&lineMode=connected