1600+ entries in 0.315s
punkman: black saturday
mircea_popescu: soviet world had it's own free subset ; much like the 1984 world has its free subset. the people running the black market that orwell does not even wish to consider.
asciilifeform: everyone can just look out the window and see the black sky.
mircea_popescu: anyway. to continue the thought - the usg and its ephemera are deeply and fundamentally antifeminist. they hate women as individuals and aim to exploit them as a mass. this is EXACTLY the situation of black people in the antebellum south : hated as individuals, exploited as a group.
mircea_popescu: at which point mr engineer beats the shit out of the various derps thinking they're cool and rappers and whatnot, repossesses the black woman and reconstructs his grandfather's mansion
asciilifeform: 'There are two main components to Baltimore’s “mobility” campaign, which aims to relocate public housing residents to better neighborhoods. Nearly 3,100 participating families, headed almost entirely by single black mothers, have relocated with special subsidies that are designed for high suburban rents; about 1,300 other families will join them over the next three years. Nearly 50 families, including Hill’s, have move
mircea_popescu: 5yo black valley girls from the ghetto or somesuch.
danielpbarron: >> I told him that a child in Africa dies every 3 seconds. He was surprised at that. He said "I know black people have rhythm, but that is some amazing timing, you guys should try out for X-Factor".
mircea_popescu: omfg alf sees the world like a bee-dog : in black and white and all pixelated. ☟︎☟︎
BingoBoingo once took graduate classes where this was presented as some sort of "organic" phenomenon in black America even though the white evangalists of socialism (many of whom were influenced by the St Louis Hegelians) were prominently mentioned by the black authors in their literature.
danielpbarron: well i got a bitcoind out of it, and when i run it against my already mostly complete .bitcoin directory i got black holed; trying again now with -connect=
asciilifeform: 'brogrammers' frittered away the funds, whole thing collapsed in a giant black hole of mismanagement, graft, and varied charlatanry
assbot: Black garlic (food) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1Qr9uBt )
punkman: want https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_garlic_%28food%29
assbot: LIVE! Core developers are trying to corrupt a coalition of miners with black magic! : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/2149hJv )
mircea_popescu: now i get chinese language viagra spam referencing the putative sexual prowess of black people from africa.
mircea_popescu: so there's your tailor made placebo. every time you get the problem, tell yourself that if it keeps going you're going to have anal sex with a black dude as a cure.
mircea_popescu: in other lulz of all time : new argentine govt negotiated a deal with the agros : govt lets dollar go ; agros stop hoarding and sell. the govt let the dollar go. however, for all its posturing, the buenos aires black market turned out to be relatively powerless in face of this, and so from a 8.5 official / 14.0 black market, the liberalised dollar settled at 13.5.
adlai: B is better than A because it'd make black's territory larger if black played, whereas A is basically a wasted move for black
ben_vulpes: the ink black is somewhat more light absorbent than the paper black
adlai: is it black which soaks all other inks, or do you have some sorta gouach that can paint over it?
ben_vulpes: today i cover staff desks in black post it notes with pentagrams drawn on them
adlai: !google paint it black
ben_vulpes: want to scrawl on black post its in black ink with me?
ben_vulpes: latest useless office equipment acquisition: BLACK POST IT NOTES
mircea_popescu: im sure it's ever so glorious being black and having these idiots for "supporters". with such help you really don't need any enemies.
mircea_popescu: so far, positive action produced pretty much the least competent us president to date, a few notches below even jefferson davies (and actually very similar in style, too!) who just happens to be a black man.
asciilifeform: which has been in a black hole state, about 90% of the time, for the past hour.
asciilifeform: btw, further thread necromancy, http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=08-02-2016#1399548 << this is misguided, no one goes around with stereotypical 'black van' any longer, the gear is pocket-sized (knapsack at the most) ☝︎
BingoBoingo: Apparently a new spambot turn on while I was sleeping: "I sat up in a cold sweat. Had someone's hand rellay been over my mouth or was I dreaming. My hotel room was pitch black save for the dim glow of my laptop screen. The Boingo application blinked angrily at me as the wifi had obviously been interrupted suddenly. My midnight snack, a half-eaten cream puff, lay awkwardly on the floor.Suddenly, I heard a wicked scream just before
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-02-2016#1403766 << no, reserved for black people, teenagers and women now. actual achievement is oppressive. ☝︎
BingoBoingo: The proper approach to sportsball hindbrains is considering them as a sort of Nevada test site, but for optimizing performance of doorkickers. The trend of these hindbrains whooping the police suggests that the "Black Lives Matter" business is internalizing with the ordinance and the Trinity bomb is going feral.
ben_vulpes: and 'loop for black belts' has a limited set of recipes.
mircea_popescu: it is mostly a black kids' thing, neh ?
mircea_popescu: much like their parents much prefer to watch video footage of other [black, preferably] men fucking their wives.
mircea_popescu: btw, for the list of "best shit in the world only found in argentina" it's cherry season and omfg. never have i had black cherries like they have here.
assbot: Black Book on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/20oO0da )
BingoBoingo: http://trilema.com/2016/black-book/#comment-116421
deedbot-: [Trilema] Black Book - http://trilema.com/2016/black-book/
assbot: This black-owned Portland business will disappear without your help. — Medium ... ( http://bit.ly/1QYsypm )
ben_vulpes: https://medium.com/@hellopicoc/this-black-owned-portland-business-will-disappear-without-your-help-21f9fa195d78#.cywj4lxdv << it's a business! it's a charity! it's some people who failed to invest in their property for decades and now want everyone else to shoulder the burden of bringing their property up to code!
ascii_butugychag: what we are seeing in callas and the shitoverflow derp is akin to the horizon of black hole
mircea_popescu: is this the black doctor guy ?
mircea_popescu: actually now that macri murdered their black market, maybe the borders open and i can mail you some or some shit.
BingoBoingo: "The report says that in realistic situations, the officers waited about a quarter of a second longer to shoot armed black men than white — and they fired by mistake on unarmed white men three times more often than on blacks."
assbot: White officers slower to shoot black suspects, new study finds : News ... ( http://bit.ly/1KltEdb )
BingoBoingo: Who's racis now? http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/white-officers-slower-to-shoot-black-suspects-new-study-finds/article_b4c9fb58-49eb-5a34-8ab8-d97b7307f667.html
assbot: What is the Leyla Black ? on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1KPwdza )
assbot: Logged on 31-01-2016 06:49:42; ben_vulpes: what is "the leyla black"?
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-01-2016#1390848 << http://trilema.com/2016/what-is-the-leyla-black/ ☝︎
ben_vulpes: what is "the leyla black"? ☟︎
mircea_popescu does the leyla black with new girls to this very day.
mircea_popescu: in other news of similar weight and importance, leyla black was kinda hot a decade ago.
asciilifeform: for completeness, arrows oughta be red, on black
ben_vulpes: but black is the only acceptable dry-erase color.
ascii_butugychag: ('boogie' is an a5-sized slate thing that changes colour from pressure, and has a button, press and it erases to black. runs on tiny watch battery.)
ascii_butugychag: what black hole.
mircea_popescu: yeah but security black hole.
pete_dushenski: speaking of germany, i was actually just looking at this leather belt i bought in berlin last time (ok, the only time) i was there, found myself admiring it (it's defo my fave), noticed that the shop's url was stamped on the inside of the belt, realised that i actually need a new black leather belt, and so ordered one from the same shop... only to be assraped by the woeful cad-eur and shipping costs. alas, there
assbot: Logged on 27-01-2016 22:58:50; thestringpuller: and basic white girls. black gus love basic white girls.
thestringpuller: and basic white girls. black gus love basic white girls. ☟︎
pete_dushenski: if anything can ever bridge the black-white divide, it's this genetic anomaly.
pete_dushenski: thestringpuller: you're not alone as a black-dude-with-an-affinity-slash-respect-for-the-non-black-dude-fro. when i let my hair down, everyone from the ethiopian immigrants here to the locals in jamaica all be like "yo man! hao cum yoo iz gott hayur like mee?!"
asciilifeform: (even the urban black gangs are better candidates...)
BingoBoingo: But big black cock is a poor medium for obituaries of great people
assbot: Why are black Americans less affected by the opioid epidemic? Racism, probably. - Vox ... ( http://bit.ly/1RKKzsb )
BingoBoingo: PeterL: SC is the first contest in an area that's actually populated to the point it has black people.
assbot: Freedom Rider: Black Community Control of the Police and the Politicians | Black Agenda Report ... ( http://bit.ly/1nhlU1r )
mircea_popescu: meanwhile back at home, http://www.blackagendareport.com/black_community_control_police
assbot: Logged on 24-01-2016 01:49:23; ben_vulpes: "We DEMAND the inclusion of teachers and educators with auditory and relative business skills pertaining to contemporary Black musical styles." << relative business skills? what are those
ben_vulpes: DEMAND immediate firing of: ... Gerri Johnson...for their rude behavior towards Black Students
ben_vulpes: "We DEMAND that Black student leaders be provided a[n] $8.20/hr stipend for their continuous organizing efforts around the well[-]being of Black people on Oberlin's campus, city and beyond" << man that is some low-dough shit
ben_vulpes: "We DEMAND a 6% annual increase in grant offers vs. loan offers for Black Students"
ben_vulpes: "We DEMAND an online database that outlines the deadlines, dates, and forms critical for the successful academic journey of Black students" because we can't be arsed to figure it out ourselves, read syllabi when they're handed out or at all, and because of course knowing to do all of the above is something we were not prepared for in life and this must be rectified at the expense of everyone else attending the school.
ben_vulpes: "We DEMAND the inclusion of teachers and educators with auditory and relative business skills pertaining to contemporary Black musical styles." << relative business skills? what are those ☟︎
mircea_popescu: "I recently moved to the Pacific Northwest from Baltimore. What partly impelled the move was being beaten up by a black guy who I had grappled with and held down after he was chasing his girlfriend with a baseball bat. His GF and another woman went nuts, beating me as he and I grappled on the ground with me holding the bat with both arms. To shut them up, I stupidly rolled the bat away and let him get up. He promptly d
BingoBoingo: of a program to enroll recently released prisoners from a nearby prison as undergraduates, divestment from Israel, and a requirement that black student leaders be paid $8.20 an hour for their organizing efforts."
BingoBoingo: "The 14-page list of demands at Oberlin was detailed and contained many controversial items. Among other things, it demanded the immediate firing of some Oberlin employees, the immediate tenuring of some faculty members, specific curricular changes, a review and possible revision of the grading system (to be overseen by students), the creation of "safe spaces" for black students in at least three buildings on campus, the creation
BingoBoingo: "When one boy snarled she should go back to India, she told him that under his argument he should go back to Africa. That cost her a disciplinary inquiry for 'racism'. She was also hauled in for suspected 'racism' when she used the technical term "negate" in her class -- and a black girl took it as an epithet and brought her hell-raising mother to school to confront her in the principal's office. "
punkman: "SawStop has provoked opposition from the Power Tool Institute (PTI), which represents Black & Decker, Hilti, Hitachi Koki, Makita, Metabo, Bosch, Techtronic Industries and WMH Tool Group."
mircea_popescu: anyway, there was a bank holiday on monday. in the us. some black speechmaker dude
asciilifeform: or at least a black fella singing loudly along to his headphones, without a care
mircea_popescu: there's at least three. there's the superhawt, tall, muscular men of pure black. there's the skinny short grayish type. there's more.
mircea_popescu: "down on the river arges, on a nice lawn, teh black king goes with ten people : nine great masters, learned in bricklaying, and manoli, the tenth, who's even better!"
bagels7: mircea_popescu thanks, I feel better about it now thought im still sick of poor black people playing victim when they aren't willing to do my job
bagels7: my gay/black roomate is going to pay me back the 350 dollars he owes me when it "comes out of his ass". I am never lending money again
bagels7: my employer is black and he is the only one that is trustworthy, He said that out of 30 girls im the only trustworthy one but IDK if he was being nice but probably not
mircea_popescu: uh im pretty sure i lent money to black dudes, actually.
bagels7: if you aren't racist you probably never lent money to a black guy
bagels7: my black friend told me "this is a black house DUH" in response to her BF robbing me at his mothers house
bagels7: as in don't lend money to black people because they don't pay back
pete_dushenski: is it just me or is the new trilema header just a big black hole ?
pete_dushenski: https://twitter.com/KTVU/status/689236139681562629/photo/1 << presumably this is where you just run the nignogs over with your fucking car ? or am i missing something here. if "black health mattered" maybe they shouldn't be adding to the bay area congestions and smog.
BingoBoingo: Seriously lots of great stuff from Black American philosphers until About 1890
mircea_popescu: ironically enough, nobody is such an enemy of black achievement as the political party using color as a lever on the public treasury.
BingoBoingo: Then there's the black American philosophers who were largely discarded by socialists and comoonity organizers.
mircea_popescu: instead of today's arrangement where you can fit the nominal owners of the world in a fucking room, whereas every fucktard worth ~0 out there derps about how "black lives matter" as if obviously his did,
mircea_popescu: course, it's impolitic to say this publicly, because hey, "we", ie the ploughing flies, absolutely LOVE to prop themselves on others' work, and so every derp pouring code into a black hole he calls github feels his own personal fortune increased for some reason every time a miner puts a rig online.
cazalla: like this, but more vertical and less black dudes http://i.imgur.com/6szKPkT.png
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes so what's the rest of that shaking ny black dude hands story ?