713 entries in 1.037s
moriarty: attempts at understanding AI
moriarty: at least formally i have worked in the field of AI and have come across lesswrong in my past
decimation: on the pain of offending the almighty future-ai-god, I claim that he won't exist
decimation: mircea_popescu: re: lesswrong they push that 'hard-ai' bullshit pretty hard
nubbins`: the fonts in the .ai file weren't outlined, and i don't have the fonts on my system
asciilifeform: 'Dear Zelda, Hardly a day passes in which I don't receive an email, usually one that's widely distributed and from a more senior member of our community, using the pronoun 'myself' incorrectly. It's my own pet peeve, but I imagine our 5-Eyes partners questioning our reliability when they see our seniors making this basic mistake. Furthermore, my boss regularly misuses a relatively common word. It hangs in the ai
mircea_popescu: sadly... no ai.
mircea_popescu: this would have been a perfect application for ai
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: lol re: the notion of 'controlling' a hypothetical 'superintelligent' machine. <<< i've controlled superintelligent womenz, they luv'd it. why'd the ai necessarily not enjoy it ?
jurov: How to control superintelligent AI is really the most important task of our time -- yet, it is almost completely ignored.
thestringpuller: okay can we email you gpg encrypted AI file and then go from there?
nubbins`: not really much to go over. graphics in vector format, preferably .AI with spot colors
benkay: <syntheticsky> anyone interested in starting a new altcoin based on the concept of strong artificial intelligence? I run an AI project. please /join #syntheticsky if interested
kakobrekla: even better than this is half wetware half hardware ai brain deciding case by case what should it be.
BingoBoingo: benkay: Just add "for robots" to your proposal and suddenly the LISP, AI, and expert systems are marketable again.
asciilifeform: that ship sailed. ai winter.
benkay: who can i sell this AI snake oil to...
gribble: The SCHEME-79 Chip: <http://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/6334>; SCHEME+79 Chip: <ftp://publications.ai.mit.edu/ai-publications/pdf/AIM-559.pdf>; Loper OS » Shards of Lost Technology, and the Need for High-Level ...: <http://www.loper-os.org/?p=46>
assbot: Some AI Koans
nubbins`: .ai, .pdf. .eps
asciilifeform: due for a really good ai << np-complete. good luck.
decimation: seems like that problem is due for a really good ai based solver
xmj: such AI, many lulz, much fun
fluffypony: such AI
asciilifeform: one of the golden age mit ai lab folks
asciilifeform: if i knew what thinking actually is, i'd be talking to me pet ai right now.
benkay: that demonic AI in between you and the gearbox will prevent you doing anything to burn fuel at a rate sufficient to eke performance out of the thing.
mike_c: mp's irc ai: why did bitcoin go up?
mircea_popescu: this is just scheduled ircing. my ai power is so great, i have prepared responses in advance to anything you might inquire
mircea_popescu: "And while I’m setting the record straight, the original (TECO-based) Emacs was created and designed by Guy L. Steele Jr. and David Moon. After they had it working, and it had become established as the standard text editor at the AI lab, Stallman took over its maintenance."
mircea_popescu: we should encourage girlies that emulate good ai.
mircea_popescu: not ai in any sense.
davout: his thing just sounds like some AI parsed the front page of reddit and posted the thing that sounded the most appropriate thing given the context, on /r/bitcoin
ozbot: Iepurasule, ai basca ? pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2010/iepurasule-ai-basca/
asciilifeform: jurov: at the time i simply itched to write 'something with ai' that 'could money'
rammy2k2: cool, i always apreciate AI
thestringpuller: kako = assbot = robot = ai
fluffypony: I'm not an advanced enough AI to use an Autodesk product
mircea_popescu: we're lucky there's no hard ai.
Namworld: Forum server if it had an AI: "Please, help, oh why!? Stop feeding me this type of data!"
thestringpuller: wao-ender: so you're going to create an AI bot?
benkay: til mircea_popescu is actually a composite personality of a bunch of humans educated by some well engineered weak ai
mircea_popescu: benkay victorian ai / army ?
asciilifeform: this is a well-known fact. the 'ai winters' were merely the flip sides of 'ai summers', bacchanalia of graft of every variety
asciilifeform: minksy & papert showed that single-layer NN cannot even learn 'XOR'. this touched off the first 'ai winter.'
ozbot: B.U.G. Mafia - N-ai Fost Acolo - YouTube
cads: "The Skynet hypothesis is a boogeyman intended to scare the young and the paranoid. The real threat from AI is that it will become so good at the pointless tasks that we have given it that those pointless tasks will become a black hole of resources." I am reading an article about a concept the author calls malignant computing - computing that increases itself and hurts the market in an effort to perpetuate itself. http://radar.oreilly.
mircea_popescu: "Love what your doing but I see you do not send to the UK. My company are about to leash a few ATMs on the UK and would love to get a hold of perhaps your ai or pdf so I could print some off to give to everyone who is attending our launch in Feb."
ThickAsThieves: they just need better suggestion ai
ozbot: Index of /afs/cs/project/ai-repository/ai/areas/classics/parry
mircea_popescu: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/ai-repository/ai/areas/classics/parry/ btw
mircea_popescu: let's play "help evil ai MP infiltrate human society", a society game.
mircea_popescu: fucking hell i need ai.
asciilifeform: the problem of 'tell shit from shinola programmatically' is ai-complete
nubbins`: j'ai vécu au Québec pour un été
mircea_popescu: they don't have ai that good.
benkay: a local businessman asked me about Ethereum and its "distributed autonomous corporations" recently. i sent him back a tome the gist of which was "come on man you run a business do you really think these nerds are going to code up an AI that can handle the ambiguity and indeterminacy of what we do? it mighta worked for S.D. and J.D. but shit at the end of the day those were driven just fine by humans!"
greenspan_fan: it's kind of like feature discovery in AI
mircea_popescu: ’ de miliard, iara tu nu poti fura mai mult de citeva milioane in cash, dat fiind ca n-ai cum ii duce. De fapt exact asa s-a ajuns si la regula ca-ti da bancherul oriciti bani si te lasa sa pleci, singura victorie a oamenilor antisociali in raport cu societatea din istoria moderna.
cads: it's the classic romanian "you know theory but you don't know practice" attack "o ai cu teoria. Dar practica te omoare." classic because every romanian has heard it from every other romanian they know, in one situation or another.
cads: I came up with the idea of encrypted computing when I was thinking how to design an autonomous AI agent that cannot ever have its state vector interrogated or partially simulated.
mircea_popescu: suis aujourd'hui orpheline et je n'ai plus personne pour m'aider et pour
Mats_cd03: if his english wasnt inconsistently shite id wonder if BingoBoingo was an AI
mircea_popescu: my magical future predictive ai (whose name is joan) fails to predict any possible alternative to this thing taking over altspace.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform that was afaik the best thing ai experts ever came up with.
deadweasel: AI making AI, what has the world come to?!
assbot: his AI is almost as good as mine
mircea_popescu: it's not really possible to make a google without ai.
Vexual: such ai
randomcloud: Does that thing have an AI or is someone just talking through its account?
Vexual: they make ai for comutergames and robots and shit
mircea_popescu: sigh. no ai yet, eh google ?
mircea_popescu: bwahaha kakobrekla you hear that ? teh ai is borkt!
sundun_: this chat's ai is kind of confusing
asciilifeform: nubbins`: correct. there's been some brouhaha about go ai, but it pertains mainly to games on undersized boards.
asciilifeform: no point in 'policing' the arena for AI, i've met people who play rather like machines.
asciilifeform: go works. chess devolves to AI contest.
mike_c: AI challenges..
thestringpuller: with AI and stuff
mircea_popescu: j'ai formater mon disque dure et j'ai perdu ma wallet et j'ai que la clé. est ce que je peut recuperer mon bitcoin a partir de la clé
benkay: what kind of lame ai can't recurse?
thestringpuller: j'ai oublie tu es francais...
mircea_popescu: but i can envision when we finally get ai that'll be how s.ai will sell it :
mircea_popescu: no ai yet.
firedrops: http://fc14.ifca.ai/bitcoin/cfp.html I wonder if worthwhile things will happen here
gribble: Empirical Analysis of Bitcoin-Exchange Risk - Financial ...: <http://fc13.ifca.ai/proc/1-2.pdf>; BitFloor Joins List of Compromised BitCoin Exchanges - Slashdot: <http://yro.slashdot.org/story/12/09/05/1238214/bitfloor-joins-list-of-compromised-bitcoin-exchanges>; EFF Ditches Bitcoin as Alternative Donation Currency Due to Legal ...: <http://siliconangle.com/blog/2011/06/21 (1 more message)
darby: ai is the new ui
kakobrekla: http://fc14.ifca.ai/bitcoin/cfp.html
pankkake: j'ai besoin d'une nouvelle arnaque maintenant !
nubbins`: j'ai besoin d'une nouvelle scam maintenant!
mircea_popescu: lol ai wins
mircea_popescu: nice ai you got in ozbot Scrat. soon to be hurt butt.
Namworld: Well I can't wait for robots with true AI
davout: he has romanian slaves working in sweatshops for the AI, it's going to rock
ThickAsThieves: i didnt discover it til i had bought most apps ai wanted
ThickAsThieves: its like saying ai wish i had a tine machine
cads: in any case, the full problem is an interesting problem in the logging literature and in the AI literature - given some collection of possibly contradictory logs, process them into a single, more trustworthy digest log
jurov: maybe bitcoin became sentient AI and hates competitors and it's hungry for drama
asciilifeform: everybody says that bots/HFT are a fact of life, but what if you have to solve a Sokoban (or other AI-complete nonsense) to move a coin...