713 entries in 1.139s
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform however the problem of making an ai-ciomplete pow function is ALSO kinda difficult./
asciilifeform: the only long-term solution is a work function that is "AI-complete." Hence SlaveCoin.
Uglux: yea, i call it a bf-ai-l/avalonism. promising shit. delivering "somthing" + blabla...
deadweasel: mircea_popescu: it's happening, BTC is a huge push towards it, the algorithms that come out of this could fuel future AI
mircea_popescu: ai isn't wits, really. but anyway, i always imagined the headlines. "bitcoin provokes singularity"
mircea_popescu: but ai won't exist until there's an edge application which makes money.
mircea_popescu: but i always suspected this is going to be the one way we end up with ai
pgp: De-ai adormi iubito pe linia ferata
mircea_popescu: Ce qu'on appelle bonheur, est une idée abstraite, composée de quelques idées de plaisir ; car qui n'a qu'un moment de plaisir n'est point un homme heureux ; de même qu'un moment de douleur ne fait point un homme malheureux. Le plaisir est plus rapide que le bonheur, & le bonheur plus passager que la félicité. Quand on dit je suis heureux dans ce moment, on abuse du mot, & cela ne veut dire que j'ai du plaisir : q
mircea_popescu: pff assbot is not sufficiently ai.
kakobreklaa: been only doing ai evolution for about 24hrs
Ukto: i have an AI field for the trades that has no particular purpose since the system uses its own trade txn id. was debating using that
smickles: mircea_popescu: damn. you'd need some fairly sweet AI