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mircea_popescu: erexcited nonsense. consequently -- if sex includes buttseks, the butt will open up during sex, just like dogs drool when hearing the bell, and through exactly the same mechanisms for exactly the same reasons.)
mircea_popescu: pro tip : endogamy is generally the strategy of the inadequate. there's a fucking reason prince gets himself gal from timbucktoo.
mircea_popescu: he same role as the chunk of wood on dog's collar, prevents it from going through the bars"
mircea_popescu: the "ideas", if you can call them so, that people in caves "develop" aren't in any sense discoveries. john smith's uncomprehending mimicry of catholic dogma isn't "inspired" by scholastic writings. he just reproduced the twat cheese, much like shepherd "talking to the stars" in http://trilema.com/2012/luomo-delle-stele/ rediscovers presocratic wankery.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform because the use of violence is a serious problem in the swamp. there's a reason dogvomit doesn't launch rockets, you understand ? not that "couldn't", but that out of uniform.
spyked: to pop another arbitrary example: "taie frunza la caini" is directly translated as "cuts leaves to dogs". dunno if this makes any sense to native en speakers, but on the other hand "lazes about" or "is a neet" is immediately understood, especially in context.
a111: Logged on 2018-07-21 14:52 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-21#1836936 << this might be the key re why mosquito hell in usa 'suburbia' -- the only public land there, is the asphalt. ( who wants spraying , has to specifically pay , and they come and spray out poison that kills errything that moves, frogs, cats, dogs, etc )
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-21#1836936 << this might be the key re why mosquito hell in usa 'suburbia' -- the only public land there, is the asphalt. ( who wants spraying , has to specifically pay , and they come and spray out poison that kills errything that moves, frogs, cats, dogs, etc ) ☝︎☟︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: ping their dependopotami, let'em know the old dog broke loose from chain..
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-17#1835516 << you don't take my meaning. the machine doesn't care about your political corectness. it only sees those people involved that are actually people. if your dog shits in my lawn im not gonna complain to dog ; and if idiot miscompiles code into a pile of shit, the machine's mute sadness will not be directed at idiot. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: it makes a very in interesting point re "cultural wars" and "rock and roll killed the soviet union", namely, that cca 1950 the su was winning the cultural war, very much so, the larger of the "allies", the most accomplished, sending dogs in space and building the new frontier
mircea_popescu: back when doge counted as an exemplar.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: this is approx on par with replacement dog head for hippo.
a111: Logged on 2018-06-23 20:39 phf: "beware of dog"? seems unlikely though..
mircea_popescu: vying for male attention "on her own terms", which happen to be so counter-productive she's more pitiful than an old dog sleeping on a fresh grave.
BingoBoingo: I have become utterly unaccustomed to dogs being beasts to fear
phf: "beware of dog"? seems unlikely though.. ☟︎
asciilifeform: 'foss' 'development' follows the pattern illustrated in the old jp game 'katamari damacy' , where ball rolls around and picks up rusty nails, rubbish, people, dogs, trees, candy bars, etc
mircea_popescu: this, in the 1910s, was simply not done. and they shot them like dogs, throughout the 1916s.
mircea_popescu: the universal oppinion of romanian officer corps, which, in romania, a country very german, were more than a third of the whole shebang, was that russians are literally worse than dogs. ☟︎
BingoBoingo: "It got to the point where they were showing me that the president of Nigeria had sent me a letter. It had his picture on it and everything," Haines said. "I looked it up on the computer to see what the Nigerian president looked like, and it was him." Once, he received an email claiming to be from Robert Mueller, who was then the FBI director. The email was addressed to Haines, code-name "B-DOG," and it was signed with the FBI's address
asciilifeform: usa seems to have the most permissive customs, pretty much anyffing that doesn't set off the dogs, is ignored
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i'm not even convinced that 'purposeful newton' is artifact of socialist schooling; meatsacks without the exploratory instinct the gods gave dog, cat, rat, are doomed to believe in some variant of this
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron, it's mostly a medieval conceit. had to display it as something. you ever saw the dog-like elephant i linked once ?
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-11#1823026 << this sort of statement would be so much more useful/important/noteworthy/actually existent if it came in the form of "i'm the guy from $X, long term so and so". where $X doesn't have to be a "our words are backed by nuclear weapons" state. can even be a blog. a dogshed. SOMETHING. but something specifically and identifiably existent. ☝︎
BingoBoingo: Dogology is having a different set of dog lights
BingoBoingo: Plenty of dogs understand speech even if they suck at generating it
mircea_popescu: dog that doesn't learn speech doesn't so much have a pathology as a dogology.
danielpbarron: as in, anything else, just not bitcoin, that thing i told them years ago they shouldn't be spending on hotdogs and coffee
mircea_popescu: as the whole bee-dog has been a thing for all these many years.
a111: Logged on 2016-02-24 04:23 mircea_popescu: omfg alf sees the world like a bee-dog : in black and white and all pixelated.
a111: 114 results for "\"bee\" \"dog\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22bee%22%20%22dog%22
mircea_popescu: !#s "bee" "dog"
BingoBoingo: <hl`> that doesn't protect against physical attacks. << Buy a dog and carry a hammer
asciilifeform: 'redditus loads up on doge without any such explanations; so why not these folk also' i suspect was it.
mircea_popescu: (and obviously the choice will also be illusory, for the fundamental reason explained by qt in reservoir dogs : "if nobody knows anyone they're going to start arguing on scarce resource division ~AND NOT KNOW WHEN TO BACK DOWN~". nobody knows WHY they don't get to go to $exclusiverestaurant when they want to. nor can they know. so there's nothing to talk about.)
asciilifeform: he was poet like yer dog is a sculptor.
BingoBoingo: Well, why does anyone do amateur radio? Same reason they post on reddit. They want a hot young wife, and a dog and grandchildren who love them, but they settle for DX'ing and postcards.
mircea_popescu: i sadly dribbled it out in pieces, which i now regret. anyway, http://trilema.com/the-next-generation http://trilema.com/2016/the-darkening/ http://trilema.com/2016/the-dog/ http://trilema.com/2016/the-chosen/
asciilifeform: bonus: the item he linked as dayjob, is ~indistinguishable from dogecoin
esthlos: arrogance simply because you're pretty clever compared to the dogshit around you
mircea_popescu: and which also illuminates the indictment of xtianity as a fundamentally female worldview, and all the rest of http://trilema.com/2017/and-dont-go-around-upgrading-the-testaments-either/ : by the time they invent a "son" of god so that "You don't follow for a very simple reason : these men are screwballs. God has children ? What, and a dog ? A collie, maybe ? God doesn't have children. He's a bachelor. And very angry!" "He us
spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-22#1816441 <-- this is golden! /me stumbles upon http://manualul.info/Alg_X_1989/ , looks at ToC: "elemente de prelucrare automată a datelor --> câteva instrucțiuni ale limbajului BASIC". and to think, this was wahahay before the days of "everyone and their dog has computer in their pocket" and "teach all kidz computer science"! ☝︎
mircea_popescu: unlike me, dogs generally think it's worth their time to eat shit.
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/05/woman-killed-by-pack-of-small-dogs-in-us/ << Qntra - Woman Killed By Pack Of Small Dogs In US
asciilifeform: there ~are~ plenty of folx who walk, talk, even pretend to do work (in cafe, somewhere, or holding stop signs, or whichever) while earnestly believing in 'equalism', 'abolish ranks', etc. ~but~ these won't become even city dogcatcher, much less fuhrer, simply too much brain damage required, it gets in the way
mircea_popescu: btw hanbot, i noticed last night the dogs were lying awake.
mircea_popescu: where "credibility" is of course a keyword in the sense "thrice cursed running dog" is a keyword in the other korea.
hanbot: a good one i heard today: what does a dyslexic, insomniac agnostic do at night? lays awake wondering if there's a dog.
mircea_popescu: have you ever even fucking seen british "real estate" ? it's like the doghouse show!
mircea_popescu: what, dog was gonna build a rocket
lobbes: Ugh, so my www on my frantech vps has been dog slow all day. Same vps that hosts lobbesbot, so possibly I have finally outgrown the thing (currently hosts bot, mp-wp, archived urls index, eulora price history, and various misc)
mircea_popescu: goes right back to the problem of the unknown. i CAN shoot down bikeshedding if i know the person. i can't if they're unknown, because then it's legitimate part of dogs sniffing butts getting to know each other.
phf: i will at some point rewrite it to be a more proper (NOT from:ascii) AND beedog OR ... etc. with implicit clauses..
mircea_popescu: "We live in a castrated dog oppressed world with way too many hellish dog catchers."
xtina9: although I do meet many man, most married but all dogs
mircea_popescu: alf the beedog happines = long walks + icecream stops.
ascii_lander: lol ukr-french, bulldog-rhinoceros
mircea_popescu: well, the idea is that indeed he's on the hook, for a particular type of cost. obviously writing code, reviewing code, testing things, design, graphic or systems, all sorts of things are useful and valuable, and they take people's time. if you spend an hour reading through patches you can't spend that hour petting your dog/kitten/kid whatever.
trinque: I am at "dog on internet" status for you
mircea_popescu: unlike dogs, cats kinda do ok indoors also...
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> holy shit look at that. wtf, twitter's going to the dogs, they've not banned BingoBoingo ?! << It's one of those bot accounts. I don't do anything with the account. It is all bot.
mircea_popescu: holy shit look at that. wtf, twitter's going to the dogs, they've not banned BingoBoingo ?!
xisty: Time to take the doge for a walk, Thanks again mircea_popescu, I will tell some of my galpals also if thats okay? :)
BingoBoingo: The street dogs have more live intelligence among them
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes http://logs.bvulpes.com/search?q=walk+dogs&c=trilema
asciilifeform: if a fella who balks at mention of pgp and wot reg , is hosting a trilema mirror, than who knows, anything possible, cats lie with dogs, lions with lambs..
a111: 0 results for "spotify dogfood", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=spotify%20dogfood
mircea_popescu: !#s spotify dogfood
mircea_popescu: (horse also more intelligent than dog, in turn because auroch more intelligent than old wolf, and in general, the herbivore than the preditor. somehow.)
mircea_popescu: "what, at dogs ?"
BigTexasBingo: I can't be aresed to get out of bed for doganonor
a111: Logged on 2018-02-18 05:10 trinque: so leaving alf aside, when two folks dive on this boondoggle of a business venture to right it, we're going to suspect their methods and forget their long reputations?
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes forward it to phf directly ; phf sorry for the bondogle, send me the bill for the mailing ; danielpbarron invoice bbisp cc mod6 for the pile.
trinque: so leaving alf aside, when two folks dive on this boondoggle of a business venture to right it, we're going to suspect their methods and forget their long reputations? ☟︎
trinque: how do you rub the dog's nose in the shit?
shinohai: pete_dushenski: At least goes to show smarter than the Harvard idjuts mining Doge that time.
mircea_popescu: oh, where are ye bluestate.doge, mit.ethereum, orcistan.bch... it was such nice knowing ye...
mp_en_viaje: anyway, nothing wrong with the basic instinct of manhood, it gave us domesticated dog and so on.
asciilifeform: d00d dun look so old. expect another 30-40 yrs of the dog sitting in the manger.
asciilifeform: funnily enuff a Dave Moon ran for election to some city dogcatcher post , not far from where i live. but on examination seems to be different d00d.
a111: Logged on 2015-08-19 23:55 mircea_popescu: what, "i'm a boy from tenesee here to die for some fat bitch's right to marry her dog" ?
trinque has a blood relation he can tell to this day laments that he didn't get to dogfight migs
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i'm moar closely familiar with the male variant, the spammers, misc scammers, halfwit malwarists, etc. who make somewhere below half of what renting a doghouse in ohio costs, but persist
mircea_popescu: "why is the fat woman going around with a live snack trapped in her stomachs ?" "that is a famous star and that is her pet dog" "you don't say ?!"
mircea_popescu: what dog is to boy, hen is to woman, throughout history and geography, from africa to suffolk and so on.
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in drepperland, https://www.halfdog.net/Security/2017/LibcRealpathBufferUnderflow
mircea_popescu: so yes, the impression that the whole place just spins the same ancient, dog eared retelling of the same stolen story and therefore that everyone there is braindamaged has A LOT to do with the attempted idnustrialization of culture.
asciilifeform: ~none of their behaviour rises to the complexity of, whatever, cat, dog, rat. perl script.
asciilifeform: 'reform yerself! in the Bright New World we will build, dogshit edible'
asciilifeform: like dogs
mircea_popescu: isn't that the weirdest shit ? good thing democracy gave 'em civil rights an' shit, i'd take scooping dogshit over subsistence hunting any day!!1
phf: on the lulzy side i can't get over american thing of keeping dogs and picking up their shit. i spent new years in upper east side, and was sitting at a small cafe one morning, watching these posh old ladies in expensive furs one after another scooping up little turds after their tiny beasts
phf: oh yeah india was pretty bad, there they don't have any use for dogs. though cats there fair even worse
shinohai wonders what the oriental fascination with torching dogs alive is ....
mircea_popescu: i think it's where dogs go to hell.
phf: now if only they applied same principles to dog sales as well
mod6: yeah, no sense in letting a good dog go to waste
mircea_popescu knew hunt dog grower who wouldn't even sell to noobs. "how am i supposed to get a dog ?" "first get some experience" "doing what" "hunting" "how am i going to do that without a dog ?"
mircea_popescu: well, the not retarded ones, anyway. the retarded ones'd just shoot their own dog or w/e.