236 entries in 0.585s
BingoBoingo: Lawyers who can reliably contain problems don't const $maxint. The only lawyers who charge $maxint aren't charging for their lawyering, but marketing. Hence Ulbricht hiring the maliciously incompetent Dratel snake.
ascii_field: incidentally, usg - like the regime portrayed by orwell - spends $maxint on attempts to 'read minds'. not always even laughably stupid - the mri 'has seen this object or not before' trick appears to actually work
ascii_field: funkenstein_: they -also- charge $maxint for the hardware
ascii_field: other thing is, only 'positive' items are even theoretically possible to authenticate. that is, if you find a leak purporting to be from the directorate-of-cracking-rsa, stating that 'sixteen quintillion bezzlars and still no result,' this could be disinfo. whereas 'here's how to factor $maxint on a pocket calculator' is testable.
assbot: Logged on 16-06-2015 02:24:53; ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> that sounds pretty jewish << he's probably the most jewish jew in here - endlessly pessimistic about everything, everything costs $maxint, gurls are unreadable, and practically a talmudic scholar to boot
assbot: Logged on 16-06-2015 02:24:53; ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> that sounds pretty jewish << he's probably the most jewish jew in here - endlessly pessimistic about everything, everything costs $maxint, gurls are unreadable, and practically a talmudic scholar to boot
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> that sounds pretty jewish << he's probably the most jewish jew in here - endlessly pessimistic about everything, everything costs $maxint, gurls are unreadable, and practically a talmudic scholar to boot
☟︎☟︎ hanbot: <asciilifeform>
http://thewhet.net/2015/browder-the-bitcoinless << do you recall tlp's 'if you're reading it, it's for you' maxim? consider, why is this fella on front page of nyt? vs the $maxint other folks held without trial << i do remember, yeah. results of recommended consideration are grotesque for sure. all the more reason to hang out in here.
ascii_field: gotta understand, the dod mega-projects have lifespans of decades and contracted for $maxint in advance
davout: sounds like a cool job, get calls at night about lost keys, show up with a drill and a spare, bill $maxint
trinque: ascii_launchpad: lol, no $maxint in there boss
davout: for (x in 0 to $maxint) { parse '/user/x' } <<< that how you did it?
BingoBoingo: The way a drug like this get priced is $maxint
ascii-bolivia: just as the $maxint single-shot chemical laser that fits in most of a 'boeing' is vulnerable to nothing more than frag
ascii_field: early to the game - does not translate to 'better', when the result is massive antiquated crud everywhere, that no one contemplates replacing because $maxint
ascii_field: fact is, 101st or 202nd pogo, whichever, will cost $maxint.
ascii_field: schmuck wants to live in a house, owes $maxint, pays interest until dies
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> the textbook racket is in some ways inevitable - the kids with access to $maxint in loans are walking bags of delicious meat from the standpoint of ten thousand kinds of flea << Not to mention many professors will accomodate students without $maxint doing otherwise.
ascii_field: 116mil 'mystery startup' << expect to see $maxint of this. usg will build malicious 'wallets' and other mainstreamadoptatron crap for all-comers
ben_vulpes: yes well do away with the $maxint vehicle cert process, $maxint operator training...
ben_vulpes: there's no reason why these things should cost $MAXINT, aside from the prohibition on owning the constituent materials for any not favorite son.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform> decimation: they didn't. usa spent $maxint trying to copy, but then changed their mind when realized they have scarcely any railroads << so lulzy this.
BingoBoingo sad Tadpole laptops still sell for effectively $maxint
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Well... Mice are awfully fragile. Especially when $maxint is spent knocking out something that was important
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: this is why I think private spy agency with $maxint budget are more efficient than any USG version.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> mircea_popescu: kings << that one, and $maxint others, are 'moldbuggian' blogs that appeared in imitation, nth generation copies of nth generation copies, etc. << Less pseudoliteracy, more literacy as archeaological artifact there. Seems distinct off shoot of Moldsphere. Far greater focus on expatriation.
mircea_popescu: "asciilifeform: no actual human transmits $maxint whatevers from a single ip per second/hour/etc" except a) yes they do and b) 4kb should be enough for everyone.
BingoBoingo: decimation: No, like somewhere rent is $300/month instead of $maxint/month