222 entries in 0.838s

mp_en_viaje: as to the practical matters, the only use of coca cola is as corrosion stripper, especially off metal ; baking soda i guess works, but honestly i never used any
rust stripper besides the great products of the coca cola co in decades, there's no need to.
BingoBoingo: As in all of the platters from the few spinnign
rust drives in the rack. After having been sanded they are soaking in a Tomato+ColaBlack sauce on the camp stove.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: He's got two crematory type disks and to spinning rusts along with a spare spinning
rust mircea_popescu: nicoleci, there's a lot of these schmucks, who "don't want to assume". shit's scary, what! imagine, it bleeds monthly and you don't die, it's always wet yet you don't
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I am going to head down to the basement to put two old RK drives in dulap for zeroing and to retrieve the USB to SATA cable for zeroing the
rust BingoBoingo found a couple 160GB
rust spinners going through the luggage, one of them can be repurposed to keep hanbot from having to work off of USB 2.0
rust's ownership and borrow semantics
a111: Logged on 2017-03-30 14:13 asciilifeform: why would anybody even name a comp lang '
rust' ? how about a surgical antiseptic named 'putrescence' ?
a111: Logged on 2017-05-10 21:29 phf`: i'm rewriting everything that asciilifeform is releasing in Ada in
Rust, because it's secure AND modern!
zx2c4: also i'm wondering what the usual trilema party line is on
rust vs ada
mircea_popescu: and since then, gimme a break ? for one thing ro destroyed the entire nato force back 9in when was it, 2015 exercise. and for the other, soviets were always better ; and after a brief gap ru is certainly supreme over the usg's
rust buckets, since at least 2010s
mircea_popescu: you wouldn't want anyone to be able to make a gui without importing
rust-whatever ?
phf: it's the same shock i had when i traveled in
rust belt a decade ago and discovered that nobody's working and everyone's on drugs.
mircea_popescu: mod6 61 relocation events... i guess it's starting to go the way of
zx2c4: we've also got implementations in
Rust and Go
ckang: but in terms of reliablity i have had better luck with spinning
rust ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: one interesting hiccup was that when i synced in vanilla "connect to wide net" mode, this new node somehow got stuck and also i think triggered some weirdo crash/wedge on another machine of mine with a raid array of
rust that had until that moment been hanging at the tip of the spear, but when run with -connect to the self-same (restarted) node a) the
rust caught back up within an hour and b)
mod6: so yeah, pretty clear. spinning
rust and TRB do not mix.
mod6: My node got with 140 blocks, then promptly fell back behind about 400-500. but this is caused by my dedicated node running on spinning
rust it appears. when i get a moment, I'm gonna call the DC and see if they'll throw in an ssd in there for me. that should cure it.
caaddr: instead we have... what do we have? we have the blockchain but we're still using dns. we have common lisp but we're still using scheme, or, worse, clojure. we have ada but we're using
rust. "we" being "we the people", as in the redditoid masses
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform if you fail to maintain a steel structure for long enough, it will
rust in weak spots and bend under own weight.
pete_dushenski: phf: i can see that. also, asciilifeform likely has a crate with spinning
rust hdd's containing a vault's worth of digital tomes.
ang-st: i was about to says
rust :)
phf: asciilifeform: but you write it in
rust, see!
ben_vulpes: and recommendation ssd; although spinning
rust not impossibru to get by with it ain't long for this world.
shinohai: Gold: " The
Rust Evangelism Strike Force recommends several resources for people who would like to poorly reimplement other unix tools."
phf: of course cyclone is an order of magnitude higher technological achievement than
rust. reminds me of common lisper "we brought garbage collector java". so it goes.
phf: aww, hicks has been pimping cyclone back when i took his class too, now he has to say on his page "Cyclone, a safe dialect of C. Cyclone's system for manual memory management was influential in the development of
Rust." we are relevant!!1
a111: Logged on 2017-06-17 21:27 mod6: <+BingoBoingo> <mircea_popescu> i bought a can of coolant, it's FLUORESCENT GREEN << he dye is to tell you which of several incompatible types of coolant it is. Mixing GREEN and ORANGE coolant is a good way to introduce
rust to one's engine block cooling passages. << iirc, all vehicles pre-1995 or so used the green coolant.
a111: Logged on 2017-06-17 21:27 mod6: <+BingoBoingo> <mircea_popescu> i bought a can of coolant, it's FLUORESCENT GREEN << he dye is to tell you which of several incompatible types of coolant it is. Mixing GREEN and ORANGE coolant is a good way to introduce
rust to one's engine block cooling passages. << iirc, all vehicles pre-1995 or so used the green coolant.
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, myeah; thing is
rust eats out core until there's nothing left but that's not to say there was just powder to start with; or in any case, not in any other sense than "it's all powder"
a111: Logged on 2017-06-23 01:35 asciilifeform: re knuth... names ain't, afaik, copyrightable anywhere, even in usa.. so i half expect to live to see a 'mircea popescu foundation' run by, e.g., malia obummer, which funds transsexualized
rust programming for systemd plugins
mod6: post, most seem to now use this "dex-cool" stuff which is pink or orange. you are not supposed to mix them, no. and as bb says, can introduce
rust into the water jacket of the block.
mod6: <+BingoBoingo> <mircea_popescu> i bought a can of coolant, it's FLUORESCENT GREEN << he dye is to tell you which of several incompatible types of coolant it is. Mixing GREEN and ORANGE coolant is a good way to introduce
rust to one's engine block cooling passages. << iirc, all vehicles pre-1995 or so used the green coolant.
☟︎☟︎ BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> i bought a can of coolant, it's FLUORESCENT GREEN << The dye is to tell you which of several incompatible types of coolant it is. Mixing GREEN and ORANGE coolant is a good way to introduce
rust to one's engine block cooling passages.
a111: Logged on 2017-01-13 23:41 asciilifeform: from comments, lulzgold, 'The Hivemind is fully committed to systemd for service management, Wayland for graphical display, and PulseAudio for audio, which is why it doesn’t matter if you personally find them distasteful, they will become the de facto standard. For systems programming,
Rust looks increasingly like it will be the Hivemind’s choice to replace C, as it has the backing of the Mozilla organization, is being used for r
BingoBoingo: In other news negrodamus finished sync experiment a few days ago for a roughly 6 month sync time in the wild with spinning
rust. Is at present mostly keeping up (i.e. 3 blocks behind atm)
mircea_popescu: industrial corrosive contaioners are all metal, from 10 gallon milk jugs to what have you.
rust my fucking left food omfg.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform because your brain dun work. half the roofs in the world are made of metal, no
rust. if you get operated on they'll uyse what, fucking abs tools ? "oh, can cut with laser!11"
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-25#1661645 << because a) wood is still, to this day, the better material for the purpose, in the sense lee sedol is the better go player. note that these WERE YOUR OWN CONSTRAINTS! you despise "made to
rust iron bottoms", which is outright idiotic but in the common vein of "alf has no clue but figures he can have oppinion". you do not wish to pay the price of industrial process. you stirctly spe
☝︎ mircea_popescu: the reason being that there's a whole troop of intellectuals who missed their web development calling and instead of sitting on compuer all day checking out what's new in
rust they just collate crap from across the youtube.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: 2009 intel syncing in wild on spinning
rust. Started in December
phf`: i'm rewriting everything that asciilifeform is releasing in Ada in
Rust, because it's secure AND modern!
☟︎ ben_vulpes: you may now proceed to quest 3 in the Infiltrate TMSR~ saga: write a patch demonstrating
rust interop with TRB
ben_vulpes: the
rust evangelism chatbot thanks you for your contribution, and awards you eleventy whuffie
phf`: should've been written in
Framedragger gets into situtations where he's forced by himself to read
rust code on git. can't blame anyone
ben_vulpes: > "The
Rust Evangelism Strikeforce speculates on when they can move on to shitting up web development"
rust was written by a mozilla guy after long radiation damage working on a browser
trinque: no such thing as a "
rust machine" or "golang machine" but lets not dwell on the fact that there's a machine down there too long.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-30 14:04 mircea_popescu: i'm not saying "
rust is bad mmkay". i couldn't care less, there's been tons of "new languages" fulfilling the need of people to "revolutionize". they all work, exactly in the way custom pliers work.
trinque: nah, I don't write the stuff. just was subjected to some fat idiot prattling on about
rust one night
mircea_popescu: this includes fucking pascal, let alone erlang, go,
rust, java, you name it.
mircea_popescu: i'm not saying "
rust is bad mmkay". i couldn't care less, there's been tons of "new languages" fulfilling the need of people to "revolutionize". they all work, exactly in the way custom pliers work.
☟︎ Framedragger: for posterity,
rust does have things like raw pointers (and no gc), etc.; but the kommunity around it is at this point perhaps ~insufferable, much like the javascript hipster legions. which is not a point to be ignored
jurov: using spinning
rust is not a cheap hack?
rust is pretty much the anti-language ; as someone explained "the red hat decided to present it as the thing and hope for all the idiots to contribute freely to make it the thing for this reason".
mircea_popescu: i couldn't care less what
rust dork has to say on any topic.
BingoBoingo: There are many things in this world where
rust removal and remediation are possible. The steel of American cars is not one of them.
ben_vulpes: goals are twofold: prevent further paint degradation and as much
rust as possible now that the skin is broken
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: If your mission is stopping
rust what you want is to seal the area against air and moisture. A thin layer of oil based paint does this. A think rubber or plastic glop is more likely to break its seal because soft. If thin paint breaks seal it should be noticable.