85 entries in 0.712s
mircea_popescu: all of inca exists because of the false decision slot "between" coke and pepsi, dominos and pizza hut etc. the only way to fix the current us is forbid this false choice, force them to receive randomly items in the respective undiferentiable classes.
mp_en_viaje: yes, there's alternatives. of course there are. you don't have to coca cola, there's also pepsi. you like postgres more than mysql, well the fuck done, use that then. it'll be still used as an M in LAMP. because that's what the damned thing is, "flexibility" my ass.
a111: Logged on 2018-12-20 15:51 mircea_popescu: but instead, "совки vs. либерасты" hurr. they reconstructed "the dilemma", truly more meaningful than their lesser brethren's "coke vs pepsi", but to them ~just as meaningless~. the fucking point is that they ~want~ the "superiority" of http://trilema.com/2014/fred-quimby-and-ancient-evils/#footnote_5_53722
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: recall, it's the magick land of 'which can of pepsi wouldja like, left or right'
asciilifeform: aand if 'coke' were to merge with 'pepsi', the # of drinkers of phosphoricacid-cum-cornliquishit would remain ~same
mircea_popescu: but instead, "совки vs. либерасты" hurr. they reconstructed "the dilemma", truly more meaningful than their lesser brethren's "coke vs pepsi", but to them ~just as meaningless~. the fucking point is that they ~want~ the "superiority" of http://trilema.com/2014/fred-quimby-and-ancient-evils/#footnote_5_53722 ☟︎
mircea_popescu: new pepsi black, has what plants crave.
asciilifeform can't muster excitement for the coke-vs-pepsi tourney
asciilifeform: i suspect that they can no longer afford the 'luxury' of pepsi.
BingoBoingo: Nah, they have to pick one of the two per Coke/Pepsi theorem
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: hey, coke will merge with pepsi, lion with lamb, such it was written in sybiline prophecy or wherever.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> the 'right', 'nazi', 'weev', etc , types , not even reached level where can discuss 'community', they're still seated firmly in the comfortable usg.provocateur 'right bottle of pepsi' theatre << They also fall into the pulp "Laws of Power" fanfic things so every single one imagines themselves the BIGGEST, leaderest, etc
asciilifeform: the 'right', 'nazi', 'weev', etc , types , not even reached level where can discuss 'community', they're still seated firmly in the comfortable usg.provocateur 'right bottle of pepsi' theatre
mircea_popescu: "electrolytes have the pepsi that plants need"
mircea_popescu: and so let's talk about which can of pepsi etc.
asciilifeform: but historically they always make a 'opposition' snakepit, 'can of pepsi on the left' etc
ben_vulpes: gap, cocoa-cola, banana republic, pepsi, target, nordstrom, macys, ford, chevrolet...
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: if 'coke' dies, 'pepsi' will reign, the basic idea remains
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-01#1708972 << would cure nobody, they want it to "how does the shutdown relate to me". the larger half of the whole "left or right can of pepsi" is the subjective impression of "personalization" of can of pepsi. ☝︎
asciilifeform: the not-left-AND-not-right-can-of-pepsi is not conceptualizable, apparently
mircea_popescu: this is the point. i'm neither the left pepsi can nor the right pepsi can and you're neither invited or allowed to choose me.
mircea_popescu: "It's an insoluble problem. Furthermore, I think most bug tracking systems fail us because they make us ask the wrong questions. They force you to pick a side. Hatfields vs. McCoys. Coke vs. Pepsi. Bug vs. Feature Request. It's a painful and arbitrary decision, because most of the time, it's both. There's no difference between a bug and a feature request from the user's perspective. If you want to do something with an applica
mircea_popescu: ng, so let's discuss the differences between signal and telegram, trump and hilarity, two cans of pepsi.
mircea_popescu: can't even argue with it. in their environment, it dun pay to care. what's gonna happen, gunman shows up massacres the lot ? hurr, not like ~anything their brains could come up with'd help in that situation. what other environmental pressure do they encounter ? nothing surmountable. if the corp trough has pepsi that day, they can stand on fuckiong head won't get coke. "company policy".
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in papua-new guinea, http://postcourier.com.pg/scuffle-over-pepsi-leaves-10-dead-many-injured/
asciilifeform: 'generation that chose pepsi' (tm)(r)
phf: dating is the same kind of sorting as choosing between coke and pepsi at a grocery store
mircea_popescu: or was that pepsi
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: ever mess around much with cola/jolt/pepsi/idst/friends?
ascii_field: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344417 << p. review is an exam prep co. (a kind of 3-rd rate 'pepsi' to kaplan co., the mega-brand in that sector) and is not even connected with princeton uni., interestingly ☝︎
mircea_popescu: l with us like the belief god may change your coke to pepsi : because it's easy, and because it caters to the specific lacks and infirmities of the "white" mind.
assbot: 13MP Pepsi P1S smartphone launched with fingerprint scanner ... ( http://bit.ly/1LqkiGX )
jurov: http://bestmobs.com/13mp-pepsi-p1s-smartphone-launched-with-fingerprint-scanner/ " The smartphone named Pepsi Phone P1S which produced by Shenzhen Scooby Communication Equipment Co. Ltd has been launched in China."
pete_dushenski: for all i know pepsi is giving away free blowjobs with every 12-pack
ben_vulpes: unlike coca cola and pepsi, which are the same fucking thing.
ben_vulpes: eg "i'm a coke person, not a pepsi person"
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-10-2015#1298674 << "believe". there's two kinds of believe, the "pepsi is best pepsi that saves women's rights" believe and the "sit on a pineapple" believe. ☝︎
pete_dushenski: http://b.fastcompany.net/multisite_files/fastcompany/imagecache/slideshow_large/slideshow/2015/07/3048710-slide-p-1-pepsi-celebrates-world-emoji-day-with-more-emoji.jpg << eg.
pete_dushenski: http://18ntu21bopm439dwudgtv4fi.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Pepsi-emojis-12x355ml.png
pete_dushenski: something you'd see on the side of a pepsi can
assbot: Why, Why Is Pepsi Testing Doritos-Flavored Mountain Dew? - The Atlantic ... ( http://bit.ly/1IUK05z )
HeySteve: http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/11/pepsi-is-testing-doritos-flavored-mountain-dew/382542/
decimation: more like pepsi being bought by its combined bottlers
asciilifeform waits for cocacola to buy pepsi
ascii_lander: that wall would still be standing if there weren't a 'pepsi' competing reich to poke at it
ascii_field: it isn't like they have an alternative 'pepsi usa' which they can escape to and help it build death rays.
pete_dushenski: you expect the pepsi, bmw, etc.
nubbins`: doesn't the corner store just buy flats of pepsi from costco?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform> if there were a 'pepsi' alternative to usg, folks who can make any claim at value would be defecting in droves. << there is, they aren't.
asciilifeform: if there were a 'pepsi' alternative to usg, folks who can make any claim at value would be defecting in droves.
asciilifeform: undata: 'pepsi' in the sense of an alternative to 'coke', which, in the lack of alternative, turns into 'usg soda'
undata: pepsi isn't the king
asciilifeform: undata: nah. pepsi in the sense of kingdoms to defect to.
assbot: 27 results for 'pepsi' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=pepsi
asciilifeform: !s pepsi
asciilifeform: to make long story short, there are exactly two vendors of 'high-density' fpga, and their products are almost exactly alike - more so even than 'coca cola' and 'pepsi.'
mircea_popescu: if i went to work for google/apple/pepsi/w/e and in the first month a hundred employees killed themselves, i'd just welcome the news, and definitely blog about it.
asciilifeform: no pepsi-chalkboard, no pepsi-cyclotron to the moribund 'coke.'
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform for the reason that then the coke and the pepsi must bid for my allegiance
asciilifeform: the worst thing for a totalitarian reich (like usg and its 'international kommunity' muppet theatre) is - the existence of a 'pepsi' alternative.
asciilifeform: but this connects here not from the starvation of 'sovietologists', but the dismal fate of every 'coke' who loses his 'pepsi'
BingoBoingo: Coca-cola / Pepsi <<lol
mircea_popescu: (to add to the humour, in romanian "being pepsi" pretty much means being fucked up)
mircea_popescu: what, argentines are pepsi too.
asciilifeform is forced to reluctantly love chinese - they're the only 'pepsi' we've got left.
punkman: Amit Avner, The veteran of Israeli Defense Force's elite intelligence and programming unit is a coding prodigy who started a search engine at age 14. does advertising to put brands in real-time social conversations for major brands like American Express, Paramount Studios, Pepsi and Samsung.
asciilifeform: now for the pepsi:
bounce: right, scratch that idea. instead of giant pepsi and/or coce ads in orbit we'd get giant nekkid lahdeez in orbit
ThickAsThieves: <kakobrekla> previous was normal coke? // pepsi, says his book
benkay: you can send a colored coin representing what you aver to be your stock in pepsi to a stranger over the internet.
benkay: next they'll be telling us what the real value of pepsi stock is in dollars, and how many dollars can buy a btc.
cazalla: must've given her pepsi instead of breastmilk
nubbins`: and if you're too cheap to buy metal tape, cut up a can of pepsi
asciilifeform: both xilinx ('coke'), altera 'pepsi', and lattice 'inca cola' will happily eat both.
skinnkavaj: Think of BTC like Coca Cola and think of LTC like Pepsi
mircea_popescu: and i don't grok the pepsi notion. you can't be telling me pepsi is anything but "the cheapest drink we can make" ?
the20year3: But , last time I checked ,faygo did a fraction of what Pepsi and Coca-cola do
Stardust: drank like only pepsi/fanta, shit was hard
Diablo-D3: I used to drink pepsi every day
benkay: what do you claim is the MPEx equivalent to the printed piece of bs i get from pepsi?
benkay: i buy stock in pepsi
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: By this logic Pepsi ought not to exist, they should just re-sell Coke?
Diablo-D3: like, if I say pepsi sucks, pepsi mightw ant to know why
Diablo-D3: copumpkin: yeah, some of us just want a fucking pepsi.
OneMiner: I know what it sounds like but it's not paranoia. Pepsi is doing the same thing. You think they throw away your IP addy after you try to win that car on the package?