165 entries in 1.02s
BingoBoingo: My youngest brother, not the dentist, is an engineer of the mechanical flavor. Whatever gets other engineers focused on the internals of their computers, it never took with him. Roughly as uninterested to him as the internals of his car. When I started putting together bookshelves back in old country for something to do with my hands, he offered to help.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Dentist Venezolana left a PR/Receptionist Venezolana behind
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, that is a similarity without substance, much like saying "dentist and opera writer similar, they ask others to vocalize"
trinque: and doing fine. just got in from my dentist's office in the mexican hood.
asciilifeform: lol! what does this sorta dentist even do ? operate door-rope-powered tooth puller ?!
diana_coman: lolz, except the dentist part the rest sounds quite familiar re ro, yes
mircea_popescu: be it the dentist who doesn't have an imaging cabinet at her "smileup tooth health center", and KNOWS she should, and goes to incredible lengths to subtly deal with this orally, get me to do this and that for her TWENTY DOLLAR consultation fee
asciilifeform: iirc mp_en_viaje had another piece, where 'went to dentist? why then fight with the anaesthesiologist' etc
mp_en_viaje: same reason armchair with dentist's not armchair.
mp_en_viaje: but outside of that, what can she do, and what do you control ? is the dentist in whose practcie you're the silent partner looking for a hygienist ? is she all into yoga and ready to post butt tri-daily on her youtube channel ? were you employing a dumbass to do a dubious job of paralegal work tha tshe could be trained within two weeks to take over, thereby saving not merely the salary, but also the government burdens ? (if you cut a 20k a year em
asciilifeform: sorta why dentist stuffs aluminum filter in the muzzle when xray. < 20kV or so just cooks meat, without reaching film.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: that's prolly last 1 for a while, it's just about the limit of what can be done with the dentist 35mm film
asciilifeform: you gotta get that pet dentist back
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: No, here that requires dentist in Ukrvzla
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the tricky part is that 'just get dentist's' dunwork, ~over~penetration is problem for pcb.
mircea_popescu: if you go the dentist route, make sure you check the rated power. plenty of the last gen things so low power, can't see through tin foil.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i'ma try an' bribe a dentist to take those xray pics, seems like cheapest pill.
mod6: Hey, thanks for the info lobbes. GL with the dentist.
asciilifeform: e.g. 'I’m just back from a wedding in Calgary. It was a fairly posh affair, if an intimate one befitting the couple’s slightly more mature stage of life. A well-to-do dentist, herself the daughter of an even better-to-do-though-recently-retired dentist, was marrying a charming chap from the Maritimes. It was a slightly exhausting trek with our four-month-old in tow, but in the end so very worth it' etc etc
a111: Logged on 2018-10-09 17:59 asciilifeform back from dentist... new one better than prev, nao with anaesthetic! tho costs ~3x moar, pretty impressive inflatola, ~1k orcbux for ~halfhr of drill
BingoBoingo: <diana_coman> asciilifeform, for ~1k bux you can probably fly to Ro and back and have the dentist treatment included too? << Also that sound like maybe 100-120 USD in Uruguay
a111: Logged on 2018-10-09 18:15 diana_coman: asciilifeform, for ~1k bux you can probably fly to Ro and back and have the dentist treatment included too?
diana_coman: asciilifeform, for ~1k bux you can probably fly to Ro and back and have the dentist treatment included too? ☟︎
asciilifeform back from dentist... new one better than prev, nao with anaesthetic! tho costs ~3x moar, pretty impressive inflatola, ~1k orcbux for ~halfhr of drill ☟︎
lobbes: couldn't hurt to see a dentist
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> folx like BingoBoingo's brothers or whoever. << Not brothers, cousins. Brothers are dentist and utility pole engineer respectively
a111: Logged on 2018-05-17 20:56 BingoBoingo: mod6: Well pizarro got billed for the dentist. The doctor is out of my pocket. Part of the idea is getting these things off of Pizarro's line and into my own.
BingoBoingo: mod6: Well pizarro got billed for the dentist. The doctor is out of my pocket. Part of the idea is getting these things off of Pizarro's line and into my own. ☟︎
mod6: We've been handling things like dentist/doctor up until now right? Or have you been paying for that out of pocket?
mircea_popescu: al schwartz's "believe it or not ketamine dun work" has a lot to do with "well... you've been to the dentist all these many years ?"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform not just usian disease anymore. i had some work done recently, very pretty girl, quite competent (sadly, being a good dentist requires the steady hand only a properly developed brain can produce. retards can't ever be sharpshooters, dentists, surgeons etc because dubious genetics -> dubios fenotype -> too ungaitly assymetric to perform)
ave1: bbl, dentist
deedbot: http://trilema.com/2018/dentist-with-a-view/ << Trilema - Dentist with a view
BingoBoingo: So I broke a tooth today. Will get to see how good a dentist la Venezolana is Monday.
BingoBoingo to shut up for a bit and compile as much of the ave1 requested material together into a blog and explore the possibility of making arrangements for a Dentist to follow the BingoBoingo camp to old country.
BingoBoingo: <trinque> BingoBoingo: good luck buddy, and don't let it piss you off << This wasn't a euphamism. Actual spanish lesson with the Venezolana dentist turned teacher.
mircea_popescu: at least that way i have someone to tell his dentist sucked ; and he might negrate the douche. or vice-versa.
mircea_popescu: item eminently doesn't deal with "programs" or "applications" or anything ; it's a proper url system, it locates resources. can put in the gns that you're a dentist in kennebunkport, maine, and if i need a dentist...
mircea_popescu: all these fucktards "being involved" in various topics through insistently discussing what they read in hustler. jacking off doesn't make you a beautician/car mechanic/architect/dentist/etcetera. it may make you blind, apparently, to the world around, but whatevs.
mircea_popescu: but WHY would someone involved DO THIS. it's like dentist going "and here's a squirrel i put wooden teeth into. they were plywood and didn't work very well, it's not intended for geriatric care"
BingoBoingo: Correcting a/o is what the Venezualana dentist makes her side gig doing
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Tutor mentioned earlier. The dentist by training.
mircea_popescu: i dunno, one actually got A CAVITY. years ago. dentist dutifully put a tiny obturation on it and that's been all.
BingoBoingo: In other discoveries... My venezualan spanish teacher is a dentist by training.
asciilifeform: ( nearly everybody at one time went to dentist, or whatever surgeon, got opiated . how many want to take it up ? )
phf: asciilifeform: well to do middle aged ru dentist types talked to me of bitcoin mining with a "please explain what the hell is going on". it's very much the opposite of the beobachter take, still as lulzy.
mircea_popescu: ie, a dentist's lab out of ten probably has a graybeard who could make you the keys for pay. considering what the item costs irl, prolly >1k <10k for the whole key set.
asciilifeform wonders if any dentist knows how to laser sinter yet
mircea_popescu: anyway, only reason dentist doesn't bake you a new dentine layer is the temperature involved ; in a lab you can make arbitrarily large un-enammeled tooth.
asciilifeform finally found the pertinent trilema re http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686793 >> '..."feminists" are merely trying to dissolve subjective blocks to regendering, so it's easier for more people to faster embrace what's socially required of them. Seeing how once you've decided to go to the dentist it's really very bad form to pick fights with the anesthesiologist, what exactly do you have against them ? Jus' doin' their job.' ☝︎
js-of-mp: i know all about it, read it on the side of an old 80s mag in my dentist's office.
a111: Logged on 2017-04-12 21:58 danielpbarron: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-12#1642660 << i don't use mouthwash, brush and floss once a day (with regular non vibrating brush, and i reuse the floss untill it splits apart or breaks) -- hadn't been to the dentist in over 8 years; went in last year and they tell me my teeth are in great shape considering, although i did have to get some cavities fixed (mostly in wisdom teeth which is expected. and yes i still have my wisdom teeth
danielpbarron: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-12#1642660 << i don't use mouthwash, brush and floss once a day (with regular non vibrating brush, and i reuse the floss untill it splits apart or breaks) -- hadn't been to the dentist in over 8 years; went in last year and they tell me my teeth are in great shape considering, although i did have to get some cavities fixed (mostly in wisdom teeth which is expected. and yes i still have my wisdom teeth ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: i do get the high freq vibrating metal rod at the dentist maybe once or twice a year, but i never thought of getting a bathroom version.
mircea_popescu: i imagine they have a dentist specializing in bucktooth palleatives with a fabulous practice
mircea_popescu: Ingolfr_Arnarson who the hell makes pngs out of text, srsly now. and how exactly is "anarcho capitalism" supposed to have morphed into this nonsense "i am afraid of the dentist" "nonviolence" bullshit ? violence is great for you ; arguably the best of the various available tools in nature's arsenal.
pete_dushenski: but that still leaves a lotta jews w/o blogs who have no dentist in the fam!
ben_vulpes: but wtf who isn't 2 jumps away from a dentist
boolcrap: maybe the dentist gave her too much
shinohai: Also, I think I'd use doorknob and string before visiting a dentist in that building.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493848 << yeah, doesn't affect you until you open a dentist's clinic and the customers "are confused". ☝︎
deedbot: [Qntra] Egyptian Dentist Arrested For Having Money - http://qntra.net/2016/06/egyptian-dentist-arrested-for-having-money/
asciilifeform: ;;later tell BingoBoingo http://themerkle.com/egyptian-dentist-apprehended-in-bitcoin-sting-operation-in-cairo << qntra ?
deedbot: [Qntra] Dentist Drilled Over Discovering Public FTP Server - http://qntra.net/2016/05/dentist-drilled-over-discovering-public-ftp-server/
asciilifeform pictures dentist from film 'django'
ben_vulpes: beause dentist is half sane, picks good market, commutes by plane to place
asciilifeform: why would a dentist need to fly around ?
mircea_popescu: this argument is rapidly collapsing into a "these damned dentists moved from using fireplace tools to actual dentist's chairs, and i won't have one at home and i won't ever be able to have teeth or chew now"
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-01-2016#1378701 << where's a btc-dentist when you need one ? ☝︎
mircea_popescu: gotta hire a dentist.
asciilifeform back from dentist
jurov: well, some dentist recommend fluorine, too. which is rather suspicious.
pete_dushenski: xylitol = dentist recommended, yes.
gabriel_laddel: why the dentist & plastic surgeon?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i'd trust a ba mechanic. cook. dentist. plastic surgeon.
assbot: Logged on 07-09-2015 19:52:22; kakobrekla: find yourself a hot dentist.
pete_dushenski has had hot dentist for better part of a decade
kakobrekla: find yourself a hot dentist. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: can microsoft eat my icecream plox save me the trouble of going to the dentist
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I'll see if I can get dentist borther to chime in on the braces, but low hopes for that.
BingoBoingo: Just they unlike the Dentist will use an AK instead of a bow.
BingoBoingo: punkman: Far more badass than my dentist brother.
punkman: badass dentist?
BingoBoingo: Also note Reuters includes that the dentist used a bow and arrow.
ascii_field: dentist?! atrocity.
ascii_field: 'why is a dentist wealthy enough to go on safari ?!'
peterl: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-07-2015#1217674 << why does everybody mention it was a dentist that killed the lion? Did a tooth extraction go horribly wrong? ☝︎
mircea_popescu: be a doctor, lawyer or a dentist. or fuck you.
cazalla: the actor, not the dentist in case you google it
mod6: dentist numbed me up so much even my nose is numb.
assbot: Logged on 27-04-2015 16:32:38; pete_dushenski: like the dentist who's busy when priced competitively, wants to be less busy, jacks up his prices to the highest in town, and then has his doors beaten down with customers like never before.
pete_dushenski: ah so veblen goods would be like that dentist's services i was mentioning the other day.
pete_dushenski: ascii_field: or that zany dentist who did her own root canals.
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: no doubt. i just happen to know a dentist for whom this happened, so it was salient.
pete_dushenski: like the dentist who's busy when priced competitively, wants to be less busy, jacks up his prices to the highest in town, and then has his doors beaten down with customers like never before. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: how about dentist ? i don't recall a dentist ever asking me if it's ok to fuck up my teeth.
punkman: BingoBoingo: cazalla: Once you need fillings in "working locations" the choices are metallic and durable or "natural" and the dentist's annuity << better dentist also helps. I have a couple front teeth chips with the "natural" fillings, never had to replace.
BingoBoingo: cazalla: Once you need fillings in "working locations" the choices are metallic and durable or "natural" and the dentist's annuity
gribble: Little Shop of Horrors I'm a Dentist - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHsDKqKE_kc>; Little Shop of Horrors - Dentist Song - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOtMizMQ6oM>; Little Shop Of Horrors - Dentist! Lyrics | MetroLyrics: <http://www.metrolyrics.com/dentist-lyrics-little-shop-of-horrors.html>
Adlai: ;;google cause i'm a dentist