500+ entries in 2.587s

a111: Logged on 2018-11-18 17:25 echelon: nanotube and
mircea_popescu: ("
theymos" "rassah" 8 3572807706 "Holds BTC for the forum.") << aaahahaha epic luzl.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-09 00:40 asciilifeform: No one else did. Not
theymos, not knighmb, not pirate, not silbert, not Jihan Wu. Not satoshi or asciilifeform.
a111: Logged on 2017-05-16 22:04 mircea_popescu: there is no difference in this sense between nubbins, an idle idiot, and nanotube, a respectable professor. scammers known like
theymos and lukejr, supposedly honest idiots like szabo, agents known like gavin or unknown like whatever others have this much in commom -- the call was made, and they strayed.
mircea_popescu: there is no difference in this sense between nubbins, an idle idiot, and nanotube, a respectable professor. scammers known like
theymos and lukejr, supposedly honest idiots like szabo, agents known like gavin or unknown like whatever others have this much in commom -- the call was made, and they strayed.
☟︎ shinohai: So it appears
Theymos is now calling for Satoshi's coins to be destroyed.
shinohai: Best I can tell he posted a link to
theymos' personal info
mircea_popescu: for instance, everyone thinks of
theymos as "tardstalk owner", except that forum was made by sirius ; and was quite acceptable before it went to shit.
shinohai: " Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later. " <<< perhaps
theymos should reconsider taking you ad revenue in order to buy functioning servers.
mircea_popescu: "Roger Verified
theymos refuses to advertise Trilema ; tardstalk moderators have to take a 30% pay cut this month."
deedbot: shinohai rated
theymos -1 << Thanks for wasting my time and sorry my submission didn't meet you rigorous criteria for scams
http://archive.is/NoL2y shinohai: ok mircea_popescu you ready for some lulz from
mircea_popescu: anyway, this is the special preserve r/btc where the idiots went once
theymos took away their shitposting rights in r/bitcoin
thestringpuller: wow. maybe
theymos has something with his r/bitcoin moderation: "Please, never ever turns Bitcoin into a democracy sh** thing. Be strong."
felipelalli: I think
Theymos made the right choice to censor (what lead to a split) the subreddit. Now /r/btc is filled with a bunch of derps; it's amazing how they attract each other! <amazing company>
Quent: you see what
theymos is doing - you see what centralisation does
mircea_popescu: there's nothing remarkable about mtgox other than the facrt that merck, and vessenes, and gavin and
theymos and ver and who have you kept pushing it.
mircea_popescu: there is nothing special about pirate other than the fact that
theymos, and gigavps, and grubbles and EVERYONE ELSE kept pushing him.
mircea_popescu: lol
theymos got -39 reddit votes. clearly teh system wurx.
mircea_popescu: no, that was before nefario,
theymos, goat & the rest of the friends split.
davout: i did get demoted by
theymos from my mod position for basically calling him a derp. i think that counts!11
mircea_popescu: Oh right, the 1MB cap is exactly like slavery days. Got it. That's not offensive at all. And neither are your first world armchair claims of resistance against censorship. You and your exorbitantly privileged critique of
theymos' moderation wouldn't last a day in China, where real censorship exists.
mircea_popescu: "We will continue our general direction of increasing permissiveness that we began with our recent changes to branding guidelines, and emphasis on maintaining norms of common sense and civility over strict rules. We are not following in the footsteps of /r/bitcoins
theymos. Discussion of EthereumXT (I suppose the closest equivalent we have is Expanse, with its 10x higher gas limit) is NOT banned.
theymos tried to salvage reddit through doing what he wouldn't do to save bitcointalk three years ago ; this failed to work, reddit-bitcoin shattered.
ShawnLeary: you can become a VIP Donator with a small gift of 50 BTC to
theymos shinohai: hilarious. Whining about censorship when
theymos censored nothing.
shinohai: I am surprised that
theymos is supposedly calling XT and altcoin.
assbot: If you label any new thing as "contentious" before a software vote can take place, that is attempted dictatorship.
Theymos has just lost my support. : Bitcoin ... (
http://bit.ly/1CdkZAi )
BingoBoingo: williamdunne: Plenty of things law enforcement can use to leverage
Theymos, most prominently the GLBSE shennanigans
nubbins`: "Guess we all know why
theymos has been hanging out in the transvestite hangouts now. He's embezeld the forum donations to turn Bad Bears P into a V so he could be his B and he gave him admin privalges so you could come here to take out his frustrations after he rams it up his ass until he bleeds. "
BingoBoingo: Stunna I prefer not to send any text through bitcointalk given
Theymos's behavior these past two years. It's fine though if you might be able to do it later.
assbot: Logged on 25-06-2014 15:27:40; ThickAsThieves: "bitcoin.org's content is managed by Saïvann Carignan, who is somewhat associated with the Foundation (though not an employee AFAIK), but the bitcoin.org domain name is jointly owned by me, Sirius, and an anonymous person. We will take action if bitcoin.org is being used inappropriately or the development group does something crazy." ~
Theymos davout: mircea_popescu: how will it know
theymos is around if doesn't hang out in a chan where gribble also idles?
felipelalli: gavinandresen:
theymos said: << (...) Make the change now, but have it take place at a particular date or block number 2 years in the future. Then when the change actually happens, everyone will already be updated because almost no one uses 2-year-old software. Yes, 2 years is a long time, but we'll survive. >> is that possible and why it is a good or bad idea?
Theymos doesn't get to have much of an opinion, but at least he isn't gavin.
punkman: "For the amount of money that
Theymos is paying these four twenty-somethings to make forum software, he could employ Gavin Andresen full-time, six times over!"
assbot: For the amount of money that
Theymos is paying for new forum software, we could run a bitcoin commercial during the Super Bowl. : Bitcoin ... (
http://bit.ly/1yYx27h )
mircea_popescu: " I think
Theymos has done an awesome service for the community in turning the forum into something of an institution rather than not just pocking hte funds."
thestringpuller: the alert keys are currently only held by gavin and
theymos comments on What happened to this subforum? All posts about some shitty altcoin? Moderators on strike? WTF? ... (
http://bit.ly/1zJp6BW )
assbot: For the amount of money that
Theymos is paying for new forum software, we could run a bitcoin commercial during the Super Bowl. : Bitcoin
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of -10 for user
theymos has been recorded.
assbot: Scammer tag : Nefario,
theymos, others known and unknown pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
gribble: You have not yet rated user
theymos mircea_popescu: - Expenses: 1505 (1257 Slickage, the rest mostly mods) << according to
theymos, tardstalk has spent half a million dollars to one million this year.
mircea_popescu: ;;google trilema nefario,
theymos, others known and unknown
assbot: Rating Details for User '