600+ entries in 0.547s
mircea_popescu: http://identi.fi/id/account/theymos%40bitcoin-otc.com << look at that.
assbot: theymos comments on A Scalability Roadmap | The Bitcoin Foundation
mircea_popescu: theymos jailed in china'd sound better tbh.
mike_c: any of those guys russian? theymos, nefario, etc.?
mircea_popescu: why is he using the glbse/theymos addy ?
gribble: [CLOSED] GLBSE drama - Bitcoin Forum: <https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=117235.0>; Scammer tag : Nefario, theymos, others known and unknown - Trilema: <http://trilema.com/scammer-tag-nefario-theymos-others-known-and-unknown>; AMA Request: The most powerful man in bitcoin, Theymos. | The ...: <http://thebitcoinnews.co.uk/2013/05/02/ama-request-the-most-powerful-man-in- (1 more message)
BingoBoingo: ;;google theymos scammer tag
jurov: i'm not out of lulz, just got another phish "from bitcointalk". they even went into trouble of photoshopping theymos' account: http://s8.postimg.org/j399erbpx/ads.jpg
dub: considering all the other shit theymos will go up against the wall for..
Guest73329: Hey all. Theymos automatically bans anyone who posts his dox on bitcointalk.org -- to demonstrate simply paste http://pastie.org/9414192 in a reply, and your account will automatically be banned.
gribble: bitcoinpete was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 3 hours, 16 minutes, and 52 seconds ago: <bitcoinpete> Rassah: neat rating comment from theymos "Holds BTC for the forum."
bitcoinpete: Rassah: neat rating comment from theymos "Holds BTC for the forum."
ThickAsThieves: probly theymos
Mats_cd03: i am tired of hearing about theymos
ThickAsThieves: "bitcoin.org's content is managed by Saïvann Carignan, who is somewhat associated with the Foundation (though not an employee AFAIK), but the bitcoin.org domain name is jointly owned by me, Sirius, and an anonymous person. We will take action if bitcoin.org is being used inappropriately or the development group does something crazy." ~Theymos ☟︎
kakobrekla: You have been banned by a forum moderator. You may appeal here: banappeals-w6pquw43@theymos.e4ward.com .
assbot: dooglus comments on Someone calling themselves "theymos" is gambling like mad on Just-Dice
dooglus: http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/27hk9o/someone_calling_themselves_theymos_is_gambling/ci168sn
dooglus: fake theymos loses fortune
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller: we should all threaten Theymos << mass solutions, kinda meh
pankkake: who's theymos?
thestringpuller: we should all threaten Theymos
BingoBoingo: "Sadly the lambo is in the country where theymos lives and in a country where I am not. " - Smoothie's Man Crush
mircea_popescu: i forget, what was theymos' real name ?
fluffypony: lol, theymos getting called out on /r/bitcoin now - http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/23o0hs/an_rbitcoin_moderator_seems_to_be_a_wellknown/
gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user theymos: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 2 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=theymos | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=theymos | Rated since: Mon Nov 8 13:36:30 2010
pankkake: ;;gettrust assbot theymos
rithm: is theymos a scammer?
gribble: You rated user theymos on Tue Apr 1 22:52:27 2014, with a rating of -2, and supplied these additional notes: Runs a forum catering to scammers, donations not used to do what he promised to.
pankkake: ;;rated theymos
gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user theymos: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 2 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=theymos | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=theymos | Rated since: Mon Nov 8 13:36:30 2010
pankkake: ;;gettrust assbot theymos
Namworld: As such, my point is as valid as if the forum was called theymosandcotalk.org
pankkake: "MPOE-PR perma-banned. His only option to get his account back is an appeal to theymos."
mircea_popescu: the other is that theymos & co are scammers.
mircea_popescu: "If you continue to post in the thread you will be reported to theymos who could take further action. You have already been asked to stop posting."
moiety: also BingoBoingo re first comment in ponzi ad thread... theymos doesn't actually have legal responsibility in reality does he?
chetty: just Theymos I think
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo did it actually say "Michael Marquardt" or theymos or what ?
kakobrekla: You have been banned by a forum moderator. You may appeal here: banappeals-w6pquw43@theymos.e4ward.com .
ozbot: Request for information for lawsuit against Michael Marquardt / Theymos : Bitcoin
gribble: Successfully removed your rating for theymos.
mircea_popescu: ;;unrate theymos
mod6: "Put a little dash next to each one. Theymos likes dashes."
thestringpuller: so I expect the forums will be down while theymos again investigates
random_cat: is theymos prone to that?
dub: I suspect this is another case of theymos not understanding what he's looking at and assuming something retarded
davout: pankkake: what's the old IP? I read something today by theymos saying it should go in the hosts file until the CF shit is under control
dub: the problem is theymos and it should be solved with a bullet
dub: theymos must be spending the donated billions
mircea_popescu: theymos can arbitrarily do that, right ?
BingoBoingo: s3gfault: Have you not read all of the Theymos scammer history yet?
Apocalyptic: TF was in Theymos default trust list...
mircea_popescu: dub theymos coded the forum wot so that everyone starts by trusting him
thestringpuller: someone saying theymos ran off with 10k of coin?
mircea_popescu: theymos now adding known scammers to the default trust list.
chaang-noi: as you know i trolled theymos
kakobrekla: shill for theymos,
kakobrekla: 21736 theymos 92 johnthedong 2013-03-21 03:35:46 9 Long-time forum moderator. Holds BTC for the forum.
mircea_popescu: anyway, you're too new to know, but the way glbse croaked was like this : theymos announced a private sale of his glbse stock (+ some aussie scammer's)
ozbot: theymos comments on Founder reflects on the closure of Bitcoin stock exchange GLBSE
dexX7: next question: people on reddit say theymos is a scammer, why?
dub: I like how theymos hasn't mentioned the hack or recommended changing passwords in any comms to users
jurov: ThickAsThieves: what should he do? lend them to theymos for greater drama?
ThickAsThieves: but Theymos took that away
Kleeck__: Last I read Theymos said they were rebuilding the server and reinstalling the software stack.
pankkake: redditors really want to name theymos, thermos
Au-WireBeard: So theymos is finally using that donation fund to upgrade the forums? Or just place bounties here and there?
mircea_popescu: if we're going to discover theymos was faking his auctions cognitive style...
mircea_popescu: afaik that's theymos' idea anyway
jurov: that's question for theymos... if he used standard salted hashes then only easy passwords can be cracked
mircea_popescu: theymos is suspicious or something
dexX7: is there any theymos pitchfork thread already?
ThickAsThieves: lol at theymos endorsement in sig...
Hollywood: Facepalm - New forum advertisment - WTF does theymos approve this ? https://www.bitmit.net/item/15000/?ref=6004
topace: theymos soliciting for forum donations? or is that a scam email?
dexX7: anyway, aiwell is something like the chinese theymos
mircea_popescu: so apparently theymos fell off a something or the other ?
Scrat: unlike theymos
tiberiusii: chang noi and theymos gave credibility to pirate40
tiberiusii: over and over, along with theymos
byMideowas: theymos is an informant
mircea_popescu: lol theymos shouldf totally close down the forum for the day, just put up an empty page going
mircea_popescu: yeah theymos is college age.
Chaaaang-Noi: theymos almost sold his glbse in time
Namworld: Damn, Theymos is younger than me?
thestringpuller: I thought Theymos was like 19 when all of this went down.
dub: theymos is an unmitigated fucktard
Hiro2: tiberiusix: that sucks, I thought theymos was more of a reasonable guy... but then again he is only... 20?
tiberiusix: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=82572.40 <--- theymos publicly admitting to profitting from the scam and chaang-noi congratulating him on it.
tiberiusix: along with forum owner theymos
tiberiusix: chaang-noi was up there with theymos as number 2 and 3 participation wise
tiberiusix: why did theymos want you specifically to run a pirate pass thru
tiberiusix: so what did theymos order you to do ?
Chaaaang-Noi: i never had theymoses money
tiberiusix: or that the reason for the pass thru was for theymos to gain exposure
Chaaaang-Noi: i said theymos claimed in public he profited, dumbass, dont lie about thist
tiberiusix: chang noi you admitted that theymos profited and you helped theymos move funds
tiberiusix: theymos told him he could be on the recieving end this time
Chaaaang-Noi: theymos would never share nef with me...