62 entries in 0.498s
mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-07#1907308 << not to mention a) insulting and b) counterproductive. whenever you say something dumbly you steal from the smart, to give to the dumb. this is both shameful, ie ethically wrong, and evil, ie, morally wrong. if you've decided to steal, always steal from the dumb to give to the smart. they make much better friends. ☝︎
Mocky: One Qatari owns a chain of 9 fittness supplement stores. 3 of the stores were found to have someone pocketing the cash from transactions. Owner fired everyone in all 9 stores because "see, everyone tries to steal from us". Also he had his driver who can barely count to 10 doing store inventory for him.
mircea_popescu: it's this-or-that, either steal from the worthy to "fix" the unworthy, or else squeeze the unworthy to empower the worthy.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-04 17:02 asciilifeform: in ru prison argot, this is also called 'to be a mouse', and is seen as equally damning as 'to be a rat' ( steal from one's fellows , rather than the engl meaning of snitch )
mircea_popescu: hey, his link was knee deep in "ethical considerations" and other pompous wank, dun talk to me, talk to the mentally splitten zeks, who steal from criminals but bend over for bureaucrats, discuss ethical minutia of imaginary situations and then work with doubletap usg, etc.
mircea_popescu: ever seen http://trilema.com/2011/bound/ ? two lezbos steal from the mob. and ~they get away with it~.
mircea_popescu: see, this is to my eyes the principal vulnerability of the whole charade. always it is the case with tripartite stable systems you get a sewing together somewhewre, and so is here. the zeks must, at the same time, be brave enough to steal from pighead and ALSO cowardly enough they'll eagerly participate in samokritika sessions.
ben_vulpes: yes well steal from the best
asciilifeform: in ru prison argot, this is also called 'to be a mouse', and is seen as equally damning as 'to be a rat' ( steal from one's fellows , rather than the engl meaning of snitch ) ☟︎
ben_vulpes: i steal from teh best
mircea_popescu: that's ok, im sure coinbase will make them whole etc. inca dun steal from itself.
asciilifeform: it is worth to keep in mind that ffa is , to steal from knuth, 'for readers to read first, and for machine to execute second'
mircea_popescu: this is interesting because evidently conducted by independent agent motivated by his own delusions of "making it in this game", rather than the more typical case of employee trying to steal from govt.
asciilifeform: in other 'we'll steal from tmsr, why not, and WEDIDITFIRST' lulzies, https://archive.is/kvyXQ
ben_vulpes: null patch is best patch/steal from the best
asciilifeform: to steal from mircea_popescu's article on subj, 'get inseminated on purpose, rather than 'because hey, there was a party, and i like to drink''
asciilifeform: so now you have 10,000,001 'roots', which inevitably will happen when bahama throne falls, why not arrive at that situation ~deliberately~, rather than like (to steal from old mircea_popescu piece!) 'like teenage cowsie falls pregnant, willy-nilly'
mircea_popescu: so it was, steal from gnu, steal from mit, write own.
thestringpuller: lets just steal from everyone to pay for the nice thing!
shinohai: "We are proud to introduce this new tool to help you steal from citizens in a moar efficient manner."
mircea_popescu: well yes, you missed. because when a shithead tries to steal from me it's not news. but when a shithead lies about the reverse, your ears perk up.
mircea_popescu: can go steal from mall sense, what.
jurov: yes, why not steal from outdoor 60kV line diretly?
adlai: miner defection can't steal from people who didn't opt-in, although it causes reorganizations and general headless-chicken-panic
mircea_popescu: careful what and whom you steal from, lest you get poisoned.
mircea_popescu: ape may steal from man ; but man can not steal from ape. everything man takes from ape is glory.
mircea_popescu: the soviets did outright steal from the various coops, entreprises scl towards the end
Landgull: steal from you, rather*
Landgull: But I still prefer people who steal from you because they're just stealing from you and they want your stuff to people who steal for you and ask you to say it's for your own good.
Landgull: Sure, if the Ukrainians had anything to steal, the government would rapidly begin to steal it. But right now it's more profitable for them to steal from the USG.
danielpbarron: justJanne, the point being, there are more solutions besides "let starve to death" and "steal from everyone to keep them alive"
mircea_popescu: "steal from the public" is what, microsoft ? jp manufacturer of resistors ?
mircea_popescu: heck, kakobrekla heard a mouthful over his "leading derps into trying to steal from other bettors" or what was it, the bitbet scam thing.
brendafdez: cazalla, are you the guy i should contact if i want to steal from qntra?
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> to steal from ed felton, 'you can't build a safe that is to be kept in the robber's living room' - except that some folks must anyway, so they craft safes that will set fire to the money at slightest provocation << Shoot for Tepco can not cut without fine
asciilifeform: to steal from ed felton, 'you can't build a safe that is to be kept in the robber's living room' - except that some folks must anyway, so they craft safes that will set fire to the money at slightest provocation
mircea_popescu: kinda why druggies try to steal from hospitals rather than police stations or courthouses.
kakobrekla: Anduck bitcoin is not a credit card, you dont 'pull' stuff from it, you 'push'. if someone pushes 100$ bill in your postbox, did you steal from him?
undata: sure, then he can either steal from you, or print more, which steals from you just the same
mircea_popescu: Adlai we readily agree, provided by "current way government is conducted" you mean "pencil dicks who chiefly need the government to steal from others and give them part of the proceeds as a means of support derp about how to formalise choice"
RetroUpriser: tht is if sealswithclubs doesnt steal from me
mircea_popescu: fluffypony who's going to steal from a steel container ?
bitcoinpete: benkay: if you can arbitrarily not lose money in a bear market isn't that topologically identical to arbitrarily making money? << this is offset by the money they steal from you when the btc price goes up, duh
mircea_popescu: it may, of course, steal from investors (ie, if the player and the casino collude)
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves so as constructed, jd can't steal from players.
ThickAsThieves: design a provably fair casino that cant steal from anyone
ThickAsThieves: that dooglus can steal from investors still?
asciilifeform: i'm reasonably certain that it is possible to do so, but have no wish to steal from anyone.
asciilifeform: 'came once from the hungarian lands a merchant to the city of drakula. and, as is custom at his court, left his cart on the city street in front of the house, and his wares - on the cart, and himself went to sleep in the house. and someone did steal from the cart 160 gold ducats. the merchant came to drakula, spoke to him of the missing gold. drakula answered, 'go, this same night you will have your gold again.
mircea_popescu: people's incentive to steal from you is how much you got, not how nice you are.
asciilifeform: on the contrary, there is plenty to steal from a decaying superpower. witness the 'cable contains no copper!' (dirty lie!) signs that have popped up at construction sites.
bitesak: more speficially, how to steal from a protected (as in 2fa bitcoin signature for withdrawals) account
MJR_: but who says "do you steal from me?" "no" "oh my gosh, thats great news, what a relief"
mircea_popescu: "the poor aren't voting to steal from the rich because they've not been sufficiently explaining the benefits of theft"
Chaang-Noi: you did not steal from me, but id never use you again...
kakobrekla: i steal from assbot.
dub: its not a bad model really, make up a bunch of really shitty vehicles that outright steal from investors, sit back and profit from the endless supply of retards
truffles: gigavps, whyd you steal from investors?
midnightmagic: I interpret the ~= to mean that some addresses overlap or can be related to the addresses prior, but that's what I say can't be related unless the owner of the outputs of the transactions signs a non-multisig transaction that requires A' *and* A addresses together in a single-output txn, *and* we assume that people would automatically steal from one another if they could.
dub: someone not tryign to kill and steal from you?
dub: I tried to steal from my employer and got fired, suxs
noagendamarket: genjix could steal from the supermarket really good in that jacket