1484 entries in 0.634s
ben_vulpes: references get dropped constantly.
pete_dushenski: he's constantly in twitter arguments
mircea_popescu: it doesn't pay that much, you have to travel a lot, and what you don't see is that most hourlong shots take like 4 or 5, because constant interruptions.
davout: "that's the main thing i'm constantly impressed by, his demeanor is exactly right for the position he's in. he's a role model to us all, a modern day gandhi so to speak. ;)"
ben_vulpes can't cope with the constantly moving targets
Adlai always thought "glasshole" was less about carrying a camera everywhere, more about constantly having your screen open
mircea_popescu: lotta hay made out of how "the queen snubbed obama'. but the guy's just not very aware. which looked to me like a very very tired man that's being constantly pestered with advice and requirements by about 9 spinster women.
mircea_popescu: ballmer's constant, but for acid.
joecool: asciilifeform: it's just constant fighting to do most anything with the software, it's laid out poorly, simple tasks like minting smartcards, i literally have to back up the config directory for it and copy to mint more cards
joecool: 1.4 was decent for usability, 2 i am constantly fighting
jurov: Thus, it is possible to say that the resulting device is at least as secure as a CSPRNG, but, since we have a constant stream of new seeds, we can be confident that it is actually a better source of random numbers than a CSPRNG that is seeded less frequently.
BingoBoingo: "After noticing that he had fewer than 10,000 followers on Twitter, they bought him 100,000 in chunks of a few thousand at a time—although the number was in constant flux because Twitter kept zapping the bot accounts. The point to all of it was … well … They didn’t really seem to have one?"
mircea_popescu: "Meantime the camp was filling up with people, and there was a constantly growing excitement about our Humboldt mines. We fell victims to the epidemic and strained every nerve to acquire more "feet." We prospected and took up new claims, put "notices" on them and gave them grandiloquent names. We traded some of our "feet" for "feet" in other people's claims. In a little while we owned largely in the "Gray Eagle," the "
assbot: constanta romania to odessa ukraine - Wolfram|Alpha ... ( http://bit.ly/1ya7STo )
asciilifeform: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=constanta+romania+to+odessa+ukraine
gribble: Varna.info - Constanta to Varna Travel: <http://www.varna.info/constanta-to-varna/>; Constanța to Odessa by bus, car, plane | Rome2rio: <http://www.rome2rio.com/s/Constan%C8%9Ba/Odessa>; Trains, buses, airplanes to / from Moldova. Options, time table: <http://www.marisha.net/crossroads.htm>
mircea_popescu: ;;google distance constanta odessa
mircea_popescu: no, merely the definition of rateless is "no rate can be computed" instead of "this constant divided by infinity"
mircea_popescu: Discussing the role of the hype man in the book How to Rap, Royce da 5'9" describes how a hype man can contribute to a live performance: "a lot of my verses be so constant with the flow [that] I'd need somebody to help me."[4] Lateef adds: "You're gonna have to have somebody say something somewhere to give you a breath... usually it's just a matter of getting somebody to hit some line or some word in a line - that's al
punkman: "So I make over a million dollars, use this on things which are clearly intended to benefit the forum and the Bitcoin community instead of myself (even if you think the money could be better used elsewhere), and I get constantly attacked for it..."
artifexd: As far as traffic analysis goes, as long as all of the transmissions are opaque noise (because they are encrypted) and are of constant size, analysis is impossible.
mircea_popescu: this constant trying to unload blame for very personal, very peculiar, very speciffic and very narrow incompetence and idiocy on facts of math, physics and the world generally is ridoinculous.
mircea_popescu: decimation mats : the situation with freenode is that it's basically a sinking ship / abandoned tech. the few hanger ons do not actually have the werewithal to do anything other than push the levers, which they sort-of understand how to do, but various rooms are constantly being sealed off because "it's too much". it's indubitable that freenode will eventually sink, and it won't take it decades, for this very reason.
decimation: asciilifeform: was the only change that number of locks constant?
gribble: Just Dice Is Closing: this page/post will be constantly updated with ...: <http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/28wae3/just_dice_is_closing_this_pagepost_will_be/>; Just-Dice Re-opens After Regulations, Now Accepting CLAMs?: <http://www.coinssource.com/just-dice-re-opens-after-regulations-now-accepting-clams/>; Shut the Box - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: (1 more message)
asciilifeform is ever more convinced that systemd, with its default setting of vomiting syslog to every ptty console (!), constantly, is really an elaborate trolling gag project
asciilifeform: ecdsa curves, 'nothing up my sleeve' constants << think back to the legend with the 'randomly wired' neural net. if secp256k1 (or, another example, aes s-boxes) have sufficiently broad classes of 'weak key' - then all you need to do is find a simple, e.g., sqrt(2), whatever, 'sleeve constant' that impresses the fools.
cazalla: BingoBoingo, i never used it, i was maybe 15-16 at the time and muh uncle constantly telling me to buy shares in sausage software
mircea_popescu: what would happen if some idiot somewhere didn't constantly put magic numbers into everything!
gernika: There was a constant search for some unexploited google search phrase
gernika: These people were constantly working
asciilifeform: anyone verify that 0.5.3 unwedges if magic constant is changed ?
decimation: my impression is that they constantly awoken so they can be 'in the loop' on whatever derpish retardation is going on in the world
ben_vulpes: re qntra advertising: advertising is downright wacky. the numbers say "don't do it" and yet people are constantly doing it.
cazalla: yeah, various authors so there is your cheap content to publish constantly
decimation: undata: the poor blacks that are constantly murdered by the police
mircea_popescu: look at it from moscow's pov. 1) the us builds a large base at constanta, once europe's largest port by tdw, and mere miles from the russian bases at sevastopol
mircea_popescu: how many magic constants can a person eat ?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo: Oh response<< any idea what that's supposed to mean ? << Not much, I think @TheRealSolid impiled my stupidity is why qntra is under constant DoS
asciilifeform: who the fuck do you think can put up with constantly << conscripts.
mircea_popescu: who the fuck do you think can put up with constantly rubbing against other dudes ?
mircea_popescu: decimation the best i can come up with is that yes, some weakly router that is nevertheless for insane unexplainable reason priority route from the us is constantly fucked up
decimation: the server is up, it looks to me that there is at least one route that is being ddosed/constantly reset
ben_vulpes: would the libraries not be held constant between bisections?
saifedean: mp: " eh get out with the paleo stuff. what do you do for cake ?" <<< you stop being a teenage girl about it and enjoy life without these sugar highs and their crashes. Getting your energy from animal fats makes you constantly alert and with high energy reserves, not dependent on getting your next sugar kick to do anything, and not constantly crashing.
mircea_popescu: you come here, you have a good steak, you forgot why you ever wanted to make a steakhouse. much like the man who was considering doing his own plumbing out of reeds in lebanon, moves to constantinople with the marble baths forgets all about it.
mircea_popescu: it run into a hard wall at constantinople
BingoBoingo: it is important to note the present incarnation of that crowd was not sparked by HUffington, Digg, or Reddit, but in Nick Denton's constant reinvestment in Gawker media.
mircea_popescu: at are so expensive that even professionals cringe. It’s like owning a jumbo jet: you can’t afford not to fly it, hence the constant references to workflow in the marketing. Alas, in between these two types we find the equivalent of a valence band or forbidden zone." << this has nothing to do with marketing.
asciilifeform: irradiated for the glory of the leader << funny how this happened to exactly no one back when 'small militaries constantly warring' was a thing.
undata: so there should be many small militaries constantly warring?
xiando: could actually be true if the vehicle had a constant speed of 34 Kph (such likely)
mircea_popescu: i wonder if the fucktard "justice" warriors realise that their constant if innefectual nipping at the heels means that anyone involved who can afford it will in fact spend the money and clobber everyone in range.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you familiar with the theory of constant improvement ?
mircea_popescu: empiricism is about as constant as beauty.
mircea_popescu: how is that constant ?
mircea_popescu: or for that matter, what constant set of assumptions do physicists have in common ? if discussion relied on constant assumptions, science'd be in principle impossible.
mircea_popescu: decimation what constant set of assumption do we have in common ?
decimation: if morality is only that which arouses sympathies - an each man has his own unique sentiment - how is moral discussion possible, given no constant set of assumptions to build upon?
mircea_popescu: constantly s/\r// etc
decimation: you are stuck with 8 bits if you don't want to constantly guess at endianness
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: who else is going to handle making sure turd consistency stays constant?
mircea_popescu: between these two, the budged for recruiting pencildicks goes from constant to hilbert's hotel.
asciilifeform: jurov: actually we have a deterministic primality test! with massive constant factor, but anyway.
asciilifeform likes mircea_popescu tip for user-configurable magic numbers for all magicnumberconstants
asciilifeform: people constantly ask for functionality that is quite equivalent to chewing food.
mircea_popescu: "While dimwitted, the Dependopotamus is a shrewd beast who knows that there is one surefire way to trap a man: Bear as many of his offspring as possible. Since having a baby in the military is free thanks to the dependency benefits, she’ll be in a constant state of hosting and developing new fetuses that she isn’t certain are from her husband or one of her many lovers."
asciilifeform: 'They are not the first to blame Ebola for an ancient plague. Scientists and classicists in San Diego reported in 1996 that the symptoms of the plague of Athens around 430 BC, described by Thucydides, are remarkably similar to Ebola, including a distinctive retching or hiccupping. Apart from that, many of the symptoms of that plague- – and one in Constantinople in AD 540 – -were similar to the Black Death.'
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform were you looking for "The American behavior throughout this succession of defeats has been remarkably consistent, with the constant element being their flat refusal to deal with reality in any way, shape or form." ? :D
mircea_popescu: and dreamweaving MUST be constantly maintained.
Apocalyptic: "and were it to move, would propagate vibration to the 'levitated' object." that's assuming a magnetic field of constant power, right ?
mircea_popescu: What if the terrorists hear about fast secure crypto? Yikes! Similar to constant-time story. Don’t standardize good crypto. Discourage use of good crypto. If the good crypto persists, try to bury it behind a huge menu of bad options. Advertise “cryptographic agility”; actually cryptographic fragility. Pretend that this “agility” justifies using breakable crypto.
decimation: I feel sorry for those whose god is usg - he constantly stabs his followers in the back.
mircea_popescu: "With this tailwind working for us, Charlie and I hope to build Berkshire’s per-share intrinsic value by constantly improving the basic earning power of our many subsidiaries" truly.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform all i can see from where im sitting is a closed system that constantly loses mass to the outside.
asciilifeform: ru sp4mz0r steals cc #, charges 10k usd. on, e.g., 'amazon'; chumper reads his bill, complains, bank magically vacuums 10k+C (positive constant C, chargeback penalty) from 'amazon', plasma tv is nowhere to be found (drop house, magicked away)
bounce: leaving aside "acts of nature", news is created by the doings of people. there're a lot more of those around than there were in 1700. if you assume only the top N most important bits are important, then that number stays constant. if you assume the top N% is important, then the absolute number of newsworthy things would likely adjust with the headcount
mike_c: they don't constantly dilute
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> no, they constantly dilute except for active writers. << clever
mircea_popescu: no, they constantly dilute except for active writers.
thickasthieves: they constantly dilute, except for core owners
kakobrekla: idk 1 per second constantly should be working.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: in cryptography, every constant's a salt. you're well advised to change ALL constants << and turn wrong knob, die by pollard rho or similar.
xanthyos: why did constantinople get the works?
mircea_popescu: in cryptography, every constant's a salt. you're well advised to change ALL constants
BingoBoingo: It's the derps who see adds about hosting prices falling or staying constant and the connections offered increasing... Don't realize how infrequently... people who keep their own machines upgrade their connections... Unless they are running a data center.
BingoBoingo: Apocalyptic: I mean right now it would be feasible to put a Bitcoin node pretty much anywhere with a wired internet connection other than Nepal or the Desert, yet... this constant bandwidth grow really only happen consistently in data centers.
ben_vulpes: ottomans survived regular decimations in constantinople, according to "The Sultans"
mircea_popescu: Apocalyptic yeah but the problem with this crapolade is that it constantly needs to leech off hard currency to survive.
ben_vulpes: it's a constant obsession with everyone's wot, Dimsler.
Dimsler: not sure what the constant obession
mircea_popescu: why this constant braindamnged need to "improve" by ruining everything
Dimsler: constantly
mircea_popescu: they are gigantic barrios, but the only constant is fucking.
decimation: if the average us guy even knows where south america is, he perceives the cities as basically gigantic barrios with constant death
mircea_popescu: well, good code means you won't have to do it constantly, cause good code never breaks :D
MolokoDesk: it's not so much not knowing, it's having to do it constantly.
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: 'time was flowing at a constant rate of one second per second!'
asciilifeform: 'time was flowing at a constant rate of one second per second!'
Diablo-D3: it is a universal constant