1400+ entries in 0.52s
jurov: they mention gamers. and that would only be a problem for games with terabytes of installed data that need constant shuffling to/from the ssd
trinque: anywhere everyone's constantly strapped is a place I don't want to be
asciilifeform: thing appears to run in approximately constant memory footprint, but far too large for 'pogo' etc. and very suggestive of fragging
jurov: "Moving to a situation in which Windows is a constantly updated service will break out of this cycle, and let Microsoft tinker more with the software to test new features and see how customers like them"
decimation: yes, and most of the components require constant expert handholding & maintenance
BingoBoingo: Illinois constantly tears up perfectly smooth rural highways for repaving with proper asphalt, the Missouri legislature debates letting their rural highways (the letter ones) revert from crude tarmac to plain macadam
livegnik: Sorry for bothering you with level-upping me constantly. I won't be on for much longer now anyhow, so I won't waste too much of your typing and/or clicking ;)
danielpbarron: You can try it out at http://identi.fi. You can easily log in with FB/G+/Twitter/email and give ratings and verifications. It's still in alpha stage and the user interface is under constant development. My goal is to make it easier to use than the address book on your phone. << that part's got to go if it's going to be worth anything
mircea_popescu: "We asked if the constant sound of the engine -that frankly disturbed us from being able to listen to the radio- could be turned off. But it couldn’t. Very distracting."
mircea_popescu: if dandolo had any sense they'd have plowed and salted constantinople, and sold all the women to the turks.
mircea_popescu: which is why standards committees even exist : because in any interconnected system, you're constantly stuck with http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-04-2015#1115921 ☝︎
mircea_popescu: lobbes let me tell you why. because if servers introduce a new response code, you're stuck either making your browser aware of it, or else put up with the constant bitching.
trinque: "I can't query over all commits" << man I yell about wanting to query the state of everything constantly
mircea_popescu: only needs infinity diskspace to declare a constant.
williamdunne: Governments constantly do it without consent
williamdunne: pete_dushenski: From what I can tell the objection you all have is that Gavin's suggestion is constant inflation, as opposed to the block-size being anything other than 1mb
assbot: Logged on 21-04-2015 09:44:07; cazalla: recon_eric, pretty sure garza was banging amber as well tbh, what with the constant text messages and shit
cazalla: recon_eric, pretty sure garza was banging amber as well tbh, what with the constant text messages and shit ☟︎
BingoBoingo: williamdunne: The Trilema CSS has been by MP's declaration constant for years nao. Maybe your Firecox updated to solve the regression?
ben_vulpes: or is this the "rip out all magic constants" thread again
williamdunne: >while constantly accusing pretty much everyone else in the bitcoin community of being a scammer
williamdunne: "Shady ROMANIAN character opens up unregistered bitcoin options exchange (complete with HTML from 1993) on his personal website (which also hosts porn) and charges exorbitant fees just to join, while constantly accusing pretty much everyone else in the bitcoin community of being a scammer, and, along with his (possibly virtual) -PR lackey, acts like a loudmouthed douchebag ... but apperantly scams no
nubbins`: "If we manage to set aside the fantasy of the General Assembly and replace it with an assembly of presences, if we manage to foil the constantly renewed temptation of hegemony, if we stop making the decision our final aim, then there is a chance for a kind of massification, one of those moments of collective crystallization where a decision suddenly takes hold of beings, completely or only in part."
nubbins`: constantly renewed temptation of hegemony, if we stop making the decision our final aim, then there is a chance for a kind of massification, one of those moments of collective crystallization where a decision suddenly takes hold of beings, completely or only in part."
nubbins`: "The need to assemble is as constant among humans as the necessity of making decisions is rare. Assembling corresponds to the joy of feeling a common power. Decisions are vital only in emergency situations, where the exercise of democracy is already compromised. The rest of the time, “the democratic character of decision making” is only a problem for the fanatics of process. It’s not a matter of critiquing assemblies or abandoning them,
mats: flawed PRNG, borked constants, etc, would be a hard sell
mircea_popescu: all constitutions are constantly reinterpreted. see discussion about the bbs above.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform if you wish to blame someone for the new jersey approach, blame constantine. it is HIS fault he stopped throwing idiots to the lions.
Chillum: I once made a "boss detector" with a raspberry pi. The bosses cell phone sent out wifi pings constantly, this told me if he was in wifi range by turning on a red light
assbot: Logged on 10-04-2015 19:54:15; Chillum: constant travel would be your best bet
ascii_field: but constant travel is a close second.
Chillum: constant travel would be your best bet ☟︎
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> dude i swear there was a different coinsetter that was trying to be a sort of coindeks << I constantly run into new ventures that imagine they are qntra competitors
mircea_popescu: what is the market ? look at all these two bit "serial entrepreneurs" with their constant start-ups. how often is the news item "previous start-up of X did something" vs "new start-up of X got so many in lolfunding from a) people who wish to be in this press release and b) people he owes money to from the past, and we're not mentioning that past" ?"
mircea_popescu: "a bitcoind (pseudo-static, portatronic, orphanage-burner patch with max-bastard constant value of 5 running on pogo, heathen linux.)" << i lelled.
asciilifeform: unrelated, but yesterday's experiment turns out to be a failure - constants of 25 and 10 both lead to oom somewhere north of 132K blocks
asciilifeform: total mem ~= 99M (mostly constant)
decimation: "The value of the dummy-load resistors is choosen carefully, so that they the circuit draws the same current as the solenoids. As a result, the PSU will not only supply a constant voltage, but will also consume a constant current" < this seems dubious on production units
asciilifeform: you actually need this to retrofit constant-power
nubbins`: but the CIS kit i have supplies a constant flow of very inexpensive, high quality ink
assbot: Logged on 25-03-2015 17:37:53; ascii_field: ben_vulpes: no, nodes don't get updated << so, let's go into this in detail. they ship with all the seed ips they will ever have? for the record i proclaim this to be retarded. -keys- are the constants of our world, not ip addrs
mircea_popescu: http://log1.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-03-2015#1070794 << the SEEDS. nodes constantly discover their own peers. starting from a seed list.
ascii_field: ultimately the only proper box is one where the only magical constant is an rsa key, and same key is also prominently burned into the chassis
ascii_field: the only valid constant is keys.
ascii_field: warning that if we bake machines with unchangeable ip constants, this paints a fat blinking target on them
ascii_field: turning an ip address into a critical constant in a field-deployed machine paints a big fat target on that ip for usg
ascii_field: ben_vulpes: no, nodes don't get updated << so, let's go into this in detail. they ship with all the seed ips they will ever have? for the record i proclaim this to be retarded. -keys- are the constants of our world, not ip addrs
Adlai: (this seems to be djb's real reason behind discounting curves without a *convenient* constant-time algorithm)
Adlai: re: montgomery ladder, you can implement constant-time secp256k1, but it's a pita
ascii_field: that has [sum of his unspent coin - 0.1 fee] value, and is to addr A (constant) instead of wherever he asked for
ascii_field: (magic constant)
PeterL: asciilifeform:aviation, by and large, only works when you're a mega-state with maxint constantly replaced slaves to parasitise << depends if you are going for "go up in the air", or "survive dogfight with megastate"
asciilifeform: aviation, by and large, only works when you're a mega-state with maxint constantly replaced slaves to parasitise
mircea_popescu: how about stranded on island, east half of which is constantly flooded, all esl-ians gather there because "it looks just like the bay area, man!"
asciilifeform: and generally the answer is 'constantly'
trinque: heh sorry to constantly remind you of this fact with my questions.
mircea_popescu: because industrial infrastructure has been kept in new state by constant improvement.
thestringpuller: i constantly troll them cause they write Visual C#
indiancandy1: i gota constantly watch it and stuff i dont even know how to count just about
ben_vulpes: <cazalla> [13:29] you're up against an immense wave of shit made in china, ipads, tv, public education the constant reinforce that should you buck the status quo, you're a bad parent << jesus shit if you go *with* the status quo you're a bad parent
cazalla: you're up against an immense wave of shit made in china, ipads, tv, public education the constant reinforce that should you buck the status quo, you're a bad parent
cazalla: yeah my missus constantly reminds me that i am the most racist first generation australian she has met
asciilifeform: walls of constantinopol
Adlai: (guy used a defconstant symbol as a local variable)
decimation: re: apple watch < my question: did they spend an extra $10 for a temperature compensated crystal oscillator or does it have a cheapass crystal which requires constant correction
adlai: well anyone can factor a number of arbitrary length in arbitrary time... consistently being able to factor arbitrary length numbers in constant time, now that is a 'supernatural' algorithm, relative to current knowledge
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: dude on one hand i constantly bemoan this: 'oh if only i were just freelancing i'd be rolling in the dough'
assbot: The Only Constant is Change - Slashdot ... ( http://bit.ly/1zjCe0a )
mircea_popescu: same al gore schtick. "what's at state in a us presidential election is who gets rome and who gets constantinople"
mats: a buddy of mine uses it only the daily. moans constantly.
asciilifeform: i possibly ought to discuss the constants
cazalla: fkn old hag constantly bitching we were on austnet irc before roll call
asciilifeform: anyone can harmlessly change a version constant.
BingoBoingo: I'm still jsut amazed by the difference between 8 yo scared of other people and labeled autistm-ish vs. HS lots of social connections constantly tired West nile and no one cares
mircea_popescu: not to mention the entire fucking point of the exercise is for the sub/slave to SUBMIT. not to constantly feed the red herring of "individual self determination"
BingoBoingo: Well the important thing is all three are forced by their interests to stay in a constant state of tension
BingoBoingo: trinque: I dunno. It seems at the moment the most beautiful thing in the world is the constant three way tension between USia, Russia, and Chinasia
ascii_modem: likewise, gas does not short-circuit (nearly constant grid load)
BingoBoingo: Question for the foundation: When futzing with bitcoin sources to build more recent phoundation version, changing the constant in alert.cpp to garbage will keep a node so built from recognizing and/or passing a Gavin alert. Yes or no?
fluffypony: mircea_popescu: they're part of the "pat-on-the-back" crowd that constantly need to be told what a good job they're doing else their paltry raison d'être will crumble
mircea_popescu: "Even when there were still plenty of Neanderthals, it must have sucked to be one. The Cro-Magnons would have been constantly coming over and beating you up and stealing your food."
danielpbarron: i've noticed that it needs constant supervision, yes
PeterL: coderwill: that assumes constant population growth
ben_vulpes: constantly adding in dos line endings
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: bitcoin could handily run under 100MB constant if the whole bastards thing were somehow bulldozed << yeah it's one of those serious issues that should have been on teh priority list of actual core devs. in 2012.
asciilifeform: bitcoin could handily run under 100MB constant if the whole bastards thing were somehow bulldozed
asciilifeform: ideally you can determine a value for bastard pool constant that turns that into zero
asciilifeform: the magic constant that results in a usable 'pogo', if such exists, has not, afaik, been determined yet.
asciilifeform: 750 << or any other constant
asciilifeform: the original point of my objection to the qntra piece was that, afaik, 'litecoin' was different from every other altcoin in the sense that it was not simply an existing source tree with a dozen constants changed.
asciilifeform: change constant to something reasonable.
decimation: lolz "Implicit in the the nature of the location an the assertion of the police station being a "safe space" for conducting commerce is that this location open 24 hours a day and 7 days per week is under constant surveillance." << http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-01-2015#979013 ☝︎
asciilifeform: testing a build of same with constant of 250
ben_vulpes: <asciilifeform> BingoBoingo: undergrads who 'rock the boat' end up 'having problems', one way or another. see also the folks who posted diffs b/w one semester's textbook and next's << can't say as that was my experience. i rocked the boat constantly and still managed to eke some funding out of the university for harebrained rocket schemes
ben_vulpes: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-01-2015#998118 << constant refrain in fiatcorp: "no billing for poops! this isn't accenture." ☝︎
mircea_popescu: <metsuno> The constant openness of this channel, and everyone on it, freightens me slightly. << so it should.
metsuno: The constant openness of this channel, and everyone on it, freightens me slightly.
BingoBoingo: spring operated wrist mounted time standard is only 1.5 minutes off of ntp reported time in 8 years of constant operation.
BingoBoingo: Let time stay constant. If planetary rotation slows acknowledge that as the problem.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: leap seconds are inserted - supposedly because earth slows. so not a constant.