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ben_vulpes: dog
mircea_popescu: they're on doge team or ripple team like other people support coventry or wolverhampton. it's to their dumb head immoral to switch teams because the others got better players. ON THE CONTRARY.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-19#1556881 << i must point out, much as i have 0 luvvv for these folx, that this was a forced move. clim is ugly and dog-slow for what i suspect are fundamental reasons . ☝︎
mircea_popescu: shinohai the ven thing, it has nothing to do with blockchain, or with technology generally. it's the funniest thing you ever saw, a sort of etsy-paypal, made by the same sort of stunted minds that tried to push doge.
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: rng on this machine is dog slow, since http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-15#1555745 shitball.bin has only amassed 22k of noise ☝︎
mircea_popescu: o btw, check out erdogan : "You are not my interlocutor. You are not at my level. You are not my equivalent. You are not of the same quality as me," Erdogan said (to al-Abadi) "Your screaming and shouting in Iraq is of no importance to us. You should know that we will go our own way,"
mats: oh you dog
jhvh1: shinohai: [KJV] 2 Peter 2:22 :: But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.
mircea_popescu: i had dogs as a child ; and horses. and hunted.
BingoBoingo: Also buy a plant. If after one year the plant is thriving you may buy a dog. If after one year it is thriving you may think about starting a srs bsns.
BingoBoingo: "Clinton said she'd like to see Trump travel to 112 countries, negotiate peace deals, 'or even spend 11 hours testifying in front of a congressional committee, he can talk to me about stamina.' She also insinuated RACISM was at bay. "This is a man who has called women pigs, slobs and dogs," she added." << NBC's LEIGH Ann Caldwell on Clinton on Trump. RACISM!!!
mircea_popescu: thanks god "pop psychology", "religious dogmatism" and other such useful labels are provided by god immediately through direct affixion to subject matter. especially useful - "artistic narcissism".
asciilifeform: everybody from city dogcatcher and up now has 'seekrit, private!11' shitmail of his own.
asciilifeform: like running from dog.
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-20: [14:26:03] <scriba> Logged on 2016-09-20: [07:35:31] <mircea_popescu> http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160920/#6 << nice! but asciilifeform consider fixing your urls, this ?p=blabla is for the dogs. and lafond i guess, but really, most yahoo thing one can do blogging.
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-20: [07:35:31] <mircea_popescu> http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160920/#6 << nice! but asciilifeform consider fixing your urls, this ?p=blabla is for the dogs. and lafond i guess, but really, most yahoo thing one can do blogging.
mircea_popescu: http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160920/#6 << nice! but asciilifeform consider fixing your urls, this ?p=blabla is for the dogs. and lafond i guess, but really, most yahoo thing one can do blogging.
asciilifeform: you will never have to go to the town market to buy a new rhinoceros or new bulldog, you can cut the head of this one as many times as it takes.
mircea_popescu: "dad, i want to put the cat's head on the dog's body, can i borrow your hair trimmer ?" "that won't work, it's too small and it will get clogged in blood. here's the chainsaw."
asciilifeform: fella 'asks' regularly, 'my bulldog head that i stitched onto this rhinoceros just won't wake up, plox help'
mircea_popescu: your application for thick condoms has been denied. rawdog that skank.
mircea_popescu: s thin neck that did that. He was simply not created for this life. It's true that I stomped their dog to a pulp around the floor, but it's really cynical to accuse me of murdering the dog when in the immediate vicinity, it might be said, three human lives had been obliterated. The infant I don't count. Well, all right then, in all this (I can agree with you) it is possible to discern a degree of severity on my part. But to c
a111: 990 results for "dog", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=dog
phf: !#s dog
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes if you're the sort of fella who buys houses and builds compartments for the dogs and sons and etc. (and you are), buy a fishing set, you won't regret.
phf: i kind of want to believe that dogen wasn't a bore, nor a stickler, but otherwise their goals are unrelated to each other.
mircea_popescu: anyway. what's dogen got to say to this fellow ; entirely disinterested in "utility" as he finds himself ?
phf: further obscurantism comes from people who don't see clearly, but in a markov chain thinking relay what they heard before "of course that's how it is, i heard it from joe, and it was tired then, what dogen is actually saying is this flowery shit i pulled out of my ass"
phf: there are some interviews with feynman where he's trying to explain how doing science is a constant game of catching yourself lying to yourself long before it becomes a question of "scientific community" etc.. dogen is coming from the opposite direction of learning to see things clearly as a goal, and a lot of his essays are descriptions of what he saw
phf: pete_dushenski: there's a lot of vague, mystical takes on dogen, but i think that most of the time he makes very straightforward points, like in the wild fox koan, he just says that everything is bound by cause and effect, and if you think you can have a magic talisman against it, you're going to suffer
pete_dushenski: phf: dogen! i have a collection of his on my shelf here.
mircea_popescu: dogen eh ?
phf: people who can't clearly visualize a cause and effect graph trying to do science. dogen is laughing at them all the way from 13th century ☟︎
mircea_popescu: whereas the other wants to go to burning man and rub in the human dogvomit.
pete_dushenski: i think the doge took that one
asciilifeform: dog-heads!1111
mircea_popescu: anyway. hyenas are not cats, like lions are, but dogs. even if they've adapted into as much catness as possible. so the two aren't actually sexually compatible.
asciilifeform: ' fauns, beings of double sex, brutes with six-fingered hands, sirens, hippocentaurs, gorgons, harpies, incubi, dragopods, minotaurs, lynxes, pards, chimeras, cynophales who darted fire from their nostrils, crocodiles, polycaudate, hairy serpents, salamanders, horned vipers, tortoises, snakes, two-headed creatures whose backs were armed with teeth, hyenas, otters, crows, hydrophora with saw-tooth horns, frogs, gryphons, monkeys, dog- ☟︎
asciilifeform: a c-grinder will also, should its lid come off, happily continue to fly (yes) around the kitchen, grinding whatever ends up in its path, drywall, chairs, people, van goghs, stradivaris, crates of ammunition, dogs, dildos. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160908/#147 << they periodically get REAL EXCITED about stupid shit like this, dogfood - for people. there was some other nonsense selling it by the bushel bag, dun recall wtf it was called
mircea_popescu: and by language we don't mean dogshit from china/india/the pacific islands and whatnot.
mircea_popescu: http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160904/from:93/to:93#93 << an interesting battle is occuring now in argentina. the chinese are going after the unions. it's a no contest sort of thing, bulldog has found nest of mice in the field ; but im curious how long it'll take them.
Bugpowder: doge and ether never got traction in DNMs.
mircea_popescu: though it'd seem they've learned their etherape lesson and are much more conservative on the fiat side. prolly will be more like doge than ethereum. anyway.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> stray dogs - yes. raccoons - yes. but rats.. << AHA! This is what makes me wary of reaching out to faucetologists!
asciilifeform: stray dogs - yes. raccoons - yes. but rats..
asciilifeform: dogvomit dun carbombate hastingses.
mircea_popescu: there's no meta-nsa, there's no anything. the dogvomit is dogvomit all the way down.
mircea_popescu: so i watched that alphadog movie elliot kid was all infatuated with.
Framedragger: trilema as tool to cause epilepsy in dogmatized "free democratic" people does seem to be a thing, hm
asciilifeform: ability to usefully juggle idealia, and not only realia, is what distinguishes man from dog.
asciilifeform: i dun even recall a debate. there was gabriel_laddel proposing to build hybrid of bulldog and rhino, 'lisp machine with linux', a mengelian atrocity with no future, because a foundation cannot be corrected any more than one can un-drop a baby.
asciilifeform: how did mr. dog merit this 'treat' ?
mircea_popescu: i told him to touch nothing and speak not a word lest i behead him ; girls wanted to know who's that and i said pay no mind whatsoever, i got a new dog.
asciilifeform: try it with a human dog.
mircea_popescu: and i did not say understudy ; i said dog.
thestringpuller: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-25#1529117 << they don't see through walls in regards to smell. This was more a system designed by Kojima in MGS3 for dogs to follow a path of the player as he would drip "particles" into the ground the dog could track. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: sure. yet some dog lines get it 70%
znort987: so fully aware. also don't have a dog in this fight. like I said was trying to see how the wot worked and gave rating where I felt they were due
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: iirc it was tried, the doge thing
mircea_popescu: "sure, but pray ask, do the dogs know too ?"
mircea_popescu: owner is like "go ahead, what, don't you know barkin' dogs don't bite ?"
mircea_popescu: you know the joke with the jew and the dog ?
asciilifeform: (also helps that the typical target is softer than fresh dog shit)
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: i guess police are like dogs. throw a bone in one direction, do activity in different direction.
mircea_popescu: erdogan would beg to differ!
mircea_popescu: does it hold up to dog piss ?
asciilifeform: 'kick the dog till it bites, then shoot it' is standard anglo approach, from boer war, to ww2 japan, to every poor motherfucker like the one in link ☟︎
asciilifeform: you already cannot make money with it, the athena widgets look like dog barf
mircea_popescu: autoinjector shot is what, maybe a shade over 2ml ? which includes the carrying fluid. insufficient to kill a lapdog.
pete_dushenski: so too is dog, cat, goldfish, or what have you
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: liberation of the dogs ??
asciilifeform: one for each dog.
mircea_popescu: well, trained dog dun count as mathematician ?
mats: i'll diversify my portfolio into dogecoin and gaiacoin just as soon as i scoop some bitfinex shares
mats: >For you more adventurous types, like me, you can dive into the world of cryptocurrency and diversify your wallet among a sea of alternatives to bitcoin. Dogecoin (internet tipping) and Gaiacoin (e-commerce platform) are two of my favorites.
shinohai: "bitco.in" and "dogecoin" tell me all I need to know.
_FeltPen: https://medium.com/@Felt/satoshi-s-inspiration-b948a5b17790#.wtp8wey1o ; network23.org/dogecoin; https://bitco.in/forum/threads/gold-collapsing-bitcoin-up.16/page-769#post-26664 ; etc
asciilifeform: by that token a dog taking a shit is a sculptor.
mircea_popescu: also, 2009 wikileaks material, plox link http://wikileaks.info/wiki/Suppressed_video_of_Thai_Crown_Prince_and_Princess_at_decadent_dog_party/ rather than whatever useless bullshit
phf: just don't carry it past a sniffer dog
a111: Logged on 2016-07-29 14:36 asciilifeform: from the dept. of lulz: http://www.zeit.de/wissen/2016-07/turkish-academics-human-rights-ban-travel-recep-tayyip-erdogan
asciilifeform: from the dept. of lulz: http://www.zeit.de/wissen/2016-07/turkish-academics-human-rights-ban-travel-recep-tayyip-erdogan ☟︎
mircea_popescu: resolving the "live as dog or die as rat" dilemma by "it's easier to die as rat" seems stupid, but then again who knows what goes on through old whore's head. (her ass.)
mod6: Aight, next few that I get from the dog, will check 'em out.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> maybe train your cat to decapitate rabbits ? << dog gets a bunch. but apparently not enough.
a111: Logged on 2016-07-23 19:52 deedbot: [Qntra] Oklahomo Police Sniper Kills Child's Dog - http://qntra.net/2016/07/oklahomo-police-sniper-kills-childs-dog/
deedbot: [Qntra] Oklahomo Police Sniper Kills Child's Dog - http://qntra.net/2016/07/oklahomo-police-sniper-kills-childs-dog/ ☟︎
asciilifeform: for even city dogcatcher.
mircea_popescu: and ftr, auto-repl is for the dogs. i want proper repl : string evaluated when I say, either by clicking the preview button or typing enter or w/e.
asciilifeform: demoted, to junior dogcatcher.
mircea_popescu: anyway, point being they were "pirates" in the sense erdogan is "embattled". a matter of the foreign press and no more.
mircea_popescu: oregon trail consisted of ? man and woman and grown children and the grown women's boyfriends and and and and a dog@!
asciilifeform: nor dog.
asciilifeform: why would usg wish to dethrone erdogan ? did he threaten to leave nato, or wat
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503543 << note that assad survived in a much smaller country with a much weaker record. erdogan literally MADE turkey. it's hard to explain to outsiders, but let's just say under his rule turkey changed from being ~pennsylvania to ~texas. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: anyway - i wonder at what point of turning the vice around its ballsac, usg finally relents, admits that it is way the fuck cheaper and therefore better to be friends with the smart people, throws idiots to the dogs. so we get license to capture humanities majors from horseback on campus, and they get the default immunity they like to pretend they currently have.
mircea_popescu: so yes, sits on top of pile ; much like a dog on pile of bricks.
shinohai: The lolz, "Germany has denied Erdogan permission to land his plane."