1200+ entries in 0.948s
mats: 21:15:50 <
+mats> multi sig and escrow are essentially bad patches to a broken trust model << in the way you mean to use it, that is
Naphex: <
+mats> a man sees what he wants to see
mod6: <
+mircea_popescu> mod6 actually this would be a good datapoint to compute. find out the sum total of orphans to date. << noted. will see what I can come up with.
mod6: <
+mircea_popescu> mod6: so we /might/ need to add something similar... but im not positive that this is actually the issue yet. << i don't see how concurrent chains would cause memory outages. << well, there is a container that holds these orphan blocks unchecked in v0.5.3. if this actually is related to the R.I. chewing through all its ram, perhaps a limit should be introduced.
jurov: kakobrekla: or you
+mp don't have exactly 50% of shares?
BingoBoingo: Seems whole new IRC network is the solution instead of arguing freenode +i vs.
+m conventions
kakobrekla: but if we dont have
+m we are not up or down
kakobrekla: and hypothetically given we have l2 +i, do we still need
nubbins`: <
+mircea_popescu> they're just numbers, like any other numbers, exactly so.
nubbins`: <
+mircea_popescu> they're just numbers, like any other numbers, exactly so. <<< o.0
nubbins`: <
+mircea_popescu> but the principle remains. "small integers" are not in fact either small or integers but for our perspective. <<<< o.O
mod6: <
+mircea_popescu> jurov
http://thebitcoin.foundation/ << got a signed copy of teh declaration thingee you can put up there ? << i've got a copy of mine with SHA512
mod6: <
+mircea_popescu> the one with the nice tits. << indeed.
nubbins`: <
+mircea_popescu> adlai i have nfi how you can be "addicted" to oxycodone. <<< uhhhh.... o.O
nubbins`: <
+mircea_popescu> "this is actually the only cockroach in this soup". <<< lel
kuzetsa: that seems to defeat the purpose of having
+m kuzetsa: [23:00:00] <
+mircea_popescu> <kuzetsa> assbot: you're a bad idea << if you'd have read the logs you'd know there was some derp in chan earlier dropping links to leech ips to ddos people. << mmm, yeah. I barely even notice if someone directly mentions my own nick.
fluffypony: jurov: no more complex than keeping nickserv+chanserv
+memoserv+operserv in sync
mod6: <
+mircea_popescu> that;s right : i have more empathy for the god damned coins than for the derps involved. << this.
bagels7: [07:53] <
+mircea_popescu> didja get 600 cc boob implants ? << No, it;s not in the plans
bagels7: [18:30] <
+mircea_popescu> bagels7 so what do you do for a living anyway << I hardly make a living, I depend on people
+mircea_popescu | show, don't tell. when you tell a) everyone knows you're lying, whethetr you are not not and b) nobody can be bothered to go look anymore. fucking show. always. << Wouldn't this also apply to your qntra article?
nubbins`: <
+mircea_popescu> xanthyos: stuck at the ktichen sink for a 40 minute block << this is called "doing the dishes" <<< hahaha
nubbins`: <
+mircea_popescu> if the machine ends up housed within a house of its own making at the end of a process which was not either understood or its endpoint predictable by observers, well... iut;'s intelligent. <<< mis lados!!
nubbins`: <
+mircea_popescu> the argument is whether they're actually different. <<< in the sense that each game of wol is actually different
nubbins`: <
+mircea_popescu> unless you actually self publish. <<< preach it
bagels7: <
+mircea_popescu>I'm so poor I can't afford your articles yet
xanthyos: <
+mircea_popescu> xanthyos: bringing a new guy here who wants in the wot
mircea_popescu: bounce i hate nothing more than downloading a "text" document and instead getting a "text
+markup that's identical to text and only works on obsolete machinery anyway"
mats_cd03: 13:13:47 <
+mircea_popescu> ... the proper way to regard the mafia is as the legal, lawful govenrment of the place being continually attacked and subverted by various socialists, in rome and abroad. << interesting perspective, this
mats_cd03: 14:27:58 <
+mircea_popescu> mats_cd03: so many soccer moms and scantily dressed lolis last night << where ?
+mircea_popescu | but i tell you, when you can't tell a mvp from a fake vietnamese boot the whole thing's dead in the water. << in high school, each year the MVP of the girl's field hockey team was... all the seniors on the field hockey team, together
+mircea_popescu | it can't be a quine, it has to blockchain << who says those are contradictory?
thickasthieves: <
+mircea_popescu> it does look like pussy, jurov's phone... /// but it does resemble a uterus
nubbins`: <
+mircea_popescu> consensual or just off da street ? <<< my understanding is that (some of) the women consented to a bit of kink, but then guy starts punching in head/mouth, choking to point of unconsciousness, etc
nubbins`: <
+mircea_popescu> what, it's on the interwebs, anyone can come publish it and sell the book ? <<< "Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software..."
mircea_popescu: file is defined as, 256bytes + "##### The following is signed above :"
mod6: <
+mircea_popescu> mod6 what's ben_vulpes say ? << contract afterwards essentially, meanwhile waiting to hear back, just got back. trying to catch up
mod6: <
+mircea_popescu> prolly a better idea to keep things sane and incrementally improve ? << this is the way it must be done. even though slash and burn feels so damn good.
mod6: <
+mircea_popescu> asciilifeform mod6 actually, could it be made to work so as to simply spit specified streams as it runs ? << not 100% positive but it seems that some of the debug stuff almost does that when turned on fully.
mod6: <
+mircea_popescu> "we are looking to hire a young cowhand, you will also be our napoleon" << haha
nubbins`: <
+mircea_popescu> <asciilifeform> my mental concept of freedom is more or less synonymous with never setting an alarm clock again. << ha! not even for say, a comet ? <<< i'm down to one alarm a week
BingoBoingo is really liking this switch to just ETOH
cazalla: bounce: ;;seen mistere <<< after #b-a went
+m, he said he was leaving
thickasthieves: <
+mike_c> hey thickasthieves, wake up and back me up. this things needs different branding. /// well i think the whole .0.0 whatever shit is retarded
mod6: <
+mircea_popescu> ben_vulpes mod6 so draft a charter, then we can bitch at it. << okay :)
thickasthieves: <
+mircea_popescu> being a miner is notoriously a "nobody's business" type of affair. there's nothing to be gained really. /// well, what if we picture the future 10 years out? are representatives of large hash more communicative? or is there 'political' position on bitcoin technicals more known?
mod6: ben_vulpes: <
+mod6> any reason for deb 6 and not the latest?
ThickAsThieves: <
+mats_cd03> lol dude operates a mixer. /// probly part of the trap
mats_cd03: 18:29:29 <
+mircea_popescu> mats_cd03: mitigation involves layering. SELinux, one docker per vm, <<< trhen why even bother ? am i dense ?
nubbins`: <
+mircea_popescu> ok, maybe i'm completely misreading this <<< maybe 8)
ThickAsThieves: <
+mircea_popescu> that's what "chomksy" means. "disappointed over how the people running his ideology apportion the proceeds of the theft that ideology entails" /// i like that
ThickAsThieves: <
+mats_cd03> 'pink eye print' really? /// hey, i remembered it cuz the name!
nubbins`: <
+mircea_popescu> "It is a known fact that I personally opposed any proof of solvency, but agreed to conduct it for the sake of a few dozen small and medium investors." <<< "see what you guise made me do? seeya in six months with a new name!"
+mircea_popescu ;;seen smickles << He's on Steam sometimes and we have been meaning to play some games. Must feel good to be retired.
ThickAsThieves: <
+mircea_popescu> yeah, but then i noticed there's actually two, and they're pretty close. /// of course, second bidder has something to work with
nubbins`: <
+mircea_popescu> asciilifeform statistics is perhaps the hardest thing for the monkey brain to grok << +1
nubbins`: <
+mircea_popescu> ok this bill hicks thing works lol << guy was a sage
+mircea_popescu | so research what, << oh, if you were asking what i did at autodesk, it was much more interesting