1216 entries in 1.112s
xanthyos: <+mircea_popescu> no but see... be-gone-yas << this cryptic breakup pun is pilkingtonian
xanthyos: 133817 <+mircea_popescu> so eat some letters then!
Anduck: 06:31:02 >+mircea_pop| http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=anduck&sign=ANY&type=SENT << there's no rating from anduck to this "identifi" identity there. << that's because the 'anduck' there isn't same anduck account. (it's me though)
mike_c: <+mircea_popescu> you can't have people do this by hand forever. << that might be the easiest solution actually. set up some amazon mechanical turk automation.
midnightmagic: 14:30 <+mircea_popescu> gerstein addressing known shill, scammer and general clueless derp : "you're just like us! we love you here!" << thank you
kakobrekla: first time after +m maybe
mike_c: <+mircea_popescu> i don';t giuve a shit what usefullness you see or don't see. << another contender for the b-a tagline :)
nubbins`: <+mircea_popescu> how's slotful lust ? <+asciilifeform> you of all people should know <<< my sides
nubbins`: <+mircea_popescu> if only liv tyler were inhabited by stoya.
nara__narayana: crypto+mobile tech has allowed be to do this thank god
mats_cd03: 09:50:12 <+mircea_popescu> then the news reports all over forbes, "financial world epidemic extends to bitcoin : b-a participant in hong kong found stapled to death" >> wtf that is terrifying
Shakespeare: <+mircea_popescu> guy puts 1 bitcent in, gets a !up from assbot. // might be on to something there
Shakespeare: <+mircea_popescu> thickasthieves: would love if mpex or an mpex property offered any sort of price instrument that would allow moving volume from other exchanges << specifically ? /// well, i'll start with the moon: just buy bitfinex and offer the whole shebang! otherwise, just would be nice to trade somewhere more private, transparent and trustworthy. The product could be options,
thickasthieves: <+mircea_popescu> his skin could be hellraiser's for all the difference it'd make to his life. /// maybe the guy just had particularly distracting skin, probly not, but ive seen such before
kakobrekla: now we can +m
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> what was the name of that bush slut < haha
nubbins`: <+mircea_popescu> i've never seen anyone with more free time than south americans. << lel
nubbins`: <+mircea_popescu> don't be the person that you came with! << !
thickasthieves: <+mircea_popescu> thestringpuller it just makes me rich enough. // is there a difference, maybe a saint was "rich" enough too
thickasthieves: <+mircea_popescu> cazalla listen, we need someone to make a proper bitcoin news venue. /// seems like these things never last though, the talent scatters so quickly these days. i'm into the idea though
TomServo: 22:20.16 +mats_cd03 | it would typically tend with the audience half-asleep, horrified, or angst-ridden
xmj: 10:42:57 <+moriarty> it's all about how high you climb in society in terms of status, power and fortune
xmj: banks need to refurbish Visa+MC.
mats_cd03: 13:01:49 <+myriadgetsmehard> It's not up to them to decide what is a premium domain or not. I say it's up to the whole free market, which they won't let me be a part of, it's also not really free
mats_cd03: 13:00:59 <+myriadgetsmehard> i beg to differ. i think all these new TLDs have value. So I am asking for $500k for http://btc.events and a few others. BitPremier takes 5% but I'll offer the room 20% to any who can get one sold
JuliaTourianski: +mircea_popescu quite well, how goes wherever you live?
ThickAsThieves: <+mircea_popescu> "what means safe" "what means healthy" /// such a semantic day!
ThickAsThieves: like was said earlier, <+mats_cd03> i delay the battles i cannot win and fight with haste otherwise
mats_cd03: 20:08:59 <+mircea_popescu> i have no idea what monero even is.
JuliaTourianski: +mp_colonist ahhaah truth
BingoBoingo: decimation: http://books.google.com/books?id=PN6Xy9zWAbsC&pg=PA18&lpg=PA18&dq=openbsd+multiprocessor&source=bl&ots=Ud7mAj6peO&sig=AiaCmfuKMVFRhuLGypHxbbvfGFM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=AAEiVLSLOMmvyAT66IKwDQ&ved=0CB0Q6AEwADgK#v=onepage&q=openbsd%20multiprocessor&f=false
pete_dushenski: JuliaTourianski_: +cazalla +mircea_popescu didn;t see that sorry- you guys do realize I literally know evryone in the space and am "associated" with everyone, depending on how you look at it. << this is gold
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu haven't heard of any of those. probably a good sign
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu> whose that
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu depends on the receiving end in this case
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu no honey, i was being facetious
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu more for the "scammers" then
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu I believe in a free market. my impressionable mind is fair game. get it while it's hot. sculpt me in your image. pull my strings. I'm young. don;t miss out! your future is at stake!
assbot: 0 results for '"the richest man you've met"' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=%22the+richest+man+you%27ve+met%22
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu that's the first thing you said to me after attempting to troll me
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu "I am the richest man you've met, and If I can help it, I'll be the richest man you've ever met"
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu thought it was an epic waste of time...yet I retained my editing skills so hey!
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu i didn't like it. maybe ill rate it down
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu the valve lovers are strong
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu fan boys liked it and rated it i guess
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu ?
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu not true. libbitcoin
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu i know u have a personal vendetta against taaki so I'll dismiss you vehement criticism of him due to ur bias
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu I don't disagree. but it was always on a smaller scale.
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu Anselme Bellegarrigue style
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu absence of state
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu ew
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu who would write my content otherwise?
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu everyone is my bf obviously
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu u guys seem to have personal man beef with a lot of these ppl. this is where being a blonde girl helps, no egos.
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu one or two rotten cherries don;t kill the tree
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu ya'll are cherry picking.
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu there are a lot of ppl in the vid. the non scammers whoever u may think they are cancel out the scammers, whoever u think they are
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu yes I do.
JuliaTourianski_: +cazalla +mircea_popescu didn;t see that sorry- you guys do realize I literally know evryone in the space and am "associated" with everyone, depending on how you look at it.
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu dont need one, but I'm sure i could. im very handy. wish i was more techy isntead but hey.
JuliaTourianski_: very cheap. every person in the world can have one without enviro impact. +mircea_popescu
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu no, in relation to how tech will shape it, especially in the "3rd world"
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu what happened to ur twatter account
JuliaTourianski_: +mircea_popescu they generally steal
mats_cd03: 14:14:38 <+mircea_popescu> mats_cd03: inquiring minds want to know - is it even possible to do SEO these days? without blackhat methods, that is. << trilema ranks for pretty much any noun i deign to use, so yes.
julia_: are you being sincere +mircea_popescu
assbot: 3 results for 'perelman mode' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=perelman+mode
ThickAsThieves: <+mircea_popescu> bitbet is having a totally shit month /// use your powers to make BTCUSD $700 again, all will be well
mats_cd03: 22:28:50 <+mircea_popescu> something with dogshit in it << looks like something meant to be synonymous with 'fiat'. so, fiat held by those smelly dog shits.
mike_c: <+mircea_popescu> mike_c btw, make yourself a banner << hm? a banner for what?
ThickAsThieves: <+mike_c> tea leaves came up empty /// i guess i was probly only paying attention to price at the time, maybe that was the .5 zone, shortly after my comments it totally decoupled
ThickAsThieves: <+mircea_popescu> you know what wash trading is ? /// still happens quite obviously in btc exchanges
ThickAsThieves: <+mircea_popescu> anyway, ThickAsThieves The Strategy of Conflict, old book. /// will check it out
ThickAsThieves: <+mircea_popescu> kolinko no. the system can break itself, too. it doesn't need a mustachioed antropomorphised enemy. /// glad to see you say so, it's a point often missed in many circumstances. for example, some want to paint USG as a hyper conspiracy and assume all its evil/scammy actions are fully intentional. More likely, it just evolved to be a broken shit in all corners of its
assbot: #bitcoin-assets +m pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
assbot: 1 results for '"with Cryptostocks than MPEx"' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=%22with+Cryptostocks+than+MPEx%22
ThickAsThieves: <+mircea_popescu> it's a sf story about how the exposure to fractals make brains pop. /// a couple weeks ago i was charting for hours on end, using fib spirals and picking apart fractal patterns, and this repeating melody started in my head, not a song i knew, just a sequence. It was there for a day or two. First time I was musically inspired in a while.
ThickAsThieves: <+mircea_popescu> 10:1 this and 13:1 that ThickAsThieves ? srsly nao. // is that the 10000btcusd bet odds vs the 31b diff bet odds?
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> so #eulora just succeeded in an infrastructure upgrade, taking crystal space from 38 something to 40 something. this is a major tech victory. << nice!!
assbot: #bitcoin-assets +m pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
ThickAsThieves: <+mircea_popescu> ThickAsThieves 5 before back to 8 or w/e it does ? /// i think i figured out exactly what it does actually
mircea_popescu: http://x1.fjcdn.com/comments/This+is+Terra+no+mods+needed+_cb6153ad9a0a894885121312fb4f6689.jpg
kakobrekla: if this shit continues imma +m
midnightmagic: 00:44 <+mircea_popescu> omg fu derps. they're NOT behaving badly. you are.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> mod6: vol is actually 1.72 M, but seems to be rounding to 2M, should i just print full amount, or 1720k? << how about you print 1.72M << yeah, I got it worked out :)
mircea_popescu: also i dunno if you know http://pgp.cs.uu.nl/mk_path.cgi?FROM=8086060F&TO=2FB7B452&PATHS=Find+Trust+Paths+To+Me
vmuser: Why +m if everybody gets +v? :)
ThickAsThieves: <+mircea_popescu> therealaltcoin, ThickAsThieves' scamcoin. /// it's more of a scamcoin assimiliation phenomenon!
ThickAsThieves: <+mircea_popescu> generally getting judgements against deadbeats is not productive. /// that has been my position so far. "worth it" would be getting the bonds redeemed for the bitcoins, or getting a similarly valued pile of cash
assbot: 1 results for 'socrates is mortal' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=socrates+is+mortal
assbot: 2 results for 'some cats dig my music' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=some+cats+dig+my+music
assbot: 6 results for 'simple minded psychopath' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=simple+minded+psychopath
ThickAsThieves: <+mircea_popescu> watch it making exactly no difference. /// indeed!
pete_dushenski: http://www.amazon.com/Genghis-Khan-Making-Modern-World/dp/0609809644/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1408737025&sr=8-1&keywords=genghis+khan+modern+world << this was the chingis one
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> WHY SO VIOLENT MOD6! << haha.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> mod6 http://ispace.co.uk/ << any way to add these ppls ? << sure no prob.
kakobrekla: its over, we can pack and go home put ba to +m.
assbot: #bitcoin-assets +m pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
asciilifeform: https://www.google.com/search?site=&tbm=isch&q=lisp+machine