24 entries in 0.906s
mircea_popescu: and you're thinking of the wrong side of this. nevermind -1 hruschev. think -1 yuri derpopovich herpopov. all 50 mn of them. not "prevent emigration", but dump at sea ~everyone.
a111: Logged on 2017-12-13 22:50 mircea_popescu: fun fact : total land area on this planet being 510 mn sqkm ; and bitcoin cap being 21 mn, it therefore follows that the absolute maximal average price for land is a dime per square km.
mircea_popescu: the correct approach is, "see this great car ? and i only paid 50 bux for it". certainly not "oh, i spend 5 mn on cars and uhm, disregard the donkey"
a111: Logged on 2016-10-15 04:51 mircea_popescu: anyway, since we're on it : remember when the us had to bomb its intel depot / "embassy" in baghdad ? it came with a ~230 mn bill for gear, that was never reported. there's going to be another 50 ? 60 ? 100 mn worth of destroyed expensive gear in mosul. once you start adding all these up, the "misplaced" pentagon money suddenly catches a very different light.
mircea_popescu: anyway, since we're on it : remember when the us had to bomb its intel depot / "embassy" in baghdad ? it came with a ~230 mn bill for gear, that was never reported. there's going to be another 50 ? 60 ? 100 mn worth of destroyed expensive gear in mosul. once you start adding all these up, the "misplaced" pentagon money suddenly catches a very different light. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: win-win, it both creates the impression that "200 mn, you could be next!" for the herd of mouthbreathers shelling out 50 bux to see pg eat rubber chicken and stale macaroni out of a plastic plate ; and delivers "under the radar" implants.
mircea_popescu: this guy, legendary ro leader, fought something like 50 encounters with the turks, won over 90%. including you know, crazy shit with 1.x mn men on opposing side.
mircea_popescu: i meant it above, take the whole aspirational 14%, that's about 50 to 70 mn citizens, from everyone who ever wrote for gawker to everyone who ever worked in washington, set them somewhere in the desert, put barbed wire all around them, and work them to death.
mircea_popescu: well, you know how it is, anotha day anotha dollah. how's they supposed to find a gcd implementation, if they give some internal pm the task it'll be 5 years and $250 mn for a mostly working library consisting of a stolen 50% of the windows calculator.
pete_dushenski: how could dehart be less than 20 mn ? maybe 50 ?
mircea_popescu: 50 mn nobodies derping about "nordic system" up and down is this discussion.
pete_dushenski: and now the 'crowdfunding' cap is 50 mn bezzlars because the command economy doesn't do nickels and dimes worth a shit
pete_dushenski: $50 mn you say....
mircea_popescu: well no, borrow $50 mn
pete_dushenski: so coinbase scored another $50 mn
mircea_popescu: los_pantalones uhm... from what i hear the 50 mn reports may be grossly exaggerated.
assbot: 3 results for '50 mn' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=50+mn
mircea_popescu: !s 50 mn
asciilifeform: there's no need to write 50 mn lines of code. for anything. <<<<<
mircea_popescu: seriously, 50mn lines of code ? there's no need to write 50 mn lines of code. for anything.
mircea_popescu: in other news i just fucked up ~50 mn isk worth of eve gear.
mircea_popescu: i got to like 49.6 mn or some shit... but not 50 ;/
mircea_popescu: he gets his 2-3 mn and a 50% ROI to go along with it.
mircea_popescu: an asic run is in the 50-100mn range as the absolut minimum. they don't have 50 mn.