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mircea_popescu: but as things actually work, crown prosecutor can sit unblushing and talk shit about random
black dude.
mircea_popescu: lotta things chinese did lot more honest. the
black lotus retirement plan way the fuck more effectual, secure, reliable AND PLEASANT than
https://i.eprci.net/thorazine-ad ; not to mention the chinese didn't give it to children.
mircea_popescu: or what was it, now whenever someone who hates
black people is looking for ammo he can go "obama was ~easily~ the most inept, ridiculous, useless and failful president in history" ?
mircea_popescu: who won what from the whole "
black president" charade ?
mircea_popescu: funny how poorly the whole charade worked out. imagine if they came to you, you know, "here guy, you're the least informed dork in all of this obscure university's legal history dept, we'll promote you as the truly white
black man! then you can go down in history as the most idiotic
black man the soil ever produced, while we move on to different-but-same whiteboi wanking posts".
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: carbon
black nipples the both of them. Raised withing 5 km of each other. One catholic schools (not rare) other "baptist" school.
nicoleci: interesting - unsurprisingly i had no idea about the
black sand dollars and dead shark jaws
BingoBoingo: Well, dead shark jaws and
black sand dollars a plenty. Like other not that uncommon things people pretend there's market scarcity until a grand kid unloads grandpa's hoard.
BingoBoingo: Lots of
black sand dollars, and retard shark jaws
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Working dairy. Multiple cows, one young
black woman injured by escaped calf.
mircea_popescu: basically euphemism threadmill for "social worker" aka "active fat
black old woman on govt dole".
mircea_popescu: Mocky not usually, call centers generally in orcistan,
black girls who can't code only found in "our country".
Mocky: mircea_popescu: thought that was where the
black chix who can't code go
mircea_popescu: so now, considering this 1970-2020 fiddy year bridge -- how is baltimore ? did the
black preachers turn it into a garden yet ?
mircea_popescu: whether he ever ends up euler or not, 5yo child is math-educable, provided that every time his mother goes "oh, poor darling shouldn't have to" she gets a
black eye.
mircea_popescu: mn smart. You join up with Johnny Caspar, you bump Bernie Bernbaum. Up is down.
Black is white. Well, I think you're half smart. I think you were straight with your frail, I think you were queer with Johnny Caspar... and I think you'd sooner join a ladies' league than gun a guy down. Then I hear from these two geniuses they never even saw this rub-out take place. "
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: It's an actual thing in the sense "
black world order" is a thing
mircea_popescu: but hence my objection ? turning a blind eye to all the chowdrys taking over bureaucracy while crying bloody murder over ~explanation~ as to why first
black president === worst president ever ?
mircea_popescu: i dunno why they're so butthurt by the ~statistical~ fact. just because average
black is going to be dumber than average human doesn't say any one
black person's gonna be dumb or anything like that.
a111: Logged on 2019-01-13 22:41 asciilifeform: ftr , and in re whole thread, asciilifeform is entirely all ears re any thoughts trinque , diana_coman , mircea_popescu , et al, have re subj of what gotta be done in order to reach the
diana_coman: myeah, that "into the
black in two months" seems to me weird here; the trouble is not even "in two months" but at all; because it has been way more than 2 months and if it keeps going as is, I doubt 10 months would make a difference
trinque: asciilifeform: if you try to reach
black by multiplying my bill, I'll just leave.
trinque: don't know if y'all have a realistic perception of what sales takes, and "I'm gonna sell my way into the
black in two months" sounds like.
mircea_popescu: the odds a 20something ~
black~ ~male~ actually keeping a journal are 10ppm or so ; having the capacity to even in principle do so 0.1% sorta deal
mircea_popescu: that one in x thousand
black gay-for-pay tards (who are also drug users, nqa) will od a year... gimme a break.
BingoBoingo: White pantsuit hiring
black men for sex and hooking them on meth... like that Atlanta dude but with different taste in holes
mircea_popescu: or "no child left behind", or "
black women employed in federal bureaucratic positions"
mircea_popescu opened a thing of imported leberwurst, made one breadslice with dijon mustard, one slice with
black pepper and fasskraut, one slice with sliced pickled gerkins.
mircea_popescu: except she was a pretty smart white girl, rather than an ugly stupid
black girl.
mircea_popescu: seems to me a rather pompous case of "oh, you used this room to funnel moneys to charities dedicated to hanging fat old
black women rather than feeding hobos ? WE TAKE THE CHAIRS!!!"
Mocky: for bonus points, train a
black chix to be specialist job applier
mircea_popescu: "why does joe have voucher hospital x accepts where moe does not ?" "cuz visa
black platinum blalblabla" "wut ?" "his employer is in the wot and vouches for him!"
a111: Logged on 2018-12-03 15:53 mircea_popescu: though, the important part isn't of course "how insane that was", but rather ~how reasonable~. the reason it's even called "vacca-cination" is because original 1800s version preceded a good understanding of microbics, and was purely "if this done, this comes out"
black boxk of human body approach. used literal chunklets of infected cow to generate immunity in humans to DIFFERENT strain of virus (ie, measles, like cowpox, same
mircea_popescu: though, the important part isn't of course "how insane that was", but rather ~how reasonable~. the reason it's even called "vacca-cination" is because original 1800s version preceded a good understanding of microbics, and was purely "if this done, this comes out"
black boxk of human body approach. used literal chunklets of infected cow to generate immunity in humans to DIFFERENT strain of virus (ie, measles, like cowpox, same
☟︎ BingoBoingo: Sure, matter taken from
black lives will occasionally burn a QuikTrip gas station in the heat of passion, but... the UStards just aren't social enough to organize on their own
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform well yes, i'm not discussing end results. a tiny country on the
black sea isn't gonna outrun us/su, it ain't fucking finland.
mircea_popescu: back in the days of pam grier's youth, her brother going "i'm
black. i don't dance. i don't athlete. i don't sing. wtf should i do ?!" was kind-of a joke. now though...
a111: Logged on 2018-10-13 04:41 mircea_popescu: meanwhile in lulz nobody likely gives a shit about : romania apparently has some natgas in its chunk of
black sea shelf ; usg wants to steal this ; ro senate wrote a law for them ; ro commons rejected it, because this one guy (liviu dragnea) said so. his majority collapsed because "hungarian" miniparty changed its mind overnight (ie, transparently got bought out) and well... guess who is "accused" of supposedly having FORCED
mircea_popescu: but i mean, you can reconstruct it mentally in any case, yes ? "there's a fee for the dock spot" "aha" "and would you like your tanks pumped ?" "sure" "this is for fuel this is for
black water this is for fresh water do you want air" "go on" "oh there's also mandatory veterinarian inspection" "i got no anima..ugh. i only got bipedal pets on board" "can be waived for fee"
mircea_popescu: essentially driven the "abstraction" cycle of that abomination, resulting in today's situation, where google is practically dead on the
black side of the ledger, 0 utility for anyone, and extremely expensive on the red side.
amberglint: "The documentation is done through a "
black box" process were Diamond is asked to generate a large number of designs which then used to create bitstreams."
mircea_popescu: well in practice i havent ; in theory i dunno, cuz we're believers in the human spirit and haven't yet turned down someone because he's
black or whatever ?
a111: Logged on 2018-11-16 13:55 Mocky: i kind of got used to seeing what few chicks there were draped in
black with only eyes showing
Mocky: but those who were draped in
black, covering the eyes as well with some see-thru
black cloth: i never got used to that, always felt disconcerting and I don't know why. not like its that much different
Mocky: i kind of got used to seeing what few chicks there were draped in
black with only eyes showing
☟︎ mircea_popescu: (perhaps pointing out how "the international women's guild" trying to get a sort of geneva convention going banning 4ever and ever smoking^H^H^H^H i mean rape^H^H^H^H using
black soldiers in europe never got anywhere worth a chuckle. they didn't believe women back in the [other] 20s or what was it, helga the rhine rivetteer couldn't do it.)
mircea_popescu: i meant more ye olde "jews conspire to bring
black degeneracy into the holy land"
a111: Logged on 2018-10-24 20:31 phf: i like to keep things red/
black, so that e.g. red disk plates go into tomato soup at some point, but considering how leaky the whole system is, there's not really a red/
black within the same machine anyway
phf: i like to keep things red/
black, so that e.g. red disk plates go into tomato soup at some point, but considering how leaky the whole system is, there's not really a red/
black within the same machine anyway
☟︎ BingoBoingo: When they get
black out drunk in the way basic anglophone bitches get, yes
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in lulz nobody likely gives a shit about : romania apparently has some natgas in its chunk of
black sea shelf ; usg wants to steal this ; ro senate wrote a law for them ; ro commons rejected it, because this one guy (liviu dragnea) said so. his majority collapsed because "hungarian" miniparty changed its mind overnight (ie, transparently got bought out) and well... guess who is "accused" of supposedly having FORCED
☟︎ mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i recall this video of a coon exhibiting all the "intelligent" behaviour of
black chicks code : was rubbing a rock against a glass door, because it had seen rocks open glass doors before but didn't quite understand how impact works. so cargocultcoon.
BingoBoingo: This is why you need 45 kg of either
black and tan or bluetick hound assigned to sentry duty against 3 lb pest
Mocky: mircea_popescu, dunno: hard to tell if dancing while covered head to toe in
black cloth
mircea_popescu: there's nothing intrinsically
black about jazz new orleans, except for the part where the
black people were the only poor enough to still have to entertain themselves.
black culture used to create music at a time white culture was no longer for the same reason as the above : they were poor and retarded and didn't have music time-travel boxes.
BingoBoingo: Gotta make sure you are an honored ancestor for passing down which
black spice makes the rice taste better and which
black spice kills the old folks as they drip spacekitten pig balls
mircea_popescu: yes, but the indian balls of
black spice travelled before 3k bc.
a111: Logged on 2013-03-01 22:30 SudsyForce: Two slave brothers, one
black, one an albino, discover a treasure map which is taken from them by their foreman. They take it back but are pursued by the foreman. Originally, the foreman seeks the aid of two bounty hunters who pursue the protagonists throughout the film. At the end, both the foreman and the bounty hunters catch up with the two escaped slaves, and the foreman has a change of heart, helping to kill the bounty hunters.
mircea_popescu: in other lulz,
black girl uninspiredly picked the nick "sashalotus".
mircea_popescu: what i said in response uses the
black box as she might define it, irrespective.
Mocky: made me think of 'British PM fucks pig on live TV' from
black mirror
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you think if lincoln didn't show up to fuck up the us constitution under the guise of "
black chicks code", the issue of
black chicks and coding would have never been addressed or somehow resolved ?
mircea_popescu: "I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and
black races, that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and
black races which I believe will forever forbi
mircea_popescu: their problem is the population, consisting of a half
black slaves, and the other half donkey fuckers, neither of which possessed of enough sense to come out of a paper bag if it rained scissors.
mircea_popescu: incidentally, do you recall right off how to force dosbox into fullscreen-scaled-up rather than alt enter full screen "here's some
black margin" ?