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keonne: 18:44:21 asciilifeform: there was a great soviet cartoon about a kid who hates history class and then gets a time machine
asciilifeform: there was a great soviet cartoon about a kid who hates history class and then gets a time machine
cgcardona_: in soviet russia irc hacks you
BingoBoingo: Purity though Transnidstria is nao b est Soviet
mircea_popescu: i would say the same thing explains the longevbity of the thing as explains the longevity of soviet satellites : they're still in orbit.
BingoBoingo: Essentially J E Hoover was more damaging to the US than Brezhnev could have ever been to the Soviet republics
mircea_popescu: and in the soviet union before that,
mircea_popescu: bitcoinpete: just like the medical system treats symptoms like cancer instead of the root causes, like shitty food << yey verily. compare cancer epidemiologic data in the soviet union in 1963 with same in the us in 2013. be amazed. be very amazed.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla forward soviet!
asciilifeform: it's mostly a product of my diseased imagination, but has some grounding in soviet history
asciilifeform: soviet tale - one drunken idiot tells another, 'i was at this party, and this guy must've been a serious contraband hero, he's loaded - i stumbled around, looking for the throne, and found a little bathroom with golden toilet!' - other: 'fucktard, so it was you who took a shit in the saxophone!'
asciilifeform: like a soviet satellite in 'graveyard orbit'
asciilifeform: funny how my father actually spent a good deal of life doing the same (reversing western consumer junk for the soviet market)
TestingUnoDosTre: learning so much about soviet history from bitcoin-assets
TestingUnoDosTre: lost my username for a moment there http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/060105_soviet_lessons.shtml
ozbot: Post-Soviet Lessons for a Post-American Century
asciilifeform: http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/060105_soviet_lessons.shtml
asciilifeform: TestingUnoDosTre: 'post-soviet lessons for post-american century'
asciilifeform: orlov had a neat piece on soviet 50yo middle manager suicides
mircea_popescu: in soviet russia this also has a name. vrag naroda etc.
asciilifeform: msdos was in some very real sense 'soviet' - as in, all the known joys, but a kid can build explosive xxxx at his parents' dacha without being harassed
asciilifeform: (rezun's classic 'soviet military intelligence')
asciilifeform: Officially, all Soviet representatives regard these parasites with touching feelings of friendship, but privately they call them 'shit-eaters' ('govnoed'). It is difficult to say where this expression originated, but it is truly the only name they deserve. The use of this word has become so firmly entrenched in Soviet embassies that it is impossible to imagine any other name for these people. A conversation mi ☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: 'In examining different kinds of agents, people from the free world who have sold themselves to the GRU, one cannot avoid touching on yet another category, perhaps the least appealing of all. Officially one is not allowed to call them agents, and they are not agents in the full sense of being recruited agents. We are talking about the numerous members of overseas societies of friendship with the Soviet Union.
mircea_popescu: why so serious, soviet ?
asciilifeform: 1987: 'Eventually, Rust saw Moscow. At first, he wanted to land in the Kremlin. But then he decided to try to land in Red Square, which was full of people... Rust was soon arrested, and convicted of illegally crossing the Soviet Border, and "hooliganism." He was sentenced to four years in prison. The case caused quite a stir in Russia. For a while, Red Square was jokingly referred to as Moscow's "third airport
ninjashogun: (asciilifeform had an example of how soviet submarines did not self-regulate their nuclear reactors but always had a person in the loop, who therefore understood the gravity of his situatoin.)
ninjashogun: soviet*
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=gru | GRU. The Soviet military intelligence organization. GRU - Glavnoye Razvedyvatel'noye Upravleniye. by Да здравствует Родина September 03, 2012. 338 18.
asciilifeform: it/sp/ro, etc. 'singable' languages are very amenable to the soviet linguist (hard head, wall, dictionary) treatment
mircea_popescu: "all the humanistic victories of Soviet socialism" oh save me rwanda. asciilifeform what the fuck is the gent on about.
asciilifeform: they'd like to dominate the historically rus. west, and own the soviet-built factories which they had no part in creating
mircea_popescu: specifically, "As far as experience shows, people don’t tend to support states that either stupidly or unwittingly include rules among their enemies. You can’t win a war against math, or against drugs, or against “social injustice”, or “kulaks”. Soon after the Soviet government moved its focus from entities to rules, it lost the support of the people. Soon after the other-Soviet government moved its focus f
asciilifeform: x86 reminds me of certain old soviet apartments, with toilet in the kitchen behind a curtain.
mircea_popescu: sort-of what the socialists are doing in the us, or the communists did in the soviet union.
asciilifeform: - orlov's 'post-soviet lessons for post-american century'
BingoBoingo: For the person who doesn't have everything and wants to make sure noone else can have everything either http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2014/03/for-sale-on-ebay-one-lightly-used-soviet-bear-bomber-low-mileage/
MisterE: Buy this: http://cgi.ebay.ca/ebaymotors/TU-95MS-Soviet-Bomber-/121288805711?forcev4exp=true
mircea_popescu: Mircea Popescu So has the #ImpotentAlliance invaded the Ukraine Soviet Republic yet or we still talkin' ?
punkman1: "COMRADE crypto movement designed to replicate the economic tactics used by the Comrade leaders of the USSR to rise the Soviet Union from the Ashes to what become the most powerful nation in the world (at the time)."
asciilifeform: there is a related soviet joke. abramowitch (generic jew, not the oligarch) calls a friend who was over for dinner last night: ☟︎
asciilifeform: more like a soviet nomenklatura's grocery store
mircea_popescu: all these countries re-industrialised after the soviet collapse.
asciilifeform: (post-soviet kid's tv is an odd place)
mircea_popescu: this sounds all so distinctly soviet.
asciilifeform: in soviet army, losing your weapon was (theoretically) a capital offense.
mircea_popescu: i didn;t say "asciilifeform should be less of a soviet" now did i.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform is such a soviet.
asciilifeform: supply of soviet z80 clones is a non-renewable resource after all.
asciilifeform: just as soviet pdp-11s would've been, if anyone had wanted them.
asciilifeform: incidentally, if you apply the principle described above, the u.s. economy is far more 'sovietized' than the soviet one ever was
asciilifeform: re: heat sinks: this is how the americans spotted the radiothermally-powered (Pu core) soviet satellites - enormous fins.
asciilifeform: phun phact - in soviet prison camps, notes ('scribbles', roughly translated from the argot) went around freely from one end of the archipelago to another. (how? bribe a guard)
MisterE: the soviet union was far better prepared for a crash than the US is
mircea_popescu: "I've said it before, but if Barack Obama had been president instead of Ronald Reagan, I'd still be a Soviet Citizen." ~Kasparov
asciilifeform: from btce russian trollbox: '[gox] will end up like soviet gensec: after prolonged illness, perished unexpectedly...'
asciilifeform: soviet nuke subs, it is said, have manually-cranked reactor controls.
mircea_popescu: today what shocks me about the soviet aparatchicks is how horribly uncomfortable their stuff is.
mircea_popescu: one thing that always shocked me about soviet aparatchicks was how horribly bad their suits were.
BingoBoingo: Wierdest thing I've known is the Yugo SKS. Soviet bullet, Nato grenade launcher
asciilifeform: (from the 'weird soviet crap' dept. of my brain)
mircea_popescu: in broad strokes, the soviet plan was to have industry concentrated in russia and agriculture in the west.
mircea_popescu: and no, the original is a classical romanian poem, for which asciilifeform ferreted out the old soviet translations. http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-02-2014#509201 ☝︎
BingoBoingo: greenspan_fan: Transnistria is the last surviving Soviet Socialist Republic
mircea_popescu: (the proposed difference between fascism, national socialism, soviet socialism, communism, etc so forth is purely imaginary)
asciilifeform: what soviet arms, with the possible exception of trench-diggers at tbilisi, quelled the rebellions?
mircea_popescu: there are, you know, even in soviet russia smart people.
asciilifeform: perhaps in soviet-era military delphinarium?
mircea_popescu: quoth birladeanu "here's in the soviet archives lenin recorded speaking of it"
asciilifeform: 'when we clean out his starfish, quickly he'll remember how he undermined soviet power and the party in his research institute with his cybernetics, this scoundrel...'
mircea_popescu: o it's the old soviet translation isn't it.
Asa9: mp - Im doing some housework and Im hummiing along with the hymn of the soviet union. Thanks a lot!
mircea_popescu: seeing how there's no comparison point, all soviet bureaucracies claim a lot of speed and content
mircea_popescu: "i want to go to the soviet union!!!"
mircea_popescu: whereas for comparison the kids in the soviet union are free and happy and even get icecream!
mircea_popescu: ok, so school in soviet russia ☟︎
mircea_popescu: but it is fucking soviet.
mircea_popescu: could a soviet soldier be replaced by any other man ?
asciilifeform: question should've been more specific: 'what if' a 'soviet clone' of mpex, that is, one which bows in agreement to all of the technical decisions.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform looks oddly soviet.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: some ex-soviet badlands still use exchanges with mechanical Strowger switches. and in-band. bluebox there.
asciilifeform: one day some bored kid will dig through old soviet crap, find a footnote that leads to a working rpg-7 under a mailbox.
asciilifeform: ke this: a man of between fifty-five and sixty-five years of age who has never served in the army, never had access to secret documents, does not carry or own a weapon, knows nothing about hand-to-hand fighting, does not possess any secret equipment and doesn't support the Comunists, does not read the newspapers, was never in the Soviet Union and has never met any Soviet citizens, leads a lonely, introspective
asciilifeform: "If the reader had access to real dossiers on the secret agents of spetsnaz he would be disappointed and probably shocked, because the agents of spetsnaz bear no resemblance to the fine, upstanding, young and handsome heroes of spy films. Soviet military intelligence is looking for an entirely different type of person as a candidate for recruitment. A portrait of an ideal agent for spetsnaz emerges something li
asciilifeform: 'article 58' of the soviet penal code was also 'law,' used in this exact way.
dub: its ok, romainia has heavy duty 6 puck soviet era ventilated clutch
mircea_popescu: pretty much the only way to profitably invest in equity in the soviet us is by being friendly with the us politburo.
asciilifeform: confession: at one point when i was younger, i did succumb to the temptation to replicate various soviet experiments and put current through my brain. ☟︎
asciilifeform: soviet version of the joke: 'man buys a ticket, rips it up and walks - to spite the trolley conductor.'
asciilifeform: (at least, soviet 1st grade.)
asciilifeform: the inevitable boojum of conventional computing is that a boobytrap, no matter how clever, could eventually be stumbled upon by some clever soviet kid with a copy of 'ida'
asciilifeform: afaik every man who came of age in the post-soviet lands has eaten dog (army)
asciilifeform: this is how soviet clones of DEC chips ended up exact duplicates, complete with the (poorly translated, with a dictionary, by DEC) profanities
asciilifeform: just like soviet pdp clones often ran unmodified pirated os
mircea_popescu: like you know, the old parrot-fortune-picking thing carnies/gypsies did in the old soviet space
asciilifeform: curious thing. looks and weighs like a soviet tv set, but with supervga res.
asciilifeform: btw the chinese have scholars, of 'soviet collapse studies,' and some of their output is rather interesting and educational ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: just like... you know, acording to the soviet politburo the reason there was famine were the kulaks.
the20year2: how about one of t hose old soviet radio to telephone rigs, the car based ones from the 50s