▁▁▁▁▁⏐︎ 7179
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46300 @ 0.00046648 = 21.598 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34100 @ 0.00046701 = 15.925 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.BVPS] 3000 @ 0.0032491 = 9.7473 BTC [-]
smickles: mircea_popescu: you should sign and encrypt the db with the exchange key. that way, should it become necessary for the public to decrypt it, you wouldn't need to release your personal key
mircea_popescu: i'm not releasing my key either way, why'd i release it ?
mircea_popescu: i'll just decrypt the db
smickles: idunno, i have some half-baked reason forming which invoves some situation where you are abducted or something
mircea_popescu: you misconstrue the point here.
mircea_popescu: suppose for a moment there's an uberconspiracy of like, the reptillians
mircea_popescu: who covertly follow all my communications, know of all my back-ups and one day suddenly strike!
mircea_popescu: and destroy ALL servers.
mircea_popescu: what nao ?
mircea_popescu: the advantage of this scheme is that backups can now be obtained from both known *and unknown* sources
mircea_popescu: making the entire thing much more resilient to attacks.
kakobrekla: go suck it reptillians!
smickles: Oh, i feel like i completly understand the backup aspect of it
mircea_popescu: lol kakobrekla
smickles: i was trying to think of a situation where you are inaccessable some how, and you have the exchange key released to the public so that people can get at the data
mircea_popescu: in any event the exchange key can never be released
mircea_popescu: think about it, the exchange key is released to decrypt db
smickles: prolly for the best
mircea_popescu: a week later there's fifty billion fake stats floating around
smickles: what would the use of a stat be if the exchange were down tho?
mircea_popescu: how do i know ?
smickles: hey, i said the idea was half-baked :P
mircea_popescu: :p
mircea_popescu: anyway, the system is pretty well designed for expansion. in the future i might generate a special key just for db signing, and put it somewhere safe
BTC-Mining: well... public key... private key... how about other backup keys where the private key is never disclosed and the public key to decrypt the database is only disclosed in case you disappear?
BTC-Mining: And sign the public key for the database with the exchange's key. That way people know if they decrypt it with that public database key, it was a statement encrypted with the official backup private key.
mircea_popescu: public key is needed to decrypt
mircea_popescu: i mean. private key is needed to decrypt
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2400 @ 0.00046648 = 1.1196 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7022 @ 0.00046621 = 3.2737 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2078 @ 0.00046583 = 0.968 BTC [-]
BTC-Mining: hmm... why?
mircea_popescu: ...
mircea_popescu: who encrypts with private key ?!
mircea_popescu: wasn't there an xkcd about this ?
BTC-Mining: Maybe
BTC-Mining: What would the issue with that be?
mircea_popescu: lemme find it
mircea_popescu: http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/responsible_behavior.png lol
mircea_popescu: that's not it tho
mircea_popescu: idea was guy encrypts a "would you marry me" with his public key
mircea_popescu: gives to girl
mircea_popescu: she keeps trying ot hack it
mircea_popescu: he figures by the time she breaks it he'll know for sure.
BTC-Mining: But what's the issue with encrypting with your private key with a public key for decrypting the data?
mircea_popescu: kinda backwards.
BTC-Mining: But the idea is to be able to release confidential data. And only if you disappear, an automated process triggers because a time limit is not reset and it releases the public key for decrypting the database.
mircea_popescu: yea, but ideally this would not be public knowledge.
BTC-Mining: yeah, I mean, just for covering the case of all people with access to MPEx suddenly being incapacitated to keep-through with the business, data could still be released.
mircea_popescu: still, you know, a raw db dump isn't the right way to do this.
mircea_popescu: it'd have to be released as a per-issuer section, encrypted with the issuer's public key.
smickles: did i kick a hornet's nest or somehting?
mircea_popescu: no ?
smickles: ok :)
BTC-Mining: Well what's the problem with that?
mircea_popescu: just, the natural inclination of people is to think in terms of, this db dump is for if i die. not what it is for. it's for if govt confiscates interwebs.
mircea_popescu: BTC-Mining nothing's the problem wit hthat, but it's not part of the db dump line :)
BTC-Mining: A special database, with it's own key pair. You make it available for download, encrypted with the database private key. The public key for it is released after 6 months without resetting the counter on it. Signed with the exchange's key so we know any data decryptable with that public key is from the official source.
smickles: it's not about you being dead, it's about you being abducted by the reptillians
BTC-Mining: The decrypted data containing a per issuer data with further encryption with their public key.
smickles: http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/0/3698/375957-reptar003_large.gif
BTC-Mining: So only issuer has access to data for each holder.
mircea_popescu: so you're stuck waiting for six months
mircea_popescu: and you depend on the entire system surviving by itself for six months
BTC-Mining: Basically
mircea_popescu: honestly, i think if nefario came out right now and said he's releasing issuer data in april
mircea_popescu: and actually DOES release it in april
mircea_popescu: it'd be about as useful as a bunion.
BTC-Mining: Well for many, it would actually still be useful...
mircea_popescu: i'm not saying there's no way to do this
BTC-Mining: As long as issuers keep the accounting and putting the BTC aside for when that data is released.
BTC-Mining: Honestly, I don't expect anything that extreme, mircea.
BTC-Mining: Just stating it would be possible to make a database public and official without the need to release a private key to forge different sets of data.
mircea_popescu: but in the extreme case the db needs to be distributed what i envisage is a text flatfile containing each issuer's holders encrypted with his public key, the whole thing signed and dumped on like, piratebay
BTC-Mining: Would probably be simplier and better.
mircea_popescu: alongside a final dump of everyone's stats, encrupted with their public key
BTC-Mining: But that flatfile needs to be encrypted with the exchange's key first of course.
mircea_popescu: actually this is delineated in the faq since the days when people were asking mpex (but not glbse) what is the plan for the case which befel glbse but not mpex.
mircea_popescu: not really, no.
BTC-Mining: hmm... how do we know the flatfile is official then?
mircea_popescu: the whole thing signed
BTC-Mining: ah well sorry, that's what I meant.
mircea_popescu: ya
BTC-Mining: Either way the source can be verified.
mircea_popescu: i'ma go watch porn with the girls. ttyall laters.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5022 @ 0.00046583 = 2.3394 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6437 @ 0.00046446 = 2.9897 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9382 @ 0.00046419 = 4.355 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31166 @ 0.00046249 = 14.414 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16154 @ 0.00046249 = 7.4711 BTC [-]
smickles: lol, i am imortalized http://trilema.com/2012/that-sticky-issue-of-enforcing-contracts/
mircea_popescu: hehe yeah
mircea_popescu: what the hell is with people painting their walls orange ?
mircea_popescu: and i do not mean some pale yellow or w/e, i mean orange, like the fruit.
smickles: well, it seems one reason may be to annoy you
mircea_popescu: lol
smickles: is it a darker sort of orange, or bright glowing orange?
mircea_popescu: http://polimedia.us/dtng/c/src/135140516264.jpg punishment ensues
smickles: like 70s era or gay pride parade?
mircea_popescu: it's a bright glowing orange that makes food look unhealthy and women's complexion totally alien
mircea_popescu: ;;ticker
gribble: BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 10.40000, Best ask: 10.44857, Bid-ask spread: 0.04857, Last trade: 10.40000, 24 hour volume: 43262.33694086, 24 hour low: 10.12999, 24 hour high: 10.83883, 24 hour vwap: 10.45494
mircea_popescu: lol so for 3 months now we've been giggling between 10 and 14
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41623 @ 0.00046298 = 19.2706 BTC [+]
smickles: ;;calc .2876 - .235
gribble: 0.0526
smickles: ;;calc [bc,24hprc] - 10
gribble: 0.44
smickles: ;;calc -1 * [bc,24hprc] + 10 + .2867
gribble: -0.1533
smickles: ;;calc -1 * [bc,24hprc] + 10 + .1367
gribble: -0.3033
rg: o deer
smickles: ;;calc -1 * [bc,24hprc] + 10 + .4367
gribble: -0.0033
smickles: ;;calc -1 * [bc,24hprc] + 10 -.235
gribble: Error: Something in there wasn't a valid number.
smickles: ;;calc -1 * [bc,24hprc] + 10 - .235
gribble: -0.675
smickles: ;;calc [bc,24hprc] - 10 - .2876
gribble: 0.1524
mircea_popescu: lol what sorcery is this
smickles: i'm trying to work out that arb b/t mpex and icbit
smickles: you know anything about call put parity?
smickles: the futures on icbit deliver at 10 at the end of december, so at some point in time, there should be an arb op
smickles: oh, well, middle of december, but still
smickles: ;;calc [ticker --bid] - 10 - .2876
gribble: 0.06426
smickles: oh, i know what i'm fucking up
smickles: ;;calc [ticker --bid] - 10 / [ticker --bid] - .2876
gribble: 9.09825002691
smickles: ;;calc [ticker --bid] - 10 - .2876 * [ticker --bid]
gribble: -2.625334936
smickles: ;;calc ([ticker --bid] - 10 - .2876 * [ticker --bid]) / [ticker --bid]
gribble: -0.253609973087
smickles: ;;calc ([ticker --bid] - 10 - .2876 * [ticker --bid]) / [ticker --bid] * -1
gribble: 0.253609973087
smickles: :o
smickles: ;;calc .2536 * .98
gribble: 0.248528
smickles: ;;calc ([ticker --bid] - 10 + .1549 * [ticker --bid]) / [ticker --bid] * -1
gribble: -0.188890026913
smickles: ;;calc ([ticker --bid] - 10 + .1549 * [ticker --bid]) / [ticker --bid]
gribble: 0.188890026913
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23268 @ 0.00046139 = 10.7356 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 300 @ 0.00046047 = 0.1381 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1869 @ 0.00046008 = 0.8599 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11063 @ 0.00045993 = 5.0882 BTC [-]
smickles: mircea_popescu: come play monopoly with me and bitfoo for btc
smickles: ;;calc ([ticker --bid] - 10 + .1549 * [ticker --bid])
gribble: 1.955363114
bitfoo: that's a lot of calculations :o
smickles: i should stop spamming, i gueess
bitfoo: nah, it's cool
bitfoo: work it out and then we can all arb ;)
smickles: that last one proves that it's there, if you know what you're looking at
bitfoo: it's too late in the day for me to even try and figure that out
smickles: ;;calc .2762 * [ticker --bid] - .2417 * [ticker --bid]
gribble: 0.35724681
smickles: short stradle at 100N, buy icbit futures up to 10.35
smickles: ;;calc 200 / [ticker --bid]
gribble: 19.3143782026
smickles: crap, what quantities??!!
bitfoo: icbit depth looks pretty thin
smickles: oh lol my ass off,
smickles: i've done it already on accident
smickles: bitfoo: part of that is the fact that only the nearest 5 orders are shown (either side of center)
bitfoo: yeah, I was trying to figure out how to see more than that
bitfoo: not possible I assume?
smickles: "comming soon"
bitfoo: heh
smickles: ™
smickles: i should find confidence in my math, then i would arb that op so hard
mircea_popescu: what about call/put parity smickles ?
smickles: mircea_popescu: i identified the arb op
smickles: currently
smickles: short stradle at 100N, and buy the futures up to 10.35ish
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13537 @ 0.00045993 = 6.2261 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7600 @ 0.00045989 = 3.4952 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13005 @ 0.00045918 = 5.9716 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11033 @ 0.00045901 = 5.0643 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: aite
mircea_popescu: part of that is the fact that only the nearest 5 orders are shown << who comes up wit this sort of shit ?
mircea_popescu: i mean, why 5 ? why not 9 ? why not 3.14 ?
Chaaang-Noi: well im sure you know why 3.14 was not sued
Chaaang-Noi: used
assbot: [MPEX] [O.BTCUSD.C100N] 10 @ 0.27614221 = 2.7614 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [O.BTCUSD.P100N] 9 @ 0.24169245 = 2.1752 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: see, that's faulty. "we should do X, but we can't practically do X so we are doing Y instead"
mircea_popescu: no. fuck you. do X.
mircea_popescu: if it should be 3.14 then they either do 3.14 or not do it at all.
smickles: scrollbars are tough
mircea_popescu: anyway this is all academic, iirc there wasn't much volume anyway, like 1-2 btc a week or something
mircea_popescu: or not wait, i think i was looking at some gold and oil futures
mircea_popescu: this is btc ?
mircea_popescu: meh gotta log in to see mkt what bs.
assbot: [MPEX] [O.BTCUSD.P100N] 2 @ 0.24169245 = 0.4834 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: Να γίνεστε δική σας τράπεζα
mircea_popescu: anyone recognise anything in there ?
smickles: recognise what where?
mircea_popescu: words in the sentence
smickles: it's all ?? on my terminal
mircea_popescu: aww. it's greek
mircea_popescu: and it ends in trapeza, which in greek means bank
smickles: it's a trap?
mircea_popescu: nana nah, a trapeze
smickles: hmm, high wire act, vs starwars reference
mircea_popescu: :D
mircea_popescu: greek is a very humorous language.
mircea_popescu: "main page" is something like kuria teliga
mircea_popescu: kuria you might have heard of
mircea_popescu: as in, the roman curia
smickles: Κύρια πύλη
mircea_popescu: yielded court in english
mircea_popescu: "For the last time, geeks should not open financial service businesses just because they can make the website and fire up some hardware"
smickles: so it's like tele-court, main page == judge judy?
mircea_popescu: guruvan totally has it.
mircea_popescu: pule is more like gate than page.
smickles: i should've continued learning greek
smickles: i took 2 or three classes then stopped because it was a 7am class, and I had an hour bikeride to make it
mircea_popescu: i never took any classes
mircea_popescu: find a greek girl, date her.
smickles: that should work well for me
mircea_popescu: go home tonight and say "honey, today we talk about χαρέμι"
smickles: "Prospero, the only British satellite to date launched on a British rocket, lifted off from Launch Area 5B..." <<this statement feels so full of lame
smickles: area 5b sounds like a shitty appartment with only one room
mircea_popescu: lol
smickles: prospero is that fake enthusiam you get from an pessimeist
mircea_popescu: satellite sitcom
mircea_popescu: nothing could be lamer than romania's first and only satellite to date tho
mircea_popescu: in the shape of a 10cm cube
smickles: and they've only done it once since 1971
mircea_popescu: http://www.ziuaveche.ro/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Goliat-2.jpg
mircea_popescu: thing is called goliat ffs.
smickles: lol, did they throw it by and and lose track of it (now thinking it was a successful mission)?
smickles: *by hand
smickles: what is that supposed to do?
mircea_popescu: takes pictures, reports back at 114kbps
mircea_popescu: http://st.interakt.md/content/news/big/goliat---primul-satelit-romanesc-in-spatiu.jpg
smickles: When the project began, the developers of this satellite were still in college.""
smickles: it's a school project!
mircea_popescu: :D
mircea_popescu: you see this is what a laissez faire state is
mircea_popescu: it's only fucken satellite is launched by students
mircea_popescu: ON THEIR OWN DIME
smickles: "As of 26 February 2012, it appears that the satellite has not settled into the orbit properly. Due to a malfunction to its stabilizing system, it is expected that the satellite will spin uncontrollably and eventually get lost in space. However, the coordinator of the project, Mugurel Bălan has stated that the situation is under control."
mircea_popescu: >D
smickles: statement was made 13 days after launch
mircea_popescu: well i blame the french
smickles: makes sense, they launched it, right?
mircea_popescu: ya
mircea_popescu: shoulda hired the brits instead, 5b sounds more hygienic than guyana
smickles: lol, so in the same timeframe it took to develop this (and the rocket that sent it up), elon musk docked a ship with the ISS
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4300 @ 0.00046291 = 1.9905 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7577 @ 0.00046298 = 3.508 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 623 @ 0.00046335 = 0.2887 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: well elon was not in college atthe time
smickles: good point
smickles: but neither were the people wo developed the vega rocket
mircea_popescu: that's old iirc
smickles: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vega_(rocket)
smickles: not the one i'm talking about
smickles: it's first launch sent up your satilite
mircea_popescu: o wow
mircea_popescu: "statists gonna state."
mircea_popescu: lmao.
smickles: oh wow, i'm going to make a solid rocket booster out of sucrose
mircea_popescu: ummm
mircea_popescu: does the community know roger ver is an ex-con ?!
smickles: what'd he get that status for?
mircea_popescu: girl dug up a conviction. there will be a post in a few.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1600 @ 0.00046335 = 0.7414 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10600 @ 0.00046213 = 4.8986 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40977 @ 0.00046335 = 18.9867 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32100 @ 0.00046482 = 14.9207 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 668 @ 0.00046744 = 0.3122 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31906 @ 0.00046848 = 14.9473 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49000 @ 0.00047196 = 23.126 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37100 @ 0.00047202 = 17.5119 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24590 @ 0.00047259 = 11.621 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35500 @ 0.00047283 = 16.7855 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48159 @ 0.00047506 = 22.8784 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/10/27/worker-at-northwest-indiana-library-discovers-black-powder-gun-hidden-inside/ this is pretty cool
mircea_popescu: this shit's too funny :
mircea_popescu: The woman named “Democrat of The Year” this year by the Jefferson County Democratic Party has been convicted of felony theft by a Jefferson County jury for stealing from a developmentally disabled 71-year-old woman.
rg: LOL
rg: the fact that its from a retard makes it SO much worse
mircea_popescu: innit
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11200 @ 0.00046213 = 5.1759 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13700 @ 0.00045901 = 6.2884 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.DICE] 370 @ 0.003375 = 1.2488 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.DICE] 630 @ 0.00339944 = 2.1416 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: smickles https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=120969.0
Chaaang-Noi: wow freenode is having issues?
mircea_popescu: apparently
Chaaang-Noi: wow on Ver if true
Chaaang-Noi: and lucky he did it before sept 11th
Chaaang-Noi: pest control report?
Chaaang-Noi: that does not sound like a bomb...
mircea_popescu: it seems they're some sort of firecracker
Chaaang-Noi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tv3Wvxi6pgU
Chaaang-Noi: yeah he should not ahve mailed them or sold them on ebay
Chaaang-Noi: but 10 months in jail for that is harsh
Chaaang-Noi: realted http://www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/prerel/prhtml03/03072.html
Chaaang-Noi: that warning should have made him know better
Chaaang-Noi: http://www.justice.gov/criminal/cybercrime/press-releases/2002/verPlea.htm
Chaaang-Noi: i thought that guy was really rich
Chaaang-Noi: why would he be selling that stuff on ebay
Chaaang-Noi: also sure its the same guy?
Chaaang-Noi: roger is not really a unique name
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30665 @ 0.00045934 = 14.0857 BTC [+]
Chaaang-Noi: ver is kinda rare however
mircea_popescu: well i dunno, obviously.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30073 @ 0.00046327 = 13.9319 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15800 @ 0.0004624 = 7.3059 BTC [-]
Anduck: Diablo-D3
Anduck: wat happened to BFL.FAIL and BFL.SUCC and DMC?
Chaaang-Noi: it was nefarioed
Diablo-D3: Anduck: hello?
Diablo-D3: what happened to ALL THE FUCKING ASSETS ON GLBSE
Anduck: i mean
Anduck: ..
Anduck: what are you going to do about it?
Anduck: will you just clap ur hands and say hah ahh hahah free mony no need pay cuz nefario'ddd
Chaaang-Noi: its not the asset issuers responcability to deal with the broker, its the people who used the brokers servces to deal with it
Chaaang-Noi: go talk to a lawyer about it
Chaaang-Noi: diablo does not have an good options
Anduck: i had like 1 btc in there...
Chaaang-Noi: any*
Chaaang-Noi: well
Anduck: just curious
Anduck: that wtf will happen
Chaaang-Noi: well i dont know what everyone will do, but asset issuers dont ahve an good options
Anduck: yup
mircea_popescu: Anduck what'd you expect he does ?
Anduck: if he knows who had what asset and how much
mircea_popescu: how does he know this ?
Anduck: nefario?
Chaaang-Noi: he cant ever "know" he can only trust nefario
Anduck: yes...
mircea_popescu: well nefario never released the data afaik
Anduck: that's same even if GLBSE was up
Chaaang-Noi: if he trust nefario it opens himself up to others claiming they had it
Chaaang-Noi: thats why glbse was acting as the broker
Chaaang-Noi: diable only needs to pay glbse.. glbse then needs to pay out the money
Chaaang-Noi: dibalo*
Anduck: well yeah
Anduck: but uhh
Anduck: nvm ;_;
Chaaang-Noi: yeah nefario fucked it all up
Chaaang-Noi: and now he and all the other glbsers can get their asses sued
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9100 @ 0.00045978 = 4.184 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22798 @ 0.00045934 = 10.472 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: so what's the word, any asics delivered last week ? what was the hash jump we saw ?
EskimoBob: Chaaang-Noi: I was reading that https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=120759.20
EskimoBob: if I understand it correctly, PPT operators can actually get off that boat by paying the investors back the coin
mircea_popescu: EskimoBob in most cases having repaid everyone with a claim shields you from responsibility
mircea_popescu: in all cases it cuts the eventual punishment significantly.
mircea_popescu: so... that's banal.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21100 @ 0.0004592 = 9.6891 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6300 @ 0.00045901 = 2.8918 BTC [-]
EskimoBob: what so banal about that?
EskimoBob: was bitcoinmax.com guy ever doxed?
Diablo-D3: back
Diablo-D3: Anduck: what Chaaang-Noi said, basically
mircea_popescu: who, zuxxor ?
Diablo-D3: until nefario releases the data, I cant do shit
EskimoBob: he name is pay.btc
Diablo-D3: Anduck: plus, I bought back half the DMC shares before GLBSE collapsed, and the DI.BFLSC stuff isnt due until after the 31st
Anduck: oki
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18400 @ 0.00045901 = 8.4458 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11659 @ 0.0004583 = 5.3433 BTC [-]
OneMiner: Who's Mr. Ver? 10 months in prison sounds about right to me. One of the links talks about him storing the explosives in a residential apartment building and mailing them via US mail. Assuming the products were going all over the country they could have ended up on a plane. At the very minimum he put hundreds of people in mortal or near mortal danger.
OneMiner: You can only imagine how many were in his apartment. If there was a fire he'd be lucky to not end up with manslaughter charges at the least.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2141 @ 0.0004583 = 0.9812 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13600 @ 0.00045777 = 6.2257 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5100 @ 0.00045721 = 2.3318 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18662 @ 0.00045661 = 8.5213 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: OneMiner he's a bitcoin enthusiast, been doing things like taking outdoor panels to advertise his acceptance of bitcoin
mircea_popescu: runs a computer parts shop in california, financed bitpay to some degree, lost a lot of money in bitcoinica etc
OneMiner: Ahh right on. Thanks.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34738 @ 0.00045661 = 15.8617 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19462 @ 0.00045634 = 8.8813 BTC [-]
Chaaang-Noi: EskimoBob i dont know who the investors are.. the only one i deal with is nefaro/glbse
Chaaang-Noi: no one has a claim vs me... they have claim vs glbse
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6300 @ 0.00045634 = 2.8749 BTC [-]
Chaaang-Noi: i never collected money
Chaaang-Noi: this is why nefario had to shut down glbse
mircea_popescu: sgornick : http://trilema.com/2012/options-consumption-graphs/ graph porn
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14600 @ 0.00045819 = 6.6896 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5838 @ 0.00045634 = 2.6641 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30262 @ 0.00045482 = 13.7638 BTC [-]
knotwork: Oh gosh I'm shocked, anarchists don't just *read* the anarchists cookbook some of them actually *cook*?!??! But to then capitalistically *sell* their cooking gasp that is *too* much!
knotwork: I suppose now when all the [...fellows..] hear that I did time for *growing and selling plants* they'lll all move over on the bench to distance themselves from me...
Chaaang-Noi: ?
knotwork: Chap did time! Selling fireworks by mail. Me all I did was grow plants
knotwork: oh and sell them. growing is only up to 7 years, selling is up to life
mircea_popescu: um
knotwork: (Bench part is an Alicie's Restaurant reference)
mircea_popescu: were you in prison is the idea ?
knotwork: yeah 30 days served on weekends in the trailer outside the actua prison, with time off for good behavior.
knotwork: come in fiday night leave monday morning counts as four days
mircea_popescu: 0.0
mircea_popescu: wtf they do this ?
knotwork: smells nicer than the state's evil weed and causes less cancer, plus might not pay tax! Eeeeeevil!
knotwork: not an approved means of weaning oneself off their evil weed :)
knotwork: hmm maybe weekend countes as 3 days. it counted for more than it really was for sure
knotwork: spent the last weekend at home in house arrest, their was too much weed in the prison so they let folk go home
knotwork: I wasn't even actually proven to sell them, its assumed anyone with two cartons of smokes must be a dealer, no proof needed
OneMiner: The one law has nothing to do with the other. Fireworks are explosives and can set fires easily. Guy got 10 months for it. Sounds kosher to me.
knotwork: I was willing to go to supreme court on that as assuming guilt so the dropped the selling charges and gave me 30 days weekends for the cultivation
mircea_popescu: knotwork wait a second. are you talking tobacco or pot ?
knotwork: actually it wasnt even selling charge its worded as possession with intent to sell so is not only assuming guilt its assuming intent
knotwork: OneMiner haha for a moment I thought you mean Guy Ffawkes got ten months for it :)
OneMiner: Nope Mr. Ver. Who's this Guy?
knotwork: Remember Remember the Fifth of November? Does that rhyme now only refer to some 21st century movie?!?!?!
knotwork: Gunpowder, Treason, and Plot!??!
knotwork: He put fireworks under the Central Bank! (no, wait, just the houses of parliament, maybe not so bad?)
Chaaang-Noi: they killed that guy...
Chaaang-Noi: drawn and quartered i think
knotwork: yeah I was prety sure he didn't just get 10 months :)
OneMiner: Ummm..... Don't know 'bout the 5th of Nov. Probably heard of it once.....
OneMiner: Rings a bell.
knotwork: some big nob was in the houses at the time else maybe it'd've been a misdeameanor or a service to the crown
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28200 @ 0.00045612 = 12.8626 BTC [+]
knotwork: Oneminer LMGTFY "Gunpowder plot"
knotwork: 5th november is almost a national holiday so as never to forget
OneMiner: People who choose to solve their problems with explosives are not welcome near me, but I'll take a look at that anyways. ;)
knotwork: maybe actually a national holiday. not sure. maybe just a folk holiday
knotwork: like 4th july
knotwork: yay we nearly got free of crown and parliament!
knotwork: 4th july is the more modern one, yay we DID get free of crown and parliament. braggarts. :)
OneMiner: The fact that there's still a royal family offends me too.
knotwork: oh gosh I was joking! We burn Guy in effigy on Nov 5th! Sheesh!
OneMiner: Sill offended.
OneMiner: still
knotwork: Suppose the Queen Mum had been in there!?!?! :)
OneMiner: They should do the right thing and become citizens like everybody else instead of what I like to call "super citizens" most equal of the equals, you dig?
mircea_popescu: actually i'm the exact opposite persuasion
OneMiner: If you have someone above then it's possible to have others below. It's an argument for slavery in reverse.
mircea_popescu: the pretense that all "are equal" offends me.
mircea_popescu: there should be more priviledged.
OneMiner: ^^ read above.
knotwork: Not so sure. Consider voters, bread, and circusses. Having someone trained to the task who can call for a vote of n o confidence seems it could have redeeming virtue
mircea_popescu: OneMiner obviously there should be some below.
mircea_popescu: entire fucking point of life, society and inextricable part of human hapiness : soe being below.
OneMiner: So, slavery. It's the natural conclusion, don't you think?
mircea_popescu: sure.
knotwork: Bunch of Americans immigrates and votes in bunch of weirdo gunslinging bible belters I'll be praying yes please King William, call for a frakkin vote of no confidence pronto please its un-British!!!
OneMiner: Ha! wouldn't go well for you. You'd be defending and I'm a good shot. :P
mircea_popescu: OneEyed you're a good shot with torches ?
mircea_popescu: plebs don't get expensive smithwork.
OneMiner: Ether one, I could use a .22 and get it done as well.
knotwork: Burn OneMiner in effigy! Blow him up with good old Black Powder!
mircea_popescu: a .22 torch ?
mircea_popescu: or a .22 pitchfork
OneMiner: Well, I can tell you that if a person tries to put me in a class under them.... their time is limited at that point.
mircea_popescu: no one person tries to put you lol.
mircea_popescu: you either belong there or don't.
knotwork: Also aren't American Presidents more king in practice than, well, the Queen for example?
OneMiner: There's already a legal precident for that where I'm from.
OneMiner: knotwork no.
mircea_popescu: OneEyed do you have a dayjob ?
OneMiner: Checks and balances.
OneMiner: Nope.
OneMiner: Got some work needs doing?
mircea_popescu: haha no, but it's a simple test for class. there's three classes practically, the homeless, the employed, the idle.
mircea_popescu: in that order.
knotwork: OneMiner you'd insult the fans by refusing a knighthood if you were Mick Jagger or Captain Picard?!?!
OneMiner: Though I'd love the idea of being a knight..... I may have to refuse.
OneMiner: mircea_popescu is the order right? Homeless on top?
knotwork: Hey wait, Captain Kirk didn't get one? Hmm? Wasnt he too a Shakespearan real stage actor once?
mircea_popescu: homeless on the left :)
OneMiner: He was. Talks about how serious he took his roles.
knotwork: And he's not a Knight (yet) ?
OneMiner: Also what does being a knight have to do with fans? And why is pop culture grounds for kinghthood?
knotwork: Maybe his galactic skirt-chasing was unknighlt behavior
OneMiner: knighthood.
knotwork: Because its British! It doesn't have to make sense it just has to have a stiff upper lip! Sheesh!
OneMiner: mircea_popescu then the idle are on top? You've confused me with your list.
mircea_popescu: OneMiner my plan. it works.
OneMiner: hahaha
OneMiner: Anyways. If the queen is only good for ceremony and drawing in tourists... then let her do that. They can be as royal as they want, just don't use any public monies or lands. Let them follow the same rules as everybody else if these rules are so good. Full disclosure: I'm not a UK citizen.
knotwork: OneMiner re fans, maybe the economy is so bad that selling a few platinum albums or popular movies is all that holds up the entire exchequer
OneMiner: Jesus, I hope not...
OneMiner: Anyways, it isn't.
knotwork: or, comparing Kirk to Picard for example, its about proper British behavior. (Oops lets forget Sir Mick a moment there)
knotwork: abe its about mollifying the masses by pretending to respect some of their idols
knotwork: s/abe/maybe/
knotwork: or hey, maybe actually respecting them even
knotwork: Disclaimer: I am a Brit, albeit permanant resident of Halifax NS Canada
knotwork: Maybe part of it is simply that it is personal. They have personal individual person to person responsibility to people
knotwork: it'd be an insult to ask a Brit to swear allegiance to the Queen, hance my not even considering becoming a Canadian citizen
knotwork: I'd have to swear allegiance to the Queen of Canada, which would be an insult to me as a subject of the Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22300 @ 0.00045482 = 10.1425 BTC [-]
knotwork: by birth
knotwork: it's be like implying I am not her loyal subject already!!! :)
thestrin1puller: i summon thee sir mircea_popescu
thestrin1puller: lol
mircea_popescu: lolwut
thestrin1puller: LOL i didn't expect it to work
thestrin1puller: I thought you'd be out getting laid by models
thestrin1puller: since you're more pivelaged than us working class folk
mircea_popescu: im a guy, i only get laid ocasionally.
mircea_popescu: only girls can do it continously.
thestrin1puller: i have a hacker friend like you
thestrin1puller: retired nvidia employee
thestrin1puller: new girl every night
thestrin1puller: lol
thestrin1puller: but in all srsness i think i may fork over money for an mpex account
knotwork: Wow ... https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=119745.msg1303342#msg1303342 ... I wonder if working one's way up from terminal operator in Imperial Bank of Commerce datacentre not allowed to punch cards but allowed to tell keypunch operators what to punch and trusted with the vault keys would be an at all useful start for such a career?
knotwork: valut combination I mean oops
thestrin1puller: http://bitcoinfriday.com/ lol
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15100 @ 0.00045612 = 6.8874 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10214 @ 0.00045646 = 4.6623 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: ahahaha
mircea_popescu: that's one heck of a post right there knotwork
knotwork: yeah I almost did my shameless self-promoting blurb there but figured here would be more apropos
knotwork: (See what I did there!!?! Its implied its me that worked in CIBC datacentre! <<<<======== !!!!
knotwork: ====>>> Back when we punched cards!!!! <<<======
mircea_popescu: so are you starting a bitcoinica clone ?
knotwork: Did I mention the time I called my friends from number ten downing street's own switchboard and plugged them into what's on in London in six diffrent languages and the speaking clock?
knotwork: No I am taking over the world (as a loyal subject of King Linus, of course)
knotwork: I am running so far two Open Transactions servers, the only public OT servers so far set up
mircea_popescu: man... how often are you intoxicated while on irc ? honest %
knotwork: actually its been months since I so much as had a beer
mircea_popescu: o ? what sort of disloyal subject are you!
knotwork: Starving datacentre-operator :)
mircea_popescu: haha
knotwork: brewing attracted too many fruitflies landlord made me stop
thestrin1puller: smoke weed instead
thestrin1puller: Dr. Dre has found it pretty profitable
knotwork: unfortunately I told judge I would not cultivate again :(
thestrin1puller: fudge the drug tests and smoke behind closed doors?
knotwork: well not while its still illegal anyway. if I'd gotten a permit before growing it would have been fine. if I'd had the money I maybe even could have bought a bale of legal weed to put on his bench to claim gee sorry I am late filing for a permit
knotwork: hmm or maybe permits werent actually available quite by the trial date they were in the works for sure
thestrin1puller: be a fugitive
thestrin1puller: flee the country
knotwork: I am a Brit, this is a commonwealth country I should not have to flee it!
knotwork: hmm actually maybe there is no commonwealth anymore? I recall in 70's there was talk of getting rid of it
thestrin1puller: if you want to smoke weed like Snoop Doggy you should
thestrin1puller: move to LA
thestrin1puller: cultivate there
knotwork: oh sure I didnt tell judge I would not smoke it! but weed is more or less as expensive an indulgence for a starving datacentre-operator as beer is
thestrin1puller: not if you're a rappers posse, then it's free
thestrin1puller: not if you're in a rapper's posse*
knotwork: hmm around here its tobacco that is free, grams of it lying around in public in ashtrays free for the taking
kakobrekla: lol
knotwork: Maybe once usage tokens are working in Open Transactions I'll sell some and buy a beer to celebrate
thestrin1puller: I knew a kid once who smoked with Snoop. Apparently snoop carries a qp with him at all times? Anyhow he rolled like 9 cigar style blunts.
thestrin1puller: before a show
thestrin1puller: Even Katt Williams can't out smoke Snoop.
knotwork: well now you also know a kid who once called his friends from number ten downing street switchboard too :)
thestrin1puller: wow how did my nick get lost
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5124 @ 0.00045646 = 2.3389 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34176 @ 0.00045675 = 15.6099 BTC [+]
Guest82297: I need to turn off enforce
knotwork: on reconnect if old connect is still present your client appends a number to distinguish new connect, evidently also making sure the number falls into the 9 character nick limit some IRC servers (used to?) enforce
Guest82297: well blah
thepulledstring: need to find an ircop
mircea_popescu: just msg nickserv release
thepulledstring: i don't remember my password
thepulledstring: cause I'm like Dori from Finding Nemo
mircea_popescu: omg scamming
mircea_popescu: it has an email address ? i think you can reset it
knotwork: Dori is a scammer?
thepulledstring: XD
thepulledstring: I will have an ircop do the automated mailer
thepulledstring: I never set the flag to reset pass
thepulledstring: I'm a n00b deal with it
thepulledstring: lol
mircea_popescu: whine to erry
thepulledstring: i will
thepulledstring: erry is nice and resets my password for me because I have short term memory problems
Azelphur: thepulledstring: I suggest using keepass like I do
sgornick: > <mircea_popescu> sgornick : http://trilema.com/2012/options-consumption-graphs/ graph porn
sgornick: > This article is available for a fee.
mircea_popescu: ouch you went over limit huh ?
mircea_popescu: hit a proxy!
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2138 @ 0.00045482 = 0.9724 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17762 @ 0.00045462 = 8.075 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2012/10/analysis_of_how.html this is kinda cool
mircea_popescu: "Bitcoin is fundamentally flawed because it is a deflationary system, period."
mircea_popescu: i like these people :D
thepulledstring: why do you "like them"
thepulledstring: sir mircea_popescu
mircea_popescu: cause they make me laugh.
mircea_popescu: anyway, writing about it, back in a few
thepulledstring: American Pie 2 is weird
knotwork: Bankers ought to love bitcoin because being limited in supply it lets them control markets by with-holding medium of exchange as usual plus also possibly unlike gold it can be bubbled to any arbitrary value for use as "reserves" and might be cheaper to store too
thepulledstring: what makes you think they aren't secretly doing that?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8100 @ 0.00045462 = 3.6824 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: thepulledstring http://trilema.com/2012/the-chain-of-lol/
mircea_popescu: there you have it.
thepulledstring: "Overhormonal pubescent boys sometimes conjure this imaginary girl that has no family, no emotions, no expectations, needs no food or water, spends her entire day nude in a closet somewhere eagerly awaiting the amorous attentions of the young magician. The Bitcoin-killing quantum computer seems to share most of its traits with that magnificent dream of early teen years. Maybe it’s actually the same thing."
thepulledstring: that's a good line
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12076 @ 0.00045675 = 5.5157 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38624 @ 0.00045749 = 17.6701 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: :P\
thepulledstring: Romania must have awesome girls
mircea_popescu: kinda.
mircea_popescu: Reward-Drop ETA: 2012-11-29 11:09:04
mircea_popescu: already before noon on 29th
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26538 @ 0.00045462 = 12.0647 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20815 @ 0.00045458 = 9.4621 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4447 @ 0.00045391 = 2.0185 BTC [-]
thepulledstring: thanks for the PSA mircea_popescu
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37218 @ 0.00045391 = 16.8936 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15982 @ 0.00045372 = 7.2514 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19584 @ 0.0004545 = 8.9009 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2501 @ 0.00045373 = 1.1348 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13515 @ 0.00045372 = 6.132 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50000 @ 0.00045743 = 22.8715 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 308 @ 0.00045743 = 0.1409 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 704 @ 0.00045749 = 0.3221 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32259 @ 0.00045819 = 14.7808 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14302 @ 0.00045932 = 6.5692 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2298 @ 0.00045972 = 1.0564 BTC [+]
dub: I think its safe to say EskimoBob is well endowed
dub: he's always looking for something looser
jurov: wat?
dub: on the forum, he continually rants about stuff that is less tight that he is apparently comfortable with
dub: s/that/than
jurov: haha yes, he similarly bitched about mpex backup
jurov: anyway, i guess biggest dick around is..er... has mircea
jurov: cause i'm working on processing STATJSON
jurov: and i wonder whether they actually tested parsing with misc clients or he just said "do it so"
dub: we could infer that EskimoBob find pirate too tight
Diablo-D3: jurov: *make it so
dub: as he is interested in pursuing his, looser, brother
jurov: dates in nonstandard format, all numbers as "strings"... looks like MPExAgent will stay useful
jurov: thx diablo
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3729 @ 0.0004584 = 1.7094 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1075 @ 0.00045601 = 0.4902 BTC [-]
jurov: oh and "Header" : [{"key1":"value1"},{"key2":"value2"},..etc..] srsly?
jurov: that will be converted into "Header" : {"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"}
jurov: with #remove brain damage
jurov: comment above it
jurov: so... i'll appreciate donations of jsonstat samples (can be redacted, i'm just interested in format of all the parts)
thepulledstring: JSON is fo' haters
thepulledstring: XML ftw
jurov: someone pls kick him, that was outrageous flamebait
jurov: my spine just shivered when trying to imagine what kind of xml would mircea come up with
jurov: NOPE
FabianB: lol
thepulledstring: I thought we was cool jurov
thepulledstring: nopenopenope
jurov: already have jsonstat parser for your bots?
thepulledstring: you're building you're own parser?
thepulledstring: I use gson for all my json needs
jurov: i doubt gson or anything will help you with above
mircea_popescu: jurov everything's strings, what dates you talkin about ?
thepulledstring: jurov: we can perform an experiment for the non standard dates
thepulledstring: jurov: we can use java.util.SimpleDateFormat
mircea_popescu: for the record : {"Header":[ {"key1":"value1" }, {"key2":"value2" }]} | http://jsonlint.com/ => Valid JSON
mircea_popescu: so NYAH
jurov: for example javascript Date('Sunday the 28th of October 2012 at 07:11:07 PM') actually does work ... except that it thinks it's local time
jurov: and "Header:" is valid, i don't take issue with that. just that you have to iterate over it to find date/time
jurov: yes, it's minor issue. but completely unnecessary one.
thepulledstring: nyyyaaaaaah
thepulledstring: nyaaaaaaaah
mircea_popescu: jurov : the header isn't really intended for your use tho
mircea_popescu: you should know who you are
mircea_popescu: that stuff's there for the case you bring a complaint
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25896 @ 0.0004559 = 11.806 BTC [-]
thepulledstring: mircea_popescu: wut kind of complaint
mircea_popescu: "dude where's my car"
thepulledstring: :)
dub: according to this PM questions are best posed in bright green capitals with yellow fill
dub: I think answers might be in 1pt blue on purple (can you do flashing marquee in m$ office?)
jurov: i do use that date at least for unit testing
mircea_popescu: anyone here use coinurl ?
mircea_popescu: jurov : you're prolly better off using the time string
mod6: (13:12) < thepulledstring> XML ftw
mod6: ^^^ no
mircea_popescu: jurov and iirc the idea was that "everything as string" is the best choice for universal compatibility
jurov: i'm okay with fractional numbers as strings, that may be necessary to preserve accuracy. but wrapping integers into strings is overkill.
mircea_popescu: overkill saved the cat.
jurov: nyaaaaaaaan
mircea_popescu: think about the "larger integer than expected" case for instance.
mircea_popescu: (yes, i literally have nasa alumni on the team, they are ruining everyone's weekends with ideas such as "well what if this is used in outerspace")
mircea_popescu: anyway. should i put up a cannonical json response ?
jurov: at least these integers.. would save me(if not anyone else) some work
mircea_popescu: where's that meme with CAST EVERYTHING
dub: thats whats up nigga
dub: oh, wrong win
mircea_popescu: lol
jurov: yo dawg i herd you wanna intagars...
dub: perils of four monitors
mircea_popescu: more girlfriends less monitors dubby
dub: im a one gf kinda guy these days
mircea_popescu: one gf, one monitor, one fuhrer, one reich!
dub: though she has hinted at the possibility of shared vagoo
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12000 @ 0.00045794 = 5.4953 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: hers ?
dub: nein, sharing another
mircea_popescu: usure?
dub: well yes, I think I would enforce a single penis policy but I guess you never know
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8104 @ 0.00045794 = 3.7111 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11900 @ 0.00045555 = 5.421 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1 @ 0.00045552 BTC [-]
dub: so what was the deal with roger ver?
mircea_popescu: apparently he got shipped to jale for a year
mircea_popescu: for selling firecrackers
mircea_popescu: i used to shot fuckers in the head and bury them in concrete pillars when i was his age, never was as much as charged.
mircea_popescu: he sells firecrackers, spends a year inside.
mircea_popescu: crazy world.
dub: hope the pillars aren't load bearing
mircea_popescu: dub, the master of the double entendre
jurov: lol...somebody should add that to those porn accusations on btctalk "beware, mpex is owned by assassin and pornstar"
mircea_popescu: i thought the girl was the pornstar
jurov: she has her share, no?
mircea_popescu: lol
mircea_popescu: meanwhile, get a load of this http://trilema.com/2012/coinurl-a-bitcoin-advertising-service/
mircea_popescu: and especially the comments.
dub: mushroom mushroom
dub: my new favorite forum post https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=64962.msg773754#msg773754
smickles: mircea_popescu: heh, re rodger ver: i'm one of those peeps who defaults to thinking that his ex-con status was brought about by the gov't interferring with people's right to freely interract with one another
smickles: dub: awesome
mircea_popescu: smickles i do agree criminal convictions for having sold firecrackers at the age of 20 are a shameful display of statal stupidity.
mircea_popescu: ahaha dub
mircea_popescu: isn't history cute.
smickles: dub: I wan't to shouth that link from the rooftops
smickles: *shout
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25200 @ 0.00045953 = 11.5802 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2104 @ 0.00045972 = 0.9673 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5000 @ 0.00045994 = 2.2997 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: it's like... sssspectacular
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3595 @ 0.00045998 = 1.6536 BTC [+]
jurov: when cracked does top 10 spectacular btctalk posts, it will be there
jurov: re:tracking - it surprised me a bit i got much more visitors from reddit than from btctalk.. looks like there's much bigger lurking to BS ratio
smickles: ;;ticker
gribble: BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 10.65998, Best ask: 10.65999, Bid-ask spread: 0.00001, Last trade: 10.65998, 24 hour volume: 18472.24445661, 24 hour low: 10.24998, 24 hour high: 10.69800, 24 hour vwap: 10.47636