210 entries in 0.464s
asciilifeform: but this is one of those 'yes, possible' but 'no, no one is inventing this parachute and we're already thrown from window' affairs.
mircea_popescu: more "ba parachute jit" stuff.
assbot: Three men convicted in parachute jump from New York's 1 World Trade Center| Reuters ... ( http://bit.ly/1H5k8Ur )
asciilifeform: http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/06/22/us-usa-new-york-parachute-idUSKBN0P229M20150622 << mega-l0l
decimation: asciilifeform: let this be a wake up call, if you don't have your parachute ready...
asciilifeform: of course folks often forget the other thing about the parachute thing - in sov army, they usedta make you sign it, 'i folded this parachute myself. signed, pvt. schmuck'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: come to usa incognito (parachute?) sometime, i'll take you on a tour of 'what they escaped'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu's point about the 'excluded middle' ( http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=13-06-2015#1163457 << thread ) is valid, but it simply means that we are falling from skyscraper and trying to invent parachute on our way down. ☝︎
ascii_field: aha, to upgrade key, mircea_popescu has to take a прогресс м-27м to orbit, and unscrew the old one, then retro-thruster and parachute capsule back to b-a
asciilifeform: because came up with it in the dark, used chewing gum, knife, remains of his parachute straps, and bones of travelling companion to build it.
ascii_lander: BingoBoingo: there is not a spare parachute for the spare parachute of the spare parachute.
ascii_lander: BingoBoingo: point was, at some point you trust the parachute
asciilifeform: nubbins`: in mircea_popescu's world, as i understand, every soldier is naked but for his parachute, and ought to take what he needs from the locals
asciilifeform: i cannot personally jump with that particular parachute from any kind of meaningful height
ben_vulpes: but as asciilifeform's said before, the RI has to parachute into mars, bitcoinating
ascii_field: and we have to parachute new units ?
asciilifeform: we already all hang from that particular parachute!
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: if these were still made and we could parachute them around the world - that'd be one thing
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: referring to a tradition in certain armies where men are expected to wrap own parachute
asciilifeform: (i for one will happily jump with the parachute i packed for self. but my carcass isn't worth especially much)
assbot: Special forces soldiers and their dogs take part in tandem parachute freefall | Daily Mail Online ... ( http://bit.ly/1GQt80R )
asciilifeform: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2882621/Special-forces-soldiers-dogs-tandem-parachute-freefall-10-000ft.html << nato soldiers had dogs tied to them instead
gribble: 13th Parachute Dragoon Regiment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/13th_Parachute_Dragoon_Regiment>; 13e régiment de dragons parachutistes - Ministère de la Défense: <http://www.defense.gouv.fr/terre/presentation/organisation-des-forces/arme-blindee-cavalerie/13e-regiment-de-dragons-parachutistes>; 13eme RDP - Régiment des dragons parachutistes (1 more message)
thestringpuller: http://copenhagensuborbitals.com/manned-test-of-nexo-parachute-saturday-214/ << LOL "Cancelled due to bad weather"
asciilifeform: it's one thing to sign a freshly-packet parachute with your blood, swearing 'i am responsible for this, whatever happens'
asciilifeform: parachute also can fail, yes.
cazalla: i dunno, "goodbye" sounds a bit prophetic, i'd be getting the tinfoil hat and shotty, parachute at the ready
BingoBoingo: Which I like as an uncomfortable parachute.
asciilifeform: or at least offer a parachute of it.
assbot: Logged on 19-12-2014 03:23:35; asciilifeform: i dare to invoke the 'parachute theorem' and say now, that when wot is taken seriously by intelligent and resourceful enemies, it will be rather late.
BingoBoingo: Loongson seems to be a "parachute"
asciilifeform: i dare to invoke the 'parachute theorem' and say now, that when wot is taken seriously by intelligent and resourceful enemies, it will be rather late. ☟︎
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Well, there are ideas. If a new network popped up parachute would be likely. Seems though that the root of current problem is freenode baring IPs and lacking any controling entity that could be convinced to do otherwise.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: but if you want to contribute a box or two for a 'parachute' network for #b-a, don't let this stop you
assbot: 87 results for 'parachute' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=parachute
BingoBoingo: !s parachute
decimation: yeah, if anything it's sewing ascii's parachute before being needed
asciilifeform: most people understand that, if they are not a parachutist, their chance of death from unopened parachute is exactly zero.
asciilifeform envisions patent lawyers dropped by parachute onto hapless infringers
decimation: if one would go to the trouble of engineering an ejection system, why not add a parachute for each seat?
asciilifeform: parachute didn't open ?
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: the most there is is me going on the record that .6.* is probably okay. << This sounded like a cartoon. Like the Family Guy cut away where the dude throws him a parachute with an anvil in it and says, "That one is probably okay"
asciilifeform: good analogy, except that, with correct plans, it is possible to survive the bathtub catapult (parachute exists.)
asciilifeform: not a political statement, really a physical 'captain obvious.' -- 'if you went splat, clearly your parachute was inadequate.'
mircea_popescu: "Normally a single-engine airplane has to be spun as part of the certification process. The Cirrus wasn’t. The FAA waived this requirement and accepted the airframe parachute as an alternate means of compliance. I kid you not, the spin recovery in a Cirrus is based on deploying the chute. That is the only way a pilot can recover from a spin in a Cirrus."
decimation: mircea_popescu: well, the theory on that one blog is that because it has a parachute, inexperienced derps think they are invincible
decimation: mircea_popescu: yeah the whole plane has a parachute
mircea_popescu: whoa shit, you mean a parachute FOR THE ACTUAL PLANE !?
mircea_popescu: <TheNewDeal> Have you ever heard of a plane with a parachute? << um all of em ?
decimation: TheNewDeal: I would like a parachute on a small plane, there are situations where it would save your life
kakobrekla: a parachute < o shit, if only it would have an ejection seat
TheNewDeal: Most of the planes I have flown on, had no parachute
decimation: asciilifeform: the Cirrus has a parachute
TheNewDeal: Have you ever heard of a plane with a parachute?
asciilifeform: somehow everyone understands that parachute, airplane, etc. have to be designed in certain ways - but mention programs? and 'you're a nut'
asciilifeform: but before i can offer a potential parachute - need to know threat model.
asciilifeform: aha parachute!
BingoBoingo: %parachute
BingoBoingo: !parachute
gribble: Error: "parachute" is not a valid command.
BingoBoingo: ;;parachute
mircea_popescu: knoweth ye, that while it is unlikely for freenode to buckle, more than anything because its brains are so scattered it's unlikely to manage to gather enough management to do anything, nevertheless this isn't a reason to not build parachute
asciilifeform: why the briefcase didn't parachute down on time, is not told in the tale
decimation: right, so it's a parachute as well
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: We get those too, but like seriously a powered parachute http://icons.wunderground.com/data/wximagenew/n/nlwi/9.jpg
assbot: 50 results for 'parachute' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=parachute
mircea_popescu: !s parachute
asciilifeform: (i admit that i actually store the parachute metaphor from him)
asciilifeform: he is fairly certain that we have already been thrown from the skyscraper, and it is far too late to assemble this particular parachute.
mircea_popescu: nevertheless, their deployment in practice does not (a state of affairs asciilifeform periodically protests with a parachute example)
mircea_popescu: even the most accomplished anal insertion artist, who can take ANYTHING would not survive a parachute-less parachute fall
BingoBoingo: kakobrekla: Also for the parachute building exercise. If I have a lot of machines an intruder has less chance of finding the "secrets" machine or machines.
mircea_popescu: mike_c, you know parasuta, ie romanian for parachute, is just one of the numerous ways to say whore.
mircea_popescu: i am quite curious to hear what their parachute design will look like.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform or to put it in plainer terms : it is very true one wants to invent parachute before, rather than after being thrown from the plane.
asciilifeform: since we're at the 'pack parachute' stage, nobody's shooting stoolies around here yet.
asciilifeform: i dare to invoke the 'parachute theorem,' and say that the time to build comm infrastructure out of the real (or imagined) control of the crown is now, and not when it becomes a dire necessity.
asciilifeform: clinton puts on parachute and jumps first.
kakobrekla: <blackwhite> someone would make a killing setting up a 24/7 security company watching over those online wallets < - is this opening asciis parachute after you have hit the ground?
mircea_popescu: this'd eminently be one of those asciilifeform "parachute first pls" cases
kakobrekla: or as asciilifeform put it , invent the parachute before the jump
asciilifeform: invent the parachute before, not after, being thrown.
ThickAsThieves: there's the plain above you, there's the parachute below you
asciilifeform: parachute theorem.
asciilifeform: everyone seems intent on inventing the parachute after being thrown, rather than before.
asciilifeform: invent parachute before, not after, being thrown.
asciilifeform: that's sorta like saying that falling out of an airplane sans parachute isn't really so bad, i fell out of my bed as a boy once
kakobrekla: even the parachute.
mircea_popescu: admitting you agree the parachute moment was at the latest nixon
asciilifeform: re: the btcapocalypse: still seems to me like it would be wise to invent the parachute before, rather than after, being pushed out of the plane.
ozbot: Golden parachute for fired Yahoo executive may be record breaker - Jan. 17, 2014
quellhorst: http://money.cnn.com/2014/01/17/technology/yahoo-golden-parachute/index.html $60 million severance after 18 months
BingoBoingo: No, you insure the plane so other causalties pay you . Insuring the parachute only pays your survivors.
asciilifeform: when you go skydiving, do you insure your parachute?
knotwork: if so maybe we can later after inventing parachute put in an infinite number of parachutes, and even back when we built the first infinite-capacity airplane it would have all those parachutes that will eventually be invented?
mircea_popescu: anyway, the parachute argument eschews the infinity problem.
knotwork: yeah somewhere between thrown in the deep end to learn to swim and thrown out of an airplane to incentivise inventing a parachute there is a slope of some slipperiness or lack of slipperiness or nasty friction or razor blades or something
asciilifeform: one thing i occasionally try to convince people off is that: the time to invent the parachute is before, rather than after, being thrown out of the plane
asciilifeform: 'who do you sue when your parachute doesn't open'
Vexual: a magnet and a parachute